blob: 98f7a917822448316b6fa62ffec184aadd47202a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
* copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.index;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.geode.cache.Region;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.AmbiguousNameException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.FunctionDomainException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.IndexStatistics;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.NameResolutionException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryInvocationTargetException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.QueryService;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.Struct;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.TypeMismatchException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.CompiledID;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.CompiledIndexOperation;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.CompiledIteratorDef;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.CompiledOperation;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.CompiledPath;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.CompiledValue;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.CqEntry;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.DefaultQuery;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.ExecutionContext;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.IndexInfo;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.QRegion;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.QueryMonitor;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.QueryUtils;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.RuntimeIterator;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.StructFields;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.StructImpl;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.Support;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.index.IndexStore.IndexStoreEntry;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.parse.OQLLexerTokenTypes;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.internal.types.StructTypeImpl;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.ObjectType;
import org.apache.geode.internal.Assert;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.BucketRegion;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.CachedDeserializable;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.InternalCache;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.NonTXEntry;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.PartitionedRegion;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.RegionEntry;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.RegionEntryContext;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.partitioned.Bucket;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.persistence.query.CloseableIterator;
import org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.annotations.Retained;
import org.apache.geode.logging.internal.log4j.api.LogService;
import org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxInstance;
import org.apache.geode.pdx.internal.PdxString;
* This class implements abstract algorithms common to all indexes, such as index creation, use of a
* path evaluator object, etc. It serves as the factory for a path evaluator object and maintains
* the path evaluator object to use for index creation and index maintenance. It also maintains a
* reference to the root collection on which the index is created. This class also implements the
* abstract methods to add and remove entries to an underlying storage structure (e.g. a btree), and
* as part of this algorithm, maintains a map of entries that map to null at the end of the index
* path, and entries that cannot be traversed to the end of the index path (traversal is undefined).
public abstract class AbstractIndex implements IndexProtocol {
private static final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();
// package-private to avoid synthetic accessor
static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<RegionEntryToValuesMap> atomicUpdater =
AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(RegionEntryToValuesMap.class, "numValues");
final InternalCache cache;
final String indexName;
final Region region;
final String indexedExpression;
final String fromClause;
final String projectionAttributes;
final String originalIndexedExpression;
final String originalFromClause;
private final String originalProjectionAttributes;
final String[] canonicalizedDefinitions;
private boolean isValid;
protected IndexedExpressionEvaluator evaluator;
InternalIndexStatistics internalIndexStats;
/** For PartitionedIndex for now */
protected Index prIndex;
* Flag to indicate if index map has keys as PdxString All the keys in the index map should be
* either Strings or PdxStrings
private Boolean isIndexedPdxKeys = false;
/** Flag to indicate if the flag isIndexedPdxKeys is set */
Boolean isIndexedPdxKeysFlagSet = false;
boolean indexOnRegionKeys = false;
boolean indexOnValues = false;
private final ReadWriteLock removeIndexLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
/** Flag to indicate if the index is populated with data */
volatile boolean isPopulated = false;
AbstractIndex(InternalCache cache, String indexName, Region region, String fromClause,
String indexedExpression, String projectionAttributes, String originalFromClause,
String originalIndexedExpression, String[] defintions, IndexStatistics stats) {
this.cache = cache;
this.indexName = indexName;
this.region = region;
this.indexedExpression = indexedExpression;
this.fromClause = fromClause;
this.originalIndexedExpression = originalIndexedExpression;
this.originalFromClause = originalFromClause;
this.canonicalizedDefinitions = defintions;
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(projectionAttributes)) {
projectionAttributes = "*";
this.projectionAttributes = projectionAttributes;
this.originalProjectionAttributes = projectionAttributes;
if (stats != null) {
this.internalIndexStats = (InternalIndexStatistics) stats;
} else {
this.internalIndexStats = createStats(indexName);
* Must be implemented by all implementing classes iff they have any forward map for
* index-key->RE.
* @return the forward map of respective index.
public Map getValueToEntriesMap() {
return null;
* Get statistics information for this index.
public IndexStatistics getStatistics() {
return this.internalIndexStats;
public void destroy() {
if (this.internalIndexStats != null) {
long updateIndexUpdateStats() {
long result = System.nanoTime();
return result;
void updateIndexUpdateStats(long start) {
long end = System.nanoTime();
this.internalIndexStats.incUpdateTime(end - start);
long updateIndexUseStats() {
return updateIndexUseStats(true);
long updateIndexUseStats(boolean updateStats) {
long result = 0;
if (updateStats) {
result = System.nanoTime();
return result;
void updateIndexUseEndStats(long start) {
updateIndexUseEndStats(start, true);
void updateIndexUseEndStats(long start, boolean updateStats) {
if (updateStats) {
long end = System.nanoTime();
this.internalIndexStats.incUseTime(end - start);
public IndexedExpressionEvaluator getEvaluator() {
return this.evaluator;
* The Region this index is on
* @return the Region for this index
public Region getRegion() {
return this.region;
* Returns the unique name of this index
