Running Examples

There a many examples (see below) available you can execute - The examples were tested with JDK 1.8 on Mac OS X.

Run in the Apache FreeMarker Generator installation directory and have a look at the generated output.

fop -fo target/out/ target/out/locker-test-users.pdf
fop -fo target/out/ target/out/transactions-fo.pdf
wkhtmltopdf -O landscape target/out/transactions.html target/out/transactions-html.pdf

Please note that generated PDF files are very likely not found since they require wkhtmltopdf and Apache FOP installation.

1. Transforming GitHub JSON To Markdown

A simple example with real JSON data to be transformed into Markdown

You can either use the existing JSON sample

freemarker-generator -t examples/templates/json/md/github-users.ftl examples/data/json/github-users.json

or pipe a cURL response

curl -s | freemarker-generator -t examples/templates/json/md/github-users.ftl --stdin

Below you see the Apache FreeMarker Template

<#ftl output_format="plainText" >
<#assign json = tools.jsonpath.parse(dataSources[0])>
<#assign users ="$[*]")>
# GitHub Users

Report generated at ${.now?iso_utc}

<#list users as user>
<#assign userAvatarUrl = user.avatar_url>
<#assign userHomeUrl = user.html_url>
# ${user.login}

| User                                                    | Homepage                                      |
| <img src="${user.avatar_url}" width="48" height="48"/> | [${userHomeUrl}](${userHomeUrl})               |

creates the following output

2. CSV to HTML/Markdown Transformation

Sometimes you have a CSV file which needs to be translated in Markdown or HTML - there are on-line solutions available such as CSV To Markdown Table Generator but having a local solution gives you more flexibility.

> freemarker-generator -t freemarker-generator/csv/md/transform.ftl examples/data/csv/contract.csv
> freemarker-generator -t freemarker-generator/csv/html/transform.ftl examples/data/csv/contract.csv

The FreeMarker template is shown below

<#ftl output_format="plainText">
<#assign cvsFormat = tools.csv.formats["DEFAULT"].withHeader()>
<#assign csvParser = tools.csv.parse(dataSources[0], cvsFormat)>
<#assign csvHeaders = csvParser.getHeaderMap()?keys>
<#assign csvRecords = csvParser.records>
<@writeHeaders headers=csvHeaders/>
<@writeColums columns=csvRecords/>
<#macro writeHeaders headers>
| ${csvHeaders?join(" | ", "")} |
    <#list csvHeaders as csvHeader>| --------</#list>|
<#macro writeColums columns>
    <#list columns as column>
    | ${column.iterator()?join(" | ", "")} |

The resulting file actually looks pleasant when compared to raw CSV

Contract CSV to HTML

3. Transform XML To Plain Text

Of course you can also transform a XML document

> freemarker-generator -t examples/templates/xml/txt/recipients.ftl examples/data/xml/recipients.xml

using the following template

<#ftl output_format="plainText" >
<#assign xml = tools.xml.parse(dataSources[0])>
<#list xml.recipients.person as recipient>
To: ${}

Dear ${},

Thank you for your interest in our products. We will be sending you a catalog shortly.
To take advantage of our free gift offer, please fill in the survey attached to this
letter and return it to the address on the reverse. Only one participant is allowed for
each household.

Sincere salutations,

D. H.


which generates the following output

To: John Smith
3033 Long Drive, Houston, TX

Dear John Smith,

Thank you for your interest in our products. We will be sending you a catalog shortly.
To take advantage of our free gift offer, please fill in the survey attached to this
letter and return it to the address on the reverse. Only one participant is allowed for
each household.

Sincere salutations,

D. H.

4. Transform JSON To CSV

One day I was asked a to prepare a CSV files containing REST endpoints described by Swagger - technically this is a JSON to CSV transformation. Of course I could create that CSV manually but writing a FTL template doing that was simply more fun and saves time in the future.

