transaction example

This is a very simple example showing how to use TransactionManager. This example shows how to begin a transaction, commit a transaction, and rollback a transaction while showing exception handling. We commit two keys and rollback adding a third key and destroying an existing key while showing how to handle exceptions.


  • Install Apache Geode
  • Build and install Apache Geode Native
  • Apache Geode Native examples, built and installed
  • Set GEODE_HOME to the install directory of Apache Geode


  1. From a command shell, set the current directory to the transaction directory in your example workspace.

    $ cd workspace/examples/cpp/transaction
  2. Run the startserver script to start the Geode cluster with authentication and create a region.

    For Windows cmd:

    $ powershell.exe -File startserver.ps1

    For Windows Powershell:

    $ startserver.ps1

    For Bash:

    $ ./
  3. Execute cpp-transaction. Expect the following output:

    $ ./cpp-transaction
       Created cache
       Created region 'exampleRegion'
       Rolled back transaction - retrying(4)
       Rolled back transaction - retrying(3)
       Rolled back transaction - retrying(2)
       Committed transaction - exiting
  4. Run the stopserver script to gracefully shutdown the Geode cluster.

    For Windows cmd:

    $ powershell.exe -File stopserver.ps1

    For Windows Powershell:

     $ stopserver.ps1

    For Bash:

    $ ./