blob: 1bb182538839911eebcb3b31db1e9f30575c0ce6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Graph Editor is based on Directed Graph Editor by rkirsling
* Editor is a class that encapsulates the graph editing window
* @param {container, [undirected]} options - Initialize editor with these options.
* {options.container} - HTML element that contains the editor svg.
* {options.undirected} - Indicate whether the graph is directed/undirected.
* @constructor
function Editor(options) {
this.container = 'body';
this.undirected = false;
// Readonly editor does not let users
// add new nodes/links.
this.readonly = false;
// Data for the graph nodes and edges.
this.defaultColor = '#FFFDDB'
// Useful options. Not required by the editor class itself.
this.errorColor = '#FF9494';
// Maximum number of nodes for which the graph view would be constructed and maintained.
this.graphViewNodeLimit = 2000;
// Graph members
this.nodes = [];
this.links = [];
this.messages = [];
this.currentZoom = { translate : [0,0], scale : 1 };
// Table members
// Current scenario (adjList) object as received from the server.
this.currentScenario = {};
// aggregators is a collecton of key-value pairs displayed in the top-right corner.
this.aggregators = {};
// set graph as the default view
this.view = Editor.ViewEnum.GRAPH;
// linkDistance controls the distance between two nodes in the graph.
this.linkDistance = 150;
if (options) {
this.container = options['container'] ? options['container'] : this.container;
this.undirected = options['undirected'] === true;
if (options.onOpenNode) {
this.onOpenNode = options.onOpenNode;
if (options.onOpenEdge) {
this.onOpenEdge = options.onOpenEdge;
this.lastKeyDown = -1;
return this;
* Represents the two views of the editor - tabular and graph
Editor.ViewEnum = {
TABLET : 'tablet',
GRAPH : 'graph'
Editor.prototype.onToggleView = function(toggleViewHandler) {
this.onToggleView.done = toggleViewHandler;
* Build a sample graph with three nodes and two edges.
Editor.prototype.buildSample = function() {
// Start with a sample graph.
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
this.addEdge('1', '2');
this.addEdge('2', '3');
* Empties the graph by deleting all nodes and links.
Editor.prototype.empty = function() {
// NOTE : Don't use this.nodes = [] to empty the array
// This creates a new reference and messes up this.force.nodes
this.nodes.length = 0;
this.links.length = 0;
this.messages.length = 0;
this.numNodes = 0;
* Initializes the SVG elements, force layout and event bindings.
Editor.prototype.init = function() {
// Initializes the SVG elements.
// Binds events and initializes variables used to track selected nodes/links.
// Line displayed when dragging an edge off a node
this.drag_line = this.svg.append('svg:path')
.attr('class', 'link dragline hidden')
.attr('d', 'M0,0L0,0');
// Handles to link and node element groups.
var pathContainer = this.svg.append('svg:g')
this.path = pathContainer.selectAll('path');
this.pathLabels = pathContainer.selectAll('text'); = this.svg.append('svg:g').selectAll('g');
// Initializes the force layout.
* Wrapper for restarting both graph and table. Automatically switches to table
* view if the number of nodes is too large.
Editor.prototype.restart = function() {
// If numNodes > graphViewLimit, empty the graph and switch
// to table view.
if (this.numNodes > this.graphViewNodeLimit) {
if (this.view != Editor.ViewEnum.TABLET) {
* Updates the graph. Called internally on various events.
* May be called from the client after updating graph properties.
Editor.prototype.restartGraph = function() {
// Set the background to light gray if editor is readonly.'.editor').style('background-color', this.readonly ? '#f9f9f9' : 'white');
this.svgRect.attr('fill', this.readonly ? '#f9f9f9' : 'white')
.attr('width', this.width)
.attr('height', this.height);
// Set the graph in motion
* Handles mousedown event.
* Insert a new node if Shift key is not pressed. Otherwise, drag the graph.