<#ftl output_format="plainText" strip_text="true">
<#assign json = tools.jsonpath.parse(dataSources[0])>
<#assign basePath ="$.basePath")>
<#assign paths ="$.paths")>

    <#list paths as endpoint,metadata>
        <#assign relative_url = basePath + endpoint>
        <#assign methods = metadata?keys>
        <#list methods as method>
            <#assign summary = sanitize(paths[endpoint][method]["summary"]!"")>
            <#assign description = sanitize(paths[endpoint][method]["description"]!"")>
            <#assign consumes = join(paths[endpoint][method]["consumes"]![])>
            <#assign produces = join(paths[endpoint][method]["produces"]![])>

<#function sanitize str>
    <#return (((str?replace(";", ","))?replace("(\\n)+", "",'r')))?truncate(250)>

<#function join list>
    <#if list?has_content>
        <#return list?join(", ")>
        <#return "">

Invoking the FTL template

freemarker-generator -t examples/templates/json/csv/swagger-endpoints.ftl examples/data/json/swagger-spec.json

gives you

/api/pets;GET;;;;Returns all pets from the system that the user has access to
/api/pets;POST;;;;Creates a new pet in the store. Duplicates are allowed
/api/pets/{id};GET;;;;Returns a user based on a single ID, if the user does not have access to the pet
/api/pets/{id};DELETE;;;;Deletes a single pet based on the ID supplied

5. Transforming Excel Documents

Another day my project management asked me to create a CSV configuration file based on an Excel documents - as usual manual copying was not an option due to required data cleanup and data transformation. So I thought about Apache POI which support XLS and XLSX documents - integration of Apache POI was a breeze but the resulting code was not particularly useful example. So a more generic transformation was provided to show the transformation of Excel documents ...

> freemarker-generator -t freemarker-generator/excel/html/transform.ftl examples/data/excel/test.xls
> freemarker-generator -t freemarker-generator/excel/html/transform.ftl examples/data/excel/test.xlsx
> freemarker-generator -t freemarker-generator/excel/html/transform.ftl examples/data/excel/test-multiple-sheets.xlsx
> freemarker-generator -t freemarker-generator/excel/md/transform.ftl examples/data/excel/test-multiple-sheets.xlsx

The provided FTL transforms an Excel into a HTML document supporting multiple Excel sheets

<#ftl output_format="HTML" >
<#assign dataSource = dataSources[0]>
<#assign name =>
<#assign workbook = tools.excel.parse(dataSource)>
<#assign date = .now?iso_utc>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div class="container-fluid">
    <h1>Excel Test
        <small>${name}, ${date}</small>
    <@writeSheets workbook/>

<#-- writeSheets                                                           -->
<#macro writeSheets workbook>
    <#assign sheets = tools.excel.getSheets(workbook)>
    <#list sheets as sheet>
        <@writeSheet sheet/>

<#-- writeSheet                                                            -->
<#macro writeSheet sheet>
    <#assign rows = tools.excel.toTable(sheet)>
    <@writeRows rows/>

<#-- writeRows                                                             -->
<#macro writeRows rows>
    <table class="table table-striped">
        <#list rows as row>
            <#if row?is_first>
                    <#list row as column>
                    <#list row as column>

but the result looks reasonable

6. Transform Property Files To CSV

In this sample we transform all property files found in a directory (recursive search using include pattern) to a CSV file

> freemarker-generator --data-source-include *.properties -t examples/templates/properties/csv/locker-test-users.ftl examples/data/properties
TENANT_C,fat,user_0002,user_0002,password_0004,000000,,Many products

The FTL uses a couple of interesting features

  • We process a list of property files
  • The strip_text and compress strips any white-spaces and line-breaks from the output so we can create a proper CSV file
  • We use FTL functions to extract the tenant and site, e.g. extractTenant
  • We add a manual line break using ${'\n'}
<#ftl output_format="plainText" strip_text="true">
    <#list dataSources.list as dataSource>
        <#assign properties =>
        <#assign environments = properties["ENVIRONMENTS"]!"">
        <#assign tenant = extractTenant(environments)>
        <#assign site = extractSite(environments)>
        <#assign userId = properties["USER_ID"]!"">
        <#assign disposerId = properties["USER_ID"]!"">
        <#assign password = properties["PASSWORD"]!"">
        <#assign smsOtp = properties["SMS_OTP"]!"">
        <#assign name = properties["NAME"]!"">
        <#assign description = properties["DESCRIPTION"]!"">

