blob: f02422c6f31030692b0aeded2015f02c8cbc78cd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace Apache.Geode.Client.FwkLib
using Apache.Geode.DUnitFramework;
using Apache.Geode.Client;
//using Region = Apache.Geode.Client.IRegion<Object, Object>;
//using IntRegion = Apache.Geode.Client.IRegion<int, byte[]>;
//using StringRegion = Apache.Geode.Client.IRegion<string, byte[]>;
public class PerfTests<TKey, TVal> : FwkTest<TKey, TVal>
#region Protected members
protected TKey[] m_keysA;
protected int m_maxKeys;
protected int m_keyIndexBegin;
protected TVal[] m_cValues;
protected int m_maxValues;
public char m_keyType = 'i';
#region Protected constants
protected const string ClientCount = "clientCount";
protected const string TimedInterval = "timedInterval";
protected const string DistinctKeys = "distinctKeys";
protected const string NumThreads = "numThreads";
protected const string ValueSizes = "valueSizes";
protected const string OpsSecond = "opsSecond";
protected const string KeyType = "keyType";
protected const string KeySize = "keySize";
protected const string KeyIndexBegin = "keyIndexBegin";
protected const string RegisterKeys = "registerKeys";
protected const string RegisterRegex = "registerRegex";
protected const string UnregisterRegex = "unregisterRegex";
protected const string ExpectedCount = "expectedCount";
protected const string InterestPercent = "interestPercent";
protected const string KeyStart = "keyStart";
protected const string KeyEnd = "keyEnd";
#region Protected utility methods
protected void ClearKeys()
if (m_keysA != null)
for (int i = 0; i < m_keysA.Length; i++)
if (m_keysA[i] != null)
m_keysA[i] = default(TKey);
m_keysA = null;
m_maxKeys = 0;
protected int InitKeys(bool useDefault)
string typ = GetStringValue(KeyType); // int is only value to use
char newType = (typ == null || typ.Length == 0) ? 's' : typ[0];
int low = GetUIntValue(KeyIndexBegin);
low = (low > 0) ? low : 0;
int numKeys = GetUIntValue(DistinctKeys); // check distinct keys first
if (numKeys <= 0)
if (useDefault)
numKeys = 5000;
//FwkSevere("Failed to initialize keys with numKeys: {0}", numKeys);
return numKeys;
int high = numKeys + low;
FwkInfo("InitKeys:: numKeys: {0}; low: {1}", numKeys, low);
if ((newType == m_keyType) && (numKeys == m_maxKeys) &&
(m_keyIndexBegin == low))
return numKeys;
m_maxKeys = numKeys;
m_keyIndexBegin = low;
m_keyType = newType;
if (m_keyType == 'i')
InitIntKeys(low, high);
int keySize = GetUIntValue(KeySize);
keySize = (keySize > 0) ? keySize : 10;
string keyBase = new string('A', keySize);
InitStrKeys(low, high, keyBase);
for (int j = 0; j < numKeys; j++)
int randIndx = Util.Rand(numKeys);
if (randIndx != j)
TKey tmp = m_keysA[j];
m_keysA[j] = m_keysA[randIndx];
m_keysA[randIndx] = tmp;
return m_maxKeys;
protected int InitKeys()
return InitKeys(true);
protected void InitStrKeys(int low, int high, string keyBase)
m_keysA = (TKey[])(object) new String[m_maxKeys];
FwkInfo("m_maxKeys: {0}; low: {1}; high: {2}",
m_maxKeys, low, high);
for (int i = low; i < high; i++)
m_keysA[i - low] = (TKey)(object)(keyBase.ToString() + i.ToString("D10"));
protected void InitIntKeys(int low, int high)
m_keysA = (TKey[])(object) new Int32[m_maxKeys];
FwkInfo("m_maxKeys: {0}; low: {1}; high: {2}",
m_maxKeys, low, high);
for (int i = low; i < high; i++)
m_keysA[i - low] = (TKey)(object)i;
protected int InitValues(int numKeys)
return InitValues(numKeys, 0);
protected int InitValues(int numKeys, int size)
if (size <= 0)
size = GetUIntValue(ValueSizes);
if (size <= 0)
//FwkSevere("Failed to initialize values with valueSize: {0}", size);
return size;
if (numKeys <= 0)
numKeys = 500;
m_maxValues = numKeys;
if (m_cValues != null)
for (int i = 0; i < m_cValues.Length; i++)
if (m_cValues[i] != null)
m_cValues[i] = default(TVal);
m_cValues = null;
m_cValues = new TVal[m_maxValues];
FwkInfo("InitValues() payload size: {0}", size);
//byte[] createPrefix = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Create ");
//byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
for (int i = 0; i < m_maxValues; i++)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
Random random = new Random();
char ch;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
ch = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(26 * random.NextDouble() + 65)));
//FwkInfo("rjk: InitValues() value {0}", builder.ToString());
//createPrefix.CopyTo(buffer, 0);
//string tmp = buffer;
if (typeof(TVal) == typeof(string))
