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<h1 class="content-header header-section1" id="dgui_quickstart_template" itemprop="headline">The template at a glance</h1>
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<div class="page-menu-title">Page Contents</div>
<ul><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_7" data-menu-target="autoid_7">Examples of directives</a><ul><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_8" data-menu-target="autoid_8">The if directive</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_9" data-menu-target="autoid_9">The list directive</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_10" data-menu-target="autoid_10">The include directive</a></li></ul></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_11" data-menu-target="autoid_11">Using directives together</a></li><li><a class="page-menu-link" href="#autoid_12" data-menu-target="autoid_12">Dealing with missing variables</a></li></ul> </div><p>The simplest template is a plain HTML file (or whatever text
file -- FreeMarker is not confined to HTML). When the client visits
that page, FreeMarker will send that HTML to the client as is. However
if you want that page to be more dynamic then you begin to put special
parts into the HTML which will be understood by FreeMarker:</p><ul>
<p><code class="inline-code">${<em class="code-color">...</em>}</code>:
FreeMarker will replace it in the output with the actual value of
the thing inside the curly brackets. They are called <strong>interpolation</strong>s. As an example see <a href="dgui_quickstart_basics.html#example.first">the very first example</a>.</p>
<p><strong>FTL tags</strong> (for FreeMarker
Template Language tags): FTL tags are a bit similar to HTML tags,
but they are instructions to FreeMarker and will not be printed to
the output. The name of these tags start with
<code class="inline-code">#</code>. (User-defined FTL tags use
<code class="inline-code">@</code> instead of <code class="inline-code">#</code>, but they are
an advanced topic.)</p>
<p><strong>Comments:</strong> Comments are
similar to HTML comments, but they are delimited by
<code class="inline-code">&lt;#--</code> and <code class="inline-code">--&gt;</code>. Anything
between these delimiters and the delimiter itself will be ignored
by FreeMarker, and will not be written to the output.</p>
</ul><p>Anything not an FTL tag or an interpolation or comment is
considered as static text, and will not be interpreted by FreeMarker;
it is just printed to the output as is.</p><p>With FTL tags you refer to so-called <strong>directives</strong>. This is the same kind of
relationship as between HTML tags (e.g.:
<code class="inline-code">&lt;table&gt;</code> and
<code class="inline-code">&lt;/table&gt;</code>) and HTML elements (e.g., the
<code class="inline-code">table</code> element) to which you refer to with the HTML
tags. (If you don&#39;t feel this difference then just take &quot;FTL tag&quot; and
&quot;directive&quot; as synonyms.)</p>
<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_7">Examples of directives</h2>
<p>Though FreeMarker has far more directives, in this quick
overview we will only look at three of the most commonly used
<h3 class="content-header header-section3" id="autoid_8">The if directive</h3>
<p>With the <code class="inline-code">if</code> directive you can
conditionally skip a section of the template. For example, assume
that in the <a href="dgui_quickstart_basics.html#example.first">very first
example</a> you want to greet your boss, Big Joe, differently
from other users:</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;html&gt;
Welcome ${user}<strong>&lt;#if user == &quot;Big Joe&quot;&gt;</strong>, our beloved leader<strong>&lt;/#if&gt;</strong>!
&lt;p&gt;Our latest product:
&lt;a href=&quot;${latestProduct.url}&quot;&gt;${}&lt;/a&gt;!
<p>Here you have told FreeMarker that the &#39;&#39;, our beloved
leader&#39;&#39; should be there only if the value of the variable
<code class="inline-code">user</code> is equal to the string <code class="inline-code">&quot;Big
Joe&quot;</code>. In general, things between <code class="inline-code">&lt;#if
<em class="code-color">condition</em>&gt;</code> and
<code class="inline-code">&lt;/#if&gt;</code> tags are skipped if
<code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">condition</em></code> is false
(the boolean value).</p>
<p>Let&#39;s detail the
<code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">condition</em></code> used here:
The <code class="inline-code">==</code> is an operator that tests if the values
at its left and right side are equivalent, and the results is a
boolean value, true or false accordingly. On the left side of
<code class="inline-code">==</code> I have <a href="dgui_quickstart_datamodel.html#topic.qStart.accessVariables">referenced a
variable</a> with the syntax that should be already familiar;
this will be replaced with the value of the variable. In general,
unquoted words inside directives or interpolations are treated as
references to variables. On the right side I have specified a
literal string. Literal strings in templates must
<em>always</em> be put inside quotation marks.</p>
<p>This will print &quot;Pythons are free today!&quot; if their price is
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#if animals.python.price == <strong>0</strong>&gt;
Pythons are free today!
