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title: Serialize with PDX Serialization
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<%=vars.product_name%>'s Portable Data eXchange (PDX) is a cross-language data format that can reduce the cost of distributing and serializing your objects. PDX stores data in named fields that you can access individually, to avoid the cost of deserializing the entire data object. PDX also allows you to mix versions of objects where you have added or removed fields.
You have two options for <%=vars.product_name%> PDX serialization when using the .NET caching API. You can program your domain objects using the `IPdxSerializable` interface, or you can use <%=vars.product_name%>’s reflection-based autoserializer.
- [Geode PDX Serialization Features](dotnet-pdx-serialization-features.html)
- [Serialize Using the Geode PDX Autoserializer](dotnet-pdx-autoserializer.html)
- [Extend the PDX Autoserializer](extending-pdx-autoserializer.html)
- [Serialize Your Domain Objects with IPdxSerializer](serializing-domain-objects.html)
- [Serialize Using the IPdxSerializable Interface](serialize-using-ipdxserializable.html)
- [Program Your Application to Use IPdxInstance](programming-ipdxinstance.html)
- [Use the IPdxInstanceFactory to Create IPdxInstances](using-ipdxinstancefactory.html)
- [Map .NET Domain Type Names to PDX Type Names with IPdxTypeMapper](mapping-dotnet-domain-type-names.html)
- [Data Serialization Options](dotnet-data-serialization-options.html)
- [Serialize with PDX Serialization](dotnet-pdx-serialization.html)