blob: 9d934682c97569059f46c67212dd15d202b62ea8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
using PdxTests;
namespace Apache.Geode.Client.FwkLib
using Apache.Geode.DUnitFramework;
using Apache.Geode.Client.Tests;
using Apache.Geode.Client;
using QueryCategory = Apache.Geode.Client.Tests.QueryCategory;
using QueryStrings = Apache.Geode.Client.Tests.QueryStrings;
using QueryStatics = Apache.Geode.Client.Tests.QueryStatics;
using System.IO;
public class PDXSilenceListener<TKey, TVal> : CacheListenerAdapter<TKey, TVal>
long currentTimeInMillies()
long curruntMillis = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
return curruntMillis;
public override void AfterCreate(EntryEvent<TKey, TVal> ev)
Util.BBSet("ListenerBB", "lastEventTime", currentTimeInMillies());
public override void AfterUpdate(EntryEvent<TKey, TVal> ev)
Util.BBSet("ListenerBB", "lastEventTime", currentTimeInMillies());
public override void AfterDestroy(EntryEvent<TKey, TVal> ev)
Util.BBSet("ListenerBB", "lastEventTime", currentTimeInMillies());
public override void AfterInvalidate(EntryEvent<TKey, TVal> ev)
Util.BBSet("ListenerBB", "lastEventTime", currentTimeInMillies());
public class PDXMyCqListener<TKey, TResult> : ICqListener<TKey, TResult>
private UInt32 m_updateCnt;
private UInt32 m_createCnt;
private UInt32 m_destroyCnt;
private UInt32 m_eventCnt;
public PDXMyCqListener()
m_updateCnt = 0;
m_createCnt = 0;
m_destroyCnt = 0;
m_eventCnt = 0;
public UInt32 NumInserts()
return m_createCnt;
public UInt32 NumUpdates()
return m_updateCnt;
public UInt32 NumDestroys()
return m_destroyCnt;
public UInt32 NumEvents()
return m_eventCnt;
public virtual void UpdateCount(CqEvent<TKey, TResult> ev)
CqOperation opType = ev.getQueryOperation();
if (opType == CqOperation.OP_TYPE_CREATE)
else if (opType == CqOperation.OP_TYPE_UPDATE)
else if (opType == CqOperation.OP_TYPE_DESTROY)
public virtual void OnError(CqEvent<TKey, TResult> ev)
public virtual void OnEvent(CqEvent<TKey, TResult> ev)
public virtual void Close()
public class PdxEntryTask<TKey, TVal> : ClientTask
#region Private members
private IRegion<TKey, TVal> m_region;
private int m_MaxKeys;
private List<IDictionary<TKey, TVal>> m_maps;
private Int32 m_create;
private Int32 m_update;
private Int32 m_destroy;
private Int32 m_invalidate;
private Int32 m_cnt;
bool m_isDestroy;
private object CLASS_LOCK = new object();
private IRegion<TKey, TVal> m_region;
private int m_MaxKeys;
private static bool m_istransaction = false;
private static bool isSerialExecution = false;
protected static bool isEmptyClient = false; // true if this is a bridge client with empty dataPolicy
protected static bool isThinClient = false; // true if this is a bridge client with eviction to keep it small
private static Dictionary<TKey, TVal> regionSnapshot = null;
private static List<TKey> destroyedKeys = null;// = new List<TKey>();
private static int keyCount = 0;
private static string m_sharePath;
private Int32 create;
private Int32 update;
private Int32 destroy;
private Int32 invalidate;
private Int32 localdestroy;
private Int32 localinvalidate;
private Int32 putall;
private Int32 get;
private string m_objectType;
private int m_versionNum;
private object CLASS_LOCK = new object();
public PdxEntryTask(IRegion<TKey, TVal> region, int keyCnt,
Dictionary<TKey, TVal> maps, List<TKey> listval, bool serialexe,
string objecttype, int versionnum)
: base()
m_region = region;
m_MaxKeys = keyCnt;
regionSnapshot = maps;
destroyedKeys = listval;
isSerialExecution = serialexe;
create = 0;
update = 0;
destroy = 0;
invalidate = 0;
localdestroy = 0;
localinvalidate = 0;
putall = 0;
get = 0;
m_objectType = objecttype;
m_versionNum = versionnum;
protected TVal createIpdxInstance()
PdxType pt = new PdxType();
IPdxInstanceFactory pif = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.CreatePdxInstanceFactory("PdxType");
pif.WriteInt("m_int32", pt.Int32);
pif.WriteString("m_string", pt.PString);
pif.WriteObject("m_arraylist", pt.Arraylist);
pif.WriteChar("m_char", pt.Char);
pif.WriteBoolean("m_bool", pt.Bool);
pif.WriteByte("m_sbyte", pt.Sbyte);
pif.WriteByte("m_byte", pt.Byte);
pif.WriteShort("m_int16", pt.Int16);
pif.WriteByteArray("m_byteArray", pt.ByteArray);
pif.WriteLong("m_long", pt.Long);
pif.WriteFloat("m_float", pt.Float);
pif.WriteDouble("m_double", pt.Double);
pif.WriteBooleanArray("m_boolArray", pt.BoolArray);
pif.WriteByteArray("m_sbyteArray", pt.SbyteArray);
pif.WriteCharArray("m_charArray", pt.CharArray);
pif.WriteDate("m_dateTime", pt.DateTime);
pif.WriteShortArray("m_int16Array", pt.Int16Array);
pif.WriteIntArray("m_int32Array", pt.Int32Array);
pif.WriteLongArray("m_longArray", pt.LongArray);
pif.WriteFloatArray("m_floatArray", pt.FloatArray);
pif.WriteDoubleArray("m_doubleArray", pt.DoubleArray);
pif.WriteArrayOfByteArrays("m_byteByteArray", pt.ByteByteArray);
pif.WriteStringArray("m_stringArray", pt.StringArray);
pif.WriteObject("m_map", pt.Map);
pif.WriteObject("m_hashtable", pt.Hashtable);
pif.WriteObject("m_vector", pt.Vector);
pif.WriteObject("m_chs", pt.Chs);
pif.WriteObject("m_clhs", pt.Clhs);
pif.WriteInt("m_uint32", pt.Uint32);
pif.WriteLong("m_ulong", pt.Ulong);
pif.WriteShort("m_uint16", pt.Uint16);
pif.WriteIntArray("m_uint32Array", pt.Uint32Array);
pif.WriteLongArray("m_ulongArray", pt.UlongArray);
pif.WriteShortArray("m_uint16Array", pt.Uint16Array);
pif.WriteByteArray("m_byte252", pt.Byte252);
pif.WriteByteArray("m_byte253", pt.Byte253);
pif.WriteByteArray("m_byte65535", pt.Byte65535);
pif.WriteByteArray("m_byte65536", pt.Byte65536);
pif.WriteObject("m_pdxEnum", pt.PdxEnum);
pif.WriteObject("m_address", pt.AddressArray);
pif.WriteObjectArray("m_objectArray", pt.ObjectArray);
IPdxInstance pi = pif.Create();
return (TVal)(object)pi;
private TVal GetValue()
return GetValue(null);
private TVal GetValue(object value)
TVal tmpValue = default(TVal);
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.ResetKey("valueSizes");
int size = FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.GetUIntValue("valueSizes");
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
Random random = new Random();
char ch;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
ch = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(26 * random.NextDouble() + 65)));
string sharedpath = (string)Util.BBGet("SharedPath", "sharedDir");
m_sharePath = Path.Combine(sharedpath ,"framework/csharp/bin");
if (typeof(TVal) == typeof(string))
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)builder.ToString();
else if (typeof(TVal) == typeof(byte[]))
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(builder.ToString()));
else if (m_objectType != null)
if (m_objectType.Equals("PdxVersioned") && m_versionNum == 1)
PdxTests<TKey,TVal>.m_pdxVersionOneAsm = Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(m_sharePath ,"PdxVersion1Lib.dll"));
Type pt = PdxTests<TKey,TVal>.m_pdxVersionOneAsm.GetType("PdxVersionTests.PdxVersioned", true, true);
tmpValue = (TVal)pt.InvokeMember("PdxVersioned", BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, new object[] { value.ToString() });
else if (m_objectType.Equals("PdxVersioned") && m_versionNum == 2)
PdxTests<TKey, TVal>.m_pdxVersionTwoAsm = Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(m_sharePath, "PdxVersion2Lib.dll"));
Type pt = PdxTests<TKey, TVal>.m_pdxVersionTwoAsm.GetType("PdxVersionTests.PdxVersioned", true, true);
tmpValue = (TVal)pt.InvokeMember("PdxVersioned", BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, new object[] { value.ToString() });
else if (m_objectType.Equals("Nested"))
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)new NestedPdx();
else if (m_objectType.Equals("PdxType"))
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)new PdxType();
else if (m_objectType.Equals("PdxInstanceFactory"))
tmpValue = createIpdxInstance();
else if (m_objectType.Equals("AutoSerilizer"))
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)new SerializePdx1(true);
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)value;
return tmpValue;
protected void verifyContainsKey(IRegion<TKey, TVal> m_region, TKey key, bool expected)
bool containsKey = false;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
containsKey = m_region.ContainsKey(key);
containsKey = m_region.GetLocalView().ContainsKey(key);
if (containsKey != expected)
throw new Exception("Expected ContainsKey() for " + key + " to be " + expected +
" in " + m_region.FullPath + ", but it is " + containsKey);
protected void verifyContainsValueForKey(IRegion<TKey, TVal> m_region, TKey key, bool expected)
bool containsValueForKey = false;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
containsValueForKey = m_region.ContainsValueForKey(key);
containsValueForKey = m_region.GetLocalView().ContainsValueForKey(key);
if (containsValueForKey != expected)
throw new Exception("Expected ContainsValueForKey() for " + key + " to be " + expected +
" in " + m_region.FullPath + ", but it is " + containsValueForKey);
protected void verifySize(IRegion<TKey, TVal> m_region, int expectedSize)
int size = 0;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
size = m_region.Count;
size = m_region.GetLocalView().Count;
if (size != expectedSize)
if (size < 1000)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("region has wrong size (").Append(size)
.Append("). Dump of region follows:")
ICollection<RegionEntry<TKey, TVal>> regionentry = m_region.GetEntries(false);
foreach (RegionEntry<TKey, TVal> kvp in regionentry)
TKey key = kvp.Key;
TVal Value = kvp.Value;
sb.Append(key).Append(") -> ").Append(Value)
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkInfo(sb.ToString());
throw new Exception("Expected size of " + m_region.FullPath + " to be " +
expectedSize + ", but it is " + size);
protected TKey GetNewKey()
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.ResetKey("distinctKeys");
int numKeys = FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.GetUIntValue("distinctKeys");
String keybuf = String.Format("Key-{0}", keyCount);
TKey key = (TKey)(object)(keybuf);
return key;
protected TKey GetExistingKey(bool useServerKeys, int index)
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region = m_region;
TKey key = default(TKey);
TKey[] keys = null;
int size = 0;
if (useServerKeys)
size = region.Count;
keys = (TKey[])region.Keys;
index = Util.Rand(0, keys.Length);
if (keys.Length > 0)
key = keys[index];
catch (Exception e) { FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkException("Caught {0} during GetExistingKey()",e.Message); }
size = region.GetLocalView().Count;
keys = (TKey[])region.GetLocalView().Keys;
index = Util.Rand(0, keys.Length);