Editor.prototype.mousedown = function() {
if (this.readonly === true) {
this.svg.classed('active', true);
if (d3.event.shiftKey || this.mousedown_node || this.mousedown_link) {
// Insert new node at point.
var point = d3.mouse(,
node = this.addNode();
node.x = point[0];
node.y = point[1];
* Returns all the messages sent by node with the given id.
* Output format: {receiverId: message}
* @param {string} id
Editor.prototype.getMessagesSentByNode = function(id) {
var messagesSent = {};
for (var i = 0; i < this.messages.length; i++) {
var messageObj = this.messages[i];
if (messageObj.outgoing === true && === id) {
messagesSent[] = messageObj.message;
return messagesSent;
* Returns all the edge values for this node's neighbor in a JSON object.
* Note that if an edge value is not present, still returns that neighborId with null/undefined value.
* Output format: {neighborId: edgeValue}
* @param {string} id
Editor.prototype.getEdgeValuesForNode = function(id) {
var edgeValues = {};
var outgoingEdges = this.getEdgesWithSourceId(id);
$.each(outgoingEdges, function(i, edge) {
edgeValues[] = edge;
return edgeValues;
* Returns all the messages received by node with the given id.
* Output format: {senderId: message}
* @param {string} id
Editor.prototype.getMessagesReceivedByNode = function(id) {
var messagesReceived = {};
for (var i = 0; i < this.messages.length; i++) {
var messageObj = this.messages[i];
if (messageObj.incoming === true && === id) {
// Note: This is required because incoming messages do not have a sender as of now.
var senderId = '<i data-id="' + i + '"></i>';
messagesReceived[senderId] = messageObj.message;
return messagesReceived;
* Returns the edge list.
* Edge list is the representation of the graph as a list of edges.
* An edge is represented as a vertex pair (u,v).
Editor.prototype.getEdgeList = function() {
edgeList = '';
for (var i = 0; i < this.links.length; i++) {
var sourceId = this.links[i];
var targetId = this.links[i];
// Right links are source->target.
// Left links are target->source.
if (this.links[i].right) {
edgeList += sourceId + '\t' + targetId + '\n';
} else {
edgeList += targetId + '\t' + sourceId + '\n';
return edgeList;
* Returns the adjacency list.
* Adj list is the representation of the graph as a list of nodes adjacent to
* each node.
Editor.prototype.getAdjList = function() {
adjList = {}
$.each(this.nodes, (function(i, node) {
var id =;
var edges = this.getEdgesWithSourceId(id);
adjList[id] = {adj : edges, vertexValue : node.attrs}
return adjList;
* Returns the list of nodes along with their attributes.
Editor.prototype.getNodeList = function() {
nodeList = '';
for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++){
nodeList += this.nodes[i].id + '\t' + this.nodes[i].attrs;
nodeList += (i != this.nodes.length - 1 ? '\n' : '');
return nodeList;
* Handle the mousemove event.
* Updates the drag line if mouse is pressed at present.
* Ignores otherwise.
Editor.prototype.mousemove = function() {
if (this.readonly) {
// This indicates if the mouse is pressed at present.
if (!this.mousedown_node) {
// Update drag line.
this.drag_line.attr('d', 'M' + this.mousedown_node.x + ',' +
this.mousedown_node.y + 'L' + d3.mouse(this.svg[0][0])[0] + ',' +
* Handles the mouseup event.
Editor.prototype.mouseup = function() {
if (this.mousedown_node) {
// hide drag line
.classed('hidden', true)
.style('marker-end', '');
this.svg.classed('active', false);
// Clear mouse event vars
* Handles keydown event.
* If Key is Shift, drags the graph using the force layout.
* If Key is 'L' or 'R' and link is selected, orients the link likewise.
* If Key is 'R' and node is selected, marks the node as reflexive.
* If Key is 'Delete', deletes the selected node or edge.
