blob: b1a9d343cc78d287214e0057514bced8f60ebb89 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Abstracts the debugger controls.
* Debugger is a class that encapsulates the graph editor and debugging controls.
* @param {debuggerContainer} options - Initialize debugger with these options.
* @param options.debuggerContainer - Selector for the container of the main debugger area. (Editor & Valpanel)
* @param options.superstepControlsContainer - Selector for the container of the superstep controls.
* @constructor
function GiraphDebugger(options) {
// Initialize (and reset) variables for jobs.
this.debuggerServerRoot = (location.protocol === 'file:' ? 'http://localhost:8000' : '');
this.mode = GiraphDebugger.ModeEnum.EDIT;
return this;
* Denotes the mode.
* Debug Mode - Editor is in readonly, walking through the supersteps of a giraph job.
* Edit Mode - Create new graphs in the editor.
GiraphDebugger.ModeEnum = {
DEBUG : 'debug',
EDIT : 'edit'
* Initializes the graph editor, node attr modal DOM elements.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.init = function(options) {
this.editorContainerId = 'editor-container';
this.valpanelId = 'valpanel-container';
// Create divs for valpanel and editor.
var valpanelContainer = $('<div />')
.attr('class', 'valpanel debug-control')
.attr('id', this.valpanelId)
var editorContainer = $('<div />')
.attr('id', this.editorContainerId)
.attr('class', 'debug-control')
// Instantiate the editor object.
this.editor = new Editor({
'container' : '#' + this.editorContainerId,
onOpenNode : this.openNodeAttrs.bind(this),
onOpenEdge : this.openEdgeVals.bind(this)
// Add toggle view event handler.
this.editor.onToggleView((function(editorView) {
if (editorView === Editor.ViewEnum.TABLET) {
this.btnToggleViewSpan.html(' Graph View');
} else {
this.btnToggleViewSpan.html(' Table View');
// Instantiate the valpanel object.
this.valpanel = new ValidationPanel({
'container' : '#' + this.valpanelId,
'editor' : this.editor,
'debuggerServerRoot' : this.debuggerServerRoot,
'resizeCallback' : (function() {
// Must initialize these members as they are used by subsequent methods.
this.superstepControlsContainer = options.superstepControlsContainer;
* Deferred callbacks for capture scenario
GiraphDebugger.prototype.onCaptureVertex = function(done, fail) {
this.onCaptureVertex.done = this.valpanel.onCaptureVertex.done = done; = = fail;
* Deferred callbacks for generate test graph.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.onGenerateTestGraph = function(done, fail) {
this.onGenerateTestGraph.done = done; = fail;
* Deferred callbacks for capture scenario
GiraphDebugger.prototype.onCaptureMaster = function(done, fail) {
this.onCaptureMaster.done = done; = fail;
* Reset job-related vars to the initial state.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.resetVars = function() {
// Node that is currently double clicked.
this.selectedNodeId = null;
// Initialize current superstep to -2 (Not in debug mode)
this.currentSuperstepNumber = -2;
// ID of the job currently being debugged.
this.currentJobId = null;
// Minimum value of superstepNumber
this.minSuperstepNumber = -1;
// Maximum value of superstepNumber - Depends on the job.
// TODO(vikesh): Fetch from debugger server in some AJAX call. Replace constant below.
this.maxSuperstepNumber = 15;
// Caches the scenarios to show correct information when going backwards.
// Cumulatively builds the state of the graph starting from the first superstep by merging
// scenarios on top of each other.
this.stateCache = {"-1": {}};
* Initialize DOM element Id constants
GiraphDebugger.prototype.initIds = function() {
this.ids = {
// IDs of elements in node attribute modal.
_nodeAttrModal : 'node-attr',
_nodeAttrId : 'node-attr-id',
_nodeAttrAttrs : 'node-attr-attrs',
_nodeAttrGroupError : 'node-attr-group-error',
_nodeAttrError : 'node-attr-error',
_btnNodeAttrSave : 'btn-node-attr-save',
_btnNodeAttrCancel : 'btn-node-attr-cancel',
// IDs of elements in edge values modal
_edgeValModal : 'edge-vals',
// IDs of elements in Edit Mode controls.