<#function extractSite environments>

<#function extractTenant environments>

7. Transform CSV To XML-FO

For a POC (proof of concept) I created a sample transformation from CSV to XML-FO in order to create a PDF document using Apache FOP using the following template file

<#ftl output_format="XML" >
<#assign dataSource = dataSources[0]>
<#assign name =>
<#assign cvsFormat = tools.csv.formats.DEFAULT.withDelimiter('\t').withHeader()>
<#assign csvParser = tools.csv.parse(dataSource, cvsFormat)>
<#assign csvHeaders = csvParser.getHeaderMap()?keys>
<#assign csvRecords = csvParser.records>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<fo:root xmlns:fo="">
        <fo:simple-page-master master-name="first"
            <fo:region-body margin-top="1cm"/>
            <fo:region-before extent="1cm"/>
            <fo:region-after extent="-1.2cm"/>
    <fo:page-sequence master-reference="first">
        <fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-before">
            <fo:block line-height="10pt" font-size="8pt" text-align="left">Transaction Export - ${.now}</fo:block>
        <fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-after">
            <fo:block line-height="6pt" font-size="6pt" text-align="end">Page <fo:page-number/></fo:block>
        <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
            <fo:table table-layout="fixed" width="100%" border-collapse="separate">
                <fo:table-column column-width="8%"/>
                <fo:table-column column-width="10%"/>
                <fo:table-column column-width="12%"/>
                <fo:table-column column-width="8%"/>
                <fo:table-column column-width="7%"/>
                <fo:table-column column-width="5%"/>
                <fo:table-column column-width="5%"/>
                <fo:table-column column-width="5%"/>
                <fo:table-column column-width="35%"/>
                <fo:table-column column-width="5%"/>
                <@writeTableHeader headers=csvHeaders/>
                <@writeTableBody columns=csvRecords/>

<#macro writeTableHeader headers>
            <#list headers as header>
                <fo:table-cell border-style="solid" border-width="0.1pt" padding-left="1.0px" padding-right="1.0px">
                    <fo:block font-size="6pt" font-weight="bold">${header}</fo:block>

<#macro writeTableBody columns>
        <#list columns as column>
                <#list column.iterator() as field>
                    <fo:table-cell border-style="solid" border-width="0.1pt" padding-left="1.0px" padding-right="1.0px">
                        <fo:block font-size="6pt">${field}</fo:block>

In order to create the PDF you need to execute the following commands (assuming that you have Apache FOP installed)

> freemarker-generator -t examples/templates/csv/fo/transform.ftl examples/data/csv/locker-test-users.csv >
> fop -fo sample.pdf
Dec 29, 2018 10:24:30 PM processEvent
WARNING: Font "Symbol,normal,700" not found. Substituting with "Symbol,normal,400".
Dec 29, 2018 10:24:30 PM processEvent
WARNING: Font "ZapfDingbats,normal,700" not found. Substituting with "ZapfDingbats,normal,400".
Dec 29, 2018 10:24:30 PM processEvent
INFO: Rendered page #1.

The result does not look very impressive but it is a PDF :-)

Further along the line of the POC we converted a transaction export from CSV to PDF using Apache FOP

> freemarker-generator -t examples/templates/csv/fo/transactions.ftl examples/data/csv/transactions.csv >
> fop -fo transactions.pdf
Jan 16, 2019 11:15:21 PM processEvent
WARNING: Font "Symbol,normal,700" not found. Substituting with "Symbol,normal,400".
Jan 16, 2019 11:15:21 PM processEvent
WARNING: Font "ZapfDingbats,normal,700" not found. Substituting with "ZapfDingbats,normal,400".
Jan 16, 2019 11:15:21 PM processEvent
WARNING: The contents of fo:block line 1 exceed the available area in the inline-progression direction by 11027 millipoints. (See position 1519:51)
Jan 16, 2019 11:15:22 PM processEvent
INFO: Rendered page #1.
Jan 16, 2019 11:15:22 PM processEvent
INFO: Rendered page #2.

