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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package freemarker.core;
import freemarker.core.Environment.Namespace;
import freemarker.template.Template;
import freemarker.template.TemplateException;
* A macro or function (or other future callable entity) associated to a namespace and a template.
* <p>
* With an analogy, a {@link UnboundCallable} is like a non-static {@link java.lang.reflect.Method} in Java; it
* describes everything about the method, but it isn't bound to any object on which the method could be called.
* Continuing this analogy, a {@link BoundCallable} is like a {@link java.lang.reflect.Method} paired with the object
* whose method it is (the {@code this} object), and is thus callable in itself. In the case of FTL macros and FTL
* functions, instead of a single {@code this} object, we have two such objects: a namespace and a template. (One may
* wonder why the namespace is not enough, given that a namespace already specifies a template (
* {@link Namespace#getTemplate()} ). It's because a namespace can contain macros from included templates, and so the
* template that the callable belongs to isn't always the same as {@link Namespace#getTemplate()}, which just gives the
* "root" template of the namespace. Furthermore, several namespaces my include exactly the same template, so we can't
* get away with a template instead of a namespace either. Also note that knowing which template we are in is needed for
* example to resolve relative references to other templates.)
* <p>
* Historical note: Prior to 2.4, the two concepts ({@link UnboundCallable} and {@link BoundCallable}) were these same,
* represented by {@link Macro}, which still exists due to backward compatibility constraints. This class extends
* {@link Macro} only for the sake of legacy applications which expect macro and function FTL variables to be
* {@link Macro}-s. Especially, this class should not extend {@link TemplateElement} (which it does, because
* {@link Macro} is a subclass of that), but it had to, for backward compatibility. It just delegates the {@link Macro}
* methods to the embedded {@link UnboundCallable}.
* @see UnboundCallable
* @since 2.4.0
final class BoundCallable extends Macro {
private final UnboundCallable unboundCallable;
private final Template template;
private final Namespace namespace;
BoundCallable(UnboundCallable callableDefinition, Template template, Namespace namespace) {
this.unboundCallable = callableDefinition;
this.template = template;
this.namespace = namespace;
UnboundCallable getUnboundCallable() {
return unboundCallable;
Template getTemplate() {
return template;
Namespace getNamespace() {
return namespace;
public String toString() {
return "BoundCallable("
+ "name=" + getName()
+ ", isFunction=" + isFunction()
+ ", template" + (template != null ? ".name=" + template.getName() : "=null")
+ ", namespace=" + (namespace != null ? namespace.getTemplate().getName() : "null")
+ ")";
/** For backward compatibility only; delegates to the {@link UnboundCallable}'s identical method. */
public String getCatchAll() {
return unboundCallable.getCatchAll();
/** For backward compatibility only; delegates to the {@link UnboundCallable}'s identical method. */
public String[] getArgumentNames() {
return unboundCallable.getArgumentNames();
/** For backward compatibility only; delegates to the {@link UnboundCallable}'s identical method. */
public String getName() {
return unboundCallable.getName();
/** For backward compatibility only; delegates to the {@link UnboundCallable}'s identical method. */
public boolean isFunction() {
return unboundCallable.isFunction();
/** For backward compatibility only; delegates to the {@link UnboundCallable}'s identical method. */
TemplateElement[] accept(Environment env) throws TemplateException, IOException {
return unboundCallable.accept(env);
/** For backward compatibility only; delegates to the {@link UnboundCallable}'s identical method. */
protected String dump(boolean canonical) {
return unboundCallable.dump(canonical);
/** For backward compatibility only; delegates to the {@link UnboundCallable}'s identical method. */
String getNodeTypeSymbol() {
return unboundCallable.getNodeTypeSymbol();
/** For backward compatibility only; delegates to the {@link UnboundCallable}'s identical method. */
int getParameterCount() {
return unboundCallable.getParameterCount();
/** For backward compatibility only; delegates to the {@link UnboundCallable}'s identical method. */
Object getParameterValue(int idx) {
return unboundCallable.getParameterValue(idx);
/** For backward compatibility only; delegates to the {@link UnboundCallable}'s identical method. */
ParameterRole getParameterRole(int idx) {
return unboundCallable.getParameterRole(idx);
boolean isNestedBlockRepeater() {
return unboundCallable.isNestedBlockRepeater();