m_cValues[i] = (TVal)(object)builder.ToString();
//FwkInfo("rjk: InitValues() value {0} size is {1}", m_cValues[i].ToString(), m_cValues[i].ToString().Length);
else if (typeof(TVal) == typeof(byte[]))
//createPrefix.CopyTo(buffer, 0);
m_cValues[i] = (TVal)(object)(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(builder.ToString()));
//FwkInfo("rjk: InitValues() type is byte[] value {0} size is {1}", m_cValues[i].ToString(), ((byte[])(object)m_cValues[i]).Length);
createPrefix.CopyTo(buffer, 0);
if (typeof(TVal) == typeof(string))
String MyString;
//Encoding ASCIIEncod = new Encoding();
MyString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer);
m_cValues[i] = (TVal)(MyString as object);
FwkInfo("rjk: InitValues() value {0} size is {1}", MyString.ToString(), m_cValues[i].ToString().Length);
else if (typeof(TVal) == typeof(byte[]))
createPrefix.CopyTo(buffer, 0);
m_cValues[i] = (TVal)(buffer as object);
* */
//for (int ii = 0; ii < buffer.Length; ++ii)
// FwkInfo("rjk: InitValues() index is {0} value is {1} buffer = {2}", i, m_cValues[ii], buffer[ii]);
return size;
protected IRegion<TKey, TVal> GetRegion()
return GetRegion(null);
protected IRegion<TKey, TVal> GetRegion(string regionName)
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region;
if (regionName == null)
regionName = GetStringValue("regionName");
if (regionName == null)
region = GetRootRegion();
if (region == null)
IRegion<TKey, TVal>[] rootRegions = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.RootRegions<TKey, TVal>();
if (rootRegions != null && rootRegions.Length > 0)
region = rootRegions[Util.Rand(rootRegions.Length)];
region = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.GetRegion(regionName);
return region;
#region Public methods
public static ICacheListener<TKey, TVal> CreatePerfTestCacheListener()
return new PerfTestCacheListener<TKey, TVal>();
public static ICacheListener<TKey, TVal> CreateConflationTestCacheListener()
return new ConflationTestCacheListener<TKey, TVal>();
public static ICacheListener<TKey, TVal> CreateLatencyListenerP()
return new LatencyListener<TKey, TVal>();
public static ICacheListener<TKey, TVal> CreateDupChecker()
return new DupChecker<TKey, TVal>();
public virtual void DoCreateRegion()
FwkInfo("In DoCreateRegion()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = null;
FwkInfo("Tkey = {0} , Val = {1}", typeof(TKey).Name, typeof(TVal));
region = CreateRootRegion();
if (region == null)
FwkException("DoCreateRegion() could not create region.");
FwkInfo("DoCreateRegion() Created region '{0}'", region.Name);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoCreateRegion() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoCreateRegion() complete.");
public void DoCloseCache()
FwkInfo("DoCloseCache() Closing cache and disconnecting from" +
" distributed system.");
public void DoPuts()
FwkInfo("In DoPuts()");
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region = GetRegion();
int numClients = GetUIntValue(ClientCount);
string label = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.RegionTag(region.Attributes);
int timedInterval = GetTimeValue(TimedInterval) * 1000;
if (timedInterval <= 0)
timedInterval = 5000;
int maxTime = 10 * timedInterval;
// Loop over key set sizes
int numKeys;
while ((numKeys = InitKeys(false)) > 0)
{ // keys loop
// Loop over value sizes
int valSize;
while ((valSize = InitValues(numKeys)) > 0)
{ // value loop
// Loop over threads
int numThreads;
while ((numThreads = GetUIntValue(NumThreads)) > 0)
//if (m_keyType == 's')
//StringRegion sregion = region as StringRegion;
PutsTask<TKey, TVal> puts = new PutsTask<TKey, TVal>(region, m_keysA, m_cValues);
FwkInfo("Running warmup task for {0} iterations.", numKeys);
RunTask(puts, 1, numKeys, -1, -1, null);
// Running the warmup task
// And we do the real work now
FwkInfo("Running timed task for {0} secs and {1} threads; numKeys[{2}]",
timedInterval / 1000, numThreads, numKeys);
SetTaskRunInfo(label, "Puts", m_maxKeys, numClients,
valSize, numThreads);
RunTask(puts, numThreads, -1, timedInterval, maxTime, null);
AddTaskRunRecord(puts.Iterations, puts.ElapsedTime);
catch (ClientTimeoutException)
FwkException("In DoPuts() Timed run timed out.");
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
} // value loop
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
} // keys loop
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoPuts() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
