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<h1 class="content-header header-section1" id="dgui_quickstart_basics" itemprop="headline">Template + data-model = output</h1>
</div></div><p>Assume you need a HTML page in an e-shop application, similar to
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-output">&lt;html&gt;
&lt;h1&gt;Welcome <strong>Big Joe</strong>!&lt;/h1&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Our latest product:
&lt;a href=&quot;<strong>products/greenmouse.html</strong>&quot;&gt;<strong>green mouse</strong>&lt;/a&gt;!
&lt;/html&gt;</pre></div><p>Let&#39;s say that the user name (&quot;Big Joe&quot; above) should depend on
who the logged in Web page visitor is, and the latest product should
come from a database and thus it potentially changes at any moment. In
this situation you can&#39;t just enter the user name nor the URL and name
of the latest product into the HTML, you can&#39;t use static HTML.</p><p>FreeMarker&#39;s solution for this problem is using a <strong>template</strong> instead of the static HTML. The
template is the same as the static HTML, except that it contains some
instructions to FreeMarker that makes it dynamic:</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-template"><a name="example.first"></a>&lt;html&gt;
&lt;h1&gt;Welcome <strong>${user}</strong>!&lt;/h1&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Our latest product:
&lt;a href=&quot;<strong>${latestProduct.url}</strong>&quot;&gt;<strong>${}</strong>&lt;/a&gt;!
&lt;/html&gt;</pre></div><p>The template is stored on the Web server, usually just like the
static HTML page would be. But whenever someone visits this page,
FreeMarker will step in and transform the template on-the-fly to plain
HTML by replacing the
<code class="inline-code">${<em class="code-color">...</em>}</code>-s with up-to-date
content (e.g., replacing <code class="inline-code">${user}</code> with Big Joe or
whoever the visitor is) and send the result to the visitor&#39;s Web
browser. So the visitor&#39;s Web browser will receive something like the
first example HTML (i.e., plain HTML without FreeMarker instructions),
and it will not perceive that FreeMarker is used on the server. The
template file itself (which is, again, stored on the Web server) is
not changed during this, so the transformation will happen again and
again for each visiting. This ensures that the displayed information
is always up-to-date.</p><p>Now, you may already noticed that the template contains no
instructions regarding how to find out who the current visitor is, or
how to query the database to find out what the latest product is. It
seems it just already know these values. And indeed that&#39;s the case.
An important idea behind FreeMarker (actually, behind Web MVC) is that
presentation logic and &quot;business logic&quot; should be separated. In the
template you only deal with presentation issues, that is, visual
design issues, formatting issues. The data that will be displayed
(such as the user name and so on) is prepared outside FreeMarker,
usually by routines written in Java language or other general purpose
language. So the template author doesn&#39;t have to know how these values
are calculated. In fact, the way these values are calculated can be
completely changed while the templates can remain the same, and also,
the look of the page can be completely changed without touching
anything but the template. This separation can be especially useful
when the template authors (designers) and the programmers are
different individuals.</p><p>While for FreeMarker (and for the template author) it&#39;s
not interesting <em>how</em> the data was calculated,
FreeMarker still have to know <em>what</em> the actual
data is. All the data that the template can use is packed into the so
called <strong>data-model</strong>. It&#39;s created by
the already mentioned routines that calculate the data. As far as the
template author is concerned, the data-model is a tree-like structure
(like folders and files on your hard disk), that in this case could be
visualized as:</p>
<div class="code-wrapper"><pre class="code-block code-data-model">(root)
+- <strong>user</strong> = &quot;Big Joe&quot;
+- <strong>latestProduct</strong>
+- <strong>url</strong> = &quot;products/greenmouse.html&quot;
+- <strong>name</strong> = &quot;green mouse&quot;</pre></div><p>(To prevent misunderstandings: The data-model is not a text
file, the above is just a visualization of a data-model for you. It&#39;s
from Java objects, but let that be the problem of the Java
programmers.)</p><p>Compare this with what you seen in the template earlier:
<code class="inline-code">${user}</code> and
<code class="inline-code">${}</code>. As an analogy, the data
model is something like the file system of computers: the root and
<code class="inline-code">latestProduct</code> correspond to directories (folders)
and the <code class="inline-code">user</code>, <code class="inline-code">url</code> and
<code class="inline-code">name</code> correspond to files. <code class="inline-code">url</code>
and <code class="inline-code">name</code> are in the
<code class="inline-code">latestProduct</code> directory. So
<code class="inline-code"></code> is like saying
<code class="inline-code">name</code> in the <code class="inline-code">latestProduct</code>
directory. But as I said, it was just a simile; there are no files or
directories here.</p><p>To recapitulate, a template and a data-model is needed for
FreeMarker to generate the output (like the HTML shown first):</p><p><span class="marked-template">Template</span> + <span class="marked-data-model">data-model</span> = <span class="marked-output">output</span></p><div class="bottom-pagers-wrapper"><div class="pagers bottom"><a class="paging-arrow previous" href="dgui_quickstart.html"><span>Previous</span></a><a class="paging-arrow next" href="dgui_quickstart_datamodel.html"><span>Next</span></a></div></div></div></div> </div>
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