_selectSampleGraphs : 'sel-sample-graphs',
// IDs of elements in Superstep controls.
_btnPrevStep : 'btn-prev-step',
_btnNextStep : 'btn-next-step',
_btnEditMode : 'btn-edit-mode',
_btnFetchJob : 'btn-fetch-job',
_btnCaptureVertexScenario : 'btn-capture-scenario',
_btnCaptureMasterScenario : 'btn-capture-scenario',
_btnToggleView : 'btn-toggle-view'
* Initializes the input elements inside the node attribute modal form.
* @param nodeAttrForm - Form DOM object.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.initInputElements = function(nodeAttrForm) {
// Create form group for ID label and text box.
var formGroup1 = $('<div />')
// Create node ID label.
var nodeAttrIdLabel = $('<label />')
.attr('for', this.ids._nodeAttrId)
.addClass('control-label col-sm-4')
.html('Node ID:')
// Create the ID input textbox.
// Add it to a column div, which in turn is added to formgroup2.
this.nodeAttrIdInput = $('<input>')
.attr('type', 'text')
.attr('id', this.ids._nodeAttrId)
// Create the form group for attributes label and input.
var formGroup2 = $('<div />')
var nodeAttrAttributeLabel = $('<label />')
.attr('for', this.ids._nodeAttrAttrs)
.addClass('control-label col-sm-4')
.html('Attributes: ')
// Create the Attributes input textbox.
// Add it to a column div, which in turn is added to formgroup2.
this.nodeAttrAttrsInput = $('<input>')
.attr('type', 'text')
.attr('id', this._nodeAttrAttrs)
// Create form group for buttons.
var formGroupButtons = $('<div />')
var buttonsContainer = $('<div />')
this.btnNodeAttrSubmit = Utils.getBtnSubmitSm()
.attr('type', 'submit')
.attr('id', this.ids._btnNodeAttrSave)
this.btnNodeAttrCancel = Utils.getBtnCancelSm()
.attr('id', this.ids._btnNodeAttrCancel)
this.nodeAttrGroupError = $('<div />')
.addClass('form-group has-error')
.attr('id', this.ids._nodeAttrGroupError)
var errorLabel = $('<label />')
.attr('id', this.ids._nodeAttrError)
.html('Node ID must be unique')
.appendTo($('<div class="col-sm-12"></div>').appendTo(this.nodeAttrGroupError));
* Initializes the message container and all elements within it.
* Returns the message container DOM object.
* @param nodeAttrForm - Form DOM object.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.initMessageElements = function(nodeAttrForm) {
var messageContainer = $('<div />')
var messageTabs = $('<ul />')
.addClass('nav nav-tabs')
.html('<li class="active"><a id="node-attr-received" class="nav-msg" href="#!">Received</a></li>' +
'<li><a id="node-attr-sent" class="nav-msg" href="#!">Sent</a></li>' +
'<li><a id="node-attr-edgevals" class="nav-msg" href="#!">Edge Values</a></li>')
var tableContainer = $('<div />')
this.flowTable = $('<table />')
.attr('id', 'node-attr-flow')
* Initializes Superstep controls.
* @param superstepControlsContainer - Selector for the superstep controls container.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.initSuperstepControls = function(superstepControlsContainer) {
/*** Edit Mode controls ***/
// Create the div with controls visible in Edit Mode
this.editModeGroup = $('<div />')
// Create the form that fetches the superstep data from debugger server.
var formFetchJob = $('<div />')
.attr('class', 'form-inline')
// Fetch job details for job id textbox.
this.fetchJobIdInput = $('<input>')
.attr('type', 'text')
.attr('class', 'form-control ')
.attr('placeholder', 'Job ID')
this.btnFetchJob = $('<button />')
.attr('id', this.ids._btnFetchJob)
.attr('type', 'button')
.attr('class', 'btn btn-danger form-control')
// Create the control for creating sample graphs.
var formSampleGraphs = $('<div />')
.attr('class', 'form-inline')
this.selectSampleGraphs = $('<select />')
.attr('class', 'form-control')
.attr('id', this.ids._selectSampleGraphs)
// Add the graph names to the select drop down.