FwkInfo("DoPuts() complete.");
public void DoPopulateRegion()
FwkInfo("In DoPopulateRegion()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
int numKeys = InitKeys();
PutsTask<TKey, TVal> puts = new PutsTask<TKey, TVal>(region, m_keysA, m_cValues);
FwkInfo("Populating region.");
RunTask(puts, 1, m_maxKeys, -1, -1, null);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoPopulateRegion() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoPopulateRegion() complete.");
public void DoSerialPuts()
FwkInfo("In DoSerialPuts()");
IRegion<int, int> region = (IRegion<int, int>)GetRegion();
int keyStart = GetUIntValue(KeyStart);
int keyEnd = GetUIntValue(KeyEnd);
for (Int32 keys = keyStart; keys <= keyEnd; keys++)
if (keys % 50 == 1)
FwkInfo("DoSerialPuts() putting 1000 values for key " + keys);
Int32 key = keys;
for (Int32 values = 1; values <= 1000; values++)
Int32 value = values;
region[key] = value;
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoSerialPuts() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
FwkInfo("DoSerialPuts() complete.");
public void DoPutBursts()
FwkInfo("In DoPutBursts()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
int numClients = GetUIntValue(ClientCount);
string label = CacheHelper<TKey,TVal>.RegionTag(region.Attributes);
int timedInterval = GetTimeValue(TimedInterval) * 1000;
if (timedInterval <= 0)
timedInterval = 5000;
int burstMillis = GetUIntValue("burstMillis");
if (burstMillis <= 0)
burstMillis = 500;
int burstPause = GetTimeValue("burstPause") * 1000;
if (burstPause <= 0)
burstPause = 1000;
int opsSec = GetUIntValue(OpsSecond);
if (opsSec <= 0)
opsSec = 100;
// Loop over key set sizes
int numKeys;
while ((numKeys = InitKeys(false)) > 0)
{ // keys loop
// Loop over value sizes
int valSize;
while ((valSize = InitValues(numKeys)) > 0)
{ // value loop
// Loop over threads
int numThreads;
while ((numThreads = GetUIntValue(NumThreads)) > 0)
{ // thread loop
// And we do the real work now
MeteredPutsTask<TKey, TVal> mputs = new MeteredPutsTask<TKey, TVal>(region, m_keysA,
m_cValues, opsSec);
FwkInfo("Running warmup metered task for {0} iterations.", m_maxKeys);
RunTask(mputs, 1, m_maxKeys, -1, -1, null);
PutsTask<TKey, TVal> puts = new PutsTask<TKey, TVal>(region, m_keysA, m_cValues);
int loopIters = (timedInterval / burstMillis) + 1;
FwkInfo("Running timed task for {0} secs and {1} threads.",
timedInterval/1000, numThreads);
SetTaskRunInfo(label, "PutBursts", numKeys, numClients,
valSize, numThreads);
int totIters = 0;
TimeSpan totTime = TimeSpan.Zero;
for (int i = loopIters; i > 0; i--)
RunTask(puts, numThreads, -1, burstMillis, 30000, null);
catch (ClientTimeoutException)
FwkException("In DoPutBursts() Timed run timed out.");
totIters += puts.Iterations;
totTime += puts.ElapsedTime;
double psec = (totIters * 1000.0) / totTime.TotalMilliseconds;
FwkInfo("PerfSuite interim: {0} {1} {2}", psec, totIters, totTime);
AddTaskRunRecord(totIters, totTime);
// real work complete for this pass thru the loop
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
} // thread loop
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
} // value loop
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
} // keys loop
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoPutBursts() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
FwkInfo("DoPutBursts() complete.");
public void DoLatencyPuts()
FwkInfo("In DoLatencyPuts()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
int numClients = GetUIntValue(ClientCount);
string label = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.RegionTag(region.Attributes);
int timedInterval = GetTimeValue(TimedInterval) * 1000;
if (timedInterval <= 0)
timedInterval = 5000;
int maxTime = 10 * timedInterval;
int opsSec = GetUIntValue(OpsSecond);
if (opsSec < 0)
opsSec = 100;
// Loop over key set sizes
int numKeys;
while ((numKeys = InitKeys(false)) > 0)
{ // keys loop
// Loop over value sizes
int valSize;
while ((valSize = InitValues(numKeys)) > 0)
{ // value loop
// Loop over threads
int numThreads;
while ((numThreads = GetUIntValue(NumThreads)) > 0)
LatencyPutsTask<TKey, TVal> puts = new LatencyPutsTask<TKey, TVal>(region, m_keysA,
m_cValues, opsSec);
// Running the warmup task
FwkInfo("Running warmup task for {0} iterations.", numKeys);
RunTask(puts, 1, numKeys, -1, -1, null);
// And we do the real work now
FwkInfo("Running timed task for {0} secs and {1} threads.",
timedInterval/1000, numThreads);
