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Gobblin hive distcp is built on top of Gobblin distcp. It uses Hive metastore to find datasets to copy, then performs regular file listings to find the actual files to copy. After finishing the copy, the Hive registrations in the source are replicated on the target.

This document will show an sample job config of running Gobblin hive distcp, and explain how it works.

Configure Hive Distcp Job

Below is the sample job config of running Gobblin hive distcp. Gobblin job constructs and data flow are the same as Gobblin distcp. The only difference is the and hive related properties.
job.description=Sample job config for hive distcp







Source and target metastores

hive.dataset.hive.metastore.uri and specify the source and target metastore uri. Make sure the hive distcp job has access to both hive metastores.

Database and tables to copy

Use a whitelist and optionally a blacklist using to specify tables to copy using the keys hive.dataset.whitelist and hive.dataset.blacklist. Both whitelist and blacklist accept various patterns, for example:

  • sampleDb.sampleTable -> specific table sampleTable in database sampleDb;
  • sampleDb -> all tables in database sampleDb;
  • sampleDb.samplei* -> specific tables starting with sample in database sampleDb.

The key specifies the target database to create tables under. If omitted, will use the same as the source.

Target path computation

This specifies where copied files should be placed. There are a few options on how the target paths will be computed:

  • Prefix replacement: simply replace a prefix in each file copied, e.g. /a/b to /a/btest. Use the keys and Any paths that are not a descendant of prefixToBeReplaced will throw an error and will fail the dataset. Note that setting both keys to “/” effectively replicates all paths exactly.
  • New table root: Puts files in a new table root. The source table root is its location (which is a Hive registration parameter). This mode will simply do a prefix replacement of the table root for each path in that table. Use the key to specify the replacement. Note there is some primitive token replacement in the value of the key if using the tokens $DB and $TABLE, which will be replaced by the database and table name respectively. If the token $TABLE is not present, however, the table name will be automatically appended to the new table root (see last example below).
    • /data/$DB/$TABLE -> /data/databaseName/tableName
    • /data/$TABLE -> /data/tableName
    • /data -> /data/tableName
  • Relocate files: This mode will move all files in a table to a structure matching Hive's native directory structure. I.e. all files for a partition “abc” of table “myDb.myTable” will be placed at path “/abc” where prefix is specified using the key and processed with the token replacements explained in “new table root”. To enable this mode set to true and set appropriately.

Conflicting table and partitions treatment

If distcp-ng finds that a partition or table it needs to create already exists it will determine whether the existing table / partition is identical to what it would register (e.g. compare schema, location, etc.). If not, it will use a policy to determine how to proceed. The policy is specified using the key hive.dataset.existing.entity.conflict.policy and can take the following values:

  • ABORT: the conflicting table will not be copied (default)
  • REPLACE_PARTITIONS: replace any conflicting partitions, but not tables
  • REPLACE_TABLES: replace any conflicting tables by deregistrating previous tables first.
  • UPDATE_TABLES: Keep the original-registered table but make modification.

Deregistering tables / partitions

Sometimes distcp-ng must deregister a table / partition, for example if it doesn't exist in the source, or if it must be replaced. In this case, distcp-ng offers options on what to do with the files under the deregistered partition. Set this policy using the key hive.dataset.copy.deregister.fileDeleteMethod which can take the following values:

  • NO_DELETE: do not delete the files (default)
  • INPUT_FORMAT: use the table / partition input format to infer which files are actually used by that table / partition, and delete only those files.
  • RECURSIVE: delete the entire directory in the table / partition location.

Finding copy files

To specify the files that distcp will copy for each table / partition, use the key hive.dataset.copy.location.listing.method which can take the values:

  • INPUT_FORMAT: use the table / partition input format to infer which files are actually used by that table / partition. (default)
  • RECURSIVE: copy all files under the directory in the table / partition location recursively. If the recursive method is used, user can additionally specify hive.dataset.copy.locations.listing.skipHiddenPaths, which, if true, will not copy any hidden files.

Partition Filter

A partition filter can be applied when copying partitioned tables. Filters can only be applied to text partition columns. To speficy a partition filter use the key hive.dataset.copy.partition.filter.generator.

  • Filters date-representing partitions by a lookback (i.e. only copy recent partitions). Use the keys hive.dataset.partition.filter.datetime.column, hive.dataset.partition.filter.datetime.lookback, and hive.dataset.partition.filter.datetime.format to configure the filter.

Fast partition skip predicate

A predicate that operates on partitions can be provided to distcp-ng to allow it to quickly skip partitions without having to list all of the source and target files and do a diff on those sets (a costly operation). To set this predicate, provide the class name of the predicate with the key Currently only one such predicate exists:

  • RegistrationTimeSkipPredicate: This predicate compares the Hive partition attribute registrationGenerationTimeMillis in the target with the modification time of the partition directory in the source. The partition is skipped unless the directory was modified more recently than the registrationGenerationTime. The attribute registrationGenerationTimeMillis is an attribute set by distcp-ng representing (for all practical purposes) the time at which the distcp-ng job that registered that table started.