public String getName() {
return this.indexName;
public void query(Object key, int operator, Collection results, ExecutionContext context)
throws TypeMismatchException, FunctionDomainException, NameResolutionException,
QueryInvocationTargetException {
// get a read lock when doing a lookup
if (context.getBucketList() != null && this.region instanceof BucketRegion) {
PartitionedRegion pr = ((Bucket) this.region).getPartitionedRegion();
long start = updateIndexUseStats();
try {
for (Object bucketId : context.getBucketList()) {
AbstractIndex bucketIndex =
PartitionedIndex.getBucketIndex(pr, this.indexName, (Integer) bucketId);
if (bucketIndex == null) {
bucketIndex.lockedQuery(key, operator, results, null/* No Keys to be removed */, context);
} finally {
} else {
long start = updateIndexUseStats();
try {
lockedQuery(key, operator, results, null/* No Keys to be removed */, context);
} finally {
public void query(Object key, int operator, Collection results, @Retained CompiledValue iterOp,
RuntimeIterator indpndntItr, ExecutionContext context, List projAttrib,
SelectResults intermediateResults, boolean isIntersection) throws TypeMismatchException,
FunctionDomainException, NameResolutionException, QueryInvocationTargetException {
// get a read lock when doing a lookup
if (context.getBucketList() != null && this.region instanceof BucketRegion) {
PartitionedRegion pr = ((Bucket) region).getPartitionedRegion();
long start = updateIndexUseStats();
try {
for (Object bucketId : context.getBucketList()) {
AbstractIndex bucketIndex =
PartitionedIndex.getBucketIndex(pr, this.indexName, (Integer) bucketId);
if (bucketIndex == null) {
bucketIndex.lockedQuery(key, operator, results, iterOp, indpndntItr, context, projAttrib,
intermediateResults, isIntersection);
} finally {
} else {
long start = updateIndexUseStats();
try {
lockedQuery(key, operator, results, iterOp, indpndntItr, context, projAttrib,
intermediateResults, isIntersection);
} finally {
public void query(Object key, int operator, Collection results, Set keysToRemove,
ExecutionContext context) throws TypeMismatchException, FunctionDomainException,
NameResolutionException, QueryInvocationTargetException {
// get a read lock when doing a lookup
if (context.getBucketList() != null && this.region instanceof BucketRegion) {
PartitionedRegion pr = ((Bucket) region).getPartitionedRegion();
long start = updateIndexUseStats();
try {
for (Object bucketId : context.getBucketList()) {
AbstractIndex bucketIndex =
PartitionedIndex.getBucketIndex(pr, this.indexName, (Integer) bucketId);
if (bucketIndex == null) {
bucketIndex.lockedQuery(key, operator, results, keysToRemove, context);
} finally {
} else {
long start = updateIndexUseStats();
try {
lockedQuery(key, operator, results, keysToRemove, context);
} finally {
public void query(Collection results, Set keysToRemove, ExecutionContext context)
throws TypeMismatchException, FunctionDomainException, NameResolutionException,
QueryInvocationTargetException {
Iterator iterator = keysToRemove.iterator();
Object temp =;
if (context.getBucketList() != null && this.region instanceof BucketRegion) {
long start = updateIndexUseStats();
try {
PartitionedRegion partitionedRegion = ((Bucket) this.region).getPartitionedRegion();
for (Object bucketId : context.getBucketList()) {
AbstractIndex bucketIndex = PartitionedIndex.getBucketIndex(partitionedRegion,
this.indexName, (Integer) bucketId);
if (bucketIndex == null) {
bucketIndex.lockedQuery(temp, OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE, results,
iterator.hasNext() ? keysToRemove : null, context);
} finally {
} else {
long start = updateIndexUseStats();
try {
lockedQuery(temp, OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_NE, results,
iterator.hasNext() ? keysToRemove : null, context);
} finally {
public void query(Object lowerBoundKey, int lowerBoundOperator, Object upperBoundKey,
int upperBoundOperator, Collection results, Set keysToRemove, ExecutionContext context)
throws TypeMismatchException, FunctionDomainException, NameResolutionException,
QueryInvocationTargetException {
if (context.getBucketList() != null) {
if (this.region instanceof BucketRegion) {
PartitionedRegion partitionedRegion = ((Bucket) this.region).getPartitionedRegion();
long start = updateIndexUseStats();
try {
for (Object bucketId : context.getBucketList()) {
AbstractIndex bucketIndex = PartitionedIndex.getBucketIndex(partitionedRegion,
this.indexName, (Integer) bucketId);
if (bucketIndex == null) {
bucketIndex.lockedQuery(lowerBoundKey, lowerBoundOperator, upperBoundKey,
upperBoundOperator, results, keysToRemove, context);
} finally {
} else {
long start = updateIndexUseStats();
try {
lockedQuery(lowerBoundKey, lowerBoundOperator, upperBoundKey, upperBoundOperator, results,
keysToRemove, context);
} finally {
public List queryEquijoinCondition(IndexProtocol index, ExecutionContext context)
throws TypeMismatchException, FunctionDomainException, NameResolutionException,
QueryInvocationTargetException {
" This function should have never got invoked as its meaningful implementation is present only in RangeIndex class");
return null;
* Get the projectionAttributes for this expression.
* @return the projectionAttributes, or "*" if there were none specified at index creation.
public String getProjectionAttributes() {
return this.originalProjectionAttributes;
* Get the projectionAttributes for this expression.
* @return the projectionAttributes, or "*" if there were none specified at index creation.
public String getCanonicalizedProjectionAttributes() {
return this.projectionAttributes;
* Get the Original indexedExpression for this index.
public String getIndexedExpression() {
return this.originalIndexedExpression;
* Get the Canonicalized indexedExpression for this index.
public String getCanonicalizedIndexedExpression() {
return this.indexedExpression;
* Get the original fromClause for this index.
public String getFromClause() {
return this.originalFromClause;
* Get the canonicalized fromClause for this index.
public String getCanonicalizedFromClause() {
return this.fromClause;
public boolean isMapType() {
return false;
public boolean addIndexMapping(RegionEntry entry) throws IMQException {
// if no exception, then success
return true;
public boolean addAllIndexMappings(Collection<RegionEntry> c) throws IMQException {
for (RegionEntry regionEntry : c) {
// if no exception, then success
return true;
public boolean removeIndexMapping(RegionEntry entry, int opCode) throws IMQException {
removeMapping(entry, opCode);
// if no exception, then success
return true;
public boolean removeAllIndexMappings(Collection<RegionEntry> c) throws IMQException {
for (RegionEntry regionEntry : c) {
removeMapping(regionEntry, OTHER_OP);
// if no exception, then success
return true;
public boolean isValid() {
return this.isValid;
public void markValid(boolean b) {
this.isValid = b;
public boolean isMatchingWithIndexExpression(CompiledValue condnExpr, String condnExprStr,
ExecutionContext context)
throws AmbiguousNameException, TypeMismatchException, NameResolutionException {
return this.indexedExpression.equals(condnExprStr);
// package-private to avoid synthetic accessor
Object verifyAndGetPdxDomainObject(Object value) {
if (value instanceof StructImpl) {
// Doing hasPdx check first, since its cheaper.
if (((StructImpl) value).isHasPdx()
&& !((InternalCache) this.region.getCache()).getPdxReadSerializedByAnyGemFireServices()) {
// Set the pdx values for the struct object.
