
The DataFrameTool uses nRo/DataFrame to convert tabular data into a DataFrame.

A DataFrame allows declartive filtering and transformation of tabular data, i.e. little code to write.

Currently the following sources are supported

  • Apache Commons CSV Parser
  • JSON arrays represented as collection of maps
  • Excel sheets represented as rows

CSV Examples

nRo/DataFrame provides the following CSV file

│#name       │#age        │#country    │
│Schmitt     │24          │Germany     │
│Parker      │45          │USA         │
│Meier       │20          │Germany     │
│Schmitt     │30          │France      │
│Peter       │44          │Germany     │
│Meier       │24          │Germany     │
│Green       │33          │UK          │
│Schmitt     │30          │Germany     │
│Meier       │30          │Germany     │

and create a DateFrame using the following code

<#assign cvsFormat = CSVTool.formats["DEFAULT"].withHeader().withDelimiter(';')>
<#assign csvParser = CSVTool.parse(DataSources.get(0), cvsFormat)>
<#assign users = DataFrameTool.toDataFrame(csvParser)>

Select By Age

${DataFrameTool.print("(age > 40)"))}

which shows

│#name       │#age        │#country    │
│Parker      │45          │USA         │
│Peter       │44          │Germany     │

Complex Select & Sort

Now we want to create a new DataFrame by selecting name and country

<#assign country = "Germany">
    .select("(name == 'Schmitt' || name == 'Meier') && country == '${country}'")
    .sort("name", DataFrameTool.sortOrder["ASCENDING"]))}

which shows

│#name       │#age        │#country    │
│Meier       │20          │Germany     │
│Meier       │24          │Germany     │
│Meier       │30          │Germany     │
│Schmitt     │24          │Germany     │
│Schmitt     │30          │Germany     │

Count Column Values

Let's assume we want to count the records for each country


returns the following DataFrame

│#country    │#counts     │
│Germany     │6           │
│USA         │1           │
│France      │1           │
│UK          │1           │

Group By Age And Country

Let's assume that we want to group the DataFrame by age and country

${DataFrameTool.print(users.groupBy("age", "country").sort("age"))}

which results in

│#age        │#country    │
│20          │Germany     │
│24          │Germany     │
│30          │France      │
│30          │Germany     │
│33          │UK          │
│44          │Germany     │
│45          │USA         │

JSON Examples

Here we load a site/samples/json/github-users.json which represents a tabular data be being parsed as a list of maps and print the JSOB as dataframe

./bin/freemarker-cli \
  -i '${DataFrameTool.print(DataFrameTool.fromMaps(GsonTool.parse(DataSources.get(0))))}' \

│#login      │#id         │#avatar_ur  │#gravatar_  │#url        │#html_url   │#followers  │#following  │#gists_url  │#starred_u  │#subscript  │#organizat  │#repos_url  │#events_ur  │#received_  │#type       │#site_admi  │
│mojombo     │1.00000000  │https:/...  │            │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │User        │false       │
│defunkt     │2.00000000  │https:/...  │            │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │User        │true        │
│pjhyett     │3.00000000  │https:/...  │            │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │User        │true        │
│wycats      │4.00000000  │https:/...  │            │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │User        │false       │
│ezmobius    │5.00000000  │https:/...  │            │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │User        │false       │
│ivey        │6.00000000  │https:/...  │            │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │User        │false       │
│evanphx     │7.00000000  │https:/...  │            │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │https:/...  │User        │false       │

Excel Examples

Let's transform an Excel Sheet to a DataFrame being printed using the following template

<#assign dataSource = DataSources.get(0)>
<#assign workbook = ExcelTool.parse(dataSource)>
<#list ExcelTool.getSheets(workbook) as sheet>
    <#assign table = ExcelTool.toTable(sheet)>
    <#assign df = DataFrameTool.fromRows(table, true)>

which is rendered by the following command line invocation

./bin/freemarker-cli -t templates/excel/dataframe/transform.ftl site/sample/excel/test.xls

│#Text       │#Date       │#Number     │#Currency   │#Time       │#Percentag  │#Forumula   │
│Row 1       │01/01/17    │100.00      │€100.00     │10:00       │50.00%      │C2*F2       │
│Row 2       │01/01/17    │100.00      │€100.00     │10:00       │50.00%      │C3*F3       │