Named URIs

Named URIs allow to identify DataSources and pass additional information

A Named URI consists of

  • an optional name
  • an URI or simple file name

As a refresher, a URI is made up of the following components (inspired by

  \_/   \_______________________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
   |           |                    |            |        |
scheme     authority               path        query   fragment

For our purposes, the scheme and the path components are especially important, though the other components are used by certain data sources for particular purposes.

schemeAll data sources require a scheme (except for file when using relative paths)
authorityUsed only by remote data sources, and can be omitted in some of those cases.
pathCan be omitted, but usually used as the basis of the locator for the datasource.
queryUsed mainly for HTTP and HTTPS URLs
fragmentUsed rarely for providing additional attributes, e.g. mimeType of charset

The following Named URI loads a “user.csv” and the data source is available as my_users

freemarker-cli -t freemarker-generator/info.ftl my_users=examples/data/csv/user.csv
[#1], name=my_users, group=default, contentType=text/csv, charset=UTF-8, length=376 Bytes
URI : file:examples/data/csv/user.csv

A Named URI allows to pass additional information as part of the fragment, e.g. the charset of the text file

freemarker-cli -t freemarker-generator/info.ftl my_users=examples/data/csv/user.csv#charset=UTF-16
[#1], name=my_users, group=default, contentType=text/csv, charset=UTF-16, length=376 Bytes
URI : file:examples/data/csv/user.csv

In addition to the simplified file syntax full URIs can be used

freemarker-cli -t freemarker-generator/info.ftl
[#1],, group=default, contentType=text/html, charset=ISO-8859-1, length=-1 Bytes

and also combined with a name

freemarker-cli -t freemarker-generator/info.ftl page=
[#1], name=page, group=default, contentType=text/html, charset=ISO-8859-1, length=-1 Bytes