StructImpl v = (StructImpl) value;
Object[] fieldValues = v.getPdxFieldValues();
return new StructImpl((StructTypeImpl) v.getStructType(), fieldValues);
} else if (value instanceof PdxInstance
&& !((InternalCache) this.region.getCache()).getPdxReadSerializedByAnyGemFireServices()) {
return ((PdxInstance) value).getObject();
return value;
private void addToResultsWithUnionOrIntersection(Collection results,
SelectResults intermediateResults, boolean isIntersection, Object value) {
value = verifyAndGetPdxDomainObject(value);
if (intermediateResults == null) {
} else {
if (isIntersection) {
int numOcc = intermediateResults.occurrences(value);
if (numOcc > 0) {
} else {
private void addToStructsWithUnionOrIntersection(Collection results,
SelectResults intermediateResults, boolean isIntersection, Object[] values) {
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
values[i] = verifyAndGetPdxDomainObject(values[i]);
if (intermediateResults == null) {
if (results instanceof StructFields) {
((StructFields) results).addFieldValues(values);
} else {
// The results could be LinkedStructSet or SortedResultsBag or StructSet
SelectResults selectResults = (SelectResults) results;
StructImpl structImpl = new StructImpl(
(StructTypeImpl) selectResults.getCollectionType().getElementType(), values);
} else {
if (isIntersection) {
if (results instanceof StructFields) {
int occurrences = intermediateResults.occurrences(values);
if (occurrences > 0) {
((StructFields) results).addFieldValues(values);
((StructFields) intermediateResults).removeFieldValues(values);
} else {
// could be LinkedStructSet or SortedResultsBag
SelectResults selectResults = (SelectResults) results;
StructImpl structImpl = new StructImpl(
(StructTypeImpl) selectResults.getCollectionType().getElementType(), values);
if (intermediateResults.remove(structImpl)) {
} else {
if (results instanceof StructFields) {
((StructFields) results).addFieldValues(values);
} else {
// could be LinkedStructSet or SortedResultsBag
SelectResults selectResults = (SelectResults) results;
StructImpl structImpl = new StructImpl(
(StructTypeImpl) selectResults.getCollectionType().getElementType(), values);
if (intermediateResults.remove(structImpl)) {
void applyCqOrProjection(List projAttrib, ExecutionContext context, Collection result,
Object iterValue, SelectResults intermediateResults, boolean isIntersection, Object key)
throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException, NameResolutionException,
QueryInvocationTargetException {
if (context != null && context.isCqQueryContext()) {
result.add(new CqEntry(key, iterValue));
} else {
applyProjection(projAttrib, context, result, iterValue, intermediateResults, isIntersection);
void applyProjection(List projAttrib, ExecutionContext context, Collection result,
Object iterValue, SelectResults intermediateResults, boolean isIntersection)
throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException, NameResolutionException,
QueryInvocationTargetException {
if (projAttrib == null) {
iterValue = deserializePdxForLocalDistinctQuery(context, iterValue);
this.addToResultsWithUnionOrIntersection(result, intermediateResults, isIntersection,
} else {
boolean isStruct = result instanceof SelectResults
&& ((SelectResults) result).getCollectionType().getElementType() != null
&& ((SelectResults) result).getCollectionType().getElementType().isStructType();
if (isStruct) {
int projCount = projAttrib.size();
Object[] values = new Object[projCount];
Iterator projIter = projAttrib.iterator();
int i = 0;
while (projIter.hasNext()) {
Object[] projDef = (Object[]);
values[i] = deserializePdxForLocalDistinctQuery(context,
((CompiledValue) projDef[1]).evaluate(context));
this.addToStructsWithUnionOrIntersection(result, intermediateResults, isIntersection,
} else {
Object[] temp = (Object[]) projAttrib.get(0);
Object val = deserializePdxForLocalDistinctQuery(context,
((CompiledValue) temp[1]).evaluate(context));
this.addToResultsWithUnionOrIntersection(result, intermediateResults, isIntersection, val);
* For local queries with distinct, deserialize all PdxInstances as we do not have a way to
* compare Pdx and non Pdx objects in case the cache has a mix of pdx and non pdx objects. We
* still have to honor the cache level readSerialized flag in case of all Pdx objects in cache.
* Also always convert PdxString to String before adding to resultSet for remote queries
private Object deserializePdxForLocalDistinctQuery(ExecutionContext context, Object value)
throws QueryInvocationTargetException {
if (!((DefaultQuery) context.getQuery()).isRemoteQuery()) {
if (context.isDistinct() && value instanceof PdxInstance
&& !this.region.getCache().getPdxReadSerialized()) {
try {
value = ((PdxInstance) value).getObject();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new QueryInvocationTargetException(
"Unable to retrieve domain object from PdxInstance while building the ResultSet. "
+ ex.getMessage());
} else if (value instanceof PdxString) {
value = value.toString();
return value;
private void removeFromResultsWithUnionOrIntersection(Collection results,
SelectResults intermediateResults, boolean isIntersection, Object value) {
if (intermediateResults == null) {
} else {
if (isIntersection) {
int numOcc = ((SelectResults) results).occurrences(value);
if (numOcc > 0) {
} else {
private void removeFromStructsWithUnionOrIntersection(Collection results,
SelectResults intermediateResults, boolean isIntersection, Object[] values) {
if (intermediateResults == null) {
((StructFields) results).removeFieldValues(values);
} else {
if (isIntersection) {
int numOcc = ((SelectResults) results).occurrences(values);
if (numOcc > 0) {
((StructFields) results).removeFieldValues(values);
((StructFields) intermediateResults).addFieldValues(values);
} else {
((StructFields) results).removeFieldValues(values);
private void removeProjection(List projAttrib, ExecutionContext context, Collection result,
Object iterValue, SelectResults intermediateResults, boolean isIntersection)
throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException, NameResolutionException,
QueryInvocationTargetException {
if (projAttrib == null) {
this.removeFromResultsWithUnionOrIntersection(result, intermediateResults, isIntersection,
} else {
if (result instanceof StructFields) {
int projCount = projAttrib.size();
Object[] values = new Object[projCount];
Iterator projIter = projAttrib.iterator();
int i = 0;
while (projIter.hasNext()) {
Object projDef[] = (Object[]);
values[i++] = ((CompiledValue) projDef[1]).evaluate(context);
this.removeFromStructsWithUnionOrIntersection(result, intermediateResults, isIntersection,
} else {
Object[] temp = (Object[]) projAttrib.get(0);
Object val = ((CompiledValue) temp[1]).evaluate(context);
this.removeFromResultsWithUnionOrIntersection(result, intermediateResults, isIntersection,
* This function returns the canonicalized definitions of the from clauses used in Index creation
public String[] getCanonicalizedIteratorDefinitions() {
return this.canonicalizedDefinitions;
* This implementation is for PrimaryKeyIndex. RangeIndex has its own implementation. For
* PrimaryKeyIndex , this method should not be used
* <p>
* TODO: check if an Exception should be thrown if the function implementation of this class gets
* invoked
public boolean containsEntry(RegionEntry entry) {
return false;
abstract void instantiateEvaluator(IndexCreationHelper indexCreationHelper);
public void initializeIndex(boolean loadEntries) throws IMQException {
// implement me
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Index [");
sb.append(" Name=").append(getName());
sb.append(" Type =").append(getType());
sb.append(" IdxExp=").append(getIndexedExpression());
sb.append(" From=").append(getFromClause());
sb.append(" Proj=").append(getProjectionAttributes());
return sb.toString();
public abstract boolean isEmpty();
protected abstract boolean isCompactRangeIndex();
protected abstract InternalIndexStatistics createStats(String indexName);
public abstract ObjectType getResultSetType();
abstract void recreateIndexData() throws IMQException;
abstract void addMapping(RegionEntry entry) throws IMQException;
abstract void removeMapping(RegionEntry entry, int opCode) throws IMQException;
abstract void addMapping(Object key, Object value, RegionEntry entry) throws IMQException;
* This is used to buffer the index entries evaluated from a RegionEntry which is getting updated
* at present. These buffered index entries are replaced into the index later all together to
* avoid remove-add sequence.
abstract void saveMapping(Object key, Object value, RegionEntry entry) throws IMQException;
/** Lookup method used when appropriate lock is held */
abstract void lockedQuery(Object key, int operator, Collection results, CompiledValue iterOps,
RuntimeIterator indpndntItr, ExecutionContext context, List projAttrib,
SelectResults intermediateResults, boolean isIntersection) throws TypeMismatchException,
FunctionDomainException, NameResolutionException, QueryInvocationTargetException;
abstract void lockedQuery(Object lowerBoundKey, int lowerBoundOperator, Object upperBoundKey,
int upperBoundOperator, Collection results, Set keysToRemove, ExecutionContext context)
throws TypeMismatchException, FunctionDomainException, NameResolutionException,
abstract void lockedQuery(Object key, int operator, Collection results, Set keysToRemove,
ExecutionContext context) throws TypeMismatchException, FunctionDomainException,
NameResolutionException, QueryInvocationTargetException;
public Index getPRIndex() {
return this.prIndex;
void setPRIndex(Index parIndex) {
this.prIndex = parIndex;
* Dummy implementation that subclasses can override.
