Added README to communicate the status of FREEMARKER-35.
diff --git a/FREEMARKER-35-README.txt b/FREEMARKER-35-README.txt
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+This is the developlment branch for Jira issue FREEMARKER-35, java.time support.
+The most likely working way of contribing is just finding bugs in what we have, and provide tests for
+them! There can be a lot of edge cases (or use cases) that we missed, as date/time is a complicated topic.
+For those who are willing to invest a lot of enregy, and are experienced developers, see the TODO list!
+But please discuss it on the dev list before invest your time into anything there.
+I.e., what already works:
+- New template model type: TemplateTemporalModel, to wrap all the java.time.temporal.Temporal subtypes
+  (hence not Duration, and Period).
+- DefaultObjectWrapper (and BeansWrapper): Added temporalSupport. By default true from IcI 2.3.33.
+- The date_format, time_format, and datetime_format settings "just works" for TemplateTemporalModel.
+  We mimic the behavior of the traditional pre-java.time formatters for Temporal-s; both formatting, and parsing.
+- New settings: year_format, year_month_format, custom_temporal_formats
+- Improved global caching for TemplateNumberFormat-s, TemplateDateFormat-s as well.
+These are notes about what's left from this FREEMARKER-35. Some entries has possibly become obsolete over time,
+and we just didn't get to them again since then to realize that. Also, some entries are just ideas, or rough
+plans, so this is not a strict spefication.
+- Add BI-s:
+  - ?instant, ?localDate, ?localTime, ?localDateTime, ?offsetTime, ?offsetDateTime, ?zonedDateTime.
+    - Converts both from j.u.Date, and from String. 
+    - Use MissingTimeZoneParserPolicy.ASSUME_CURRENT_TIME_ZONE, so that format->parse->format gives initial value back.
+    - ?offsetTime should fail if it had to convert to the current time zone.
+  - ?unambiguousOffsetDateTime, ?unambiguousZonedDateTime: Use MissingTimeZoneParserPolicy.FAIL.
+    Note: We don't need ?unambiguousOffsetTime, as ?offsetTime is already like that.
+  - ?offsetOrLocalDateTime, ?zonedOrLocalDateTime, ?offsetOrLocalTime: Use MissingTimeZoneParserPolicy.FALL_BACK_TO_LOCAL_TEMPORAL
+- Existing date/time BI-s, must work for j.t.Temporals as well:
+  - Casting:
+    - ?datetime, ?date, ?time should work if LHO is TemplateTemporalModel, and convert to the appropriate Temporal.
+      This is consistent with the new ?isDatetime, etc.
+      But, there's the assymetry that when converting from String, these will always create TDM instead of TTM.
+    - ${someDateTimeTemporal?datetime} worked before if the datetimeFormat was "iso", because someDateTimeTemporal was coerced to plain text via Object.toString(), and then parsed by ?datetime.
+      But for a TTM we should work with the Temporal value instead.
+  - ?is${Type}: ?isDatetime etc. should be true for TTM with appropriate Temporal type. (Beware with is_date VS is_date_only.)
+    - Add isLocalDateTime, etc.
+    - Add ?isJava{Util,Time}Based{Date,Datetime,Time,Temporal}
+  - Anything else? Won't be BC to do after release if we miss something!
+- isTimeZoneBound(): Can it return false for local temporals?
+- Tests for parsing epoch millies
+- ISO/XS parsing:
+  - Add missing parsing tests
+  - XS -1 vs ISO year 0? Though it should only matter with Instance, and there we already have the Juilan issue.
+  - ISO-like format parameters (like "iso u"). Note that "u" should influences what GUESS_TIME_ZONE_IF_MISSING does.
+    - nz: non-locals must be converted to the current time zone
+    - fz, fu: Assume the locale is in the current or UTC time zone. Document warning for where!
+  - Second can be 60 at leap seconds
+- Do DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedXxx also need DateTimeFormatter tweaks (decimal symbols, etc.)?
+- Check if we have test for "" pattern; must be same as "medium"
+- Implement extended syntax (always enabled):
+  - Start with "v<1|2>:" Because "v" is illegal in standard patterns, it's BC.
+  - "...;for<Type>=<pattern>": Because "f" is illegal in standard patterns, it's BC.
+  - Error if: ";" WS* Identifier, and Identifier contains any letter not defined by the standard formatters as of today.
+  - v2 should ban Y, unless ";enableWeekYear" is present
+- Custom formats for Date-s and Temporal-s are now overlapping on the format setting level; test behavior
+- ?c should show toString format. We also need to do that with traditional dates.
+- Add AliasTemporalDateFormatFactory, similar to AliasTemplateDateFormatFactory
+- Test: Pure BeansWrapper TemporalModel
+- Test: Method calls, and overloaded method calls
+- Should ?api be suppoted by default Temporal wrapping? Then, maybe we need a DefaultTemporalAdapter instead of SimpleTemporal.
+- Comparisions (and ?sort)
+- Add temporal?with_time_zone(string). Refer to it in error messgages where the zone filed is missed.
+- Support this on date and temporal format settings: "<somepattern>; time_zone=<zoneID>|.time_zone"
+  If we have no time for it, still have to reserve ; for this purpose!
+  Note: Needs ICI for old date formats. Needs to support ';' and 'Joe''s house'. Will likely add others formatter paramters later, like "locale".
+- Check these:
+  - Parsing:
+    - Use smart mode (not lenient mode)!
+    - Don't forget to set parsing to case insensitive.
+  - xs and iso parameters must start with space or '_'
+  - No TODO [FREEMARKER-35] was left
+  - DateTimeFormatter from v2 pattern uses:
+              builder
+                  .parseCaseInsensitive() // Must be before pattern(s) appended!
+                  .appendPattern(pattern)
+                  .toFormat(locale)
+                  .withDecimalStyle(DecimalStyle.of(locale))
+                  .withChronology(Chronology.ofLocale(locale));
+  - Why is the "à" before the time part missing for string.full?
+    <#-- Java 8 JDK-8085887 workaround test (it was, but we are running on Java 16): -->
+    <@assertEquals expected="5 avril 2003 à 06:07:08" actual=localDateTime?string.long />
+    <@assertEquals expected="samedi 5 avril 2003 06:07:08" actual=localDateTime?string.full />
+- _TemporalUtils: Setting related utils should be moved to the published class where we also already expose published API to return the valid setting names.
+- Manual (i.e., documentation):
+  - Update based on the "Change log" above
+  - Add table of Java 8 format style examples