SetTaskRunInfo(label, "LatencyPuts", numKeys, numClients, valSize, numThreads);
Util.BBSet("LatencyBB", "LatencyTag", TaskData);
RunTask(puts, numThreads, -1, timedInterval, maxTime, null);
catch (ClientTimeoutException)
FwkException("In DoLatencyPuts() Timed run timed out.");
AddTaskRunRecord(puts.Iterations, puts.ElapsedTime);
// real work complete for this pass thru the loop
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
} // thread loop
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
} // value loop
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
} // keys loop
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoLatencyPuts() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
FwkInfo("DoLatencyPuts() complete.");
public void DoGets()
FwkInfo("In DoGets()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
FwkInfo("rjk:DoGets region name is {0} ", region.Name);
int numClients = GetUIntValue(ClientCount);
string label = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.RegionTag(region.Attributes);
int timedInterval = GetTimeValue(TimedInterval) * 1000;
if (timedInterval <= 0)
timedInterval = 5000;
int maxTime = 10 * timedInterval;
int valSize = GetUIntValue(ValueSizes);
FwkInfo("rjk:DoGets number of keys in region is {0} .", region.Keys.Count);
// Loop over threads
int numThreads;
while ((numThreads = GetUIntValue(NumThreads)) > 0)
{ // thread loop
// And we do the real work now
GetsTask<TKey, TVal> gets = new GetsTask<TKey, TVal>(region, m_keysA);
FwkInfo("Running warmup task for {0} iterations.", m_maxKeys);
RunTask(gets, 1, m_maxKeys, -1, -1, null);
FwkInfo("Running timed task for {0} secs and {1} threads.",
timedInterval/1000, numThreads);
SetTaskRunInfo(label, "Gets", m_maxKeys, numClients, valSize, numThreads);
RunTask(gets, numThreads, -1, timedInterval, maxTime, null);
catch (ClientTimeoutException)
FwkException("In DoGets() Timed run timed out.");
AddTaskRunRecord(gets.Iterations, gets.ElapsedTime);
// real work complete for this pass thru the loop
} // thread loop
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoGets() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoGets() complete.");
public void DoPopServers()
FwkInfo("In DoPopServers()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
int numKeys = InitKeys();
int opsSec = GetUIntValue(OpsSecond);
MeteredPutsTask<TKey, TVal> mputs = new MeteredPutsTask<TKey, TVal>(region, m_keysA,
m_cValues, opsSec);
RunTask(mputs, 1, m_maxKeys, -1, -1, null);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoPopServers() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoPopServers() complete.");
public void DoPopClient()
FwkInfo("In DoPopClient()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
GetsTask<TKey, TVal> gets = new GetsTask<TKey, TVal>(region, m_keysA);
RunTask(gets, 1, m_maxKeys, -1, -1, null);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoPopClient() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DopopClient() complete.");
public void DoPopClientMS()
FwkInfo("In DoPopClientMS()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
int numKeys = GetUIntValue(DistinctKeys);
int clientCount = GetUIntValue(ClientCount);
int interestPercent = GetUIntValue(InterestPercent);
if (interestPercent <= 0)
if (clientCount <= 0)
interestPercent = 100;
interestPercent = (100 / clientCount);
int myNumKeys = (numKeys * interestPercent) / 100;
int myNum = Util.ClientNum;
int myStart = myNum * myNumKeys;
int myValSize = 10;
m_maxKeys = numKeys;
InitIntKeys(myStart, myStart + myNumKeys);
InitValues(myNumKeys, myValSize);
FwkInfo("DoPopClientMS() Client number: {0}, Client count: {1}, " +
"MaxKeys: {2}", myNum, clientCount, m_maxKeys);
PutsTask<TKey, TVal> puts = new PutsTask<TKey, TVal>(region, m_keysA, m_cValues);
RunTask(puts, 1, m_maxKeys, -1, -1, null);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoPopClientMS() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoPopClientMS() complete.");
public void DoDestroys()
FwkInfo("In DoDestroys()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
int numClients = GetUIntValue(ClientCount);
FwkInfo("DoDestroys() numclients set to {0}", numClients);
string label = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.RegionTag(region.Attributes);
int timedInterval = GetTimeValue(TimedInterval) * 1000;
if (timedInterval <= 0)
timedInterval = 5000;
int maxTime = 10 * timedInterval;
// always use only one thread for destroys.
