About The Demos

The Spark GemFire Connector contains basic demos, as samples, in both Scala and Java.

  • Read GemFire region to Spark as a RDD (RegionToRDDJavaDemo.java)
  • Write Spark pair RDD to GemFire (PairRDDSaveJavaDemo.java)
  • Write Spark non-pair RDD to GemFire (RDDSaveJavaDemo.java)
  • Read OQL query result as Spark DataFrame (OQLJavaDemo.java)
  • Network stateful word count (NetworkWordCount.scala)


Running the demo requires a GemFire Cluster. This can be a one node or multi-node cluster.

Here are the commands that start a two-node GemFire cluster on localhost: First set up environment variables:

export JAVA_HOME=<path to JAVA installation>
export GEMFIRE=<path to GemFire installation>
export CONNECTOR=<path to Connector project>
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$GEMFIRE/lib/locator-dependencies.jar:$GEMFIRE/lib/server-dependencies.jar:$GEMFIRE/lib/gfsh-dependencies.jar
export PATH=$PATH:$GEMFIRE/bin
export GF_JAVA=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java

Now run gfsh and execute the commands:
$ cd <path to test GemFire cluster instance location>
$ mkdir locator server1 server2
$ gfsh
gfsh> start locator --name=locator
gfsh> start server --name=server1 --server-port=40411
gfsh> start server --name=server2 --server-port=40412 

In order to run the Demos, you need to create the following regions via gfsh:

gfsh> create region --name=str_str_region --type=REPLICATE --key-constraint=java.lang.String --value-constraint=java.lang.String
gfsh> create region --name=str_int_region --type=PARTITION --key-constraint=java.lang.String --value-constraint=java.lang.Integer

And deploy GemFire functions required by the Spark GemFire Connector:

gfsh> deploy --jar=<path to connector project>/gemfire-functions/target/scala-2.10/gemfire-functions_2.10-0.5.0.jar

Run simple demos

This section describes how to run RDDSaveJavaDemo.java, PairRDDSaveJavaDemo.java and RegionToRDDJavaDemo.java:

export SPARK_CLASSPATH=$CONNECTOR/gemfire-spark-connector/target/scala-2.10/gemfire-spark-connector_2.10-0.5.0.jar:$GEMFIRE/lib/server-dependencies.jar

cd <spark 1.3 dir>
bin/spark-submit --master=local[2] --class demo.RDDSaveJavaDemo $CONNECTOR/gemfire-spark-demos/basic-demos/target/scala-2.10/basic-demos_2.10-0.5.0.jar locatorHost[port]

bin/spark-submit --master=local[2] --class demo.PairRDDSaveJavaDemo $CONNECTOR/gemfire-spark-demos/basic-demos/target/scala-2.10/basic-demos_2.10-0.5.0.jar locatorHost[port]

bin/spark-submit --master=local[2] --class demo.RegionToRDDJavaDemo $CONNECTOR/gemfire-spark-demos/basic-demos/target/scala-2.10/basic-demos_2.10-0.5.0.jar locatorHost[port]

Run stateful network word count

This demo shows how to save DStream to GemFire. To run the demo, open 3 Terminals:

Terminal-1, start net cat server:

$ nc -lk 9999

Terminal-2, start word count Spark app:

bin/spark-submit --master=local[2] demo.NetworkWordCount $CONNECTOR/gemfire-spark-demos/basic-demos/target/scala-2.10/basic-demos_2.10-0.5.0.jar localhost 9999 locatorHost:port`

Switch to Terminal-1, type some words, and hit enter or return key, then check word count at Terminal-3, which has gfsh connected to the GemFire cluster:

gfsh> query --query="select key, value from /str_int_region.entrySet" 

Shutdown GemFire cluster at the end

Use following command to shutdown the GemFire cluster after playing with the demos:

gfsh> shutdown --include-locators=true