Geode is built using the standard Gradle lifecycle model. To build Geode, invoke

./gradlew build

This will create the binary artifacts and run all of the tests (if for some reason you want to skip running the tests include -Dskip.tests=true on the gradle invocation). To create a distribution, invoke one of

./gradlew distTar
./gradlew distZip

The distribution archives will be located in gemfire-assembly/build/distributions/. To install, extract the archive file and add the bin directory to your path. You can start servers and examine data using the bin/gfsh script. You can also create an exploded distributed using the install task. This will create the distribution directories in gemfire-assembly/build/install/gemfire.

To embed Geode in your application, add lib/gemfire-core-dependencies.jar to your classpath.

See the Getting Started Guide in the Pivotal GemFire User's Guide for an overview of Geode.

Note for Windows users: start gfsh using this system property

gfsh start locator --name=locator --J=-Dgemfire.OSProcess.ENABLE_OUTPUT_REDIRECTION=true