int numKeys;
// Loop over distinctKeys
while ((numKeys = InitKeys(false)) > 0)
{ // thread loop
int valSize = InitValues(numKeys);
// And we do the real work now
//populate the region
PutsTask<TKey, TVal> puts = new PutsTask<TKey, TVal>(region, m_keysA, m_cValues);
FwkInfo("DoDestroys() Populating region.");
RunTask(puts, 1, m_maxKeys, -1, -1, null);
DestroyTask<TKey, TVal> destroys = new DestroyTask<TKey, TVal>(region, m_keysA);
FwkInfo("Running timed task for {0} iterations and {1} threads.",
numKeys, 1);
SetTaskRunInfo(label, "Destroys", numKeys, numClients, valSize, 1);
RunTask(destroys, 1, numKeys, -1, maxTime, null);
catch (ClientTimeoutException)
FwkException("In DoDestroys() Timed run timed out.");
AddTaskRunRecord(destroys.Iterations, destroys.ElapsedTime);
// real work complete for this pass thru the loop
} // distinctKeys loop
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoDestroys() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoDestroys() complete.");
public void DoCheckValues()
FwkInfo("In DoCheckValues()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
ICollection<TVal> vals = region.Values;
int creates = 0;
int updates = 0;
int unknowns = 0;
if (vals != null)
byte[] createPrefix = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Create ");
byte[] updatePrefix = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Update ");
foreach (object val in vals)
byte[] valBytes = val as byte[];
if (Util.CompareArraysPrefix(valBytes, createPrefix))
else if (Util.CompareArraysPrefix(valBytes, updatePrefix))
FwkInfo("DoCheckValues() Found {0} values from creates, " +
"{1} values from updates, and {2} unknown values.",
creates, updates, unknowns);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoCheckValues() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
public void DoLocalDestroyEntries()
FwkInfo("In DoLocalDestroyEntries()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
ICollection<TKey> keys = region.GetLocalView().Keys;
if (keys != null)
foreach (TKey key in keys)
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoLocalDestroyEntries() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
public void DoDestroyRegion()
FwkInfo("In DoDestroyRegion");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoDestroyRegion() caught exception: {0}" , ex);
public void DoLocalDestroyRegion()
FwkInfo("In DoLocalDestroyRegion()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoLocalDestroyRegion() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
public void DoPutAll()
FwkInfo("In DoPutAll()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
int numKeys = InitKeys();
IDictionary<TKey, TVal> map = new Dictionary<TKey, TVal>();
Int32 i = 0;
while (i < numKeys)
map.Add(m_keysA[i], m_cValues[i]);
DateTime startTime;
DateTime endTime;
TimeSpan elapsedTime;
startTime = DateTime.Now;
region.PutAll(map, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
endTime = DateTime.Now;
elapsedTime = endTime - startTime;
FwkInfo("PerfTests.DoPutAll: Time Taken to execute" +
" the putAll for {0}: is {1}ms", numKeys,
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoPutAll() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoPutAll() complete.");
public void DoGetAllAndVerification()
FwkInfo("In DoGetAllAndVerification()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
int numKeys = InitKeys(false);
Int32 i = 0;
bool isInvalidateRegion = GetBoolValue("isInvalidateRegion");
if (isInvalidateRegion)
List<TKey> keys = new List<TKey>();
while (i < numKeys)
bool isAddToLocalCache = GetBoolValue("addToLocalCache");
Dictionary<TKey, TVal> values = new Dictionary<TKey, TVal>();
DateTime startTime;
DateTime endTime;
TimeSpan elapsedTime;
startTime = DateTime.Now;
region.GetAll(keys.ToArray(), values, null, isAddToLocalCache);
endTime = DateTime.Now;
elapsedTime = endTime - startTime;
FwkInfo("PerfTests.DoGetAllAndVerification: Time Taken to execute" +
" the getAll for {0}: is {1}ms", numKeys,
int payload = GetUIntValue("valueSizes");
FwkInfo("PerfTests.DoGetAllAndVerification: keyCount = {0}" + " valueCount = {1} ",
keys.Count, values.Count);
if (values.Count == keys.Count)
foreach (KeyValuePair<TKey, TVal> entry in values)
TVal item = entry.Value;
//if (item != payload) // rjk Need to check how to verify
// FwkException("PerfTests.DoGetAllAndVerification: value size {0} is not equal to " +
// "expected payload size {1} for key : {2}", item.Length, payload, entry.Key);
if (isAddToLocalCache)
if (keys.Count != region.Count)
