blob: 19e2306c004aa8848eefd326a767de31c5595215 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
require 'rest_client'
require 'csv'
require 'json/ext'
rapportive_token = "BAgiX3BYOTZUVXlNalExclVBNWIyazVNcjBxK3UzdURNUnovTXVTamRZVTVmRmNsakw5WGZrUHJIYXFRaVV2YkRYaGctLWNFQjJLUmZNam05cjdmZDEzVGFPL3c9PQ==--71d66f8c1b8eafb0a8f31691b55b95fbce58857a"
rapportive_qs = "?viewport_height=325&view_type=cv&"
places = {}
# CSV.foreach("usergrid.csv") do |row|
# begin
# next if row[0].start_with?('Members ')
# next if row[0].start_with?('Email ')
# email = row[0]
# #puts email
# response = RestClient.get "{URI.escape(email)}#{rapportive_qs}", {"user-agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36", "origin" => "", "referer" => "", "x-session-token" => rapportive_token}
# rapportive = JSON.parse(response.to_str)
# next unless rapportive['contact']['location']
# location = rapportive['contact']['location'].gsub(/\sBay\sArea$/,'').gsub(' Area,',',').gsub(/\sArea$/,'').gsub(/^Greater\s/,'')
# puts location
# places[location] ? places[location] += 1 : places[location] = 1
# rescue => e
# puts e
# sleep 10
# retry
# end
# end
# places.each do |place, count|
# puts "\"#{place}\",#{count}"
# end
places2 = {"Sydney, Australia"=>2, "Provo, Utah"=>1, "San Francisco Bay"=>27, "Bay of Plenty, New Zealand"=>1, "Kenya"=>1, "Istanbul, Turkey"=>2, "Iasi County, Romania"=>1, "Vancouver, Canada"=>2, "United Kingdom"=>3, "Jacksonville, Florida"=>1, "Austin, Texas"=>6, "Brazil"=>1, "Hartford, Connecticut"=>2, "Dublin"=>1, "Melbourne, Australia"=>1, "Egypt"=>1, "Los Angeles"=>7, "Seoul, Korea"=>1, "Sri Lanka"=>2, "Denver"=>6, "Quebec, Canada"=>1, "New York City"=>5, "Minneapolis-St. Paul"=>1, "Turkey"=>2, "Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina"=>3, "Korea"=>4, "Jakarta Selatan"=>1, "Sarasota, Florida"=>1, "Bologna, Italy"=>1, "Philadelphia"=>2, "United States"=>1, "Fort Collins, CO"=>2, "Toronto, Canada"=>2, "Seattle"=>6, "Israel"=>1, "Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom"=>1, "Valencia, Spain"=>1, "London, United Kingdom"=>2, "Washington D.C. Metro"=>1, "Phoenix, Arizona"=>2, "Portland, Oregon"=>1, "Madison, Wisconsin"=>1, "Greensboro/Winston-Salem, North Carolina"=>1, "San Francisco, CA"=>1, "Penang, Malaysia"=>1, "Asheville, North Carolina"=>1, "China"=>1, "Santa Barbara, California"=>1, "Singapore"=>2, "Norfolk, Virginia"=>1, "Hong Kong"=>3, "Paris, France"=>1, "Madrid, Spain"=>1, "Pune, India"=>3, "nashville, TN"=>1, "Dublin, Ireland"=>1, "Miami/Fort Lauderdale"=>1, "Detroit"=>1, "720 32nd St, Oakland, CA 94609"=>1, "Pensacola, Florida"=>1, "Bucharest, Romania"=>1, "Cleveland/Akron, Ohio"=>1, "Bengaluru, India"=>7, "Ireland"=>1, "Socorro, New Mexico"=>1, "Peru"=>1, "Copenhagen, Denmark"=>1, "Somewhere"=>1, "Istanbul, Turkey"=>1, "Shanghai City, China"=>1, "Atlanta"=>2, "Thiruvananthapuram, India"=>1, "Chennai, Tamil Nadu"=>1, "Melbourne, Florida"=>1, "Maryland"=>1, "Hyderabad, India"=>1, "Sao Paulo, Brazil"=>1, "Utrecht, Netherlands"=>1, "Parbhani, India"=>1, "Mumbai, India"=>1, "Bangalore, Karnataka, India"=>1, "Porto, Portugal"=>1, "Beijing, China"=>1, "Boston"=>1, "Dallas/Fort Worth"=>1, "Greece"=>1, "Mountains"=>1, "Stanford, California"=>1, "Japan"=>1}
countries = {}
places2.each do |place, count|
response = RestClient.get "{URI.escape(place)}&sensor=false"
j = JSON.parse(response.to_str)
geocoding = j["results"][0]["geometry"]
j["results"][0]["address_components"].each do |c|
next unless c["types"].include?("country")
countries[c["short_name"]] ? countries[c["short_name"]] += 1 : countries[c["short_name"]] = 1
#puts "new google.maps.Marker({\nmap:map,\nanimation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,\nposition: new google.maps.LatLng(#{geocoding['location']['lat']},#{geocoding['location']['lng']})\n});"
sleep 0.1
rescue => e
puts e
puts "Found #{countries.size} countries"