8. Transforming HTML To CSV

Recently I got the rather unusual question how to determine the list of dependencies of an application - one easy way is the Maven “dependencies.html” but this is unstructured data. Having said that the Jsoup library is perfectly able to parse most real-life HTML and provides a DOM model

<#ftl output_format="plainText" strip_text="true">
<#assign dataSource = dataSources[0]>
<#assign html = tools.jsoup.parse(dataSource)>

    <@writeDependencies "Project_Dependencies_compile"/>
    <@writeDependencies "Project_Transitive_Dependencies_compile"/>
    <@writeDependencies "Project_Transitive_Dependencies_runtime"/>
    <@writeDependencies "Project_Transitive_Dependencies_provided"/>

<#macro writeHeader>

<#macro writeDependencies section>
    <#assign selection ="a[name=${section}]")>
    <#if selection?has_content>
        <#assign table = selection[0].nextElementSibling().child(2).child(0)>
        <#assign rows = table.children()>
        <#list rows as row>
            <#if !row?is_first>
                <#assign groupId = row.child(0).text()>
                <#assign artificatId = row.child(1).text()>
                <#assign version = row.child(2).text()>
                <#assign type = row.child(3).text()>
                <#assign licences = row.child(4).text()?replace(",", "")>

Your dependencies as CSV can be generated as shown below

> freemarker-generator -t examples/templates/html/csv/dependencies.ftl examples/data/html/dependencies.html 
com.jayway.jsonpath,json-path,2.4.0,jar,The Apache Software License Version 2.0
commons-cli,commons-cli,1.4,jar,Apache License Version 2.0
org.apache.commons,commons-csv,1.5,jar,Apache License Version 2.0
org.apache.poi,poi,4.0.1,jar,The Apache Software License Version 2.0
org.apache.poi,poi-ooxml,3.17,jar,The Apache Software License Version 2.0
org.apache.poi,poi-ooxml-schemas,3.17,jar,The Apache Software License Version 2.0
org.freemarker,freemarker,2.3.28,jar,Apache License Version 2.0
org.jsoup,jsoup,1.11.3,jar,The MIT License
org.slf4j,slf4j-api,1.7.21,jar,MIT License
org.slf4j,slf4j-log4j12,1.7.21,jar,MIT License
com.github.virtuald,curvesapi,1.04,jar,BSD License
commons-codec,commons-codec,1.11,jar,Apache License Version 2.0
log4j,log4j,1.2.17,jar,The Apache Software License Version 2.0
net.minidev,accessors-smart,1.2,jar,The Apache Software License Version 2.0
net.minidev,json-smart,2.3,jar,The Apache Software License Version 2.0
org.apache.commons,commons-collections4,4.2,jar,Apache License Version 2.0
org.apache.commons,commons-math3,3.6.1,jar,Apache License Version 2.0
org.apache.xmlbeans,xmlbeans,2.6.0,jar,The Apache Software License Version 2.0
stax,stax-api,1.0.1,jar,The Apache Software License Version 2.0

9. Transform CSV To Shell Script

For a customer project we wanted to record REST request / responses using WireMock - really quick and dirty. So we decided to avoid any sophisticated test tool but generate a ready-to-use shell script executing cURL commands. It turned out that handling of dollar signs is a bit tricky