if (keys.Length > 0)
key = keys[index];
return key;
protected void validate(TKey key,TVal value,int beforeSize)
if (isSerialExecution)
if (isEmptyClient)
if (!CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.CacheTransactionManager.Exists())
verifySize(m_region, 0);
else if (isThinClient)
if (!CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.CacheTransactionManager.Exists())
// new entry should be in the local region
verifyContainsKey(m_region, key, true);
verifyContainsValueForKey(m_region, key, true);
{ // region has all keys/values
verifyContainsKey(m_region, key, true);
verifyContainsValueForKey(m_region, key, true);
verifySize(m_region, beforeSize);
regionSnapshot[key] = value;
protected void addEntry(IRegion<TKey, TVal> m_region, int index)
object keybuf = null;
if (typeof(TKey) == typeof(int))
keybuf = (int)(object)index;
keybuf = String.Format("Key-{0}", index);
TKey key = (TKey)(object)(keybuf);
TVal value = GetValue(key);
int beforeSize = 0;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
beforeSize = m_region.Count;
beforeSize = m_region.GetLocalView().Count;
if (!m_region.ContainsKey(key))
m_region.Add(key, value);
value = GetValue(("updated_" + key));
m_region[key] = value;
// validation
protected void updateEntry(IRegion<TKey, TVal> r,int index)
TKey key = GetExistingKey(isEmptyClient || isThinClient, index);
if (EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default.Equals(key, default(TKey)))
int size = r.Count;
if (isSerialExecution && (size != 0))
throw new Exception("getExistingKey returned " + key + ", but region size is " + size);
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkInfo("updateEntry: No keys in region");
int beforeSize = 0;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
beforeSize = r.Count;
beforeSize = r.GetLocalView().Count;
TVal value = GetValue(("updated_" + key));
r[key] = value;
// validation
// cannot validate return value from put due to bug 36436; in peer configurations
// we do not make any guarantees about the return value
protected void invalidateEntry(IRegion<TKey, TVal> m_region, bool isLocalInvalidate, int index)
int beforeSize = 0;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
beforeSize = m_region.Count;
beforeSize = m_region.GetLocalView().Count;
TKey key = GetExistingKey(isEmptyClient || isThinClient, index);
if (EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default.Equals(key, default(TKey)))
if (isSerialExecution && (beforeSize != 0))
throw new Exception("getExistingKey returned " + key + ", but region size is " + beforeSize);
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkInfo("invalidateEntry: No keys in region");
bool containsKey = m_region.GetLocalView().ContainsKey(key);
bool containsValueForKey = m_region.GetLocalView().ContainsValueForKey(key);
if (isLocalInvalidate)
{ // do a local invalidate
{ // do a distributed invalidate
// validation
if (isSerialExecution)
if (isEmptyClient)
if (!CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.CacheTransactionManager.Exists())
verifySize(m_region, 0);
else if (isThinClient)
{ // we have eviction
if (!CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.CacheTransactionManager.Exists())
verifySize(m_region, beforeSize);
{ // region has all keys/values
verifyContainsKey(m_region, key, true);
verifyContainsValueForKey(m_region, key, false);
verifySize(m_region, beforeSize);
regionSnapshot[key] = default(TVal);
catch (EntryNotFoundException e)
if (isSerialExecution)
throw new Exception(e.StackTrace);
Util.Log("Caught {0} (expected with concurrent execution); continuing with test", e);
catch (Exception e)
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkException("Invalide operation caught {0}",e.Message);
/** Get an existing key in the given region if one is available,
* otherwise get a new key.
* @param aRegion The region to use for getting an entry.
protected void getKey(IRegion<TKey, TVal> aRegion,int index)
TKey key = GetExistingKey(isEmptyClient || isThinClient,index);
if (EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default.Equals(key, default(TKey)))
{ // no existing keys; get a new key then
int size = aRegion.Count;
if (isSerialExecution && (size != 0))
throw new Exception("getExistingKey returned " + key + ", but region size is " + size);
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkInfo("getKey: No keys in region");
int beforeSize = 0;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
beforeSize = aRegion.Count;
beforeSize = aRegion.GetLocalView().Count;
bool beforeContainsValueForKey = aRegion.ContainsValueForKey(key);
bool beforeContainsKey = aRegion.ContainsKey(key);
TVal anObj = default(TVal);
anObj = (TVal)aRegion[key];
catch (Apache.Geode.Client.KeyNotFoundException)
if (!EqualityComparer<TVal>.Default.Equals(anObj, default(TVal)))
throw new Apache.Geode.Client.KeyNotFoundException();
// validation
if (isSerialExecution)
if (isEmptyClient)
if (!CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.CacheTransactionManager.Exists())
verifySize(aRegion, 0);
else if (isThinClient)
{ // we have eviction
if (!CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.CacheTransactionManager.Exists())
verifyContainsKey(aRegion, key, true);
{ // we have all keys/values
verifyContainsKey(aRegion, key, true);
verifyContainsValueForKey(aRegion, key, (beforeContainsValueForKey));
// check the expected value of the get
TVal actualValue = anObj;
TVal expectedValue = default(TVal);
foreach (KeyValuePair<TKey, TVal> kvp in regionSnapshot)
TKey mapkey = kvp.Key;
if (key.Equals(mapkey))
expectedValue = kvp.Value;
if (!EqualityComparer<TVal>.Default.Equals(actualValue, default(TVal)))
if (!actualValue.Equals(expectedValue))
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkException("getKey: expected value {0} is not same as actual value {1} for key {2}",
expectedValue, actualValue, key);
verifySize(aRegion, beforeSize);
// record the current state
// in case the get works like a put because there is a cacheLoader
regionSnapshot[key] = anObj;
protected void destroyEntry(IRegion<TKey, TVal> m_region, bool isLocalDestroy, int index)
TKey key = GetExistingKey(isEmptyClient || isThinClient, index);
if (EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default.Equals(key, default(TKey)))
int size = m_region.Count;
if (isSerialExecution && (size != 0))
throw new Exception("getExistingKey returned " + key + ", but region size is " + size);
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkInfo("destroyEntry: No keys in region");
int beforeSize = 0;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
beforeSize = m_region.Count;
beforeSize = m_region.GetLocalView().Count;
if (isLocalDestroy)
{ // do a local invalidate
{ // do a distributed invalidate
// validation
if (isSerialExecution)
if (isEmptyClient)
if (!CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.CacheTransactionManager.Exists())
verifySize(m_region, 0);
else if (isThinClient)
{ // we have eviction
if (!CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.CacheTransactionManager.Exists())
verifyContainsKey(m_region, key, false);
verifyContainsValueForKey(m_region, key, false);
int afterSize = m_region.Count;
if ((afterSize != beforeSize) && (afterSize != beforeSize - 1))
throw new Exception("Expected region size " + afterSize + " to be either " +
beforeSize + " or " + (beforeSize - 1));
{ // region has all keys/values
verifyContainsKey(m_region, key, false);
verifyContainsValueForKey(m_region, key, false);
verifySize(m_region, beforeSize - 1);
catch (EntryNotFoundException e)
if (isSerialExecution)
throw new Exception(e.StackTrace);
Util.Log("Caught {0} (expected with concurrent execution); continuing with test", e);
protected void putAll(IRegion<TKey, TVal> r, int index)
// determine the number of new keys to put in the putAll
int beforeSize = 0;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
beforeSize = r.Count;
beforeSize = r.GetLocalView().Count;
int localBeforeSize = r.GetLocalView().Count;
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.ResetKey("numPutAllExistingKeys");
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.ResetKey("numPutAllNewKeys");
int numNewKeysToPut = FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.GetUIntValue("numPutAllNewKeys");
// get a map to put
IDictionary<TKey, TVal> mapToPut = new Dictionary<TKey, TVal>();
int valSize = FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.GetUIntValue("valueSizes");
int minValSize = (int)(sizeof(int) + sizeof(long) + 4);
valSize = ((valSize < minValSize) ? minValSize : valSize);
string valBuf = null;
valBuf = new string('A', valSize);
StringBuilder newKeys = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numNewKeysToPut; i++)
TKey key = GetNewKey();
TVal value = GetValue(key);
mapToPut[key] = value;
newKeys.Append(key + " ");
if ((i % 10) == 0)
// add existing keys to the map
int numPutAllExistingKeys = FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.GetUIntValue("numPutAllExistingKeys");
StringBuilder existingKeys = new StringBuilder();
if (numPutAllExistingKeys > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < numPutAllExistingKeys; i++)
{ // put existing keys
TKey key = GetExistingKey(isEmptyClient || isThinClient,i);
TVal anObj = GetValue(key);
mapToPut[key] = anObj;
existingKeys.Append(key + " ");
if (((i + 1) % 10) == 0)
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkInfo("PR size is " + beforeSize + ", local region size is " +
localBeforeSize + ", map to use as argument to putAll is " +
mapToPut.GetType().Name + " containing " + numNewKeysToPut + " new keys and " +
numPutAllExistingKeys + " existing keys (updates); total map size is " + mapToPut.Count +
"\nnew keys are: " + newKeys + "\n" + "existing keys are: " + existingKeys);
// do the putAll
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkInfo("putAll: calling putAll with map of " + mapToPut.Count + " entries");
r.PutAll(mapToPut, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkInfo("putAll: done calling putAll with map of " + mapToPut.Count + " entries");
// validation
if (isSerialExecution)
if (isEmptyClient)
if (!CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.CacheTransactionManager.Exists())
verifySize(r, 0);
{ // we have all keys/values in the local region
verifySize(r, beforeSize + numNewKeysToPut);
foreach (KeyValuePair<TKey, TVal> kvp in regionSnapshot)
TKey key = kvp.Key;
TVal value = kvp.Value;
if (!isEmptyClient && !isThinClient)
verifyContainsKey(r, key, true);
verifyContainsValueForKey(r, key, true);
regionSnapshot[key] = value;
public override void DoTask(int iters, object data)