FwkException("PerfTests.DoGetAllAndVerification: number of keys in region do not" +
" match expected number");
if (region.Count != 0)
FwkException("PerfTests.DoGetAllAndVerification: expected zero keys in region");
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoGetAllAndVerification() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoGetAllAndVerification() complete.");
public void DoResetListener()
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
int sleepTime = GetUIntValue("sleepTime");
PerfTestCacheListener<TKey,TVal> listener =
region.Attributes.CacheListener as PerfTestCacheListener<TKey, TVal>;
if (listener != null)
catch (Exception ex)
FwkSevere("DoResetListener() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoResetListener() complete.");
public void DoRegisterInterestList()
FwkInfo("In DoRegisterInterestList()");
string typ = GetStringValue(KeyType); // int is only value to use
char newType = (typ == null || typ.Length == 0) ? 's' : typ[0];
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
int numKeys = GetUIntValue(DistinctKeys); // check distince keys first
if (numKeys <= 0)
FwkSevere("DoRegisterInterestList() Failed to initialize keys " +
"with numKeys: {0}", numKeys);
int low = GetUIntValue(KeyIndexBegin);
low = (low > 0) ? low : 0;
int numOfRegisterKeys = GetUIntValue(RegisterKeys);
int high = numOfRegisterKeys + low;
m_maxKeys = numOfRegisterKeys;
m_keyIndexBegin = low;
m_keyType = newType;
if (m_keyType == 'i')
InitIntKeys(low, high);
int keySize = GetUIntValue(KeySize);
keySize = (keySize > 0) ? keySize : 10;
string keyBase = new string('A', keySize);
InitStrKeys(low, high, keyBase);
FwkInfo("DoRegisterInterestList() registering interest for {0} to {1}",
low, high);
TKey[] registerKeyList = new TKey[high - low];
for (int j = low; j < high; j++)
if (m_keysA[j - low] != null)
registerKeyList[j - low] = m_keysA[j - low];
FwkInfo("DoRegisterInterestList() key[{0}] is null.", (j - low));
bool isDurable = GetBoolValue("isDurableReg");
bool isGetInitialValues = GetBoolValue("getInitialValues");
bool isReceiveValues = true;
bool checkReceiveVal = GetBoolValue("checkReceiveVal");
if (checkReceiveVal)
isReceiveValues = GetBoolValue("receiveValue");
region.GetSubscriptionService().RegisterKeys(registerKeyList, isDurable, isGetInitialValues, isReceiveValues);
String durableClientId = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.SystemProperties.DurableClientId;
if (durableClientId.Length > 0)
CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.ReadyForEvents();
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoRegisterInterestList() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoRegisterInterestList() complete.");
public void DoRegisterAllKeys()
FwkInfo("In DoRegisterAllKeys()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
FwkInfo("DoRegisterAllKeys() region name is {0}", region.Name);
bool isDurable = GetBoolValue("isDurableReg");
bool isGetInitialValues = GetBoolValue("getInitialValues");
bool checkReceiveVal = GetBoolValue("checkReceiveVal");
bool isReceiveValues = true;
if (checkReceiveVal)
isReceiveValues = GetBoolValue("receiveValue");
region.GetSubscriptionService().RegisterAllKeys(isDurable, isGetInitialValues,isReceiveValues);
String durableClientId = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.SystemProperties.DurableClientId;
if (durableClientId.Length > 0)
CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.ReadyForEvents();
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoRegisterAllKeys() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoRegisterAllKeys() complete.");
public void DoVerifyInterestList()
FwkInfo("In DoVerifyInterestList()");
int countUpdate = 0;
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
int numOfRegisterKeys = GetUIntValue(RegisterKeys);
int payload = GetUIntValue(ValueSizes);
ICollection<TKey> keys = region.GetLocalView().Keys;
byte[] value;
int valueSize;
if (keys != null)
foreach (TKey key in keys)
bool containsValue = region.ContainsValueForKey(key);
RegionEntry<TKey,TVal> entry = region.GetEntry(key);
FwkInfo("Skipping check for key {0}",key);
if (entry == null)
FwkException("Failed to find entry for key [{0}] in local cache", key);
value = entry.Value as byte[];
if (value == null)
FwkException("Failed to find value for key [{0}] in local cache", key);
valueSize = (value == null ? -1 : value.Length);
if (valueSize == payload)
if (countUpdate != numOfRegisterKeys)
FwkException("DoVerifyInterestList() update interest list " +