<p>Similarly as earlier when a string was specified directly,
here a number is specified directly (<code class="inline-code">0</code>). Note
that the number is <em>not</em> quoted. If you quoted
it (<code class="inline-code">&quot;0&quot;</code>), FreeMarker were misinterpret it as a
string literal.</p>
<p>This will print &quot;Pythons are not free today!&quot; if their price
is not 0:</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#if animals.python.price <strong>!=</strong> 0&gt;
Pythons are not free today!
<p>As you may have guessed, <code class="inline-code">!=</code> means not
<p>You can write things like this too (using <a href="dgui_quickstart_datamodel.html#example.qStart.dataModelWithHashes">the data-model used
to demonstrate hashes</a>):</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#if <strong>animals.python.price &lt; animals.elephant.price</strong>&gt;
Pythons are cheaper than elephants today.
<p>With the <code class="inline-code">&lt;#else&gt;</code> tag you can
specify what to do if the condition is false. For example:</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#if animals.python.price &lt; animals.elephant.price&gt;
Pythons are cheaper than elephants today.
Pythons are not cheaper than elephants today.
<p>This prints &#39;&#39;Pythons are cheaper than elephants today.&#39;&#39; if
the price of python is less than the price of elephant, or else it
prints &#39;&#39;Pythons are not cheaper than elephants today.&#39;&#39;</p>
<p>If you have a variable with boolean value (a true/false
thing) then you can use it directly as the
<code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">condition</em></code> of
<code class="inline-code">if</code>:</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#if animals.python.protected&gt;
Warning! Pythons are protected animals!
<h3 class="content-header header-section3" id="autoid_9">The list directive</h3>
<p>This is useful when you want to list something. For example
if you merge this template with the <a href="dgui_quickstart_datamodel.html#example.qStart.dataModelWithSequences">data-model I used
earlier to demonstrate sequences</a>:</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;p&gt;We have these animals:
&lt;table border=1&gt;
<strong>&lt;#list animals as being&gt;</strong>
&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;${<strong>being</strong>.name}&lt;td&gt;${<strong>being</strong>.price} Euros
<p>then the output will be:</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-output">&lt;p&gt;We have these animals:
&lt;table border=1&gt;
<strong>&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;mouse&lt;td&gt;50 Euros
&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;elephant&lt;td&gt;5000 Euros
&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;python&lt;td&gt;4999 Euros</strong>
<p>The generic format of the <code class="inline-code">list</code> directive
<p><code class="inline-code">&lt;#list <em class="code-color">sequence</em> as
<em class="code-color">loopVariable</em>&gt;<em class="code-color">repeatThis</em>&lt;/#list&gt;</code></p>
<p>The <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">repeatThis</em></code>
part will be repeated for each item in the sequence that you have
given with <code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">sequence</em></code>,
one after the other, starting from the first item. In all
<code class="inline-code"><em class="code-color">loopVariable</em></code> will
hold the value of the current item. This variable exists only
between the <code class="inline-code">&lt;#list ...&gt;</code> and
<code class="inline-code">&lt;/#list&gt;</code> tags.</p>
<p>As another example, we list the fruits of that example data
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;p&gt;And BTW we have these fruits:
<strong>&lt;#list whatnot.fruits as fruit&gt;</strong>
<p>The <code class="inline-code">whatnot.fruits</code> expression should be
familiar to you; it <a href="dgui_quickstart_datamodel.html#topic.qStart.accessVariables">references a variable in
the data-model</a>.</p>
<h3 class="content-header header-section3" id="autoid_10">The include directive</h3>
<p>With the <code class="inline-code">include</code> directive you can insert
the content of another file into the template.</p>
<p>Suppose you have to show the same copyright notice on
several pages. You can create a file that contains the copyright
notice only, and insert that file everywhere where you need that
copyright notice. Say, you store this copyright notice in
<code class="inline-code">copyright_footer.html</code>:</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;hr&gt;
Copyright (c) 2000 &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Acmee Inc&lt;/a&gt;,
All Rights Reserved.
