blob: 2b19493911d5b0c295a72a9cd68dee3cbe403a80 [file] [log] [blame]
<#assign sequence = ["Hello, World"]>
We should never get here.
Let's try to output an undefined variable: ${undefinedVariable}
Well, that did not work.<@assert test=.error?contains('undefinedVariable') />
Now we nest another attempt/recover here:
Oops...<@assert test=.error?contains('sequence[1]') />
Remember, freeMarker sequences are zero-based! ${sequence[0]}
Now we check the current error message.<@assert test=.error?contains('undefinedVariable') />
<#include "nonexistent_template">
The template is not currently available
<#include "undefined.ftl">
The included template had a problem.<@assert test=.error?contains('undefined_variable') />