"count {0} is not equal to number of register keys {1}",
countUpdate, numOfRegisterKeys);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoVerifyInterestList() Caught Exception: {0} : {1}",ex.GetType().Name, ex);
FwkInfo("DoVerifyInterestList() complete.");
public void DoRegisterRegexList()
FwkInfo("In DoRegisterRegexList()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
string regex = GetStringValue(RegisterRegex);
FwkInfo("DoRegisterRegexList() region name is {0}; regex is {1}",
region.Name, regex);
bool isDurable = GetBoolValue("isDurableReg");
bool isGetInitialValues = GetBoolValue("getInitialValues");
bool isReceiveValues = true;
bool checkReceiveVal = GetBoolValue("checkReceiveVal");
if (checkReceiveVal)
isReceiveValues = GetBoolValue("receiveValue");
region.GetSubscriptionService().RegisterRegex(regex, isDurable, isGetInitialValues, isReceiveValues);
String durableClientId = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.SystemProperties.DurableClientId;
if (durableClientId.Length > 0)
CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.ReadyForEvents();
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoRegisterRegexList() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoRegisterRegexList() complete.");
public void DoUnRegisterRegexList()
FwkInfo("In DoUnRegisterRegexList()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
string regex = GetStringValue(UnregisterRegex);
FwkInfo("DoUnRegisterRegexList() region name is {0}; regex is {1}",
region.Name, regex);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoUnRegisterRegexList() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoUnRegisterRegexList() complete.");
public void DoDestroysKeys()
FwkInfo("In PerfTest::DoDestroyKeys()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region=GetRegion();
DestroyTask<TKey, TVal> destroys = new DestroyTask<TKey, TVal>(region, m_keysA);
catch(Exception e)
FwkException("PerfTest caught exception: {0}", e);
FwkInfo("In PerfTest::DoDestroyKeys()complete");
public void DoServerKeys()
FwkInfo("In DoServerKeys()");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
FwkAssert(region != null,
"DoServerKeys() No region to perform operations on.");
FwkInfo("DoServerKeys() region name is {0}", region.Name);
int expectedKeys = GetUIntValue(ExpectedCount);
ICollection<TKey> serverKeys = region.Keys;
int foundKeys = (serverKeys == null ? 0 : serverKeys.Count);
FwkAssert(expectedKeys == foundKeys,
"DoServerKeys() expected {0} keys but found {1} keys.",
expectedKeys, foundKeys);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoServerKeys() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoServerKeys() complete.");
public void DoIterateInt32Keys()
FwkInfo("DoIterateInt32Keys() called.");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
FwkAssert(region != null,
"DoIterateInt32Keys() No region to perform operations on.");
FwkInfo("DoIterateInt32Keys() region name is {0}", region.Name);
ICollection<TKey> serverKeys = region.Keys;
FwkInfo("DoIterateInt32Keys() GetServerKeys() returned {0} keys.",
(serverKeys != null ? serverKeys.Count : 0));
if (serverKeys != null)
foreach (TKey intKey in serverKeys)
FwkInfo("ServerKeys: {0}", intKey);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoIterateInt32Keys() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoIterateInt32Keys() complete.");
public void DoValidateQConflation()
FwkInfo("DoValidateQConflation() called.");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
int expectedAfterCreateEvent = GetUIntValue("expectedAfterCreateCount");
int expectedAfterUpdateEvent = GetUIntValue("expectedAfterUpdateCount");
bool isServerConflateTrue = GetBoolValue("isServerConflateTrue");
Int32 eventAfterCreate = (Int32)Util.BBGet("ConflationCacheListener", "AFTER_CREATE_COUNT_" + Util.ClientId + "_" + region.Name);
Int32 eventAfterUpdate = (Int32)Util.BBGet("ConflationCacheListener", "AFTER_UPDATE_COUNT_" + Util.ClientId + "_" + region.Name);
FwkInfo("DoValidateQConflation() -- eventAfterCreate {0} and eventAfterUpdate {1}", eventAfterCreate, eventAfterUpdate);
String conflateEvent = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.SystemProperties.ConflateEvents;
String durableClientId = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.SystemProperties.DurableClientId;
Int32 totalCount = 3500;
if(durableClientId.Length > 0) {
FwkInfo("DoValidateQConflation() Validation for Durable client .");
