tree: d4c80a63270569264b7bedc7a70a8e7d3a60470c [path history] [tgz]
  1. MyCqListener.cs
  2. Order.cs
  3. Program.cs
  5. startserver.ps1
  6. stopserver.ps1

# ContinuousQuery Example This is a simple example showing how to execute a continuous query on a Goede region.



  • Start Geode Server and create region.

    gfsh>start locator --name=locator
    gfsh>start server --name=server
    gfsh>create region --name=example_orderobject --type=PARTITION
  • Execute ContinuousQueryCS.exe


    Registering for data serialization
    Executing continuous query
    Create orders
    Putting and changing Order objects in the region
    MyCqListener::OnEvent(CREATE) called with key Order2, value Order: [2, product y, 37]
    MyCqListener::OnEvent(CREATE) called with key Order4, value Order: [4, product z, 102]
    MyCqListener::OnEvent(CREATE) called with key Order6, value Order: [6, product z, 42]
    MyCqListener::OnEvent(UPDATE) called with key Order2, value Order: [2, product y, 45]
    MyCqListener::OnEvent(DESTROY) called with key Order2, value Order: [2, product y, 29]
    MyCqListener::OnEvent(DESTROY) called with key Order6, value null
    MyCqListener::close called