Thank you for submitting a contribution to Apache Geode.

In order to streamline the review of the contribution we ask you to ensure the following steps have been taken:

For all changes:

  • [ ] Is there a JIRA ticket associated with this PR? Is it referenced in the commit message?

  • [ ] Has your PR been rebased against the latest commit within the target branch (typically develop)?

  • [ ] Is your initial contribution a single, squashed commit?

  • [ ] Does gradlew build run cleanly?

  • [ ] Have you written or updated unit tests to verify your changes?

  • [ ] If adding new dependencies to the code, are these dependencies licensed in a way that is compatible for inclusion under ASF 2.0?


Please ensure that once the PR is submitted, check Concourse for build issues and submit an update to your PR as soon as possible. If you need help, please send an email to