  • Using noparse directive to disable parsing of dollar signs
  • Using ${r"${MY_BASE_URL}" to generate output with dollar signs

and the final FTL is found below

<#ftl output_format="plainText">
<#assign cvsFormat = tools.csv.formats["DEFAULT"].withHeader()>
<#assign csvParser = tools.csv.parse(dataSources[0], cvsFormat)>
<#assign records = csvParser.records>
<#assign csvMap = tools.csv.toMap(records, "disposer")>

echo "time,user,status,duration,size"
<#list records as record>
date "+%FT%H:%M:%S" | tr -d '\n'; curl --write-out ',${record.disposer},%{http_code},%{time_total},%{size_download}\n' --silent --show-error --output /dev/null "${r"${MY_BASE_URL}"}/get"

Rendering the FreeMarker template

> freemarker-generator -t examples/templates/csv/shell/curl.ftl examples/data/csv/user.csv

generates the following shell script


echo "time,user,status,duration,size"
date "+%FT%H:%M:%S" | tr -d '\n'; curl --write-out ',AAAAAAA,%{http_code},%{time_total},%{size_download}\n' --silent --show-error --output /dev/null "${MY_BASE_URL}/get"
date "+%FT%H:%M:%S" | tr -d '\n'; curl --write-out ',BBBBBBB,%{http_code},%{time_total},%{size_download}\n' --silent --show-error --output /dev/null "${MY_BASE_URL}/get"
date "+%FT%H:%M:%S" | tr -d '\n'; curl --write-out ',CCCCCCC,%{http_code},%{time_total},%{size_download}\n' --silent --show-error --output /dev/null "${MY_BASE_URL}/get"
date "+%FT%H:%M:%S" | tr -d '\n'; curl --write-out ',DDDDDDD,%{http_code},%{time_total},%{size_download}\n' --silent --show-error --output /dev/null "${MY_BASE_URL}/get"

Looks a bit complicated but lets dissect the things

Executing the result shell script creates the following output (which is a nice CSV for further processing)


10. Executing Arbitrary Commands

Using Apache Commons Exec allows to execute arbitrary commands - nice but dangerous. It was recently quite useful to to invoke AWS CLI to generate a Confluence page about the overall setup of our AWS accounts.

A few snippets to illustrate the points

<#ftl output_format="plainText" strip_whitespace="true">
<#assign profile = tools.system.getProperty("profile", "default")>
<#assign ec2Instances = ec2Instances()/>

h3. AWS EC2 Instance
<@printEc2Instances ec2Instances/>

<#function ec2Instances>
    <#local json = awsCliToJson("aws ec2 describe-instances --profile ${profile}")>
    <#local instances ="$.Reservations[*].Instances[*]")>
    <#return instances?sort_by(['InstanceType'])>

<#function awsCliToJson line>
    <#local output = tools.exec.execute(line)>
    <#return tools.jsonpath.parse(output)>

<#function getAwsEc2InstanceTag tags name>
    <#return tags?filter(x -> x["Key"] == name)?first["Value"]!"">

<#macro printEc2Instances ec2Instances>
        <#list ec2Instances as ec2Instance>
            <#assign instanceType = ec2Instance["InstanceType"]>
            <#assign arn = ec2Instance["IamInstanceProfile"]["Arn"]>
            <#assign privateIpAddress = ec2Instance["PrivateIpAddress"]>
            <#assign state = ec2Instance["State"]["Name"]>
            <#assign launchTime = ec2Instance["LaunchTime"]>

            <#assign coreCount = ec2Instance["CpuOptions"]["CoreCount"]?number>
            <#assign threadsPerCore = ec2Instance["CpuOptions"]["ThreadsPerCore"]?number>
            <#assign nrOfVirtualCpus = coreCount * threadsPerCore>

            <#assign tags = ec2Instance["Tags"]/>
            <#assign awsCloudFormationStackId = getAwsEc2InstanceTag(tags, "aws:cloudformation:stack-id")>
            <#assign awsCloudFormationStackName = getAwsEc2InstanceTag(tags, "aws:cloudformation:stack-name")>
            <#assign name = getAwsEc2InstanceTag(tags, "Name")>
            <#assign country = getAwsEc2InstanceTag(tags, "Country")>
            <#assign environment = getAwsEc2InstanceTag(tags, "Environment")>

            | ${name} | ${instanceType} | ${nrOfVirtualCpus} | ${state} | ${privateIpAddress} |