int offset = Util.Rand(m_MaxKeys);
int count = offset;
int size = 0;
Util.Log("PdxEntryTask::DoTask: starting {0} iterations and maxkey {1} count {2}.", iters, m_MaxKeys, count);
isEmptyClient = !(m_region.Attributes.CachingEnabled);
isThinClient = m_region.Attributes.CachingEnabled;
while (Running && (iters-- != 0))
int idx = count % m_MaxKeys;
size = m_region.Count;
//FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.ResetKey("entryOps");
string opcode = FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.GetStringValue("entryOps");
Util.Log("OpCode is {0}",opcode);
//if (((size < 1) && (opcode != "create")) || (opcode == "create"))
if(opcode == "create")
addEntry(m_region, idx+1);
catch (EntryExistsException e)
if (isSerialExecution)
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkException(e.Message);
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkInfo("Got {0} which is expected with concurrent execution",e.Message);
else if (opcode == "update")
updateEntry(m_region, idx);
else if (opcode == "destroy")
destroyEntry(m_region, false, idx);
else if (opcode == "localDestroy")
destroyEntry(m_region, true, idx);
else if (opcode == "invalidate")
invalidateEntry(m_region, false, idx);
else if (opcode == "localInvalidate")
invalidateEntry(m_region, true, idx);
else if (opcode == "putAll")
putAll(m_region, idx);
else if (opcode == "get")
getKey(m_region, idx);
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkException("PdxEntryTask:DoTask() Invalid operation " +
"specified: {0}", opcode);
Interlocked.Add(ref m_iters, count - offset);
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.FwkInfo("DoEntryOP: create = {0}, update = {1}, destroy = {2}, localdestroy = {3},"
+ "invalidate = {4},localinvalidate = {5}, get = {6}, putall = {7} and RegionSize = {8}",
create, update, destroy, localinvalidate, invalidate, localinvalidate, get, putall,m_region.Count);
public class PdxTypeMapper : IPdxTypeMapper
public string ToPdxTypeName(string localTypeName)
return localTypeName;
public string FromPdxTypeName(string pdxTypeName)
Util.Log("pdxTypeName = {0}", pdxTypeName);
if (pdxTypeName.Equals("PdxTests.PdxVersioned"))
return "PdxVersionTests.PdxVersioned";
else if (pdxTypeName.Equals("PdxTests.pdxEnumTest"))
return "PdxVersionTests.pdxEnumTest";
return pdxTypeName;
public class PdxTests<TKey, TVal> : FwkTest<TKey, TVal>
#region Private constants and statics
protected const string ClientCount = "clientCount";
protected const string TimedInterval = "timedInterval";
protected const string DistinctKeys = "distinctKeys";
protected const string NumThreads = "numThreads";
protected const string ValueSizes = "valueSizes";
protected const string KeyType = "keyType";
protected const string KeySize = "keySize";
private const string RegionName = "regionName";
private const string OpsSecond = "opsSecond";
private const string EntryCount = "entryCount";
private const string WorkTime = "workTime";
private const string EntryOps = "entryOps";
private const string LargeSetQuery = "largeSetQuery";
private const string UnsupportedPRQuery = "unsupportedPRQuery";
private const string ObjectType = "objectType";
private static Dictionary<string, int> OperationsMap =
new Dictionary<string, int>();
private static Dictionary<string, int> ExceptionsMap =
new Dictionary<string, int>();
private static bool m_istransaction = false;
private static bool isSerialExecution = false;
protected static bool isEmptyClient = false; // true if this is a bridge client with empty dataPolicy
protected static bool isThinClient = false; // true if this is a bridge client with eviction to keep it small
private static Dictionary<TKey, TVal> regionSnapshot = null;
private static List<TKey> destroyedKeys = null;// = new List<TKey>();
public static Assembly m_pdxVersionOneAsm;
public static Assembly m_pdxVersionTwoAsm;
private static string m_sharePath;
protected static string objectType = null;
protected static int versionnum = 1;
#region Private utility methods
private IRegion<TKey, TVal> GetRegion()
return GetRegion(null);
protected IRegion<TKey, TVal> GetRegion(string regionName)
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region;
if (regionName == null)
regionName = GetStringValue("regionName");
if (regionName == null)
region = (IRegion<TKey, TVal>)GetRootRegion();
if (region == null)
IRegion<TKey, TVal>[] rootRegions = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.RootRegions<TKey, TVal>();
if (rootRegions != null && rootRegions.Length > 0)
region = rootRegions[Util.Rand(rootRegions.Length)];
region = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.GetRegion(regionName);
return region;
private void AddValue(IRegion<TKey, TVal> region, int count, byte[] valBuf)
if (region == null)
FwkSevere("CacheServer::AddValue(): No region to perform add on.");
TKey key = (TKey)(object)count.ToString();
TVal value = (TVal)(object)valBuf;
BitConverter.GetBytes(count).CopyTo(valBuf, 0);
BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.Now.Ticks).CopyTo(valBuf, 4);
region.Add(key, value);
//FwkInfo("key: {0} value: {1}", key, Encoding.ASCII.GetString(value.Value));
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("CacheServer.AddValue() caught Exception: {0}", ex);
private TKey GetKey(int max)
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.ResetKey(ObjectType);
string objectType = GetStringValue(ObjectType);
QueryHelper<TKey, TVal> qh = QueryHelper<TKey, TVal>.GetHelper(CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache);
int numSet = 0;
int setSize = 0;
if (objectType != null && objectType == "Portfolio")
setSize = qh.PortfolioSetSize;
numSet = max / setSize;
return (TKey)(object)String.Format("port{0}-{1}", Util.Rand(numSet), Util.Rand(setSize));
else if (objectType != null && objectType == "Position")
setSize = qh.PositionSetSize;
numSet = max / setSize;
return (TKey)(object)String.Format("pos{0}-{1}", Util.Rand(numSet), Util.Rand(setSize));
return (TKey)(object)Util.Rand(max).ToString();
private TVal GetUserObject(string objType)
TVal usrObj = default(TVal);
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.ResetKey(EntryCount);
int numOfKeys = GetUIntValue(EntryCount);
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.ResetKey(ValueSizes);
int objSize = GetUIntValue(ValueSizes);
QueryHelper<TKey, TVal> qh = QueryHelper<TKey, TVal>.GetHelper(CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache);
int numSet = 0;
int setSize = 0;
if (objType != null && objType == "Portfolio")
setSize = qh.PortfolioSetSize;
numSet = numOfKeys / setSize;
usrObj = (TVal)(object)new Portfolio(Util.Rand(setSize), objSize);
else if (objType != null && objType == "Position")
setSize = qh.PositionSetSize;
numSet = numOfKeys / setSize;
int numSecIds = Portfolio.SecIds.Length;
usrObj = (TVal)(object)new Position(Portfolio.SecIds[setSize % numSecIds], setSize * 100);
return usrObj;
private bool AllowQuery(QueryCategory category, bool haveLargeResultset,
bool islargeSetQuery, bool isUnsupportedPRQuery)
if (category == QueryCategory.Unsupported)
return false;
else if (haveLargeResultset != islargeSetQuery)
return false;
else if (isUnsupportedPRQuery &&
((category == QueryCategory.MultiRegion) ||
(category == QueryCategory.NestedQueries)))
return false;
return true;
private void remoteQuery(QueryStrings currentQuery, bool isLargeSetQuery,
bool isUnsupportedPRQuery, int queryIndex,bool isparam,bool isStructSet)
DateTime startTime;
DateTime endTime;
TimeSpan elapsedTime;
var qs = CheckQueryService();
if (AllowQuery(currentQuery.Category, currentQuery.IsLargeResultset,
isLargeSetQuery, isUnsupportedPRQuery))
string query = currentQuery.Query;
FwkInfo("CacheServer.RunQuery: ResultSet Query Category [{0}], " +
"String [{1}].", currentQuery.Category, query);
Query<object> qry = qs.NewQuery<object>(query);
object[] paramList = null;
if (isparam)
Int32 numVal = 0;
if (isStructSet)
paramList = new object[QueryStatics.NoOfQueryParamSS[queryIndex]];
for (Int32 ind = 0; ind < QueryStatics.NoOfQueryParamSS[queryIndex]; ind++)
numVal = Convert.ToInt32(QueryStatics.QueryParamSetSS[queryIndex][ind]);
paramList[ind] = numVal;
catch (FormatException)
paramList[ind] = (System.String)QueryStatics.QueryParamSetSS[queryIndex][ind];
paramList = new object[QueryStatics.NoOfQueryParam[queryIndex]];
for (Int32 ind = 0; ind < QueryStatics.NoOfQueryParam[queryIndex]; ind++)
numVal = Convert.ToInt32(QueryStatics.QueryParamSet[queryIndex][ind]);
paramList[ind] = numVal;
catch (FormatException)
paramList[ind] = (System.String)QueryStatics.QueryParamSet[queryIndex][ind];
ISelectResults<object> results = null;
startTime = DateTime.Now;
if (isparam)
results = qry.Execute(paramList, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(600));
results = qry.Execute(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(600));
endTime = DateTime.Now;
elapsedTime = endTime - startTime;
FwkInfo("CacheServer.RunQuery: Time Taken to execute" +
" the query [{0}]: {1}ms", query, elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds);
private void RunQuery()
FwkInfo("In CacheServer.RunQuery");
FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.ResetKey(EntryCount);
int numOfKeys = GetUIntValue(EntryCount);
QueryHelper<TKey, TVal> qh = QueryHelper<TKey, TVal>.GetHelper(CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache);
int setSize = qh.PortfolioSetSize;
if (numOfKeys < setSize)
setSize = numOfKeys;
int i = Util.Rand(QueryStrings.RSsize);
bool isLargeSetQuery = GetBoolValue(LargeSetQuery);
bool isUnsupportedPRQuery = GetBoolValue(UnsupportedPRQuery);
QueryStrings currentQuery = QueryStatics.ResultSetQueries[i];
remoteQuery(currentQuery, isLargeSetQuery, isUnsupportedPRQuery, i, false, false);
i = Util.Rand(QueryStrings.SSsize);
currentQuery = QueryStatics.StructSetQueries[i];
remoteQuery(currentQuery, isLargeSetQuery, isUnsupportedPRQuery, i, false, false);
i = Util.Rand(QueryStrings.RSPsize);
currentQuery = QueryStatics.ResultSetParamQueries[i];
remoteQuery(currentQuery, isLargeSetQuery, isUnsupportedPRQuery, i, true, false);
i = Util.Rand(QueryStrings.SSPsize);
currentQuery = QueryStatics.StructSetParamQueries[i];
remoteQuery(currentQuery, isLargeSetQuery, isUnsupportedPRQuery, i, true, true);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("CacheServer.RunQuery: Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("CacheServer.RunQuery complete.");
private void UpdateOperationsMap(string opCode, int numOps)
UpdateOpsMap(OperationsMap, opCode, numOps);
private void UpdateExceptionsMap(string opCode, int numOps)
UpdateOpsMap(ExceptionsMap, opCode, numOps);
