blob: 9c802827cfe375ea4db978f8b870dc7eb307e903 [file] [log] [blame]
//charset: UTF-8
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
deployUrl: ""
onlineTrackerHTML: "docgen-misc/googleAnalytics.html"
offline: false
timeZone: "GMT"
validation: {
maximumProgramlistingWidth: 100
copyrightHolder: "The Apache Software Foundation"
copyrightHolderSite: ""
copyrightSuffix: "Apache FreeMarker, FreeMarker, Apache Incubator, Apache, the Apache FreeMarker logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation."
copyrightStartYear: 1999
seoMeta: {
"file:index.html": {
"fullTitle": "FreeMarker Java Template Engine"
// Keep this under 160 characters or so (so that Google doesn't truncate it):
"description": "\
Java template engine; generates HTML web pages, e-mails, configuration files, source code, etc. \
from template files and the data your application provides."
logo: {
href: ""
src: logo.png
alt: "FreeMarker"
olinks: {
// Manual links:
manual: "docs/index.html"
api: "docs/api/index.html"
chienseManual: ""
templateAuthorsGuide: "docs/dgui_quickstart_basics.html"
license: "docs/app_license.html"
versionHistory: "docs/app_versions.html"
freemarkerServlet: "docs/pgui_misc_servlet.html"
expressionCheatsheet: "docs/dgui_template_exp.html#exp_cheatsheet"
specialVariables: "docs/ref_specvar.html"
directives: "docs/ref_directive_alphaidx.html"
builtIns: "docs/ref_builtins_alphaidx.html"
faq: "docs/app_faq.html"
// External URL-s:
onlineTemplateTester: ""
twitter: ""
sourceforgeProject: ""
gitFreemarker: ""
githubMirrorFreemarker: ""
gitDocgen: ""
githubMirrorDocgen: ""
gitSite: ""
githubMirrorSite: ""
gitOnlineTester: ""
githubMirrorOnlineTester: ""
githubProject: "olink:githubMirrorFreemarker"
githubProjectOld: ""
privateMailingList: ""
devMailingList: ""
devMailingListSubscribe: ""
devMailingListUnsubscribe: ""
notificationsMailingListSubscribe: ""
notificationsMailingListUnsubscribe: ""
oldMailingListSubscription: ""
oldUserMailingListArchive: ""
oldDevelMailingListArchive: ""
newBugReport: ""
oldBugTracker: ""
newStackOverflowQuestion: ""
emacsPluginDownload: ""
kwritePluginDownload: ""
textPadPluginDownload: ""
vimPluginDownload: ""
tabs: {
"Home": "" // Empty => We are here
"Manual": "olink:manual"
"Java API": "olink:api"
// Available icons:
// .icon-heart
// .icon-bug
// .icon-download
// .icon-star
secondaryTabs: {
"Contribute": { class: "icon-heart", href: "id:contribute" }
"Report a Bug": { class: "icon-bug", href: "olink:newBugReport" }
"Download": { class: "icon-download", href: "id:freemarkerdownload" }
footerSiteMap: {
"Overview": {
"What is FreeMarker?": "id:what-is-freemarker"
"Download": "id:freemarkerdownload"
"Version history": "olink:versionHistory"
"About us": "id:history"
"License": "olink:license"
"Handy stuff": {
"Try template online": "olink:onlineTemplateTester"
"Expressions cheatsheet": "olink:expressionCheatsheet"
"#directives": "olink:directives"
"?built_ins": "olink:builtIns"
".special_vars": "olink:specialVariables"
"Community": {
"FreeMarker on Github": "olink:githubProject"
"Follow us on Twitter": "olink:twitter"
"Report a bug": "olink:newBugReport"
"Ask a question": "olink:newStackOverflowQuestion"
"Mailing lists": "id:mailing-lists"
socialLinks: {
"GitHub": { class: "github", href: "olink:githubProject" }
"Twitter": { class: "twitter", href: "olink:twitter" }
"Stack Overflow": { class: "stack-overflow", href: "olink:newStackOverflowQuestion" }