
The freemarker-generator generates text output based on processing FreeMarker templates and data

  • A command line invocation requires 1..n templates and 0..n data sources / data models
  • A command line invocation is internally mapped to a list of output generators
  • The output generator consists of exactly one template, 0..n data sources / data models written to an output destination
  • The output of an output generator is either written to
    • stdout
    • an output file
    • an output directory
  • When the output is written to a directory
    • the structure of the input directory is preserved
    • any ftl file extension is removed
  • Positional command line arguments are interpreted as data sources (or directories) and accessible by a output generators


Transform a single template to a single output file

freemarker-generator -t freemarker-generator/csv/md/transform.ftl -o target/ examples/data/csv/contract.csv 

Transform multiple templates to multiple output files (1:1 mapping between templates and outputs)

freemarker-generator \
-t freemarker-generator/csv/md/transform.ftl -o target/ \
-t freemarker-generator/csv/html/transform.ftl -o target/contract.html \

> tree target 
|-- contract.html

Transform a single template directory to single output directory

> freemarker-generator \
-t examples/data/template -o target/template1

> tree target     
`-- template1
    `-- nginx
        `-- nginx.conf

Transforming multiple template directories to multiple output directories

freemarker-generator \
-t examples/data/template -o target/template1 \
-t examples/data/template -o target/template2 

> tree target     
|-- template1
|   |--
|   `-- nginx
|       `-- nginx.conf
`-- template2
    `-- nginx
        `-- nginx.conf

Transforming multiple templates and data sources to multiple output files

freemarker-generator \
-t freemarker-generator/yaml/json/transform.ftl -s examples/data/yaml/customer.yaml -o customer.json \
-t freemarker-generator/yaml/json/transform.ftl -s examples/data/yaml/swagger-spec.yaml -o swagger-spec.json

> ls -l *.json
-rw-r--r--  1 sgoeschl  staff   332B Jan  5 21:30 customer.json
-rw-r--r--  1 sgoeschl  staff    25K Jan  5 21:30 swagger-spec.json