11. Interactive Templates

Sometime you need to apply a CSS, JSON or XPath query in ad ad-hoc way without installing xmllint, jq or pup - in this case you can pass a FreeMarker template in an interactive fashion

> bin/freemarker-generator -i 'Hello ${tools.system.envs["USER"]}'; echo
Hello sgoeschl

> bin/freemarker-generator -i '${tools.jsonpath.parse(dataSources[0]).read("$.info.title")}' examples/data/json/swagger-spec.json; echo
Swagger Petstore

> bin/freemarker-generator -i 'Post Title : ${tools.jsonpath.parse(dataSources[0]).read("$.title")}'; echo
Post Title : qui est esse

> bin/freemarker-generator -i '${tools.xml.parse(dataSources[0])["recipients/person[1]/name"]}' examples/data/xml/recipients.xml; echo
John Smith

> bin/freemarker-generator -i '${tools.jsoup.parse(dataSources[0]).select("a")[0]}' examples/data/html/dependencies.html; echo
<a href="${project.url}" title="FreeMarker Generator">FreeMarker Generator</a>

> freemarker-generator -i '<#list tools.system.envs as name,value>${name} ==> ${value}${"\n"}</#list>'
TERM ==> xterm-256color
LANG ==> en_US
DISPLAY ==> :0.0
SHELL ==> /bin/bash
EDITOR ==> vi

12. Filtering & Transforming CSV

During an integration project we imported large transactions CSV files (500.000+ records) and in case of import failures the developers would be happy to get a nice outline of the transactions causing the problem (the CSV records have 60+ columns) - in essence it is filtering (based on some primary key) and and transforming into a human-readable output format (Markdown).

So lets start the filtering & transformation using the following command line

> bin/freemarker-generator -e UTF-8 -l de_AT -Pcolumn="Order ID" \
  -Pvalues=226939189,957081544 \
  -t examples/templates/csv/md/filter.ftl examples/data/csv/sales-records.csv

and Apache FreeMarker template

<#ftl output_format="plainText" strip_text="true">
<#assign dataSource = dataSources[0]>
<#assign parser = parser(dataSource)>
<#assign headers = parser.getHeaderNames()>
<#assign column = tools.system.getParameter("column")>
<#assign values = tools.system.getParameter("values")?split(",")>

    <@writePageHeader dataSource/>
    <#-- Process each line without materializing the whole file in memory -->
    <#list parser.iterator() as record>
        <#if filter(record)>
            <@writeCsvRecord headers record/>

<#function parser dataSource>
    <#assign format = tools.csv.formats[tools.system.getParameter("format", "DEFAULT")]>
    <#assign delimiter = tools.csv.toDelimiter(tools.system.getParameter("delimiter", format.getDelimiter()))>
    <#return tools.csv.parse(dataSource, format.withFirstRecordAsHeader().withDelimiter(delimiter))>

<#function filter record>
    <#return values?seq_contains(record.get(column))>

<#macro writePageHeader dataSource>
    # ${}

<#macro writeCsvRecord headers record>
    ## Line ${record.getRecordNumber()}
    | Column    | Value                       |
    | --------- | --------------------------- |
    <#list headers as header>
    | ${header} | ${record.get(header)}       |