protected abstract static class InternalIndexStatistics implements IndexStatistics {
public long getNumUpdates() {
return 0L;
public long getTotalUpdateTime() {
return 0L;
public long getTotalUses() {
return 0L;
public long getNumberOfKeys() {
return 0L;
public long getNumberOfValues() {
return 0L;
public long getNumberOfValues(Object key) {
return 0L;
public int getReadLockCount() {
return 0;
public long getNumberOfMapIndexKeys() {
return 0;
public int getNumberOfBucketIndexes() {
return 0;
public void close() {}
public void incNumValues(int delta) {}
public void incNumUpdates() {}
public void incNumUpdates(int delta) {}
public void incUpdatesInProgress(int delta) {}
public void incUsesInProgress(int delta) {}
public void updateNumKeys(long count) {}
public void incNumKeys(long count) {}
public void incNumMapIndexKeys(long numKeys) {}
public void incUpdateTime(long delta) {}
public void incNumUses() {}
public void incUseTime(long delta) {}
public void incReadLockCount(int delta) {}
public void incNumBucketIndexes(int delta) {}
class IMQEvaluator implements IndexedExpressionEvaluator {
private final InternalCache cache;
private List fromIterators = null;
private CompiledValue indexedExpr = null;
private final String[] canonicalIterNames;
private ObjectType indexResultSetType = null;
private Map dependencyGraph = null;
* The boolean if true indicates that the 0th iterator is on entries . If the 0th iterator is on
* collection of Region.Entry objects, then the RegionEntry object used in Index data objects is
* obtained directly from its corresponding Region.Entry object. However if the 0th iterator is
* not on entries then the boolean is false. In this case the additional projection attribute
* gives us the original value of the iterator while the Region.Entry object is obtained from
* 0th iterator. It is possible to have index being created on a Region Entry itself , instead
* of a Region. A Map operator( Compiled Index Operator) used with Region enables, us to create
* such indexes. In such case the 0th iterator, even if it represents a collection of Objects
* which are not Region.Entry objects, still the boolean remains true, as the Entry object can
* be easily obtained from the 0th iterator. In this case, the additional projection attribute s
* not null as it is used to evaluate the Entry object from the 0th iterator.
private boolean isFirstItrOnEntry = false;
/** The boolean if true indicates that the 0th iterator is on keys. */
private boolean isFirstItrOnKey = false;
* List of modified iterators, not null only when the boolean isFirstItrOnEntry is false.
private List indexInitIterators = null;
* The additional Projection attribute representing the value of the original 0th iterator. If
* the isFirstItrOnEntry is false, then it is not null. However if the isFirstItrOnEntry is true
* but & still this attribute is not null, this indicates that the 0th iterator is derived using
* an individual entry thru Map operator on the Region.
private CompiledValue additionalProj = null;
/** This is not null iff the boolean isFirstItrOnEntry is false. */
private CompiledValue modifiedIndexExpr = null;
private ObjectType addnlProjType = null;
private int initEntriesUpdated = 0;
private boolean hasInitOccurredOnce = false;
private ExecutionContext initContext = null;
private int iteratorSize = -1;
private Region rgn = null;
/** Creates a new instance of IMQEvaluator */
IMQEvaluator(IndexCreationHelper helper) {
this.cache = helper.getCache();
this.fromIterators = helper.getIterators();
this.indexedExpr = helper.getCompiledIndexedExpression();
this.rgn = helper.getRegion();
// The modified iterators for optimizing Index creation
this.isFirstItrOnEntry = ((FunctionalIndexCreationHelper) helper).isFirstIteratorRegionEntry;
this.isFirstItrOnKey = ((FunctionalIndexCreationHelper) helper).isFirstIteratorRegionKey;
this.additionalProj = ((FunctionalIndexCreationHelper) helper).additionalProj;
Object[] params1 = {new QRegion(this.rgn, false)};
this.initContext = new ExecutionContext(params1, this.cache);
this.canonicalIterNames = ((FunctionalIndexCreationHelper) helper).canonicalizedIteratorNames;
if (this.isFirstItrOnEntry) {
this.indexInitIterators = this.fromIterators;
} else {
this.indexInitIterators = ((FunctionalIndexCreationHelper) helper).indexInitIterators;
this.modifiedIndexExpr = ((FunctionalIndexCreationHelper) helper).modifiedIndexExpr;
this.addnlProjType = ((FunctionalIndexCreationHelper) helper).addnlProjType;
this.iteratorSize = this.indexInitIterators.size();
public String getIndexedExpression() {
return AbstractIndex.this.getCanonicalizedIndexedExpression();
public String getProjectionAttributes() {
return AbstractIndex.this.getCanonicalizedProjectionAttributes();
public String getFromClause() {
return AbstractIndex.this.getCanonicalizedFromClause();
public void expansion(List expandedResults, Object lowerBoundKey, Object upperBoundKey,
int lowerBoundOperator, int upperBoundOperator, Object value) throws IMQException {
// no-op
public void evaluate(RegionEntry target, boolean add) throws IMQException {
assert add; // ignored, but should be true here
DummyQRegion dQRegion = new DummyQRegion(this.rgn);
Object[] params = {dQRegion};
ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext(params, this.cache);
try {
boolean computeDependency = true;
if (this.dependencyGraph != null) {
computeDependency = false;
for (int i = 0; i < this.iteratorSize; i++) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef) this.fromIterators.get(i);
// Compute the dependency only once. The call to methods of this
// class are thread safe as for update lock on Index is taken .
if (computeDependency) {
RuntimeIterator rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(context);
// Save the dependency graph for future updates.
