This guide is for people interested in working on the Geode code itself. It assumes you have basic familiarity with using Geode and standard Java tools.

Building and Running Tests

Geode is built with gradle 2.3. See [[Building and running|Building-and-Running-Geode-from-Source]] for basic instructions on how to build. We recommend you use jdk1.7.0_75.

Geode uses the standard gradle lifecycle. Execute this to build and run all tests:

./gradlew clean build

Geode has quite a few tests, so this will take several hours. The tests are broken into the following categories

  • unit tests - run with ./gradlew test
  • integration tests - run with ./gradlew integrationTest
  • distributed integration tests - run with ./gradlew distributedTest

Note - The engineering team is still in the process of migrating the test suite to the open source code. You may not see any distributedTests yet.

To run an individual test, run the test in your IDE or specify the sub-project and test type like so:

./gradlew -DtestType.single=testName [project:]testType

For example: ./gradlew -DintegrationTest.single=ArrayUtilsJUnitTest integrationTest

Setting up your IDE

Geode uses gradle plugins to generate your IDE configuration files.


Invoking ./gradlew eclipse will generate the project and classpath files for all subprojects. Import all projects into eclipse. Note: run gradle build prior to importing the projects into Eclipse.


Invoking /gradlew idea will generate project files for IntelliJ. Import the resulting project files.