$.each(Utils.sampleGraphs, (function (key, value) {
$(this.selectSampleGraphs).append($('<option />').attr('value', key).html(key));
this.sampleGraphsInput = $('<input />')
.attr('class', 'form-control')
.attr('placeholder', '# of vertices')
this.btnSampleGraph = $('<button />')
.attr('class', 'btn btn-primary form-control')
/*** DEBUG MODE controls ***/
this.debugModeGroup = $('<div />')
// Initialize the actual controls.
var formControls = $('<div />')
.attr('id', 'controls')
.attr('class', 'form-inline')
this.btnPrevStep = $('<button />')
.attr('class', 'btn btn-default bt-step form-control')
.attr('id', this.ids._btnPrevStep)
.attr('disabled', 'true')
$('<span />')
.attr('class', 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left')
.html(' Previous')
var superstepLabel = $('<h2><span id="superstep">-1</span>' +
'<small> Superstep</small></h2>')
// Set this.superstepLabel to the actual label that will be updated.
this.superstepLabel = $('#superstep');
this.btnNextStep = $('<button />')
.attr('class', 'btn btn-default btn-step form-control')
.attr('id', this.ids._btnNextStep)
$('<span />')
.attr('class', 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right')
.html(' Next')
// Return to the edit mode - Exiting the debug mode.
this.btnEditMode = $('<button />')
.attr('class', 'btn btn-default btn-step form-control')
.attr('id', this.ids._btnEditMode)
$('<span />')
.attr('class', 'glyphicon glyphicon-pencil')
.html(' Edit Mode')
// Change the text value of this span when toggling views.
this.btnToggleViewSpan = $('<span />')
.attr('class', 'glyphicon glyphicon-cog')
.html(' Table View');
// Toggle the editor between the table and graph view.
this.btnToggleView = $('<button />')
.attr('class', 'btn btn-default btn-step form-control')
.attr('id', this.ids._btnToggleView)
// Capture Scenario group
var captureScenarioForm = $('<div />')
.attr('class', 'form-inline')
// Input text box to input the vertexId
this.captureVertexIdInput = $('<input>')
.attr('type', 'text')
.attr('class', 'form-control ')
.attr('placeholder', 'Vertex ID')
// Capture Vertex Scenario Scenario button.
this.btnCaptureVertexScenario = $('<button>')
.attr('type', 'button')
.attr('id', this.ids._btnCaptureVertexScenario)
.attr('class', 'btn btn-primary form-control')
.html('Capture Vertex')
// Capture Master
this.btnCaptureMasterScenario = $('<button>')
.attr('type', 'button')
.attr('id', this.ids._btnCaptureMasterScenario)
.attr('class', 'btn btn-danger form-control')
.html('Capture Master')
// Initialize handlers for events
* Initializes the handlers of the elements on superstep controls.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.initSuperstepControlEvents = function() {
// On clicking Fetch button, send a request to the debugger server
// Fetch the scenario for this job for superstep -1
$(this.btnFetchJob).click((function(event) {
this.currentJobId = $(this.fetchJobIdInput).val();
this.currentSuperstepNumber = 0;
this.changeSuperstep(this.currentJobId, this.currentSuperstepNumber);
// On clicking the edit mode button, hide the superstep controls and show fetch form.
$(this.btnEditMode).click((function(event) {
// Handle the next and previous buttons on the superstep controls.
$(this.btnNextStep).click((function(event) {
this.currentSuperstepNumber += 1;
this.changeSuperstep(this.currentJobId, this.currentSuperstepNumber);
$(this.btnPrevStep).click((function(event) {
this.currentSuperstepNumber -= 1;
this.changeSuperstep(this.currentJobId, this.currentSuperstepNumber);
// Handle the capture scenario button the superstep controls.