if (this.dependencyGraph == null) {
this.dependencyGraph = context.getDependencyGraph();
Support.Assert(this.indexResultSetType != null,
"IMQEvaluator::evaluate:The StrcutType should have been initialized during index creation");
doNestedIterations(0, context);
} catch (IMQException imqe) {
throw imqe;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IMQException(e);
} finally {
* This function is used for creating Index data at the start
public void initializeIndex(boolean loadEntries) throws IMQException {
this.initEntriesUpdated = 0;
try {
// Since an index initialization can happen multiple times for a given region, due to clear
// operation, we are using hardcoded scope ID of 1 , as otherwise if obtained from
// ExecutionContext object, it will get incremented on very index initialization
for (int i = 0; i < this.iteratorSize; i++) {
CompiledIteratorDef iterDef = (CompiledIteratorDef) this.indexInitIterators.get(i);
RuntimeIterator rIter = null;
if (!this.hasInitOccurredOnce) {
rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(this.initContext);
if (rIter == null) {
rIter = iterDef.getRuntimeIterator(this.initContext);
this.hasInitOccurredOnce = true;
if (this.indexResultSetType == null) {
this.indexResultSetType = createIndexResultSetType();
if (loadEntries) {
doNestedIterationsForIndexInit(0, this.initContext.getCurrentIterators());
} catch (IMQException imqe) {
throw imqe;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IMQException(e);
} finally {
private void doNestedIterationsForIndexInit(int level, List runtimeIterators)
throws TypeMismatchException, AmbiguousNameException, FunctionDomainException,
NameResolutionException, QueryInvocationTargetException, IMQException {
if (level == 1) {
if (level == this.iteratorSize) {
} else {
RuntimeIterator rIter = (RuntimeIterator) runtimeIterators.get(level);
Collection collection = rIter.evaluateCollection(this.initContext);
if (collection == null) {
for (Object aCollection : collection) {
doNestedIterationsForIndexInit(level + 1, runtimeIterators);
* This function is used to obtain Index data at the time of index creation. Each element of the
* List is an Object Array of size 3. The 0th element of Object Array stores the value of Index
* Expression. The 1st element of ObjectArray contains the RegionEntry object ( If the boolean
* isFirstItrOnEntry is false, then the 0th iterator will give us the Region.Entry object which
* can be used to obtain the underlying RegionEntry object. If the boolean is true & additional
* projection attribute is not null, then the Region.Entry object can be obtained by evaluating
* the additional projection attribute. If the boolean isFirstItrOnEntry is true & additional
* projection attribute is null, then the 0th iterator itself will evaluate to Region.Entry
* Object.
* <p>
* The 2nd element of Object Array contains the Struct object ( tuple) created. If the boolean
* isFirstItrOnEntry is false, then the first attribute of the Struct object is obtained by
* evaluating the additional projection attribute.
private void applyProjectionForIndexInit(List currrentRuntimeIters)
throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException, NameResolutionException,
QueryInvocationTargetException, IMQException {
if (QueryMonitor.isLowMemory()) {
throw new IMQException(
"Index creation canceled due to low memory");
NonTXEntry temp;
// Evaluate NonTXEntry for index on entries or additional projections
// on Entry or just entry value.
if (this.isFirstItrOnEntry && this.additionalProj != null) {
temp = (NonTXEntry) this.additionalProj.evaluate(this.initContext);
} else {
temp = (NonTXEntry) ((RuntimeIterator) currrentRuntimeIters.get(0))
RegionEntry re = temp.getRegionEntry();
Object indxResultSet;
if (this.iteratorSize == 1) {
indxResultSet = this.isFirstItrOnEntry
? this.additionalProj == null ? temp
: ((RuntimeIterator) currrentRuntimeIters.get(0)).evaluate(this.initContext)
: this.additionalProj.evaluate(this.initContext);
} else {
Object[] tuple = new Object[this.iteratorSize];
int i = this.isFirstItrOnEntry ? 0 : 1;
for (; i < this.iteratorSize; i++) {
RuntimeIterator iter = (RuntimeIterator) currrentRuntimeIters.get(i);
tuple[i] = iter.evaluate(this.initContext);
if (!this.isFirstItrOnEntry) {
tuple[0] = this.additionalProj.evaluate(this.initContext);
Support.Assert(this.indexResultSetType instanceof StructTypeImpl,
"The Index ResultType should have been an instance of StructTypeImpl rather than ObjectTypeImpl. The indxeResultType is "
+ this.indexResultSetType);
indxResultSet = new StructImpl((StructTypeImpl) this.indexResultSetType, tuple);
// Key must be evaluated after indexResultSet evaluation is done as Entry might be getting
// destroyed and so if value is UNDEFINED, key will definitely will be UNDEFINED.
Object indexKey = this.isFirstItrOnEntry ? this.indexedExpr.evaluate(this.initContext)
: this.modifiedIndexExpr.evaluate(this.initContext);
// based on the first key convert the rest to PdxString or String
if (!AbstractIndex.this.isIndexedPdxKeysFlagSet) {
indexKey = getPdxStringForIndexedPdxKeys(indexKey);
addMapping(indexKey, indxResultSet, re);
private void doNestedIterations(int level, ExecutionContext context)
throws TypeMismatchException, AmbiguousNameException, FunctionDomainException,
NameResolutionException, QueryInvocationTargetException, IMQException {
List iterList = context.getCurrentIterators();
if (level == this.iteratorSize) {
} else {
RuntimeIterator rIter = (RuntimeIterator) iterList.get(level);
Collection collection = rIter.evaluateCollection(context);
if (collection == null) {
for (Object aCollection : collection) {
doNestedIterations(level + 1, context);
private void applyProjection(ExecutionContext context)
throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException, NameResolutionException,
QueryInvocationTargetException, IMQException {
List currrentRuntimeIters = context.getCurrentIterators();
Object indexKey = this.indexedExpr.evaluate(context);
// based on the first key convert the rest to PdxString or String
if (!AbstractIndex.this.isIndexedPdxKeysFlagSet) {
indexKey = getPdxStringForIndexedPdxKeys(indexKey);
Object indxResultSet;
if (this.iteratorSize == 1) {
RuntimeIterator iter = (RuntimeIterator) currrentRuntimeIters.get(0);
indxResultSet = iter.evaluate(context);
} else {
Object tuple[] = new Object[this.iteratorSize];
for (int i = 0; i < this.iteratorSize; i++) {
RuntimeIterator iter = (RuntimeIterator) currrentRuntimeIters.get(i);
tuple[i] = iter.evaluate(context);
Support.Assert(this.indexResultSetType instanceof StructTypeImpl,
"The Index ResultType should have been an instance of StructTypeImpl rather than ObjectTypeImpl. The indxeResultType is "
+ this.indexResultSetType);
indxResultSet = new StructImpl((StructTypeImpl) this.indexResultSetType, tuple);
// Keep Entry value in fly until all keys are evaluated
RegionEntry entry = ((DummyQRegion) context.getBindArgument(1)).getEntry();
saveMapping(indexKey, indxResultSet, entry);
* The struct type calculation is modified if the 0th iterator is modified to make it dependent
* on Entry
private ObjectType createIndexResultSetType() {
List currentIterators = this.initContext.getCurrentIterators();
int len = currentIterators.size();
ObjectType[] fieldTypes = new ObjectType[len];
int start = this.isFirstItrOnEntry ? 0 : 1;
for (; start < len; start++) {
RuntimeIterator iter = (RuntimeIterator) currentIterators.get(start);
fieldTypes[start] = iter.getElementType();
if (!this.isFirstItrOnEntry) {
fieldTypes[0] = this.addnlProjType;
return len == 1 ? fieldTypes[0] : new StructTypeImpl(this.canonicalIterNames, fieldTypes);
public ObjectType getIndexResultSetType() {
return this.indexResultSetType;
boolean isFirstItrOnEntry() {
return this.isFirstItrOnEntry;
boolean isFirstItrOnKey() {
return this.isFirstItrOnKey;
public List getAllDependentIterators() {
return this.fromIterators;
* Checks the limit for the resultset for distinct and non-distinct queries separately. In case of
* non-distinct distinct elements size of result-set is matched against limit passed in as an
* argument.