Editor.prototype.keydown = function() {
if (this.lastKeyDown !== -1) {
this.lastKeyDown = d3.event.keyCode;
// Shift key was pressed
if (d3.event.shiftKey) {;
this.svg.classed('ctrl', true);
if (!this.selected_node && !this.selected_link || this.readonly) {
switch (d3.event.keyCode) {
case 46: // delete
if (this.selected_node) {
this.nodes.splice(this.nodes.indexOf(this.selected_node), 1);
} else if (this.selected_link) {
this.links.splice(this.links.indexOf(this.selected_link), 1);
this.selected_link = null;
this.selected_node = null;
case 66: // B
if (this.selected_link) {
// set link direction to both left and right
this.selected_link.left = true;
this.selected_link.right = true;
case 76: // L
if (this.selected_link) {
// set link direction to left only
this.selected_link.left = true;
this.selected_link.right = false;
case 82: // R
if (this.selected_node) {
// toggle node reflexivity
this.selected_node.reflexive = !this.selected_node.reflexive;
} else if (this.selected_link) {
// set link direction to right only
this.selected_link.left = false;
this.selected_link.right = true;
* Handles the keyup event.
* Resets lastKeyDown to -1.
* Also resets the drag event binding to null if the key released was Shift.
Editor.prototype.keyup = function() {
this.lastKeyDown = -1;
// Shift
if (d3.event.keyCode === 16) {
.on('mousedown.drag', null)
.on('touchstart.drag', null);
this.svg.classed('ctrl', false);
* Builds the graph from adj list by constructing the nodes and links arrays.
* @param {object} adjList - Adjacency list of the graph. attrs and msgs are optional.
* Format:
* {
* nodeId: {
* neighbors : [{
* neighborId: "neighborId1",
* edgeValue: "edgeValue1"
* },
* {
* neighborId: "neighborId2",
* edgeValue: "edgeValue2"
* }],
* vertexValue : attrs,
* outgoingMessages : {
* receiverId1: "message1",
* receiverId2: "message2",
* ...
* },
* incomingMessages : [ "message1", "message2" ]
* enabled : true/false
* }
* }
Editor.prototype.buildGraphFromAdjList = function(adjList) {
// Scan every node in adj list to build the nodes array.
for (var nodeId in adjList) {
var node = this.getNodeWithId(nodeId);
if (!node) {
node = this.addNode(nodeId);
var adj = adjList[nodeId]['neighbors'];
// For every node in the adj list of this node,
// add the node to this.nodes and add the edge to this.links
for (var i = 0; adj && i < adj.length; i++) {
var adjId = adj[i]['neighborId'].toString();
var edgeValue = adj[i]['edgeValue'];
var adjNode = this.getNodeWithId(adjId);
if (!adjNode) {
adjNode = this.addNode(adjId);
// Add the edge.
this.addEdge(nodeId, adjId, edgeValue);
* Updates scenario properties - node attributes and messages from adj list.
* @param {object} scenario - scenario has the same format as adjList above,
* but with 'adj' ignored.
* **NOTE**: This method assumes the same scenario structure,
* only updates the node attributes and messages exchanged.
Editor.prototype.updateGraphData = function(scenario) {
// Cache the scenario object. Used by tabular view.
this.currentScenario = scenario;
// Clear the messages array. Unlike other fields, messages is cleared and reloaded for every scenario.
this.messages.length = 0;
// Scan every node in adj list to build the nodes array.
for (var nodeId in scenario) {
var node = this.getNodeWithId(nodeId);
if (scenario[nodeId]['vertexValue']) {
node.attrs = scenario[nodeId]['vertexValue'];
if (scenario[nodeId].enabled != undefined) {
node.enabled = scenario[nodeId].enabled;
var outgoingMessages = scenario[nodeId]['outgoingMessages'];
var incomingMessages = scenario[nodeId]['incomingMessages'];
// Build this.messages
if (outgoingMessages) {
for(var receiverId in outgoingMessages) {
sender: node,
receiver: this.getNodeWithId(receiverId),
message: outgoingMessages[receiverId],
outgoing : true
if (incomingMessages) {
for (var i = 0; i < incomingMessages.length; i++) {
var incomingMessage = incomingMessages[i];
// TODO: sender is not supplied by the server as of now.
sender : null,
receiver: node,
message: incomingMessage,
incoming : true
// Update aggregators
// NOTE: Later vertices ovewrite value for a given key
var aggregators = scenario[nodeId]['aggregators'];
for (var key in aggregators) {
this.aggregators[key] = aggregators[key];
// Restart the graph and table to show new values.