private void UpdateOpsMap(Dictionary<string, int> map, string opCode,
int numOps)
lock (((ICollection)map).SyncRoot)
int currentOps;
if (!map.TryGetValue(opCode, out currentOps))
currentOps = 0;
map[opCode] = currentOps + numOps;
private int GetOpsFromMap(Dictionary<string, int> map, string opCode)
int numOps;
lock (((ICollection)map).SyncRoot)
if (!map.TryGetValue(opCode, out numOps))
numOps = 0;
return numOps;
private void PutAllOps()
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region = GetRegion();
IDictionary<TKey, TVal> map = new Dictionary<TKey, TVal>();
int valSize = GetUIntValue(ValueSizes);
int minValSize = (int)(sizeof(int) + sizeof(long) + 4);
valSize = ((valSize < minValSize) ? minValSize : valSize);
string valBuf = null;
string objectType = GetStringValue(ObjectType);
if (objectType != null)
Int32 numSet = 0;
Int32 setSize = 0;
QueryHelper<TKey, TVal> qh = QueryHelper<TKey, TVal>.GetHelper(CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache);
TVal port;
setSize = qh.PortfolioSetSize;
numSet = 200 / setSize;
for (int set = 1; set <= numSet; set++)
for (int current = 1; current <= setSize; current++)
port = (TVal)(object)new Portfolio(current, valSize);
string Id = String.Format("port{0}-{1}", set, current);
TKey key = (TKey)(object)Id.ToString();
map.Add(key, port);
valBuf = new string('A', valSize);
for (int count = 0; count < 200; count++)
TKey key = (TKey)(object)count.ToString();
TVal value = (TVal)(object)Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(valBuf);
map.Add(key, value);
region.PutAll(map, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
private void GetAllOps()
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region = GetRegion();
List<TKey> keys = new List<TKey>();
for (int count = 0; count < 200; count++)
TKey key = (TKey)(object)count.ToString();
IDictionary<TKey, TVal> values = new Dictionary<TKey, TVal>();
region.GetAll(keys.ToArray(), values, null, false);
#region Public methods
public static ICacheListener<TKey, TVal> CreateSilenceListenerPdx()
return new PDXSilenceListener<TKey, TVal>();
public virtual void DoCreatePool()
FwkInfo("In DoCreatePool()");
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoCreatePool() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoCreatePool() complete.");
public virtual void DoCreateRegion()
FwkInfo("In DoCreateRegion()");
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region = CreateRootRegion();
m_istransaction = GetBoolValue("useTransactions");
isEmptyClient = !(region.Attributes.CachingEnabled);
isThinClient = region.Attributes.CachingEnabled;
objectType = GetStringValue(ObjectType);
versionnum = GetUIntValue("versionNum");
string sharedpath = (string)Util.BBGet("SharedPath", "sharedDir");
m_sharePath = Path.Combine(sharedpath , "framework/csharp/bin");
if (objectType != null)
var typeRegistry = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.TypeRegistry;
if (objectType.Equals("PdxVersioned") && versionnum == 1)
m_pdxVersionOneAsm = Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(m_sharePath, "PdxVersion1Lib.dll"));
typeRegistry.PdxTypeMapper = new PdxTypeMapper();
else if (objectType.Equals("PdxVersioned") && versionnum == 2)
m_pdxVersionTwoAsm = Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(m_sharePath, "PdxVersion2Lib.dll"));
typeRegistry.PdxTypeMapper = new PdxTypeMapper();
else if (objectType.Equals("Nested"))
else if (objectType.Equals("PdxType"))
else if (objectType.Equals("AutoSerilizer"))
typeRegistry.PdxSerializer = new ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer();
isSerialExecution = GetBoolValue("serialExecution");
if (isSerialExecution)
regionSnapshot = new Dictionary<TKey, TVal>();
destroyedKeys = new List<TKey>();
if (region == null)
FwkException("DoCreateRegion() could not create region.");
FwkInfo("DoCreateRegion() Created region '{0}'", region.Name);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoCreateRegion() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoCreateRegion() complete.");
IPdxSerializable registerPdxTypeOne()
Type pt = m_pdxVersionOneAsm.GetType("PdxVersionTests.PdxVersioned");
object ob = pt.InvokeMember("CreateDeserializable", BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, null);
return (IPdxSerializable)ob;
IPdxSerializable registerPdxTypeTwo()
Type pt = m_pdxVersionTwoAsm.GetType("PdxVersionTests.PdxVersioned");
object ob = pt.InvokeMember("CreateDeserializable", BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, null);
return (IPdxSerializable)ob;
public void DoCloseCache()
FwkInfo("DoCloseCache() Closing cache and disconnecting from" +
" distributed system.");
CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.Close();
public void DoRegisterAllKeys()
FwkInfo("In DoRegisterAllKeys()");
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region = GetRegion();
FwkInfo("DoRegisterAllKeys() region name is {0}", region.Name);
bool isDurable = GetBoolValue("isDurableReg");
bool isGetInitialValues = GetBoolValue("getInitialValues");
bool checkReceiveVal = GetBoolValue("checkReceiveVal");
bool isReceiveValues = true;
if (checkReceiveVal)
isReceiveValues = GetBoolValue("receiveValue");
region.GetSubscriptionService().RegisterAllKeys(isDurable, isGetInitialValues, isReceiveValues);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoRegisterAllKeys() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoRegisterAllKeys() complete.");
public void DoFeed()
FwkInfo("CacheServer.DoFeed() called.");
int opsSec = GetUIntValue(OpsSecond);
opsSec = (opsSec < 1) ? 0 : opsSec;
int entryCount = GetUIntValue(EntryCount);
entryCount = (entryCount < 1) ? 10000 : entryCount;
int cnt = 0;
int valSize = GetUIntValue(ValueSizes);
int minValSize = (int)(sizeof(int) + sizeof(long) + 4);
valSize = ((valSize < minValSize) ? minValSize : valSize);
string valBuf = new string('A', valSize);
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region = GetRegion();
PaceMeter pm = new PaceMeter(opsSec);
while (cnt++ < entryCount)
AddValue(region, cnt, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(valBuf));
// ----------------------- begin pdx test related tasks -----------
protected void removeDuplicates(List<TKey> destroyedKeys)
List<TKey> myStringList = new List<TKey>();
foreach (TKey s in destroyedKeys)
if (!myStringList.Contains(s))
destroyedKeys = myStringList;
//return myStringList;
protected TVal GetValue()
TVal tmpValue = default(TVal);
int size = GetUIntValue("valueSizes");
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
Random random = new Random();
char ch;
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
ch = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(26 * random.NextDouble() + 65)));
string objectType = GetStringValue(ObjectType);
int elementSize = GetUIntValue("elementSize");
int versionnum = GetUIntValue("versionNum"); //random.Next(2) + 1;// (counter++ % 2) + 1;
if (typeof(TVal) == typeof(string))
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)builder.ToString();
else if (typeof(TVal) == typeof(byte[]))
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(builder.ToString()));
else if (objectType.Equals("PdxVersioned") && versionnum == 1)
FwkInfo("rjk ---11222 {0}", elementSize);
m_pdxVesionOneAsm = Assembly.LoadFrom(m_sharePath + "/PdxVersion1Lib.dll");
Type pt = m_pdxVesionOneAsm.GetType("PdxVersionTests.PdxVersioned", true, true);
FwkInfo("rjk ---11223");
tmpValue = (TVal)pt.InvokeMember("PdxVersioned", BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, null);
FwkInfo("rjk ---11224 {0}", tmpValue);
else if (objectType.Equals("PdxVersioned") && versionnum == 2)
m_pdxVesionTwoAsm = Assembly.LoadFrom(m_sharePath + "/PdxVersion2Lib.dll");
Type pt = m_pdxVesionTwoAsm.GetType("PdxVersionTests.PdxVersioned", true, true);
tmpValue = (TVal)pt.InvokeMember("PdxVersioned", BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, null);
FwkInfo("rjk: PdxVersioned {0}", versionnum);
return tmpValue;
protected void verifyContainsKey(IRegion<TKey, TVal> m_region, TKey key, bool expected)
//bool containsKey = m_region.GetLocalView().ContainsKey(key);
bool containsKey = false;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
containsKey = m_region.ContainsKey(key);
containsKey = m_region.GetLocalView().ContainsKey(key);
if (containsKey != expected)
throw new Exception("Expected ContainsKey() for " + key + " to be " + expected +
" in " + m_region.FullPath + ", but it is " + containsKey);
protected void verifyContainsValueForKey(IRegion<TKey, TVal> m_region, TKey key, bool expected)
//bool containsValueForKey = m_region.GetLocalView().ContainsValueForKey(key);
bool containsValueForKey = false;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
containsValueForKey = m_region.ContainsValueForKey(key);
containsValueForKey = m_region.GetLocalView().ContainsValueForKey(key);
Util.Log("Expected val is {0} and containsValueForKey is {1}", expected, containsValueForKey);
if (containsValueForKey != expected)
throw new Exception("Expected ContainsValueForKey() for " + key + " to be " + expected +
" in " + m_region.FullPath + ", but it is " + containsValueForKey);
protected void verifySize(IRegion<TKey, TVal> m_region, int expectedSize)
int size = 0;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
size = m_region.Count;
size = m_region.GetLocalView().Count;
if (size != expectedSize)
if (size < 1000)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("region has wrong size (").Append(size)
.Append("). Dump of region follows:")
ICollection<RegionEntry<TKey, TVal>> regionentry = m_region.GetEntries(false);
foreach (RegionEntry<TKey, TVal> kvp in regionentry)
TKey key = kvp.Key;
TVal Value = kvp.Value;
sb.Append(key).Append(") -> ").Append(Value)
throw new Exception("Expected size of " + m_region.FullPath + " to be " +
expectedSize + ", but it is " + size);
public void DoWaitForSilenceListenerComplete()
int desiredSilenceSec = 30;
int sleepMS = 2000;
FwkInfo("Waiting for a period of silence for " + desiredSilenceSec + " seconds...");
long desiredSilenceMS = desiredSilenceSec * 1000;
long silenceStartTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
long currentTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
long lastEventTime = (long)Util.BBGet("ListenerBB", "lastEventTime");
while (currentTime - silenceStartTime < desiredSilenceMS)
catch (Exception e)
FwkException("PerfTest::waitForSilence() Caught exception:" + e.Message);
lastEventTime = (long)Util.BBGet("ListenerBB", "lastEventTime");
if (lastEventTime > silenceStartTime)
// restart the wait
silenceStartTime = lastEventTime;
currentTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;