* @return true if limit is satisfied.
boolean verifyLimit(Collection result, int limit) {
return limit > 0 && result.size() == limit;
* This will verify the consistency between RegionEntry and IndexEntry. RangeIndex has following
* entry structure,
* IndexKey --> [RegionEntry, [Iterator1, Iterator2....., IteratorN]]
* Where Iterator1 to IteratorN are iterators defined in index from clause.
* For example: "/portfolio p, p.positions.values pos" from clause has two iterators where p is
* independent iterator and pos is dependent iterator.
* Query iterators can be a subset, superset or exact match of index iterators. But we take query
* iterators which are matching with index iterators to evaluate RegionEntry for new value and
* compare it with index value which could be a plain object or a Struct.
* Note: Struct evaluated from RegionEntry can NOT have more field values than Index Value Struct
* as we filter out iterators in query context before evaluating Struct from RegionEntry.
* @return True if Region and Index entries are consistent.
// package-private to avoid synthetic accessor
boolean verifyEntryAndIndexValue(RegionEntry re, Object value, ExecutionContext context) {
IMQEvaluator evaluator = (IMQEvaluator) getEvaluator();
List valuesInRegion = null;
Object valueInIndex = null;
try {
// In a RegionEntry key and Entry itself can not be modified else RegionEntry itself will
// change. So no need to verify anything just return true.
if (evaluator.isFirstItrOnKey()) {
return true;
} else if (evaluator.isFirstItrOnEntry()) {
valuesInRegion = evaluateIndexIteratorsFromRE(re, context);
valueInIndex = verifyAndGetPdxDomainObject(value);
} else {
RegionEntryContext regionEntryContext = context.getPartitionedRegion() != null
? context.getPartitionedRegion() : (RegionEntryContext) region;
Object val = re.getValueInVM(regionEntryContext);
if (val instanceof CachedDeserializable) {
val = ((CachedDeserializable) val).getDeserializedValue(getRegion(), re);
val = verifyAndGetPdxDomainObject(val);
valueInIndex = verifyAndGetPdxDomainObject(value);
valuesInRegion = evaluateIndexIteratorsFromRE(val, context);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
"Exception occurred while verifying a Region Entry value during a Query when the Region Entry is under update operation",
// We could have many index keys available in one Region entry or just one.
if (!valuesInRegion.isEmpty()) {
for (Object valueInRegion : valuesInRegion) {
if (compareStructWithNonStruct(valueInRegion, valueInIndex)) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
// Seems like value has been invalidated.
return false;
* This method compares two objects in which one could be StructType and other ObjectType. Fur
* conditions are possible, Object1 -> Struct Object2-> Struct Object1 -> Struct Object2-> Object
* Object1 -> Object Object2-> Struct Object1 -> Object Object2-> Object
* @return true if valueInRegion's all objects are part of valueInIndex.
private boolean compareStructWithNonStruct(Object valueInRegion, Object valueInIndex) {
if (valueInRegion instanceof Struct && valueInIndex instanceof Struct) {
Object[] regFields = ((StructImpl) valueInRegion).getFieldValues();
List indFields = Arrays.asList(((StructImpl) valueInIndex).getFieldValues());
for (Object regField : regFields) {
if (!indFields.contains(regField)) {
return false;
return true;
} else if (valueInRegion instanceof Struct) {
Object[] fields = ((StructImpl) valueInRegion).getFieldValues();
for (Object field : fields) {
if (field.equals(valueInIndex)) {
return true;
} else if (valueInIndex instanceof Struct) {
Object[] fields = ((StructImpl) valueInIndex).getFieldValues();
for (Object field : fields) {
if (field.equals(valueInRegion)) {
return true;
} else {
return valueInRegion.equals(valueInIndex);
return false;
* Returns evaluated collection for dependent runtime iterator for this index from clause and
* given RegionEntry.
* @param context passed here is query context.
* @return Evaluated second level collection.
private List evaluateIndexIteratorsFromRE(Object value, ExecutionContext context)
throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException, NameResolutionException,
QueryInvocationTargetException {
// We need NonTxEntry to call getValue() on it. RegionEntry does
// NOT have public getValue() method.
if (value instanceof RegionEntry) {
value = new NonTXEntry((LocalRegion) getRegion(), (RegionEntry) value);
// Get all Independent and dependent iterators for this Index.
List itrs = getAllDependentRuntimeIterators(context);
return evaluateLastColl(value, context, itrs, 0);
private List evaluateLastColl(Object value, ExecutionContext context, List itrs, int level)
throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException, NameResolutionException,
QueryInvocationTargetException {
// A tuple is a value generated from RegionEntry value which could be a StructType (Multiple
// Dependent Iterators) or ObjectType (Single Iterator) value.
List tuples = new ArrayList(1);
RuntimeIterator currItrator = (RuntimeIterator) itrs.get(level);
// If its last iterator then just evaluate final struct.
if (itrs.size() - 1 == level) {
if (itrs.size() > 1) {
Object[] tuple = new Object[itrs.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < itrs.size(); i++) {
RuntimeIterator iter = (RuntimeIterator) itrs.get(i);
tuple[i] = iter.evaluate(context);
// Its ok to pass type as null as we are only interested in values.
tuples.add(new StructImpl(new StructTypeImpl(), tuple));
} else {
} else {
// Not the last iterator.
RuntimeIterator nextItr = (RuntimeIterator) itrs.get(level + 1);
Collection nextLevelValues = nextItr.evaluateCollection(context);
// If value is null or INVALID then the evaluated collection would be Null.
if (nextLevelValues != null) {
for (Object nextLevelValue : nextLevelValues) {
tuples.addAll(evaluateLastColl(nextLevelValue, context, itrs, level + 1));
return tuples;
* Matches the Collection reference in given context for this index's from-clause in all current
* independent collection references associated to the context. For example, if a join Query has
* "/region1 p, region2 e" from clause context contains two region references for p and e and
* Index could be used for any of those of both of those regions.
* Note: This Index contains its own from clause definition which corresponds to a region
* collection reference in given context and must be contained at 0th index in
* {@link AbstractIndex#canonicalizedDefinitions}.
* @return {@link RuntimeIterator} this should not be null ever.