// Get the deferred object.
var vertexId = $(this.captureVertexIdInput).val();
Utils.fetchVertexTest(this.debuggerServerRoot, this.currentJobId,
this.currentSuperstepNumber, vertexId, 'reg')
.done((function(response) {
.fail((function(response) {;
// Handle the master capture scenario button the superstep controls.
Utils.fetchMasterTest(this.debuggerServerRoot, this.currentJobId, this.currentSuperstepNumber)
.done((function(response) {
.fail((function(response) {;
// Handle the toggle view button.
$(this.btnToggleView).click((function(event) {
// Handle the generate sample graph button.
$(this.btnSampleGraph).click((function(event) {
var numVertices = $(this.sampleGraphsInput).val();
var graphTypeKey = $(this.selectSampleGraphs).val();
Utils.fetchTestGraph(this.debuggerServerRoot, Utils.getAdjListStrForTestGraph(this.editor.getAdjList()))
.done((function(response) {
.fail((function(response) {;
* Fetches the data for this superstep, updates the superstep label, graph editor
* and disables/enables the prev/next buttons.
* @param {int} superstepNumber : Superstep to fetch the data for.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.changeSuperstep = function(jobId, superstepNumber) {
console.log("Changing Superstep to : " + superstepNumber);
// Update data of the valpanel
this.valpanel.setData(jobId, superstepNumber);
// Fetch the max number of supersteps again. (Online case)
url : this.debuggerServerRoot + "/supersteps",
data : {'jobId' : this.currentJobId}
.done((function(response) {
this.maxSuperstepNumber = Math.max.apply(Math, response);
.fail(function(response) {
// If scenario is already cached, don't fetch again.
if (superstepNumber in this.stateCache) {
} else {
// Show preloader while AJAX request is in progress.
// Fetch from the debugger server.
url : this.debuggerServerRoot + '/scenario',
dataType : 'json',
data: { 'jobId' : jobId, 'superstepId' : superstepNumber }
times : 5,
timeout : 2000,
retryCallback : function(remainingTimes) {
// Failed intermediately. Will be retried.
noty({text : 'Failed to fetch job. Retrying ' + remainingTimes + ' more times...', type : 'warning', timeout : 1000});
.done((function(data) {
// Add data to the state cache.
// This method will only be called if this superstepNumber was not
// in the cache already. This method just overwrites without check.
// If this is the first time the graph is being generated, (count = 1)
// start from scratch - build from adjList.
if (Utils.count(this.stateCache) === 1) {
this.stateCache[superstepNumber] = $.extend({}, data);
} else {
// Merge this data onto superstepNumber - 1's data
this.stateCache[superstepNumber] = this.mergeStates(this.stateCache[superstepNumber - 1], data);
.fail(function(error) {
noty({text : 'Failed to fetch job. Please check your network and debugger server.', type : 'error'});
.always((function() {
// Hide Editor's preloader.
// Superstep changed. Enable/Disable the prev/next buttons.
$(this.btnNextStep).attr('disabled', superstepNumber === this.maxSuperstepNumber);
$(this.btnPrevStep).attr('disabled', superstepNumber === this.minSuperstepNumber);
* Modifies the editor for a given scenario.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.modifyEditorOnScenario = function(scenario) {
// Add new nodes/links received in this scenario to graph.
// Disable the nodes that were not traced as part of this scenario.
for (var i = 0; i < this.editor.nodes.length; i++) {
var nodeId = this.editor.nodes[i].id;
if ((nodeId in scenario) && scenario[nodeId].debugged != false) {
this.editor.nodes[i].enabled = true;
} else {
this.editor.nodes[i].enabled = false;
// Update graph data with this scenario.