# sales-records.csv
## Line 1
| Column | Value |
| --------- | --------------------------- |
| Region | Central America and the Caribbean |
| Country | Antigua and Barbuda |
| Item Type | Baby Food |
| Sales Channel | Online |
| Order Priority | M |
| Order Date | 12/20/2013 |
| Order ID | 957081544 |
| Ship Date | 1/11/2014 |
| Units Sold | 552 |
| Unit Price | 255.28 |
| Unit Cost | 159.42 |
| Total Revenue | 140914.56 |
| Total Cost | 87999.84 |
| Total Profit | 52914.72 |
## Line 4.998
| Column | Value |
| --------- | --------------------------- |
| Region | Asia |
| Country | Myanmar |
| Item Type | Baby Food |
| Sales Channel | Offline |
| Order Priority | H |
| Order Date | 11/23/2016 |
| Order ID | 226939189 |
| Ship Date | 12/10/2016 |
| Units Sold | 5204 |
| Unit Price | 255.28 |
| Unit Cost | 159.42 |
| Total Revenue | 1328477.12 |
| Total Cost | 829621.68 |
| Total Profit | 498855.44 |

13. Converting Between JSON And YAML

Sometimes we simply need to transform a JSON into an equivalent YAML or the other way around

> freemarker-generator -t freemarker-generator/yaml/json/transform.ftl examples/data/yaml/swagger-spec.yaml 
> freemarker-generator -i '${tools.gson.toJson(tools.yaml.parse(dataSources[0]))}' examples/data/yaml/swagger-spec.yaml
> freemarker-generator -i '${tools.gson.toJson(yaml)}' -m yaml=examples/data/yaml/swagger-spec.yaml

> freemarker-generator -t freemarker-generator/json/yaml/transform.ftl examples/data/json/swagger-spec.json
> freemarker-generator -i '${tools.yaml.toYaml(tools.gson.parse(dataSources[0]))}' examples/data/json/swagger-spec.json
> freemarker-generator -i '${tools.yaml.toYaml(json)}' -m json=examples/data/json/swagger-spec.json

14. Using Advanced FreeMarker Features

There is a demo.ftl which shows some advanced FreeMarker functionality

  • Invoking a Java constructor
  • Invoke a static method of non-instantiable class
  • Work with Java enumerations
  • Access System properties
  • Access Environment variables


freemarker-generator -t examples/templates/demo.ftl

gives you

1) FreeMarker Special Variables
FreeMarker version     : 2.3.30
Template name          : demo.ftl
Language               : en
Locale                 : en_US
Timestamp              : Jun 18, 2020 11:13:51 AM
Output encoding        : UTF-8
Output format          : plainText

2) Invoke a constructor of a Java class
new java.utilDate(1000 * 3600 * 24): Jan 2, 1970 1:00:00 AM

3) Invoke a static method of an non-constructor class
Random UUID              : ac6c8bb2-a8cf-423e-ad6b-a4eff09b1fb9
System.currentTimeMillis : 1,592,471,631,655

4) Access an Enumeration
java.math.RoundingMode#UP: UP

5) Loop Over The Values Of An Enumeration
- java.math.RoundingMode.UP
- java.math.RoundingMode.DOWN
- java.math.RoundingMode.CEILING
- java.math.RoundingMode.FLOOR
- java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_UP
- java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN
- java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN
- java.math.RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY

6) Display list of data sources
List all data sources:

7) SystemTool
Host name       : W0GL5179.home
Command line    : -t, examples/templates/demo.ftl
System property : sgoeschl
Timestamp       : 1592471631667
Environment var : sgoeschl

8) Access System Properties
app.dir      : 
app.home     : /Users/sgoeschl/work/github/apache/freemarker-generator/freemarker-generator-cli/target/appassembler      : 13037
basedir      : /Users/sgoeschl/work/github/apache/freemarker-generator/freemarker-generator-cli/target/appassembler
java.version : 1.8.0_192    : sgoeschl
user.dir     : /Users/sgoeschl/work/github/apache/freemarker-generator/freemarker-generator-cli/target/appassembler
user.home    : /Users/sgoeschl