RuntimeIterator getRuntimeIteratorForThisIndex(ExecutionContext context) {
List<RuntimeIterator> indItrs = context.getCurrentIterators();
Region rgn = this.getRegion();
if (rgn instanceof BucketRegion) {
rgn = ((Bucket) rgn).getPartitionedRegion();
String regionPath = rgn.getFullPath();
String definition = this.getCanonicalizedIteratorDefinitions()[0];
for (RuntimeIterator itr : indItrs) {
if (itr.getDefinition().equals(regionPath) || itr.getDefinition().equals(definition)) {
return itr;
return null;
* Similar to {@link #getRuntimeIteratorForThisIndex(ExecutionContext)} except that this one also
* matches the iterator name if present with alias used in the {@link IndexInfo}
* @return {@link RuntimeIterator}
RuntimeIterator getRuntimeIteratorForThisIndex(ExecutionContext context, IndexInfo info) {
List<RuntimeIterator> indItrs = context.getCurrentIterators();
Region rgn = this.getRegion();
if (rgn instanceof BucketRegion) {
rgn = ((Bucket) rgn).getPartitionedRegion();
String regionPath = rgn.getFullPath();
String definition = this.getCanonicalizedIteratorDefinitions()[0];
for (RuntimeIterator itr : indItrs) {
if (itr.getDefinition().equals(regionPath) || itr.getDefinition().equals(definition)) {
// if iterator has name alias must be used in the query
if (itr.getName() != null) {
CompiledValue path = info._path();
// match the iterator name with alias
String pathName = getReceiverNameFromPath(path);
if (path.getType() == OQLLexerTokenTypes.Identifier || itr.getName().equals(pathName)) {
return itr;
} else {
return itr;
return null;
private String getReceiverNameFromPath(CompiledValue path) {
if (path instanceof CompiledID) {
return ((CompiledID) path).getId();
} else if (path instanceof CompiledPath) {
return getReceiverNameFromPath(path.getReceiver());
} else if (path instanceof CompiledOperation) {
return getReceiverNameFromPath(path.getReceiver());
} else if (path instanceof CompiledIndexOperation) {
return getReceiverNameFromPath(path.getReceiver());
return "";
* Take all independent iterators from context and remove the one which matches for this Index's
* independent iterator. Then get all Dependent iterators from given context for this Index's
* independent iterator.
* @param context from executing query.
* @return List of all iterators pertaining to this Index.
private List getAllDependentRuntimeIterators(ExecutionContext context) {
List<RuntimeIterator> indItrs = context
List<String> definitions = Arrays.asList(this.getCanonicalizedIteratorDefinitions());
// These are the common iterators between query from clause and index from clause.
List itrs = new ArrayList();
for (RuntimeIterator itr : indItrs) {
if (definitions.contains(itr.getDefinition())) {
return itrs;
* This map is not thread-safe. We rely on the fact that every thread which is trying to update
* this kind of map (In Indexes), must have RegionEntry lock before adding OR removing elements.
* This map does NOT provide an iterator. To iterate over its element caller has to get inside the
* map itself through addValuesToCollection() calls.
class RegionEntryToValuesMap {
protected Map map;
private final boolean useList;
volatile int numValues;
RegionEntryToValuesMap(boolean useList) { = new ConcurrentHashMap(2, 0.75f, 1);
this.useList = useList;
RegionEntryToValuesMap(Map map, boolean useList) { = map;
this.useList = useList;
* We do NOT use any locks here as every add is for a RegionEntry which is locked before coming
* here. No two threads can be entering in this method together for a RegionEntry.
public void add(RegionEntry entry, Object value) {
assert value != null;
// Values must NOT be null and ConcurrentHashMap does not support null values.
if (value == null) {
Object object =;
if (object == null) {, value);
} else if (object instanceof Collection) {
Collection coll = (Collection) object;
// If its a list query might get ConcurrentModificationException.
// This can only happen for Null mapped or Undefined entries in a
// RangeIndex. So we are synchronizing on ArrayList.
if (this.useList) {
synchronized (coll) {
} else {
} else {
Collection coll = this.useList ? new ArrayList(2) : new IndexConcurrentHashSet(2, 0.75f, 1);
coll.add(value);, coll);
public void addAll(RegionEntry entry, Collection values) {
Object object =;
if (object == null) {
Collection coll = this.useList ? new ArrayList(values.size())
: new IndexConcurrentHashSet(values.size(), 0.75f, 1);
coll.addAll(values);, coll);
atomicUpdater.addAndGet(this, values.size());
} else if (object instanceof Collection) {
Collection coll = (Collection) object;
// If its a list query might get ConcurrentModificationException.
// This can only happen for Null mapped or Undefined entries in a
// RangeIndex. So we are synchronizing on ArrayList.
if (this.useList) {
synchronized (coll) {
} else {
} else {
Collection coll = this.useList ? new ArrayList(values.size() + 1)
: new IndexConcurrentHashSet(values.size() + 1, 0.75f, 1);
coll.add(object);, coll);
atomicUpdater.addAndGet(this, values.size());
public Object get(RegionEntry entry) {
* We do NOT use any locks here as every remove is for a RegionEntry which is locked before
* coming here. No two threads can be entering in this method together for a RegionEntry.
public void remove(RegionEntry entry, Object value) {
Object object =;
if (object == null)
if (object instanceof Collection) {
Collection coll = (Collection) object;
boolean removed;
// If its a list query might get ConcurrentModificationException.
// This can only happen for Null mapped or Undefined entries in a
// RangeIndex. So we are synchronizing on ArrayList.
if (this.useList) {
synchronized (coll) {
removed = coll.remove(value);
} else {
removed = coll.remove(value);
if (removed) {
if (coll.size() == 0) {;
} else {
if (object.equals(value)) {;
public Object remove(RegionEntry entry) {
Object retVal =;
if (retVal != null) {
retVal instanceof Collection ? -((Collection) retVal).size() : -1);
return retVal;
int getNumValues(RegionEntry entry) {
Object object =;
if (object == null)
return 0;
if (object instanceof Collection) {
Collection coll = (Collection) object;
return coll.size();
} else {
return 1;
public int getNumValues() {
return atomicUpdater.get(this);
public int getNumEntries() {
void addValuesToCollection(Collection result, int limit, ExecutionContext context) {
for (final Object o : {
// Check if query execution on this thread is canceled.
if (this.verifyLimit(result, limit, context)) {
Entry e = (Entry) o;
Object value = e.getValue();
assert value != null;
RegionEntry re = (RegionEntry) e.getKey();
boolean reUpdateInProgress = re.isUpdateInProgress();
if (value instanceof Collection) {
// If its a list query might get ConcurrentModificationException.
// This can only happen for Null mapped or Undefined entries in a
// RangeIndex. So we are synchronizing on ArrayList.
if (this.useList) {
synchronized (value) {
for (Object val : (Iterable) value) {
// Compare the value in index with in RegionEntry.
if (!reUpdateInProgress || verifyEntryAndIndexValue(re, val, context)) {
if (limit != -1) {
if (result.size() == limit) {
} else {
for (Object val : (Iterable) value) {
// Compare the value in index with in RegionEntry.
if (!reUpdateInProgress || verifyEntryAndIndexValue(re, val, context)) {
if (limit != -1) {
if (this.verifyLimit(result, limit, context)) {
} else {
if (!reUpdateInProgress || verifyEntryAndIndexValue(re, value, context)) {
if (context.isCqQueryContext()) {
result.add(new CqEntry(((RegionEntry) e.getKey()).getKey(), value));
} else {
void addValuesToCollection(Collection result, CompiledValue iterOp, RuntimeIterator runtimeItr,
ExecutionContext context, List projAttrib, SelectResults intermediateResults,
boolean isIntersection, int limit) throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException,
NameResolutionException, QueryInvocationTargetException {
if (this.verifyLimit(result, limit, context)) {
for (Object o : {
// Check if query execution on this thread is canceled.
Entry e = (Entry) o;
Object value = e.getValue();
// Key is a RegionEntry here.
RegionEntry entry = (RegionEntry) e.getKey();
if (value != null) {
boolean reUpdateInProgress = false;
if (entry.isUpdateInProgress()) {
reUpdateInProgress = true;
if (value instanceof Collection) {
// If its a list query might get ConcurrentModificationException.