long duration = currentTime - silenceStartTime;
FwkInfo("Done waiting, clients have been silent for " + duration + " ms");
public void DoRandomEntryOperation()
FwkInfo("In DoRandomEntryOperation");
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region = GetRegion();
int timedInterval = GetTimeValue("timedInterval") * 1000;
if (timedInterval <= 0)
timedInterval = 5000;
int maxTime = 10 * timedInterval;
// Loop over key set sizes
int numKeys = GetUIntValue("distinctKeys");
bool isdone = false;
Util.BBSet("RoundPositionBB", "done", false);
string clntid = null;
int roundPosition = 0;
if (isSerialExecution)
Util.BBSet("RoundPositionBB", "roundPosition", 1);
roundPosition = (int)Util.BBGet("RoundPositionBB", "roundPosition");
clntid = String.Format("Client.{0}", roundPosition);
clntid = Util.ClientId;
int numClients = GetUIntValue("clientCount");
string dummyClntid = null;
int numThreads = GetUIntValue("numThreads");
while (true)
if (roundPosition > numClients)
if (clntid.Equals(Util.ClientId))
PdxEntryTask<TKey, TVal> entrytask = new PdxEntryTask<TKey, TVal>(region, numKeys, regionSnapshot,
destroyedKeys, isSerialExecution, objectType, versionnum);
if (isSerialExecution)
RunTask(entrytask, numThreads, -1, timedInterval, maxTime, null);
Util.BBSet("RegionSnapshot", "regionSnapshot", regionSnapshot);
Util.BBSet("DestroyedKeys", "destroyedKeys", destroyedKeys);
roundPosition = Util.BBIncrement("RoundPositionBB", "roundPosition");
Util.BBSet("RoundPositionBB", "roundPosition", roundPosition);
Util.BBSet("RoundPositionBB", "done", true);
Util.BBSet("RoundPositionBB", "VerifyCnt", 0);
RunTask(entrytask, numThreads, -1, timedInterval, maxTime, null);
FwkInfo("Done PdxEntryTask operation");
else// if(!Util.ClientId.Equals(dummyClntid))
for (; ; )
isdone = (bool)Util.BBGet("RoundPositionBB", "done");
if (isdone)
if (isdone)
Util.BBSet("RoundPositionBB", "done", false);
Util.BBIncrement("RoundPositionBB", "VerifyCnt");
catch (Exception ex)
Util.BBSet("RoundPositionBB", "done", false);
Util.BBIncrement("RoundPositionBB", "VerifyCnt");
Util.BBSet("RoundPositionBB", "roundPosition", numClients + 1);
FwkException("In DoRandomEntryOperation() caught excption {0}.", ex.Message);
FwkInfo("Done Verification and verifyCount = {0}",(int)Util.BBGet("RoundPositionBB", "VerifyCnt"));
if (isSerialExecution)
int verifyCnt = (int)Util.BBGet("RoundPositionBB", "VerifyCnt");
FwkInfo("DoRandomOperation: verifyCnt {0}, numclient {1}", verifyCnt, numClients);
while (verifyCnt < numClients - 1)
verifyCnt = (int)Util.BBGet("RoundPositionBB", "VerifyCnt");
roundPosition = (int)Util.BBGet("RoundPositionBB", "roundPosition");
clntid = String.Format("Client.{0}", roundPosition);
dummyClntid = String.Format("Client.{0}", (roundPosition - 1));
catch (ClientTimeoutException)
Util.BBSet("RoundPositionBB", "done", true);
Util.BBSet("RoundPositionBB", "roundPosition", numClients + 1);
FwkException("In DoRandomEntryOperation() Timed run timed out.");
catch (Exception ex)
Util.BBSet("RoundPositionBB", "done", true);
Util.BBSet("RoundPositionBB", "roundPosition", numClients + 1);
FwkException("In DoRandomEntryOperation() caught excption {0}.", ex.Message);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("last DoRandomEntryOperation() Caught Exception: {0}", ex.Message);
FwkInfo("DoRandomEntryOperation() complete.");
public void verifyFromSnapshot()
catch (Exception e)
public void verifyFromSnapshotOnly()
IRegion<TKey, TVal> aRegion = GetRegion();
if (isEmptyClient)
StringBuilder aStr = new StringBuilder();
regionSnapshot = (Dictionary<TKey, TVal>)Util.BBGet("RegionSnapshot", "regionSnapshot");
int snapshotSize = regionSnapshot.Count;
int regionSize = 0;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
regionSize = aRegion.Count;
regionSize = aRegion.GetLocalView().Count;
//int regionSize = aRegion.GetLocalView().Count;
FwkInfo("Verifying from snapshot containing " + snapshotSize + " entries...");
if (snapshotSize != regionSize)
FwkException("Expected region " + aRegion.FullPath + " to be size " + snapshotSize +
", but it is " + regionSize.ToString() + "\n");
foreach (KeyValuePair<TKey, TVal> kvp in regionSnapshot)
TKey key = kvp.Key;
TVal expectedValue = kvp.Value;
verifyContainsKey(aRegion, key, true);
catch (Exception e)
aStr.Append(e.Message + "\n");
// anyFailures = true;
bool containsValueForKey = aRegion.GetLocalView().ContainsValueForKey(key);
verifyContainsValueForKey(aRegion, key, !(EqualityComparer<TVal>.Default.Equals(expectedValue, default(TVal))));
catch (Exception e)
FwkException(e.Message + "\n");
// do a get on the partitioned region if a loader won't get invoked; test its value
if (containsValueForKey)
// loader won't be invoked if we have a value for this key (whether or not a loader
// is installed), or if we don't have a loader at all
TVal actualValue = aRegion[key];
if (!actualValue.Equals(expectedValue))
FwkException("verifyFromSnapshotOnly: expected value {0} is not same as actual value {1} for key {3}",
expectedValue, actualValue, key);
catch (Apache.Geode.Client.KeyNotFoundException)
catch (Exception e)
aStr.Append(e.Message + "\n");
if (isSerialExecution)
// check that destroyedKeys are not in the region
destroyedKeys = (List<TKey>)Util.BBGet("DestroyedKeys", "destroyedKeys");
for (int i = 0; i < destroyedKeys.Count; i++)
TKey key = destroyedKeys[i];
verifyContainsKey(aRegion, key, false);
catch (Exception e)
aStr.Append(e.Message + "\n");
catch (Exception e)
aStr.Append(e.Message + "\n");
if (aStr.Length > 0)
// shutdownHook will cause all members to dump partitioned region info
throw new Exception(aStr.ToString());
FwkInfo("Done verifying from snapshot containing " + snapshotSize.ToString() + " entries...");
public void dumpDataOnBB()
IRegion<TKey, TVal> aRegion = GetRegion();
ICollection<TKey> serverkeys = aRegion.Keys;
regionSnapshot = new Dictionary<TKey, TVal>();
foreach (TKey key in serverkeys)
TVal value = default(TVal); ;
value = aRegion[key];
catch (Apache.Geode.Client.KeyNotFoundException)
value = default(TVal);
regionSnapshot[key] = value;
Util.BBSet("RegionSnapshot", "regionSnapshot", regionSnapshot);
public void verifyServerKeysFromSnapshot()
IRegion<TKey, TVal> aRegion = GetRegion();
StringBuilder aStr = new StringBuilder();
regionSnapshot = (Dictionary<TKey, TVal>)Util.BBGet("RegionSnapshot", "regionSnapshot");
destroyedKeys = (List<TKey>)Util.BBGet("DestroyedKeys", "destroyedKeys");
ICollection<TKey> serverKeys = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<TKey>();
foreach (TKey key in aRegion.Keys)
int snapshotSize = regionSnapshot.Count;
int numServerKeys = serverKeys.Count;
//int numServerKeys = aRegion.Count;
FwkInfo("Verifying server keys from snapshot containing " + snapshotSize.ToString() + " entries...");
if (snapshotSize != numServerKeys)
aStr.Append("Expected number of keys on server to be " + snapshotSize.ToString() + ", but it is " + numServerKeys.ToString() + "\n");
foreach (KeyValuePair<TKey, TVal> kvp in regionSnapshot)
{ // iterating the expected keys
TKey key = kvp.Key;
TVal expectedValue = (TVal)(Object)kvp.Value;
if (!serverKeys.Contains(key))
aStr.Append("Expected key " + key + " to be in server keys set, but it is missing\n");
// only do a get if we will not invoke the silence listener on a get
if ((!isThinClient && !isEmptyClient) ||
(isThinClient && aRegion.GetLocalView().ContainsKey(key)))
TVal valueOnServer = (TVal)(Object)aRegion[key];
//if (!EqualityComparer<TVal>.Default.Equals(valueOnServer, default(TVal)))
if (!valueOnServer.Equals(expectedValue))
FwkException("verifyServerKeysFromSnapshot: expected value {0} is not same as actual value {1} for key {2}",
expectedValue, valueOnServer, key);
FwkInfo("verifyServerKeysFromSnapshot: expected value {0} is same as actual value {1} for key {2}",
expectedValue, valueOnServer, key);
catch (Apache.Geode.Client.KeyNotFoundException)
catch (EntryNotFoundException)
catch (Exception e)
aStr.Append(e.Message + "\n");
// check that destroyedKeys are not in the server keys
if (isSerialExecution)
destroyedKeys = (List<TKey>)Util.BBGet("DestroyedKeys", "destroyedKeys");
for (int i = 0; i < destroyedKeys.Count; i++)
TKey key = destroyedKeys[i];
if (serverKeys.Contains(key))
aStr.Append("Destroyed key " + key + " was returned as a server key\n");
foreach (TKey key in regionSnapshot.Keys)
FwkInfo("IsReadOnly {0}", serverKeys.IsReadOnly);
FwkInfo("serverKeys key {0}", key);
if (serverKeys.Count != 0)
foreach (TKey key in serverKeys)
aStr.Append("Found the following unexpected keys in server keys: " +
": " + key + "\n");
if (aStr.Length > 0)
// shutdownHook will cause all members to dump partitioned region info
throw new Exception(aStr.ToString());
FwkInfo("Done verifying server keys from snapshot containing " + snapshotSize.ToString() + " entries...");
public void DoPopulateRegion()
FwkInfo("In DoPopulateRegion()");
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region = GetRegion();
int numKeys = GetUIntValue("distinctKeys");
versionnum = FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.GetUIntValue("versionNum");
PdxEntryTask<TKey, TVal> addtask = new PdxEntryTask<TKey, TVal>(region, numKeys,
regionSnapshot, destroyedKeys, isSerialExecution, objectType, versionnum);
FwkInfo("Populating region for {0} keys.", numKeys);
RunTask(addtask, 1, numKeys, -1, -1, null);
Util.BBSet("RegionSnapshot", "regionSnapshot", regionSnapshot);
Util.BBSet("DestroyedKeys", "destroyedKeys", destroyedKeys);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoPopulateRegion() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoPopulateRegion() complete.");
public void DoPuts()
FwkInfo("In DoPuts()");
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region = GetRegion();
int timedInterval = GetTimeValue("timedInterval") * 1000;
if (timedInterval <= 0)
timedInterval = 5000;
int maxTime = 10 * timedInterval;
// Loop over key set sizes
versionnum = FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.GetUIntValue("versionNum");
int numKeys;
while ((numKeys = GetUIntValue(DistinctKeys)) > 0)
{ // keys loop
// Loop over value sizes
int valSize;
while ((valSize = GetUIntValue(ValueSizes)) > 0)
{ // value loop
// Loop over threads
int numThreads;
while ((numThreads = GetUIntValue(NumThreads)) > 0)
PdxEntryTask<TKey, TVal> puts = new PdxEntryTask<TKey, TVal>(region, numKeys,
regionSnapshot, destroyedKeys, isSerialExecution, objectType, versionnum);
FwkInfo("Running warmup task for {0} iterations.", numKeys);
RunTask(puts, 1, numKeys, -1, -1, null);
// Running the warmup task
// And we do the real work now
FwkInfo("Running timed task for {0} secs and {1} threads; numKeys[{2}]",
