DataSerializable example

This is a simple example showing how to register for serialization of custom objects using the DataSerializable class.


  • An installation of Apache Geode.
  • Apache Geode Native, built and installed.
  • Apache Geode Native examples, built and installed.
  • A GEODE_HOME environment variable set to the location of the Apache Geode installation.
  • GEODE_HOME/bin in the execution path.


  1. Set the current directory to the dataserializable directory in your example workspace.
$ cd workspace/examples/cpp/dataserializable
  1. Run the script to start the Geode server, create a region, and populate the region with sample data.
$ sh ./

(1) Executing - start locator --name=locator
(2) Executing - start server --name=server
(3) Executing - create region --name=custom_orders --type=PARTITION

Member | Status
------ | -------------------------------------------
server | Region "/custom_orders" created on "server"
  1. Execute dataserializable:
$ build/dataserializable
Create orders
Storing orders in the region
Getting the orders from the region
OrderID: 1
Product Name: product x
Quantity: 23
OrderID: 2
Product Name: product y
Quantity: 37
  1. Stop the server
$ sh ./
(1) Executing - connect
(2) Executing - destroy region --name=custom_orders

Member | Status
------ | ----------------------------------------------
server | Region '/custom_orders' destroyed successfully
(2) Executing - stop server --name=server
(3) Executing - stop locator --name=locator