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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
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* copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.geode.kafka.utils;
public class GeodeSourceConfigurationConstants {
// Geode Configuration
public static final String DURABLE_CLIENT_ID_PREFIX = "durable-client-id-prefix";
public static final String DEFAULT_DURABLE_CLIENT_ID = "";
public static final String DURABLE_CLIENT_TIME_OUT = "durable-client-timeout";
public static final String DEFAULT_DURABLE_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = "60000";
public static final String CQ_PREFIX = "cq-prefix";
public static final String DEFAULT_CQ_PREFIX = "cqForGeodeKafka";
// Used as a key for source partitions
public static final String REGION_PARTITION = "regionPartition";
public static final String REGION_TO_TOPIC_BINDINGS = "region-to-topics";
public static final String DEFAULT_REGION_TO_TOPIC_BINDING = "[gkcRegion:gkcTopic]";
public static final String CQS_TO_REGISTER = "cqsToRegister"; // used internally so that only 1
// task will register a cq
public static final String BATCH_SIZE = "geode-connector-batch-size";
public static final String DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = "50000";
public static final String QUEUE_SIZE = "geode-connector-queue-size";
public static final String DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE = "500000";
public static final String LOAD_ENTIRE_REGION = "load-entire-region";
public static final String DEFAULT_LOAD_ENTIRE_REGION = "false";
public static final String CQS_TO_REGISTER_DOCUMENTATION =
"Internally created and used parameter, for signalling a task to register CQs on Apache Geode";
"A comma separated list of \"one region to many topics\" mappings. Each mapping is surrounded by brackets. For example \"[regionName:topicName], \"[anotherRegion: topicName, anotherTopic]\"";
"Prefix string for tasks to append to when registering as a durable client. If empty string, will not register as a durable client";
public static final String LOAD_ENTIRE_REGION_DOCUMENTATION =
"Determines if we should queue up all entries that currently exist in a region. This allows us to copy existing region data. Will be replayed whenever a task needs to re-register a CQ";
"How long in milliseconds to persist values in Geode's durable queue before the queue is invalidated";
public static final String CQ_PREFIX_DOCUMENTATION =
"Prefix string to identify Connector CQ's on a Geode server";
public static final String BATCH_SIZE_DOCUMENTATION =
"Maximum number of records to return on each poll";
public static final String QUEUE_SIZE_DOCUMENTATION =
"Maximum number of entries in the connector queue before backing up all Geode CQ listeners sharing the task queue ";
public static final String SOURCE_GROUP = "Source-Configuration";
public static final String CQS_TO_REGISTER_DISPLAY_NAME = "Continuous Queries (CQ) to register";
public static final String REGION_TO_TOPIC_BINDINGS_DISPLAY_NAME = "Region to topic mapping";
public static final String DURABLE_CLIENT_ID_PREFIX_DISPLAY_NAME = "Durable client ID";
public static final String DURABLE_CLIENT_TIME_OUT_DISPLAY_NAME = "Durable Client timeout";
public static final String CQ_PREFIX_DISPLAY_NAME = "CQ prefix";
public static final String BATCH_SIZE_DISPLAY_NAME = "Batch size for CQs";
public static final String QUEUE_SIZE_DISPLAY_NAME = "Queue size for CQs";
public static final String LOAD_ENTIRE_REGION_DISPLAY_NAME = "Load entire region";