if (conflateEvent.Equals("true") && ((eventAfterCreate + eventAfterUpdate) < totalCount +10))
FwkInfo("DoValidateQConflation() Conflate Events is true complete.");
else if (conflateEvent.Equals("false") && ((eventAfterCreate + eventAfterUpdate) == totalCount +10))
FwkInfo("DoValidateQConflation() Conflate Events is false complete.");
else if (conflateEvent.Equals("server") && isServerConflateTrue && ((eventAfterCreate + eventAfterUpdate) <= totalCount + 10))
FwkInfo("DoValidateQConflation() Conflate Events is server=true complete.");
else if (conflateEvent.Equals("server") && !isServerConflateTrue && ((eventAfterCreate + eventAfterUpdate) == totalCount + 10))
FwkInfo("DoValidateQConflation() Conflate Events is server=false complete.");
FwkException("DoValidateQConflation() ConflateEvent setting is {0} and Expected AfterCreateCount to have {1} keys and " +
" found {2} . Expected AfterUpdateCount to have {3} keys, found {4} keys", conflateEvent, expectedAfterCreateEvent
, eventAfterCreate, expectedAfterUpdateEvent, eventAfterUpdate);
else {
if (conflateEvent.Equals("true") && ((eventAfterCreate == expectedAfterCreateEvent) &&
(((eventAfterUpdate >= expectedAfterUpdateEvent)) && eventAfterUpdate < totalCount)))
FwkInfo("DoValidateQConflation() Conflate Events is true complete.");
else if (conflateEvent.Equals("false") && ((eventAfterCreate == expectedAfterCreateEvent) &&
(eventAfterUpdate == expectedAfterUpdateEvent)))
FwkInfo("DoValidateQConflation() Conflate Events is false complete.");
else if (conflateEvent.Equals("server") && isServerConflateTrue && ((eventAfterCreate == expectedAfterCreateEvent) &&
(((eventAfterUpdate >= expectedAfterUpdateEvent)) && eventAfterUpdate < totalCount)))
FwkInfo("DoValidateQConflation() Conflate Events is server=true complete.");
else if (conflateEvent.Equals("server") && !isServerConflateTrue && ((eventAfterCreate == expectedAfterCreateEvent) &&
(eventAfterUpdate == expectedAfterUpdateEvent)))
FwkInfo("DoValidateQConflation() Conflate Events is server=false complete.");
FwkException("DoValidateQConflation() ConflateEvent setting is {0} and Expected AfterCreateCount to have {1} keys and " +
" found {2} . Expected AfterUpdateCount to have {3} keys, found {4} keys" , conflateEvent,expectedAfterCreateEvent
, eventAfterCreate,expectedAfterUpdateEvent, eventAfterUpdate);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoValidateQConflation() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoValidateQConflation() complete.");
public void DoCreateUpdateDestroy()
FwkInfo("DoCreateUpdateDestroy() called.");
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoCreateUpdateDestroy() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoCreateUpdateDestroy() complete.");
public void DoValidateBankTest()
FwkInfo("DoValidateBankTest() called.");
IRegion<TKey,TVal> region = GetRegion();
int expectedAfterCreateEvent = GetUIntValue("expectedAfterCreateCount");
int expectedAfterUpdateEvent = GetUIntValue("expectedAfterUpdateCount");
int expectedAfterInvalidateEvent = GetUIntValue("expectedAfterInvalidateCount");
int expectedAfterDestroyEvent = GetUIntValue("expectedAfterDestroyCount");
Int32 eventAfterCreate = (Int32)Util.BBGet("ConflationCacheListener", "AFTER_CREATE_COUNT_" + Util.ClientId + "_" + region.Name);
Int32 eventAfterUpdate = (Int32)Util.BBGet("ConflationCacheListener", "AFTER_UPDATE_COUNT_" + Util.ClientId + "_" + region.Name);
Int32 eventAfterInvalidate = (Int32)Util.BBGet("ConflationCacheListener", "AFTER_INVALIDATE_COUNT_" + Util.ClientId + "_" + region.Name);
Int32 eventAfterDestroy = (Int32)Util.BBGet("ConflationCacheListener", "AFTER_DESTROY_COUNT_" + Util.ClientId + "_" + region.Name);
FwkInfo("DoValidateBankTest() -- eventAfterCreate {0} ,eventAfterUpdate {1} ," +
"eventAfterInvalidate {2} , eventAfterDestroy {3}", eventAfterCreate, eventAfterUpdate,eventAfterInvalidate,eventAfterDestroy);
if (expectedAfterCreateEvent == eventAfterCreate && expectedAfterUpdateEvent == eventAfterUpdate &&
expectedAfterInvalidateEvent == eventAfterInvalidate && expectedAfterDestroyEvent == eventAfterDestroy)
FwkInfo("DoValidateBankTest() Validation success.");
FwkException("Validation Failed() Region: {0} eventAfterCreate {1}, eventAfterUpdate {2} " +
"eventAfterInvalidate {3}, eventAfterDestroy {4} ",region.Name, eventAfterCreate, eventAfterUpdate
, eventAfterInvalidate, eventAfterDestroy);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoValidateBankTest() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoValidateBankTest() complete.");