blob: c6058c1b9e3c1c9276596e91e78aa962091de6d7 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Yoko Project
Copyright 1999-2008 The Apache Software Foundation
This product includes software developed at
The Apache Software Foundation (
ORB Portions of this software were developed at IONA Technologies.
Object Management Group (OMG) classes used by the orb.
The original classes are available from
The RMI over IIOP implementation were developed at Trifork Technologies.
Command line tools and the corba binding infrastructure is provided by
the celtix package, which is open source software, written at ObjectWeb
open source Consortium. The original software is available from
IDL parser and the IDL grammar file used by the idltowsdl tool
are provided by the antlr package, which is available under a BSD license.
The original software is available from
XMLSchema apache project is used by the tools & corba binding
runtime to parse the schema used in the wsdl. This project is
developed at the apache software foundation.
The original software is available from
Wsdl4j (The Web Services Description Language for Java Toolkit)
is the reference implementation for JSR110 'JWSDL'. It is open
source software and developed at Sourceforge. It is used by the
tools to represent the WSDL documents. The original software is
available from
SAAJ The SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) provides a
standard way to send XML documents over the Internet from
the Java platform. The SAAJ specification is developed through
the Java Community Process and the Expert Group lead is Sun
MicroSystems Inc. The original software is availabe from
JSR 181 Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform. This specification
is developed through the Java Community Process. The original software
is available as part of the project glassfish
JSR 250 Common Annotations for the JavaTM Platform.
This specification is developed through the Java
Community Process. The original software is available
as part of the project glassfish