blob: 103650a9ff336d8d5d06372795250a8030434e27 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
// These definitions are to help parsing by Doxygen.
/// @file geode_defs.hpp
/// API documentation helper file for the Doxygen source-comment-extraction tool.
#define STATICCLASS abstract sealed
#define GFINDEXER(x) default[ x ]
// Disable XML warnings
#pragma warning(disable: 4635)
#pragma warning(disable: 4638)
#pragma warning(disable: 4641)
// Disable native code generation warning
#pragma warning(disable: 4793)
// Disable Native Conditional Unique warning
#pragma warning(disable: 4383)
// C4103alignment changed after including header, may be due to missing #pragma pack(pop)
#pragma warning(disable: 4103)
// These provide Doxygen with namespace and file descriptions.
/// @namespace Apache::Geode
/// This namespace contains all the Geode .NET classes and utility classes.
/// @namespace Apache::Geode::Client
/// This namespace contains all the Geode .NET Generics API classes and enumerations.
/// @namespace Apache::Geode::Client::Internal
/// This namespace contains internal Geode non-public .NET classes.
/// @namespace Apache::Geode::Client::Template
/// This namespace contains internal Geode .NET template classes.
/// @file geode_includes.hpp
/// Provides a commonly-used set of include directives.
/// @file RegionAttributesFactory.hpp
/// Declares the RegionAttributesFactory class.
/// @file AttributesMutator.hpp
/// Declares the AttributesMutator class.
/// @file CacheAttributes.hpp
/// Declares the CacheAttributes class.
/// @file CacheAttributesFactory.hpp
/// Declares the CacheAttributesFactory class.
/// @file CacheableBuiltins.hpp
/// Declares the CacheableBuiltinKey and CacheableBuiltinArray
/// template classes and their instantiations for CacheableBoolean,
/// CacheableByte, CacheableDouble, CacheableFloat, CacheableInt16,
/// CacheableInt32, CacheableInt64, CacheableBytes, CacheableDoubleArray,
/// CacheableFloatArray, CacheableInt16Array, CacheableInt32Array,
/// CacheableInt64Array, BooleanArray and CharArray
/// @file CacheableBuiltins.hpp
/// Declared the built-in Geode serializable types.
/// @file CacheableDate.hpp
/// Declares the CacheableDate class.
/// @file CacheableFileName.hpp
/// Declares the CacheableFileName class.
/// @file CacheableHashMap.hpp
/// Declares the CacheableHashMap class.
/// @file CacheableHashSet.hpp
/// Declares the CacheableHashSet class.
/// @file CacheableKey.hpp
/// Declares the CacheableKey class.
/// @file CacheableObject.hpp
/// Declares the CacheableObject class.
/// @file CacheableObjectXml.hpp
/// Declares the CacheableObjectXml class.
/// @file CacheableString.hpp
/// Declares the CacheableString class.
/// @file CacheableStringArray.hpp
/// Declares the CacheableStringArray class.
/// @file CacheableUndefined.hpp
/// Declares the CacheableUndefined class.
/// @file CacheableVector.hpp
/// Declares the CacheableVector class.
/// @file CacheFactory.hpp
/// Declares the CacheFactory class.
/// @file Cache.hpp
/// Declares the Cache class.
/// @file CacheStatistics.hpp
/// Declares the CacheStatistics class.
/// @file CacheStatistics.hpp
/// Declares the CacheStatistics class.
/// @file DataInput.hpp
/// Declares the DataInput class.
/// @file DataOutput.hpp
/// Declares the DataOutput class.
/// @file DiskPolicyType.hpp
/// Declares the DiskPolicyType enumeration and DiskPolicy class.
/// @file DistributedSystem.hpp
/// Declares the DistributedSystem class.
/// @file EntryEvent.hpp
/// Declares the EntryEvent class.
/// @file ExceptionTypes.hpp
/// Declares the Geode exception type classes.
/// @file ExpirationAction.hpp
/// Declares the ExpirationAction enumeration and Expiration class.
/// @file IRegionService.hpp
/// Declares the IRegionService interface.
/// @file IRegionService.hpp
/// Declares the IRegionService interface.
/// @file IGeodeCache.hpp
/// Declares the IGeodeCache interface.
/// @file IGeodeCache.hpp
/// Declares the IGeodeCache interface.
/// @file ICacheableKey.hpp
/// Declares the ICacheableKey interface.
/// @file ICacheListener.hpp
/// Declares the ICacheListener interface.
/// @file ICacheListener.hpp
/// Declares the ICacheListener interface.
/// @file IPartitionResolver.hpp
/// Declares the IPartitionResolver interface.
/// @file IFixedPartitionResolver.hpp
/// Declares the IFixedPartitionResolver interface.
/// @file IPartitionResolver.hpp
/// Declares the IPartitionResolver interface.
/// @file IFixedPartitionResolver.hpp
/// Declares the IFixedPartitionResolver interface.
/// @file ICacheLoader.hpp
/// Declares the ICacheLoader interface.
/// @file ICacheWriter.hpp
/// Declares the ICacheWriter interface.
/// @file ICacheLoader.hpp
/// Declares the ICacheLoader interface.
/// @file ICacheWriter.hpp
/// Declares the ICacheWriter interface.
/// @file ISerializable.hpp
/// Declares the ISerializable interface.
/// @file ISelectResults.hpp
/// Declares the ISelectResults interface.
/// @file Log.hpp
/// Declares the Log class.
/// @file Log.hpp
/// Declares the Log class.
/// @file Properties.hpp
/// Declares the Properties class.
/// @file RegionShortcut.hpp
/// Declares the RegionShortcut enum class.
/// @file Query.hpp
/// Declares the Query class.
/// @file QueryService.hpp
/// Declares the QueryService class.
/// @file Region.hpp
/// Declares the Region class.
/// @file Region.hpp
/// Declares the Region class.
/// @file Region.hpp
/// Declares the Region class.
/// @file RegionEntry.hpp
/// Declares the RegionEntry class.
/// @file RegionEntry.hpp
/// Declares the RegionEntry class.
/// @file RegionEvent.hpp
/// Declares the RegionEvent class.
/// @file ResultSet.hpp
/// Declares the ResultSet class.
/// @file ScopeType.hpp
/// Declares the ScopeType enumeration and Scope class.
/// @file SelectResultsIterator.hpp
/// Declares the SelectResultsIterator class.
/// @file Serializable.hpp
/// Declares the Serializable class.
/// @file StructSet.hpp
/// Declares the StructSet class.
/// @file Struct.hpp
/// Declares the Struct class.
/// @file SystemProperties.hpp
/// Declares the SystemProperties class.
/// @file SystemProperties.hpp
/// Declares the SystemProperties class.
/// @file Utils.hpp
/// Declares the Utils class.
/// @file UserFunctionExecutionException.hpp
/// Declares the UserFunctionExecutionException class.
/// @file UserFunctionExecutionException.hpp
/// Declares the UserFunctionExecutionException class.
/// @file ICqStatusListener.hpp
/// Declares the ICqStatusListener interface.
/// @file ICqStatusListener.hpp
/// Declares the ICqStatusListener interface.
/// @file IPersistenceManager.hpp
/// Declares the generic IPersistenceManager interface.