timedInterval / 1000, numThreads, numKeys);
//SetTaskRunInfo(label, "Puts", m_maxKeys, numClients,
// valSize, numThreads);
RunTask(puts, numThreads, -1, timedInterval, maxTime, null);
Util.BBSet("RegionSnapshot", "regionSnapshot", regionSnapshot);
Util.BBSet("DestroyedKeys", "destroyedKeys", destroyedKeys);
//AddTaskRunRecord(puts.Iterations, puts.ElapsedTime);
catch (ClientTimeoutException)
FwkException("In DoPuts() Timed run timed out.");
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
} // value loop
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
} // keys loop
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoPuts() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
Thread.Sleep(3000); // Put a marker of inactivity in the stats
FwkInfo("DoPuts() complete.");
public void DoGets()
FwkInfo("In DoGets()");
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region = GetRegion();
int numClients = GetUIntValue(ClientCount);
string label = CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.RegionTag(region.Attributes);
int timedInterval = GetTimeValue(TimedInterval) * 1000;
if (timedInterval <= 0)
timedInterval = 5000;
int maxTime = 10 * timedInterval;
int numKeys = GetUIntValue(DistinctKeys);
versionnum = FwkTest<TKey, TVal>.CurrentTest.GetUIntValue("versionNum");
int valSize = GetUIntValue(ValueSizes);
// Loop over threads
int numThreads;
while ((numThreads = GetUIntValue(NumThreads)) > 0)
{ // thread loop
// And we do the real work now
PdxEntryTask<TKey, TVal> gets = new PdxEntryTask<TKey, TVal>(region, numKeys,
regionSnapshot, destroyedKeys, isSerialExecution, objectType, versionnum);
FwkInfo("Running warmup task for {0} iterations.", numKeys);
RunTask(gets, 1, numKeys, -1, -1, null);
FwkInfo("Running timed task for {0} secs and {1} threads.",
timedInterval / 1000, numThreads);
//SetTaskRunInfo(label, "Gets", m_maxKeys, numClients, valSize, numThreads);
RunTask(gets, numThreads, -1, timedInterval, maxTime, null);
catch (ClientTimeoutException)
FwkException("In DoGets() Timed run timed out.");
//AddTaskRunRecord(gets.Iterations, gets.ElapsedTime);
// real work complete for this pass thru the loop
Util.BBSet("RegionSnapshot", "regionSnapshot", regionSnapshot);
Util.BBSet("DestroyedKeys", "destroyedKeys", destroyedKeys);
} // thread loop
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("DoGets() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
FwkInfo("DoGets() complete.");
void doAccessPdxInstanceAndVerify()
CacheHelper<TKey, TVal>.DCache.TypeRegistry.RegisterPdxType(PdxType.CreateDeserializable);
FwkInfo("In doAccessPdxInstanceAndVerify");
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region0 = GetRegion();
PdxType dPdxType = new PdxType();
int numKeys = GetUIntValue(DistinctKeys);
int size = region0.Keys.Count;
TKey[] keys = (TKey[])region0.Keys;
TKey key = default(TKey);
if(size != numKeys){
FwkException("doAccessPdxInstanceAndVerify() number of entries {0} on server is not same as expected {1}", size, numKeys);
for (int index = 0; index < numKeys; index++)
key = keys[index];
bool containsValueForKey = false;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
containsValueForKey = region0.ContainsValueForKey(key);
containsValueForKey = region0.GetLocalView().ContainsValueForKey(key);
IPdxInstance ret = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
string retStr = (string)ret.GetField("m_string");
PdxType.GenericValCompare(dPdxType.PString, retStr);
PdxType.GenericValCompare((char)ret.GetField("m_char"), dPdxType.Char);
byte[][] baa = (byte[][])ret.GetField("m_byteByteArray");
PdxType.compareByteByteArray(baa, dPdxType.ByteByteArray);
PdxType.GenericCompare((char[])ret.GetField("m_charArray"), dPdxType.CharArray);
bool bl = (bool)ret.GetField("m_bool");
PdxType.GenericValCompare(bl, dPdxType.Bool);
PdxType.GenericCompare((bool[])ret.GetField("m_boolArray"), dPdxType.BoolArray);
PdxType.GenericValCompare((sbyte)ret.GetField("m_byte"), dPdxType.Byte);
PdxType.GenericCompare((byte[])ret.GetField("m_byteArray"), dPdxType.ByteArray);
List<object> tmpl = (List<object>)ret.GetField("m_arraylist");
PdxType.compareCompareCollection(tmpl, dPdxType.Arraylist);
IDictionary<object, object> tmpM = (IDictionary<object, object>)ret.GetField("m_map");
if (tmpM.Count != dPdxType.Map.Count)
throw new IllegalStateException("Not got expected value for type: " + dPdxType.Map.GetType().ToString());
Hashtable tmpH = (Hashtable)ret.GetField("m_hashtable");
if (tmpH.Count != dPdxType.Hashtable.Count)
throw new IllegalStateException("Not got expected value for type: " + dPdxType.Hashtable.GetType().ToString());
ArrayList arrAl = (ArrayList)ret.GetField("m_vector");
if (arrAl.Count != dPdxType.Vector.Count)
throw new IllegalStateException("Not got expected value for type: " + dPdxType.Vector.GetType().ToString());
CacheableHashSet rmpChs = (CacheableHashSet)ret.GetField("m_chs");
if (rmpChs.Count != dPdxType.Chs.Count)
throw new IllegalStateException("Not got expected value for type: " + dPdxType.Chs.GetType().ToString());
CacheableLinkedHashSet rmpClhs = (CacheableLinkedHashSet)ret.GetField("m_clhs");
if (rmpClhs.Count != dPdxType.Clhs.Count)
throw new IllegalStateException("Not got expected value for type: " + dPdxType.Clhs.GetType().ToString());
PdxType.GenericValCompare((string)ret.GetField("m_string"), dPdxType.String);
PdxType.compareData((DateTime)ret.GetField("m_dateTime"), dPdxType.DateTime);
PdxType.GenericValCompare((double)ret.GetField("m_double"), dPdxType.Double);
PdxType.GenericCompare((long[])ret.GetField("m_longArray"), dPdxType.LongArray);
PdxType.GenericCompare((Int16[])ret.GetField("m_int16Array"), dPdxType.Int16Array);
PdxType.GenericValCompare((sbyte)ret.GetField("m_sbyte"), dPdxType.Sbyte);
PdxType.GenericCompare((byte[])ret.GetField("m_sbyteArray"), dPdxType.SbyteArray);
PdxType.GenericCompare((string[])ret.GetField("m_stringArray"), dPdxType.StringArray);
PdxType.GenericValCompare((Int16)ret.GetField("m_uint16"), dPdxType.Uint16);
PdxType.GenericValCompare((int)ret.GetField("m_uint32"), dPdxType.Uint32);
PdxType.GenericValCompare((long)ret.GetField("m_ulong"), dPdxType.Ulong);
PdxType.GenericCompare((int[])ret.GetField("m_uint32Array"), dPdxType.Uint32Array);
PdxType.GenericCompare((double[])ret.GetField("m_doubleArray"), dPdxType.DoubleArray);
PdxType.GenericValCompare((float)ret.GetField("m_float"), dPdxType.Float);
PdxType.GenericCompare((float[])ret.GetField("m_floatArray"), dPdxType.FloatArray);
PdxType.GenericValCompare((Int16)ret.GetField("m_int16"), dPdxType.Int16);
PdxType.GenericValCompare((Int32)ret.GetField("m_int32"), dPdxType.Int32);
PdxType.GenericValCompare((long)ret.GetField("m_long"), dPdxType.Long);
PdxType.GenericCompare((int[])ret.GetField("m_int32Array"), dPdxType.Int32Array);
PdxType.GenericCompare((long[])ret.GetField("m_ulongArray"), dPdxType.UlongArray);
PdxType.GenericCompare((Int16[])ret.GetField("m_uint16Array"), dPdxType.Uint16Array);
byte[] retbA = (byte[])ret.GetField("m_byte252");
if (retbA.Length != 252)
throw new Exception("Array len 252 not found");
retbA = (byte[])ret.GetField("m_byte253");
if (retbA.Length != 253)
throw new Exception("Array len 253 not found");
retbA = (byte[])ret.GetField("m_byte65535");
if (retbA.Length != 65535)
throw new Exception("Array len 65535 not found");
retbA = (byte[])ret.GetField("m_byte65536");
if (retbA.Length != 65536)
throw new Exception("Array len 65536 not found");
pdxEnumTest ev = (pdxEnumTest)ret.GetField("m_pdxEnum");
if (ev != dPdxType.PdxEnum)
throw new Exception("Pdx enum is not equal");
IPdxInstance[] addreaaPdxI = (IPdxInstance[])ret.GetField("m_address");
if (addreaaPdxI.Length != dPdxType.AddressArray.Length)
throw new Exception("Address array not mateched ");
List<object> objArr = (List<object>)ret.GetField("m_objectArray");
if (objArr.Count != dPdxType.ObjectArray.Count)
throw new Exception("Object array not mateched ");
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("doAccessPdxInstanceAndVerify() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
public void exceptionThrow(IPdxInstance newpdxins, IPdxInstance pdxins)
if (pdxins.Equals(newpdxins))
throw new Exception("PdxInstance should not be equal");
public void doModifyPdxInstance()
FwkInfo("In doModifyPdxInstance");
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region0 = GetRegion();
int size;
if (isEmptyClient || m_istransaction)
size = region0.Keys.Count;
size = region0.Count;
int numKeys = GetUIntValue(DistinctKeys);
//int size = region0.Count;
TKey[] keys = (TKey[])region0.Keys;
TKey key = default(TKey);
if(size != numKeys){
FwkException("doModifyPdxInstance() number of entries {0} on server is not same as expected {1}",size,numKeys);
for (int index = 0; index < numKeys; index++)
key = keys[index];
IPdxInstance newpdxins;
IPdxInstance pdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
int oldVal = (int)pdxins.GetField("m_int32");
IWritablePdxInstance iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
Random random = new Random();
char ch;
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
ch = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(26 * random.NextDouble() + 65)));
string changeStr = builder.ToString();
//string changeStr = "change the string";
iwpi.SetField("m_int32", oldVal + 1);
iwpi.SetField("m_string", changeStr);
region0[key] =(TVal)(object)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
int newVal = (int)newpdxins.GetField("m_int32");
if ((oldVal + 1) != newVal)
throw new Exception("PdxInstance field m_int32 of PdxType not get modified and " +
"the previous value was " + oldVal + " and new value is " + newVal);
string cStr = (string)newpdxins.GetField("m_string");
if (!cStr.Equals(changeStr))
throw new Exception("PdxInstance field m_string of PdxType not get modified and " +
"the previous value was " + changeStr + " and new value is " + cStr);
List<object> arr = (List<object>)newpdxins.GetField("m_arraylist");
exceptionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
//int num = random.Next(0, 26); // Zero to 25
//char newChar = (char)('a' + num);
char oldChar = (char)pdxins.GetField("m_char");
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_char", 'D');
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
char newChar = (char)newpdxins.GetField("m_char");
if (!(newChar.Equals('D')))
throw new Exception("PdxInstance field m_char of PdxType not get modified and " +
"the previous value was " + oldChar + " and new value is " + newChar);
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
bool beforeValue = (bool)pdxins.GetField("m_bool");
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_bool", false);