// This can only happen for Null mapped or Undefined entries in a
// RangeIndex. So we are synchronizing on ArrayList.
if (this.useList) {
synchronized (value) {
for (Object o1 : ((Iterable) value)) {
boolean ok = true;
if (reUpdateInProgress) {
// Compare the value in index with value in RegionEntry.
ok = verifyEntryAndIndexValue(entry, o1, context);
if (ok && runtimeItr != null) {
ok = QueryUtils.applyCondition(iterOp, context);
if (ok) {
applyProjection(projAttrib, context, result, o1, intermediateResults,
if (limit != -1 && result.size() == limit) {
} else {
for (Object o1 : ((Iterable) value)) {
boolean ok = true;
if (reUpdateInProgress) {
// Compare the value in index with value in RegionEntry.
ok = verifyEntryAndIndexValue(entry, o1, context);
if (ok && runtimeItr != null) {
ok = QueryUtils.applyCondition(iterOp, context);
if (ok) {
applyProjection(projAttrib, context, result, o1, intermediateResults,
if (this.verifyLimit(result, limit, context)) {
} else {
boolean ok = true;
if (reUpdateInProgress) {
// Compare the value in index with in RegionEntry.
ok = verifyEntryAndIndexValue(entry, value, context);
if (ok && runtimeItr != null) {
ok = QueryUtils.applyCondition(iterOp, context);
if (ok) {
if (context.isCqQueryContext()) {
result.add(new CqEntry(((RegionEntry) e.getKey()).getKey(), value));
} else {
applyProjection(projAttrib, context, result, value, intermediateResults,
private boolean verifyLimit(Collection result, int limit, ExecutionContext context) {
if (limit > 0) {
if (!context.isDistinct()) {
return result.size() == limit;
} else if (result.size() == limit) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean containsEntry(RegionEntry entry) {
public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Not yet implemented");
public void clear() {;
atomicUpdater.set(this, 0);
public Set entrySet() {
* This replaces a key's value along with updating the numValues correctly.
public void replace(RegionEntry entry, Object values) {
int numOldValues = getNumValues(entry);, values);
(values instanceof Collection ? ((Collection) values).size() : 1) - numOldValues);
* This will populate resultSet from both type of indexes, {@link CompactRangeIndex} and
* {@link RangeIndex}.
void populateListForEquiJoin(List list, Object outerEntries, Object innerEntries,
ExecutionContext context, Object key) throws FunctionDomainException, TypeMismatchException,
NameResolutionException, QueryInvocationTargetException {
Assert.assertTrue(outerEntries != null && innerEntries != null,
"OuterEntries or InnerEntries must not be null");
Object[][] values = new Object[2][];
Iterator itr = null;
int j = 0;
while (j < 2) {
boolean isRangeIndex = false;
if (j == 0) {
if (outerEntries instanceof RegionEntryToValuesMap) {
itr = ((RegionEntryToValuesMap) outerEntries).map.entrySet().iterator();
isRangeIndex = true;
} else if (outerEntries instanceof CloseableIterator) {
itr = (Iterator) outerEntries;
} else {
if (innerEntries instanceof RegionEntryToValuesMap) {
itr = ((RegionEntryToValuesMap) innerEntries).map.entrySet().iterator();
isRangeIndex = true;
} else if (innerEntries instanceof CloseableIterator) {
itr = (Iterator) innerEntries;
// extract the values from the RegionEntries
List dummy = new ArrayList();
RegionEntry re = null;
IndexStoreEntry ie = null;
Object val = null;
Object entryVal = null;
IndexInfo[] indexInfo = (IndexInfo[]) context.cacheGet(CompiledValue.INDEX_INFO);
IndexInfo indInfo = indexInfo[j];
while (itr.hasNext()) {
if (isRangeIndex) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
val = entry.getValue();
if (val instanceof Collection) {
entryVal = ((Iterable) val).iterator().next();
} else {
entryVal = val;
re = (RegionEntry) entry.getKey();
} else {
ie = (IndexStoreEntry);
// Bug#41010: We need to verify if Inner and Outer Entries
// are consistent with index key values.
boolean ok = true;
if (isRangeIndex) {
if (re.isUpdateInProgress()) {
ok = ((RangeIndex) indInfo._getIndex()).verifyEntryAndIndexValue(re, entryVal, context);
} else if (ie.isUpdateInProgress()) {
ok = ((CompactRangeIndex) indInfo._getIndex()).verifyInnerAndOuterEntryValues(ie, context,
indInfo, key);
if (ok) {
if (isRangeIndex) {
if (val instanceof Collection) {
dummy.addAll((Collection) val);
} else {
} else {
if (IndexManager.IS_TEST_EXPANSION) {
dummy.addAll(((CompactRangeIndex) indInfo._getIndex()).expandValue(context, key, null,
OQLLexerTokenTypes.TOK_EQ, -1, ie.getDeserializedValue()));
} else {
Object[] newValues = new Object[dummy.size()];
values[j++] = newValues;
* Sets the isIndexedPdxKeys flag indicating if all the keys in the index are Strings or
* PdxStrings. Also sets another flag isIndexedPdxKeysFlagSet that indicates isIndexedPdxKeys has
* been set/reset to avoid frequent calculation of map size
synchronized void setPdxStringFlag(Object key) {
// For Null and Undefined keys do not set the isIndexedPdxKeysFlagSet flag
if (isIndexedPdxKeysFlagSet || key == null || key == IndexManager.NULL
|| key == QueryService.UNDEFINED) {
if (!this.isIndexedPdxKeys) {
if (key instanceof PdxString && this.region.getAttributes().getCompressor() == null) {
this.isIndexedPdxKeys = true;
this.isIndexedPdxKeysFlagSet = true;
* Converts Strings to PdxStrings and vice-versa based on the isIndexedPdxKeys flag
* @return PdxString or String based on isIndexedPdxKeys flag
Object getPdxStringForIndexedPdxKeys(Object key) {
if (this.isIndexedPdxKeys) {
if (key instanceof String) {
return new PdxString((String) key);
} else if (key instanceof PdxString) {
return key.toString();
return key;
boolean acquireIndexReadLockForRemove() {
boolean success = this.removeIndexLock.readLock().tryLock();
if (success) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Acquired read lock on index {}", this.getName());
return success;
public void releaseIndexReadLockForRemove() {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Released read lock on index {}", this.getName());
* This makes current thread wait until all query threads are done using it.
public void acquireIndexWriteLockForRemove() {
final boolean isDebugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled();
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Acquiring write lock on Index {}", this.getName());
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Acquired write lock on index {}", this.getName());
public void releaseIndexWriteLockForRemove() {
final boolean isDebugEnabled = logger.isDebugEnabled();
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Releasing write lock on Index {}", this.getName());
if (isDebugEnabled) {
logger.debug("Released write lock on Index {}", this.getName());
public boolean isPopulated() {
return this.isPopulated;
public void setPopulated(boolean isPopulated) {
this.isPopulated = isPopulated;
boolean isIndexOnPdxKeys() {
return isIndexedPdxKeys;