* Adds new nodes and links to the graph without changing the existing structure.
* @param {object} - scenario has the same format as above.
* **NOTE** - This method will add news nodes and links without modifying
* the existing structure. For instance, if the passed graph object does
* not have a link, but it already exists in the graph, it will stay.
Editor.prototype.addToGraph = function(scenario) {
for (var nodeId in scenario) {
// If this node is not present in the graph. Add it.
var neighbors = scenario[nodeId]['neighbors'];
// For each neighbor, add the edge.
for (var i = 0 ; i < neighbors.length; i++) {
var neighborId = neighbors[i]['neighborId'];
var edgeValue = neighbors[i]['edgeValue'];
// Add neighbor node if it doesn't exist.
// Addes edge, or ignores if already exists.
this.addEdge(nodeId, neighborId, edgeValue);
* Shows the preloader and hides all other elements.
Editor.prototype.showPreloader = function() {
this.svg.selectAll('g').transition().style('opacity', 0);
this.preloader.transition().style('opacity', 1);
* Hides the preloader and shows all other elements.
Editor.prototype.hidePreloader = function() {
this.svg.selectAll('g').transition().style('opacity', 1);
this.preloader.transition().style('opacity', 0);
* Enables the given node. Enabled nodes are shown as opaque.
Editor.prototype.enableNode = function(nodeId) {
this.getNodeWithId(nodeId).enabled = true;
* Disables the given node.
* Disabled nodes are shown as slightly transparent with outgoing messages removed.
Editor.prototype.disableNode = function(nodeId) {
this.getNodeWithId(nodeId).enabled = false;
// Remove the outgoing Messages for this node.
var toSplice = this.messages.filter(function(message) {
return (message.outgoing === true && === nodeId);
}); {
this.messages.splice(this.messages.indexOf(message), 1);
* Colors the given node ids with the given color. Use this method to uncolor
* all the nodes (reset to default color) by calling colorNodes([], 'random', true);
* @param {array} nodeIds - List of node ids.
* @param {color} color - Color of these nodes.
* @param {bool} [uncolorRest] - Optional parameter to reset the color of other nodes to default.
Editor.prototype.colorNodes = function(nodeIds, color, uncolorRest) {
// Set the color property of each node in this array. restart will reflect changes.
for(var i = 0; i < nodeIds.length; i++) {
var node = this.getNodeWithId(nodeIds[i]);
if (node) {
node.color = color;
// If uncolorRest is specified
if (uncolorRest) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
// Not in nodeIds, uncolor it.
if ($.inArray(this.nodes[i].id, nodeIds) === -1) {
this.nodes[i].color = this.defaultColor;
* Toggles the two views of the editor by sliding up/down the tablet.
Editor.prototype.toggleView = function() {
if (this.view === Editor.ViewEnum.GRAPH) {
this.view = Editor.ViewEnum.TABLET;
} else {
this.view = Editor.ViewEnum.GRAPH;
// Call the handlers registered for toggleView
* Creates graph from a simple adj list of the format given below.
* @param {object} simpleAdjList : A simple adjacency list.
* Format:
* {
* "vertexId1" : [ "neighborId1", "neighborId2" ...],
* "vertexId2" : [ "neighborId1", "neighborId2" ...],
* ...
* }
Editor.prototype.buildGraphFromSimpleAdjList = function(simpleAdjList) {
var scenario = {};
$.each(simpleAdjList, function(vertexId, neighbors) {
scenario[vertexId] = {}
scenario[vertexId].neighbors = [];
$.each(neighbors, function(index, neighborId) {
scenario[vertexId].neighbors.push({ neighborId : neighborId });