region0[key] = (TVal)(object)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
bool updateValue = (bool)newpdxins.GetField("m_bool");
throw new Exception("PdxInstance field m_bool is not equal");
exceptionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_byte", (sbyte)0x75);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((sbyte)newpdxins.GetField("m_byte"), (sbyte)0x75, "sbyte is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_sbyte", (sbyte)0x57);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((sbyte)newpdxins.GetField("m_sbyte"), (sbyte)0x57, "sbyte is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_int16", (short)0x5678);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((Int16)newpdxins.GetField("m_int16"), (short)0x5678, "int16 is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_long", (long)0x56787878);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((long)newpdxins.GetField("m_long"), (long)0x56787878, "long is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_float", 18389.34f);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((float)newpdxins.GetField("m_float"), 18389.34f, "float is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_float", 18389.34f);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((float)newpdxins.GetField("m_float"), 18389.34f, "float is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_double", 18389.34d);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((double)newpdxins.GetField("m_double"), 18389.34d, "double is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_boolArray", new bool[] { true, false, true, false, true, true, false, true });
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((bool[])newpdxins.GetField("m_boolArray"), new bool[] { true, false, true, false, true, true, false, true }, "bool array is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_byteArray", new byte[] { 0x34, 0x64, 0x34, 0x64 });
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((byte[])newpdxins.GetField("m_byteArray"), new byte[] { 0x34, 0x64, 0x34, 0x64 }, "byte array is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_charArray", new char[] { 'c', 'v', 'c', 'v' });
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((char[])newpdxins.GetField("m_charArray"), new char[] { 'c', 'v', 'c', 'v' }, "char array is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
long ticks = 634460644691580000L;
DateTime tdt = new DateTime(ticks);
iwpi.SetField("m_dateTime", tdt);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((DateTime)newpdxins.GetField("m_dateTime"), tdt, "datetime is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_int16Array", new short[] { 0x2332, 0x4545, 0x88, 0x898 });
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((Int16[])newpdxins.GetField("m_int16Array"), new short[] { 0x2332, 0x4545, 0x88, 0x898 }, "short array is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_int32Array", new int[] { 23, 676868, 34343 });
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((Int32[])newpdxins.GetField("m_int32Array"), new int[] { 23, 676868, 34343 }, "int32 array is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_longArray", new Int64[] { 3245435, 3425435 });
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((long[])newpdxins.GetField("m_longArray"), new Int64[] { 3245435, 3425435 }, "long array is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_floatArray", new float[] { 232.565f, 234323354.67f });
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((float[])newpdxins.GetField("m_floatArray"), new float[] { 232.565f, 234323354.67f }, "float array is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_doubleArray", new double[] { 23423432d, 43242354315d });
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((double[])newpdxins.GetField("m_doubleArray"), new double[] { 23423432d, 43242354315d }, "double array is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
byte[][] tmpbb = new byte[][]{new byte[] {0x23},
new byte[]{0x34, 0x55},
new byte[] {0x23},
new byte[]{0x34, 0x55}
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_byteByteArray", tmpbb);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
byte[][] retbb = (byte[][])newpdxins.GetField("m_byteByteArray");
PdxType.compareByteByteArray(tmpbb, retbb);
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_stringArray", new string[] { "one", "two", "eeeee" });
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((string[])newpdxins.GetField("m_stringArray"), new string[] { "one", "two", "eeeee" }, "string array is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
List<object> tl = new List<object>();
tl.Add(new PdxType());
tl.Add(new byte[] { 0x34, 0x55 });
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_arraylist", tl);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual(((List<object>)newpdxins.GetField("m_arraylist")).Count, tl.Count, "list<object> is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
Dictionary<object, object> map = new Dictionary<object, object>();
map.Add(1, new bool[] { true, false, true, false, true, true, false, true });
map.Add(2, new string[] { "one", "two", "eeeee" });
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_map", map);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual(((Dictionary<object, object>)newpdxins.GetField("m_map")).Count, map.Count, "map is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();
hashtable.Add(1, new string[] { "one", "two", "eeeee" });
hashtable.Add(2, new int[] { 23, 676868, 34343 });
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_hashtable", hashtable);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual(((Hashtable)newpdxins.GetField("m_hashtable")).Count, hashtable.Count, "hashtable is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_pdxEnum", pdxEnumTest.pdx1);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual(((pdxEnumTest)newpdxins.GetField("m_pdxEnum")), pdxEnumTest.pdx1, "pdx enum is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
ArrayList vector = new ArrayList();
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_vector", vector);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual(((ArrayList)newpdxins.GetField("m_vector")).Count, vector.Count, "vector is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
CacheableHashSet chm = CacheableHashSet.Create();
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_chs", chm);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((CacheableHashSet)newpdxins.GetField("m_chs"), chm, "CacheableHashSet is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
CacheableLinkedHashSet clhs = CacheableLinkedHashSet.Create();
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_clhs", clhs);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual((CacheableLinkedHashSet)newpdxins.GetField("m_clhs"), clhs, "CacheableLinkedHashSet is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
PdxTests.Address[] aa = new PdxTests.Address[2];
for (int i = 0; i < aa.Length; i++)
aa[i] = new PdxTests.Address(i + 1, "street" + i.ToString(), "city" + i.ToString());
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_address", aa);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
IPdxInstance[] iaa = (IPdxInstance[])newpdxins.GetField("m_address");
Assert.AreEqual(iaa.Length, aa.Length, "address array length should equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
List<object> oa = new List<object>();
oa.Add(new PdxTests.Address(1, "1", "12"));
oa.Add(new PdxTests.Address(1, "1", "12"));
iwpi = pdxins.CreateWriter();
iwpi.SetField("m_objectArray", oa);
region0[key] = (TVal)iwpi;
newpdxins = (IPdxInstance)region0[key];
Assert.AreEqual(((List<object>)newpdxins.GetField("m_objectArray")).Count, oa.Count, "Object arary is not equal");
expcetionThrow(newpdxins, pdxins);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("doModifyPdxInstance() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
public void doVerifyAndModifyPdxInstance()
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("doModifyPdxInstance() Caught Exception: {0}", ex);
// ------------------------------ end pdx ralated task ----------------
public void DoEntryOperations()
FwkInfo("CacheServer.DoEntryOperations() called.");
int opsSec = GetUIntValue(OpsSecond);
opsSec = (opsSec < 1) ? 0 : opsSec;
int entryCount = GetUIntValue(EntryCount);
entryCount = (entryCount < 1) ? 10000 : entryCount;
int secondsToRun = GetTimeValue(WorkTime);
secondsToRun = (secondsToRun < 1) ? 30 : secondsToRun;
int valSize = GetUIntValue(ValueSizes);
int minValSize = (int)(sizeof(int) + sizeof(long) + 4);
valSize = ((valSize < minValSize) ? minValSize : valSize);
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
DateTime end = now.AddSeconds(secondsToRun);
TKey key;
TVal value;
TVal tmpValue;
//TVal valBuf = (TVal)(object)Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(new string('A', valSize));
byte[] valBuf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(new string('A', valSize));
string opcode = null;
int creates = 0, puts = 0, gets = 0, dests = 0, invals = 0, query = 0, putAll = 0, getAll = 0;
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region = GetRegion();
if (region == null)
FwkSevere("CacheServer.DoEntryOperations(): No region to perform operations on.");
now = end; // Do not do the loop
FwkInfo("CacheServer.DoEntryOperations() will work for {0}secs " +
"using {1} byte values.", secondsToRun, valSize);
PaceMeter pm = new PaceMeter(opsSec);
string objectType = GetStringValue(ObjectType);
bool multiRegion = GetBoolValue("multiRegion");
while (now < end)
opcode = GetStringValue(EntryOps);
if (opcode == null || opcode.Length == 0)
opcode = "no-op";
if (multiRegion)
region = GetRegion();
if (region == null)
FwkException("CacheServerTest::doEntryOperations(): No region to perform operation {0}", opcode);
key = (TKey)(object)GetKey(entryCount);
if (opcode == "add")
if (objectType != null && objectType.Length > 0)
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)GetUserObject(objectType);
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)valBuf;
region.Add(key, tmpValue);
catch (EntryExistsException ex)
FwkInfo("CacheServer.DoEntryOperations() Caught non-fatal " +
"ex-ception in add: {0}", ex.Message);
if (opcode == "update")
if (objectType != null && objectType.Length > 0)
tmpValue = GetUserObject(objectType);
int keyVal = int.Parse(key.ToString());
int val = BitConverter.ToInt32(valBuf, 0);
val = (val == keyVal) ? keyVal + 1 : keyVal; // alternate the value so that it can be validated later.
