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  1. main.cpp

Function-execution example

This is a very simple example showing how to execute a function on the server.
It creates a Cache using the CacheFactory, configures a Pool with a PoolFactory, and configures a Region with a RegionFactory. The startserver script deploys a jar file with several custom functions in it, and the example app executes those functions and prints out the result set(s).


  • An installation of Apache Geode.
  • Apache Geode Native, built and installed.
  • Apache Geode Native examples, built and installed.
  • A GEODE_HOME environment variable set to the location of the Apache Geode installation.
  • GEODE_HOME/bin in the execution path.


  1. Set the current directory to the function-execution directory in your example workspace.
$ cd workspace/examples/cpp/function-execution
  1. Run the script to start the Geode server, create a region, and populate the region with sample data.
$ sh ./

(1) Executing - start locator --name=locator
(2) Executing - start server --name=server
(3) Executing - create region --name=example_userinfo --type=PARTITION

Member | Status
------ | ----------------------------------------------
server | Region "/partition_region" created on "the-server"

(1) Executing - start locator --name=locator

... Locator in /nc_install/examples/cpp/function-execution/locator on[10334] as locator is currently online. Process ID: 63773 Uptime: 2 seconds Geode Version: 1.6.0 Java Version: 1.8.0_162 Log File: /nc_install/examples/cpp/function-execution/locator/locator.log JVM Arguments: -Dgemfire.enable-cluster-configuration=true -Dgemfire.load-cluster-configuration-from-dir=false -Dgemfire.launcher.registerSignalHandlers=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=9223372036854775806 Class-Path: /apache-geode-1.6.0/lib/geode-core-1.6.0.jar:/apache-geode-1.6.0/lib/geode-dependencies.jar

Successfully connected to: JMX Manager [host=, port=1099]

Cluster configuration service is up and running.

(2) Executing - deploy --jar=../../javaobject.jar

(3) Executing - start server --name=the-server --server-port=40404

.... Server in /nc_install/examples/cpp/function-execution/the-server on[40404] as the-server is currently online. Process ID: 63778 Uptime: 5 seconds Geode Version: 1.6.0 Java Version: 1.8.0_162 Log File: /nc_install/examples/cpp/function-execution/the-server/the-server.log JVM Arguments: -Dgemfire.default.locators=[10334] -Dgemfire.start-dev-rest-api=false -Dgemfire.use-cluster-configuration=true -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -KILL %p -Dgemfire.launcher.registerSignalHandlers=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=9223372036854775806 Class-Path: /apache-geode-1.6.0/lib/geode-core-1.6.0.jar:/apache-geode-1.6.0/lib/geode-dependencies.jar

(4) Executing - create region --name=partition_region --type=PARTITION

the-serverRegion “/partition_region” created on “the-server”

(5) Executing - start server --name=the-second-server --server-port=50505

.... Server in /nc_install/examples/cpp/function-execution/the-second-server on[50505] as the-second-server is currently online. Process ID: 63779 Uptime: 4 seconds Geode Version: 1.6.0 Java Version: 1.8.0_162 Log File: /nc_install/examples/cpp/function-execution/the-second-server/the-second-server.log JVM Arguments: -Dgemfire.default.locators=[10334] -Dgemfire.start-dev-rest-api=false -Dgemfire.use-cluster-configuration=true -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -KILL %p -Dgemfire.launcher.registerSignalHandlers=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=9223372036854775806 Class-Path: /apache-geode-1.6.0/lib/geode-core-1.6.0.jar:/apache-geode-1.6.0/lib/geode-dependencies.jar

  1. Execute function-execution:

$./function-execution Created CacheFactory Created the Region test data independent function with result on one server get: result count = 17 get result[0]=VALUE--1 get result[1]=VALUE--3 get result[2]=VALUE--5 get result[3]=VALUE--7 get result[4]=VALUE--9 get result[5]=VALUE--11 get result[6]=VALUE--13 get result[7]=VALUE--15 get result[8]=VALUE--17 get result[9]=VALUE--19 get result[10]=VALUE--21 get result[11]=VALUE--23 get result[12]=VALUE--25 get result[13]=VALUE--27 get result[14]=VALUE--29 get result[15]=VALUE--31 get result[16]=VALUE--33 test data independent function without result on one server test data independent function with result on all servers get: result count = 34 get result[0]=KEY--1 get result[1]=KEY--3 get result[2]=KEY--5 get result[3]=KEY--7 get result[4]=KEY--9 get result[5]=KEY--11 get result[6]=KEY--13 get result[7]=KEY--15 get result[8]=VALUE--17 get result[9]=VALUE--19 get result[10]=VALUE--21 get result[11]=VALUE--23 get result[12]=VALUE--25 get result[13]=VALUE--27 get result[14]=VALUE--29 get result[15]=VALUE--31 get result[16]=VALUE--33 get result[17]=KEY--1 get result[18]=KEY--3 get result[19]=KEY--5 get result[20]=KEY--7 get result[21]=KEY--9 get result[22]=KEY--11 get result[23]=KEY--13 get result[24]=KEY--15 get result[25]=KEY--17 get result[26]=KEY--19 get result[27]=KEY--21 get result[28]=KEY--23 get result[29]=KEY--25 get result[30]=KEY--27 get result[31]=KEY--29 get result[32]=KEY--31 get result[33]=KEY--33 test data independent function without result on all servers test data dependent function with result Execute on Region: result count = 4 Execute on Region: result count = 34 Execute on Region: result[0]=KEY--11 Execute on Region: result[1]=KEY--5 Execute on Region: result[2]=KEY--17 Execute on Region: result[3]=KEY--27 Execute on Region: result[4]=KEY--9 Execute on Region: result[5]=KEY--29 Execute on Region: result[6]=KEY--13 Execute on Region: result[7]=KEY--23 Execute on Region: result[8]=KEY--15 Execute on Region: result[9]=KEY--11 Execute on Region: result[10]=KEY--5 Execute on Region: result[11]=KEY--17 Execute on Region: result[12]=KEY--27 Execute on Region: result[13]=KEY--9 Execute on Region: result[14]=KEY--29 Execute on Region: result[15]=KEY--13 Execute on Region: result[16]=KEY--23 Execute on Region: result[17]=KEY--15 Execute on Region: result[18]=KEY--31 Execute on Region: result[19]=KEY--1 Execute on Region: result[20]=KEY--33 Execute on Region: result[21]=KEY--21 Execute on Region: result[22]=KEY--3 Execute on Region: result[23]=KEY--7 Execute on Region: result[24]=KEY--19 Execute on Region: result[25]=KEY--25 Execute on Region: result[26]=KEY--31 Execute on Region: result[27]=KEY--1 Execute on Region: result[28]=KEY--33 Execute on Region: result[29]=KEY--21 Execute on Region: result[30]=KEY--3 Execute on Region: result[31]=KEY--7 Execute on Region: result[32]=KEY--19 Execute on Region: result[33]=KEY--25 test data dependent function without result Closed the Geode Cache
  1. Stop the server
$ sh ./
(1) Executing - connect
(2) Executing - stop server --name=server
(3) Executing - stop locator --name=locator