* Creates the document elements, like Node Attributes modal.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.initElements = function() {
// Div for the node attribute modal.
this.nodeAttrModal = $('<div />')
.attr('class', 'modal')
.attr('id', this.ids._nodeAttrModal)
// Div for edge values modal.
this.edgeValModal = $('<div />')
.attr('class', 'modal')
.attr('id', this.ids._edgeValModal)
this.edgeValForm = $('<form />')
// Create a form and append to nodeAttr
var nodeAttrForm = $('<form />')
// Initialize the node attr modal dialong.
modal : true,
autoOpen : false,
width : 300,
resizable : false,
closeOnEscape : true,
hide : {effect : 'fade', duration : 100},
close : (function() {
this.selectedNodeId = null;
// Initialize the edge values modal dialog.
modal : true,
autoOpen : false,
width : 250,
resizable : false,
title : 'Edge',
closeOnEscape : true,
hide : {effect : 'fade', duration : 100},
close : (function() {
this.selectedLink = null;
// Attach events.
// Click event of the Sent/Received tab buttons
$('.nav-msg').click((function(event) {
// Render the table
var clickedId =;
if (clickedId === 'node-attr-sent') {
var messageData = this.editor.getMessagesSentByNode(this.selectedNodeId);
} else if(clickedId === 'node-attr-received') {
var messageData = this.editor.getMessagesReceivedByNode(this.selectedNodeId);
} else {
this.showEdgeValues(this.selectedNodeId, this.selectedEdgeValues);
// Attach mouseenter event for valpanel - Preview (Expand to the right)
$(this.valpanel.container).mouseenter((function(event) {
if (this.valpanel.state === ValidationPanel.StateEnum.COMPACT) {
// Attach mouseleave event for valpanel - Compact (Compact to the left)
$(this.valpanel.container).mouseleave((function(event) {
// The user must click the close button to compact from the expanded mode.
if (this.valpanel.state != ValidationPanel.StateEnum.EXPAND) {
* Handler for opening edge values.
* Opens the edge value modal to allow editing/viewing edge values.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.openEdgeVals = function(data) {
// Set the currently opened link.
this.selectedLink =;
$(this.edgeValModal).dialog('option', 'position', [data.event.clientX, data.event.clientY]);
// Data for the form.
var table = $('<table />').addClass('table').appendTo(this.edgeValForm);
var edges = this.editor.getEdges(;
// Convert edges array to a map to be able to cache onChange results.
edgeValuesCache = {};
$.each(edges, function(i, edge) {
edgeValuesCache[] = edge;
$.each(edgeValuesCache, (function(sourceId, edge) {
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
var edgeElement = edge.edgeValue ? edge.edgeValue : 'undefined';
if (!this.editor.readonly) {
edgeElement = $('<input type="text" />')
.attr('value', edge.edgeValue)
.css('width', '100%')
.attr('placeholder', edge.edgeValue)
.change(function(event) {
// Save the temporarily edited values to show them as such
// when this tab is opened again.
edgeValuesCache[sourceId].edgeValue =;
$(tr).append($('<td />').html("{0}->{1}".format(,;
$(tr).append($('<td />').append(edgeElement));
.attr('type', 'submit')
.click((function(event) {
// Save the temporary cache back to the editor object.
$.each(edgeValuesCache, (function(sourceId, edge) {
this.editor.addEdge(sourceId,, edge.edgeValue);
.click((function() {
// setTimeout is required because of a Chrome bug - jquery.focus doesn't work expectedly.
setTimeout((function() { $(this.edgeValModal).find('form input:text').first().focus(); }).bind(this), 1);
$('.ui-widget-overlay').click((function() { $(Utils.getSelectorForId(this.ids._edgeValModal)).dialog('close'); }).bind(this));
* This is a double-click handler.
* Called from the editor when a node is double clicked.
* Opens the node attribute modal with NodeId, Attributes, Messages and Edge Values.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.openNodeAttrs = function(data) {
// Set the currently double clicked node
this.selectedNodeId =;
// Store the current edge values for this node in a temporary map.