9) List Environment Variables
- PATH ==> /Users/sgoeschl/bin:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_192.jdk/Contents/Home/bin:/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:HOME/.gem/ruby/2.7.0/bin:/usr/local/Cellar/git/2.19.1/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Applications/Java/apache-fop-2.3:/Applications/Java/freemarker-generator-2.0.0-BETA-2/bin:
- GIT_HOME ==> /usr/local/Cellar/git/2.19.1
- JAVA_8_HOME ==> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_192.jdk/Contents/Home
- JAVA_HOME ==> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_192.jdk/Contents/Home
- FOP_HOME ==> /Applications/Java/apache-fop-2.3
- TERM ==> xterm-256color
- LANG ==> en_US
- MAVEN_OPTS ==> -Xmx2048m
- DISPLAY ==> :0.0
- JAVA_11_HOME ==> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home
- JAVA_9_HOME ==> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-9.0.4.jdk/Contents/Home
- LOGNAME ==> sgoeschl
- PWD ==> /Users/sgoeschl/work/github/apache/freemarker-generator/freemarker-generator-cli/target/appassembler
- RUBY_HOME ==> /usr/local/opt/ruby
- JAVA_MAIN_CLASS_13037 ==> org.apache.freemarker.generator.cli.Main
- SHELL ==> /bin/bash
- PROFILE_TYPE ==> development
- TERM_PROGRAM ==> Apple_Terminal
- LSCOLORS ==> ExFxCxDxBxegedabagacad
- PROFILE_ENV ==> default
- USER ==> sgoeschl
- CLICOLOR ==> 1
- GATLING_HOME ==> /Applications/Java/gatling-3.1.2
- LaunchInstanceID ==> E8DE55F6-626E-4D15-B3B4-FFE4704CEF4E
- TMPDIR ==> /var/folders/cd/jbgc9cg14ld7dlsqk44tpmrw0000gn/T/
- SSH_AUTH_SOCK ==> /private/tmp/
- EDITOR ==> vi
- XPC_FLAGS ==> 0x0
- FREEMARKER_CLI_HOME ==> /Applications/Java/freemarker-generator-2.0.0-BETA-2
- TERM_SESSION_ID ==> 2745D6A3-543A-4DE3-830B-945678460311
- LC_ALL ==> en_US.utf-8
- __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING ==> 0x1F5:0x0:0x0
- LC_CTYPE ==> UTF-8
- HOME ==> /Users/sgoeschl
- SHLVL ==> 1

10) List System Properties
- ==> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
- java.vm.version ==> 25.192-b12
- java.vm.vendor ==> Oracle Corporation
- java.vendor.url ==>
- path.separator ==> :
- ==> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
- file.encoding.pkg ==>
- ==> AT

11) Access DataSources
Get the number of documents:
- 0
List all files containing "README" in the name
List all files having "md" extension
Get all documents

12) Document Data Model
- dataSources
- tools

13) FreeMarker Generator Tools
- csv                  : Process CSV files using Apache Commons CSV (see
- dataframe            : Bridge to [nRo/DataFrame](
- excel                : Process Excels files (XLS, XLSX) using Apache POI (see
- exec                 : Execute command line tools using Apache Commons Exec (see
- freemarker           : Expose advanced Apache FreeMarker classes
- grok                 : Process text files using Grok expressions (see
- gson                 : Process JSON files using GSON (see
- jsonpath             : Process JSON files using Java JSON Path (see
- jsoup                : Process  HTML files using Jsoup (see
- properties           : Process JDK properties files
- system               : Expose System-related utility methods
- uuid                 : Create UUIDs
- xml                  : Process XML files using Apache FreeMarker (see
- yaml                 : Process YAML files using SnakeYAML(see

14) Create a UUID
UUIDTool Random UUID  : 832a20fb-ac22-460a-b5d0-33c6fcc126d2
UUIDTool Named UUID   : 298415f9-e888-3d98-90e7-6c0d63ad14dc

15) Printing Special Characters
German Special Characters: äöüßÄÖÜ

16) Locale-specific output
Small Number :  1.23
Large Number :  12,345,678.90
Date         :  Jun 18, 2020
Time         :  11:13:51 AM

17) Execute a program
> date
Thu Jun 18 11:13:51 CEST 2020