blob: 41fe9616b9844b6af29c69fc9556a9535f6d0a23 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
plugins {
id "wrapper"
id "nebula.facet" version "8.0.0" apply false
id "base"
id "idea"
id "eclipse"
id "com.diffplug.spotless" version "6.4.1" apply false
id "com.github.ben-manes.versions" version "0.42.0" apply false
id "nebula.lint" version "17.7.0" apply false
id "com.palantir.docker" version "0.32.0" apply false
id "io.spring.dependency-management" version "1.0.11.RELEASE" apply false
id "org.ajoberstar.grgit" version "4.1.1" apply false
id "org.nosphere.apache.rat" version "0.7.1" apply false
id "org.sonarqube" version "3.3" apply false
id 'me.champeau.gradle.jmh' version '0.5.3' apply false
id "" version "5.0.1" apply false
id 'org.apache.geode.gradle.geode-dependency-constraints' apply false
id 'geode-publish-artifacts' apply false
id 'geode-publish-common' apply false
id 'geode-publish-java' apply false
id 'geode-publish-war' apply false
// id 'lint'
id 'resolve-dependencies'
id 'geode-sonar'
id 'geode-rat'
import org.apache.geode.gradle.plugins.PasswordDialog
wrapper {
gradleVersion = minimumGradleVersion
distributionType = "all"
allprojects {
ext.isReleaseVersion = true
if(version.contains("build")) {
ext.isReleaseVersion = false
repositories {
maven { url "" }
buildRoot = buildRoot.trim()
if (!buildRoot.isEmpty()) {
buildDir = buildRoot + project.path.replace(":", "/") + "/build"
task combineReports(type: TestReport) {
description 'Combines the test reports.'
destinationDir = file "${rootProject.buildDir}/reports/combined"
doLast {
println "All test reports at ${rootProject.buildDir}/reports/combined"
ext.readScmInfo = { proj ->
// Attempt to read git information, or else return UNKNOWN
try {
def git = project(proj).projectDir)
try {
return [
'Source-Revision' : git.head().id,
'Source-Date' : git.head().date.format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z')
] as Properties
} finally {
} catch (IllegalStateException ignoredDistributionBuild) {
// If we're building from the source distribution, we don't have git.
// Instead, we use the .buildinfo copied to the root directory during the distribution build
// from the writeBuildInfo task below (from build/.buildinfo)
def buildInfo = file "$rootDir/.buildinfo"
if (buildInfo.exists()) {
def props = new Properties()
new FileInputStream(buildInfo).withStream { fis ->
return props
throw new GradleException("Cannot get SCM information when neither git nor source distribution is available")
tasks.register('writeBuildInfo') {
def buildInfo = file "$buildDir/.buildinfo"
def scmInfo = this.readScmInfo("geode-core")"Source-Revision", scmInfo.getProperty("Source-Revision"))
outputs.files {
doLast {
new FileOutputStream(buildInfo).withStream { fos ->, '')
tasks.register('test') {
description "An all-project target for unit tests"
tasks.register('devBuild') {
group 'Build'
description "A convenience target for a typical developer workflow: apply spotless and assemble all classes."
dependsOn tasks.named('assemble')
// Each subproject injects its SpotlessApply as a dependency to this task in the standard config
tasks.register('generate') {
group = 'Build'
description = "Top-level target for all source generation. Helps IDE integration"
// This task is a no-op, with other tasks
// injecting themselves as a task dependency into this task. E.g., via
// `afterEvaluate.rootProject.generate.dependsOn(generateProto)`
tasks.register('printTestClasspath') {
group 'Build'
description "Print the classpath used in all tests for all subprojects"
doLast {
Set result = new LinkedHashSet()
// Prefer sources at the start of the classpath
subprojects.each { sub ->
if (sub.hasProperty("sourceSets")) {
sub.sourceSets.each { ss ->
ss.each { x ->
x.output.classesDirs.each { y -> result.add(y) }
subprojects.each { sub ->
sub.configurations.each { c ->
if ("runtimeclasspath")) {
c.each { f -> result.add(f) }
println result.join(File.pathSeparator)
// Prompt the user for a publication passsword to sign archives or upload artifacts, if requested
if (project.hasProperty('askpass')) {
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
if(taskGraph.allTasks.any {it instanceof Sign}) {
if(!project.hasProperty('signing.keyId') || !project.hasProperty('signing.secretKeyRingFile')) {
println "You must configure your signing.keyId and signing.secretKeyRingFile"
println "in ~/.gradle/ in order to sign jars\n"
println "See"
throw new GradleException("Signing key/keyring is missing")
if(!project.hasProperty('signing.password')) {
def password = PasswordDialog.askPassword("Please enter your password to unlock your gpg keyring for signing artifacts")
subprojects { ext."signing.password" = password }
if(taskGraph.allTasks.any {it instanceof PublishToMavenRepository}) {
if(!project.hasProperty('mavenUsername')) {
println "You must configure your mavenUsername in ~/.gradle/ in order to publish\n"
println "See"
throw new GradleException("mavenUsername is missing")
if(!project.hasProperty('mavenPassword')) {
def getPassword = PasswordDialog.askPassword("Please enter your apache password to publish to Apache Maven")
taskGraph.allTasks.each {
if(it instanceof PublishToMavenRepository) {
(it as PublishToMavenRepository).repository.credentials.password = getPassword
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady({ graph ->
tasks.getByName('combineReports').reportOn rootProject.subprojects.collect {