// This is used by the Edge Values tab.
this.selectedEdgeValues = this.editor.getEdgeValuesForNode(this.selectedNodeId);
$(this.nodeAttrAttrsInput).attr('value', data.node.attrs);
$(this.nodeAttrModal).dialog('option', 'position', [data.event.clientX, data.event.clientY]);
$(this.nodeAttrModal).dialog('option', 'title', 'Node (ID: ' + + ')');
// Set the focus on the Attributes input field by default.
$(this.nodeAttrModal).find('form input').eq(1).focus();
$('.ui-widget-overlay').click((function() { $(Utils.getSelectorForId(this.ids._nodeAttrModal)).dialog('close'); }).bind(this));
$(this.btnNodeAttrCancel).click((function() {
$(this.btnNodeAttrSubmit).click((function(event) {
var new_id = $(this.nodeAttrIdInput).val();
var new_attrs = $(this.nodeAttrAttrsInput).val();
// Check if this id is already taken.
if (data.editor.getNodeIndex(new_id) >= 0 && new_id != {
} = new_id;
data.node.attrs = new_attrs;
// Save the stored edge values. If not edited by the user, overwritten by the original values).
$.each(this.selectedEdgeValues, (function(targetId, edge) {
// This method is safe - If an edge exists, only overwrites the edge value.
data.editor.addEdge(this.selectedNodeId, targetId, edge.edgeValue);
// Set the 'Received' tab as the active tab and show messages.
* Makes the clicked message tab active and the other inactive,
* by setting/removing the 'active' classes on the corresponding elements.
* @param - Suffix of the clicked element (one of 'sent'/'received')
GiraphDebugger.prototype.toggleMessageTabs = function(clickedId) {
if (this.currentlyActiveTab) {
this.currentlyActiveTab = $('#' + clickedId);
* Populates the messages table on the node attr modal with the message data
* @param messageData - The data of the sent/received messages from/to this node.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.showMessages = function(messageData) {
for (var nodeId in messageData) {
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
$(tr).html('<td>' + nodeId + '</td><td>' +
messageData[nodeId] + '</td>');
* Populates the edge value table on the node attr modal with the edge vaue data.
* Uses this.selectedEdgeValues and this.selectedNodeId - must be populated before calling this method.
* Format this.selectedEdgeValues : { targetNodeId : edgeValue }
GiraphDebugger.prototype.showEdgeValues = function() {
$.each(this.selectedEdgeValues, (function(nodeId, edge) {
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
var edgeElement = edge.edgeValue;
if (!this.editor.readonly) {
edgeElement = $('<input type="text" />')
.attr('value', edge.edgeValue)
.attr('placeholder', edge.edgeValue)
.change((function(event) {
// Save the temporarily edited values to show them as such
// when this tab is opened again.
this.selectedEdgeValues[nodeId].edgeValue =;
$(tr).append($('<td />').html(nodeId));
$(tr).append($('<td />').append(edgeElement));
* Merges deltaState on baseState. Merge implies ->
* Keep all the values of baseState but overwrite if deltaState
* has them too. If deltaState has some vertices not in baseState, add them.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.mergeStates = function(baseState, deltaState) {
var newState = $.extend(true, {}, baseState);
// Start with marking all nodes in baseState as not debugged.
// Only nodes debugged in deltaState will be marked as debugged.
for (nodeId in baseState) {
newState[nodeId].debugged = false;
for (nodeId in deltaState) {
// Add this node's properties from deltaState
newState[nodeId] = $.extend({}, deltaState[nodeId]);
// If nodeId was in deltaState, mark as debugged.
newState[nodeId].debugged = true;
return newState;
* Toggles between the debug and edit modes.
GiraphDebugger.prototype.toggleMode = function() {
if (this.mode === GiraphDebugger.ModeEnum.DEBUG) {
this.mode = GiraphDebugger.ModeEnum.EDIT;
if (this.editor.view != Editor.ViewEnum.GRAPH) {
// Start with a sample graph as usual.
// Show Fetch Job and hide controls
// Reset vars
} else {
this.mode = GiraphDebugger.ModeEnum.DEBUG;
// Set the editor in readonly mode.
// Show Form controls and hide fetch job.