<p>Whenever you need that file you simply insert it with the
<code class="inline-code">include</code> directive:</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;html&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Test page&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;h1&gt;Test page&lt;/h1&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Blah blah...
<strong>&lt;#include &quot;/copyright_footer.html&quot;&gt;</strong>
<p>and the output will be:</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-output">&lt;html&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Test page&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;h1&gt;Test page&lt;/h1&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Blah blah...
Copyright (c) 2000 &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Acmee Inc&lt;/a&gt;,
All Rights Reserved.
<p>If you change the <code class="inline-code">copyright_footer.html</code>,
then the visitor will see the new copyright notice on all
<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_11">Using directives together</h2>
<p>You can use directives as many times on a page as you want,
and you can nest directives into each other similarly as you can
nest HTML elements into each other. For example this will list the
animals and print the name of large animals with bigger font:</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;p&gt;We have these animals:
&lt;table border=1&gt;
<strong>&lt;#list animals as being&gt;</strong>
<strong>&lt;#if being.size == &quot;large&quot;&gt;</strong>&lt;font size=&quot;+1&quot;&gt;<strong>&lt;/#if&gt;</strong>
<strong>&lt;#if being.size == &quot;large&quot;&gt;</strong>&lt;/font&gt;<strong>&lt;/#if&gt;</strong>
&lt;td&gt;${being.price} Euros
<p>Note that since FreeMarker does not interpret text outside FTL
tags, interpolations and comments, it doesn&#39;t see the above
<code class="inline-code">font</code> tags as badly nested ones.</p>
<h2 class="content-header header-section2" id="autoid_12">Dealing with missing variables</h2>
<p>In practice the data-model often has variables that are
optional (i.e., sometimes missing). To spot some typical human
mistakes, FreeMarker doesn&#39;t tolerate the referring to missing
variables unless you tell them explicitly what to do if the variable
is missing. Here we will show the two most typical ways of doing
<p><span class="marked-for-programmers">Note for programmers: A
non-existent variable and a variable with <code class="inline-code">null</code>
value is the same for FreeMarker, so the &quot;missing&quot; term used here
covers both cases.</span></p>
<p>Wherever you refer to a variable, you can specify a default
value for the case the variable is missing, by followin the variable
name with a <code class="inline-code">!</code> and the default value. Like in the
following example, when <code class="inline-code">user</code> is missing from data
model, the template will behave like if <code class="inline-code">user</code>&#39;s
value were the string <code class="inline-code">&quot;Anonymous&quot;</code>. (When
<code class="inline-code">user</code> isn&#39;t missing, this template behaves exactly
like if <code class="inline-code">!&quot;Anonymous&quot;</code> were not there):</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;h1&gt;Welcome ${user<strong>!&quot;Anonymous&quot;</strong>}!&lt;/h1&gt;</pre></div>
<p>You can ask whether a variable isn&#39;t missing by putting
<code class="inline-code">??</code> after its name. Combining this with the
already introduced <code class="inline-code">if</code> directive you can skip the
whole greeting if the <code class="inline-code">user</code> variable is
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template">&lt;#if <strong>user??</strong>&gt;&lt;h1&gt;Welcome ${user}!&lt;/h1&gt;&lt;/#if&gt;</pre></div>
<p>Regarding variable accessing with multiple steps, like
<code class="inline-code">animals.python.price</code>, writing
<code class="inline-code">animals.python.price!0</code> is correct only if
<code class="inline-code">animals.python</code> is never missing and only the last
subvariable, <code class="inline-code">price</code>, is possibly missing (in which
case here we assume it&#39;s <code class="inline-code">0</code>). If
<code class="inline-code">animals</code> or <code class="inline-code">python</code> is missing,
the template processing will stop with an &quot;undefined variable&quot;
error. To prevent that, you have to write
<code class="inline-code">(animals.python.price)!0</code>. In that case the
expression will be <code class="inline-code">0</code> even if
<code class="inline-code">animals</code> or <code class="inline-code">python</code> is missing.
Same logic goes for <code class="inline-code">??</code>;
<code class="inline-code">animals.python.price??</code> versus
<code class="inline-code">(animals.python.price)??</code>.</p>
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