
This document assumes you have followed the Apache Geode Code contribution instructions

Building the code


Next steps

  • Make your changes/add your feature/fix a bug.
  • Test your feature branch changes.
  • Check your formatting.
  • Submit a pull request.


Before submitting a pull request the unit and integration tests must all pass. We are using CTest for running tests (please see the CTest documentation for further information) and Google Test as testing framework.

Running unit tests

$ cd <clone>
$ cd build
$ cd cppcache/test/<Debug|Release|if needed>
$ ./apache-geode_unittests

Running integration tests

There are two test suites of integration tests based on different testing frameworks. The old integration tests (stored in geode-native/cppcache/integration-test) are based on a custom testing framework, and the newer ones (stored in geode-native/cppcache/integration/test) are based on Google Test.

Old integration tests are deprecated. If your changes include the implementation of new integration test/s to be verified, they should be written using Google Test. If your change implies a significant change in one or more old test cases, you should create the equivalent test case/s using Google Test to substitute the old one/s instead of adapting them.

Both integration test suites can be executed together using CTest.

Running old integration test suite

$ cd build/cppcache/integration-test
$ ctest --timeout 2000 -L STABLE -C <Debug|Release> -j1

Execution will take 2 hours approximately. It is possible to increase the number of jobs changing the value of -j parameter (up to 4) for running tests in parallel, although it may end up with failed tests that will need to be re-run sequentially. Standalone tests can also be run as follows:

$ cd build/cppcache/integration-test
$ ctest -R <test_name> -C <Debug|Release>

For example: $ ctest --timeout 2000 -L STABLE -C Release -R testCacheless -j1

.NET integration tests can be executed similarly from build/clicache/integration-test.

Running Google Test integration test suite

$ cd <clone>
$ cd build/cppcache/integration/test
$ ctest -j1

It is possible to increase the number of jobs changing the value of -j parameter for running tests in parallel, although it may end up with failed tests that will need to be re-run sequentially. Standalone tests can also be run as follows:

$ cd <clone>
$ cd build/cppcache/integration/test
$ ctest -R <test_name> -j1

For example: $ ctest -R AuthInitializeTest.putGetWithBasicAuth -j1

Notice that BasicIPv6Test test is expected to fail due to IPv6 support is disabled by default. explains how to enable it.


Formatting C++

For C++ it is required to follow the Google C++ Style Guide and have a build target that uses clang-format to achieve compliance.

$ clang-format -i --style=file <PATH_TO_FILES>


When writing new or refactoring old code please make the following changes.

  • Prefer the use of auto C++ or var in C# where applicable.

    std::vector<Cars> cars = lot.getCars();

    should be changed to

    auto cars = lot.getCars();
  • Prefer range for loops over traditional for loops where applicable.

    for (std::vector<Car>::iterator i = cars.begin(); i != cars.end(), ++i) {
      Car car = *i;
      std::cout << car.getName();

    should be changed to

    for (const auto& car : cars) {
      std::cout << car.getName();
  • Fix bad variable names. Variable names should be expressive.

    double i = car.getFuelLevel();

    should be changed to

    auto fuelLevel = car.getFuelLevel();
  • Use override on all method overrides.

    Given a base class

    class Base {
      virtual ~Base();
      virtual virtualMethod();
      virtual pureVirtualMethod() = 0;

    the derived class

    class Derived : public Base {
      virtual ~Derived();
      virtual virtualMethod();
      virtual pureVirtualMethod();

    should be changed to

    class Derived : public Base {
      ~Derived() override;
      virtualMethod() override;
      pureVirtualMethod() override;
  • Fix std::string::c_str() calls where passed to std::string parameters.

    auto name = std::string("Delorean");

    should be changed to

    auto name = std::string("Delorean");
  • Replace sprintf for logging messages with std::string or std::stringstream.

    char[1024] buffer;
    sprintf(buffer, "Car::crashed: name=%s", car.getName().c_str());

    should be changed to

    LOG("Car::crashed: name=" + car.getName());
  • Replace dynamic_cast on std::shared_ptr with std::dynamic_pointer_cast. Same goes for static_cast to std::static_pointer_cast, etc.

    std::shared_ptr<Car> car = garage.getCar();
    Delorean* delorean = dynamic_cast<Delorean*>(car.get());
    if (nullptr != delorean) {

    should be changed to

    auto car = garage.getCar();
    if (auto delorean = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Delorean>(car)) {