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<h1 class="content-header header-chapter" id="ref_specvar" itemprop="headline">Special Variable Reference</h1>
</div></div><p>Special variables are variables defined by the FreeMarker engine
itself. To access them, you use the
<code class="inline-code">.<em class="code-color">variable_name</em></code> syntax. For
example, you can&#39;t write simply <code class="inline-code">version</code>; you have to
write <code class="inline-code">.version</code>.</p><p>The supported special variables are:</p><ul>
<code class="inline-code">data_model</code>: A hash that you can use to
access the data-model directly. That is, variables you did with
<code class="inline-code">global</code> directive are not visible here.
<code class="inline-code">error</code> (available since FreeMarker
2.3.1): This variable accessible in the body of the <a href="ref_directive_attempt.html#ref.directive.attempt"><code>recover</code>
directive</a>, where it stores the error message of the error we
recover from.
<code class="inline-code">globals</code>: A hash that you can use to access
the globally accessible variables: the data-model and the variables
created with <code class="inline-code">global</code> directive. Note that
variables created with <code class="inline-code">assign</code> or
<code class="inline-code">macro</code> are not globals, thus they never hide the
variables when you use <code class="inline-code">globals</code>.
<code class="inline-code">language</code>: Returns the language part
of the current value of the locale setting. For example if
<code class="inline-code">.locale</code> is <code class="inline-code">en_US</code>, then
<code class="inline-code">.lang</code> is <code class="inline-code">en</code>.
<code class="inline-code">locale</code>: Returns the current value
of the locale setting. This is a string, for example
<code class="inline-code">en_US</code>. For more information about locale strings
<a href="ref_directive_setting.html#ref.directive.setting">see the
<code>setting</code> directive</a>.
<code class="inline-code">locals</code>: A hash that you can use to access
the local variables (the variables created with the
<code class="inline-code">local</code> directive, and the parameters of
<code class="inline-code">main</code>: A hash that you can use to access the
main <a href="dgui_misc_namespace.html">namespace</a>. Note that
global variables like the variables of data-model are
<em>not</em> visible through this hash.
<code class="inline-code">namespace</code>: A hash that you can use to
access the current <a href="dgui_misc_namespace.html">namespace</a>. Note that global
variables like the variables of data-model are
<em>not</em> visible through this hash.
<code class="inline-code">node</code> (alias <code class="inline-code">current_node</code>
for historical reasons): The node you are currently processing with
the visitor pattern (i.e. with the <a href="ref_directive_visit.html"><code>visit</code>,
<code>recurse</code>, ...etc. directives</a>). Also, it
initially stores the root node when you use the <a href="pgui_misc_ant.html">FreeMarker XML Ant task</a>.
<code class="inline-code">output_encoding</code> (available since
FreeMarker 2.3.1): Returns the name of the current output charset.
This special variable is not existent if the framework that
encapsulates FreeMarker doesn&#39;t specify the output charset for
FreeMarker. <span class="marked-for-programmers">(Programmers can read more
about charset issues <a href="pgui_misc_charset.html">here...</a>)</span>
<code class="inline-code">template_name</code>: The name of the current
template (available since FreeMarker 2.3.14).
<code class="inline-code">url_escaping_charset</code> (available
since FreeMarker 2.3.1): If exists, it stores the name of the
charset that should be used for URL escaping. If this variable
doesn&#39;t exist that means that nobody has specified what charset
should be used for URL encoding yet. In this case the <a href="ref_builtins_string.html#ref_builtin_url"><code>url</code> built-in</a>
uses the charset specified by the <code class="inline-code">output_encoding</code>
special variable for URL encoding; custom mechanism may follow the
same logic. <span class="marked-for-programmers">(Programmers can read more
about charset issues <a href="pgui_misc_charset.html">here...</a>)</span>
<code class="inline-code">vars</code>: Expression
<code class="inline-code"></code> returns the same variable as expression
<code class="inline-code">foo</code>. It&#39;s useful if for some reasons you have to
use square bracket syntax, since that works only for hash
subvariables, so you need an artificial parent hash. For example, to
read a top-level variable that has a strange name that would confuse
FreeMarker, you can write
<code class="inline-code">.vars[&quot;A strange name!&quot;]</code>. Or, to access a
top-level variable with dynamic name given with variable
<code class="inline-code">varName</code> you can write
<code class="inline-code">.vars[varName]</code>. Note that the hash returned by
<code class="inline-code">.vars</code> does not support <code class="inline-code">?keys</code>
and <code class="inline-code">?values</code>.
<code class="inline-code">version</code>: Returns the FreeMarker
version number as string, for example <code class="inline-code">2.2.8</code>. This
can be used to check which FreeMarker version does your application
use, but note that this special variable does not exist prior to the
2.3-final or 2.2.8 versions. The version number of non-final
releases contain abbreviation ``pre&#39;&#39; for ``preview&#39;&#39; (e.g.
<code class="inline-code">2.3pre6</code>), or abbrevation ``rc&#39;&#39; for ``release
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