BitConverter.GetBytes(val).CopyTo(valBuf, 0);
BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.Now.Ticks).CopyTo(valBuf, 4);
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)valBuf;
region[key] = tmpValue;
else if (opcode == "invalidate")
catch (EntryNotFoundException ex)
FwkInfo("CacheServer.DoEntryOperations() Caught non-fatal " +
"ex-ception in invalidate: {0}", ex.Message);
else if (opcode == "destroy")
catch (EntryNotFoundException ex)
FwkInfo("CacheServer.DoEntryOperations() Caught non-fatal " +
"ex-ception in destroy: {0}", ex.Message);
else if (opcode == "read")
value = (TVal)region[key];
catch (EntryNotFoundException ex)
FwkInfo("CacheServer.DoEntryOperations() Caught non-fatal " +
"ex-ception in read: {0}", ex.Message);
catch (Apache.Geode.Client.KeyNotFoundException ex)
FwkInfo("CacheServer.DoEntryOperations() Caught non-fatal " +
"ex-ception in read: {0}", ex.Message);
else if (opcode == "read+localdestroy")
value = region[key];
catch (EntryNotFoundException ex)
FwkInfo("CacheServer.DoEntryOperations() Caught non-fatal " +
"ex-ception in localDestroy: {0}", ex.Message);
else if (opcode == "query")
query += 4;
else if (opcode == "putAll")
else if (opcode == "getAll")
FwkException("CacheServer.DoEntryOperations() Invalid operation " +
"specified: {0}", opcode);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("CacheServer.DoEntryOperations() Caught unexpected " +
"exception during entry '{0}' operation: {1}.", opcode, ex);
now = DateTime.Now;
key = default(TKey);
value = default(TVal);
FwkInfo("CacheServer.DoEntryOperations() did {0} creates, {1} puts, " +
"{2} gets, {3} invalidates, {4} destroys, {5} querys, {6} putAll, {7} getAll.",
creates, puts, gets, invals, dests, query, putAll, getAll);
public void DoEntryOperationsForSecurity()
FwkInfo("CacheServer.DoEntryOperationsForSecurity() called.");
int opsSec = GetUIntValue(OpsSecond);
opsSec = (opsSec < 1) ? 0 : opsSec;
int entryCount = GetUIntValue(EntryCount);
entryCount = (entryCount < 1) ? 10000 : entryCount;
int secondsToRun = GetTimeValue(WorkTime);
secondsToRun = (secondsToRun < 1) ? 30 : secondsToRun;
int valSize = GetUIntValue(ValueSizes);
int minValSize = (int)(sizeof(int) + sizeof(long) + 4);
valSize = ((valSize < minValSize) ? minValSize : valSize);
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
DateTime end = now.AddSeconds(secondsToRun);
TKey key;
TVal value;
TVal tmpValue;
byte[] valBuf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(new string('A', valSize));
string opCode = null;
IRegion<TKey, TVal> region = GetRegion();
if (region == null)
FwkException("CacheServer.DoEntryOperationsForSecurity(): " +
"No region to perform operations on.");
FwkInfo("CacheServer.DoEntryOperationsForSecurity() will work for {0}secs " +
"using {1} byte values.", secondsToRun, valSize);
int cnt = 0;
PaceMeter pm = new PaceMeter(opsSec);
string objectType = GetStringValue(ObjectType);
while (now < end)
int addOps = 1;
opCode = GetStringValue(EntryOps);
UpdateOperationsMap(opCode, 1);
if (opCode == null || opCode.Length == 0)
opCode = "no-op";
key = GetKey(entryCount);
if (opCode == "create")
if (objectType != null && objectType.Length > 0)
tmpValue = GetUserObject(objectType);
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)valBuf;
region.Add(key, tmpValue);
if (opCode == "update")
if (objectType != null && objectType.Length > 0)
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)GetUserObject(objectType);
int keyVal = int.Parse(key.ToString());
int val = BitConverter.ToInt32(valBuf, 0);
val = (val == keyVal) ? keyVal + 1 : keyVal; // alternate the value so that it can be validated later.
BitConverter.GetBytes(val).CopyTo(valBuf, 0);
BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.Now.Ticks).CopyTo(valBuf, 4);
tmpValue = (TVal)(object)valBuf;
region[key] = tmpValue;
else if (opCode == "invalidate")
else if (opCode == "destroy")
else if (opCode == "get")
value = region[key];
else if (opCode == "read+localdestroy")
value = region[key];
else if (opCode == "regNUnregInterest")
TKey[] keys = new TKey[] { key };
else if (opCode == "query")
var qs = CheckQueryService();
Query<object> qry = qs.NewQuery<object>("select distinct * from /Portfolios where FALSE");
ISelectResults<object> result = qry.Execute(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(600));
else if (opCode == "cq")
string cqName = String.Format("cq-{0}-{1}", Util.ClientId, cnt++);
var qs = CheckQueryService();
CqAttributesFactory<TKey, object> cqFac = new CqAttributesFactory<TKey, object>();
ICqListener<TKey, object> cqLstner = new MyCqListener<TKey, object>();
CqAttributes<TKey, object> cqAttr = cqFac.Create();
CqQuery<TKey, object> cq = qs.NewCq(cqName, "select * from /Portfolios where FALSE", cqAttr, false);
FwkException("CacheServer.DoEntryOperationsForSecurity() " +
"Invalid operation specified: {0}", opCode);
catch (NotAuthorizedException)
//FwkInfo("Got expected NotAuthorizedException for operation {0}: {1}",
// opCode, ex.Message);
UpdateExceptionsMap(opCode, 1);
catch (EntryExistsException)
addOps = -1;
UpdateOperationsMap(opCode, addOps);
catch (EntryNotFoundException)
addOps = -1;
UpdateOperationsMap(opCode, addOps);
catch (EntryDestroyedException)
addOps = -1;
UpdateOperationsMap(opCode, addOps);
catch (TimeoutException ex)
FwkSevere("Caught unexpected timeout exception during entry {0} " +
" operation: {1}; continuing with test.", opCode, ex.Message);
catch (Exception ex)
FwkException("CacheServer.DoEntryOperationsForSecurity() Caught " +
"unexpected exception during entry '{0}' operation: {1}.",
opCode, ex);
now = DateTime.Now;
key = default(TKey);
value = default(TVal);
public void DoValidateEntryOperationsForSecurity()
bool isExpectedPass = GetBoolValue("isExpectedPass");
string opCode;
while ((opCode = GetStringValue(EntryOps)) != null)
int numOps = GetOpsFromMap(OperationsMap, opCode);
int notAuthzCount = GetOpsFromMap(ExceptionsMap, opCode);
if (isExpectedPass)
if (numOps != 0 && notAuthzCount == 0)
FwkInfo("Task passed sucessfully for operation {0} with total " +
"operations = {1}", opCode, numOps);
FwkException("{0} NotAuthorizedExceptions found for operation {1} " +
"while expected 0", notAuthzCount, opCode);
if (numOps == notAuthzCount)
FwkInfo("Operation {0} passed sucessfully and got the expected " +
"number of incorrect authorizations: {1}", opCode, numOps);
FwkException("For operation {0} expected number of " +
"NotAuthorizedExceptions is {1} but found {2}", opCode,
numOps, notAuthzCount);
public static void TestComplete()