updating active link color
4 files changed
tree: aeb916872ada1da3e363b53865e4e4fe7e01e072
  1. .settings/
  2. src/
  3. .checkstyle
  4. .classpath
  5. .eslintrc
  6. .fbprefs
  7. .gitattributes
  8. .gitignore
  9. .jshintrc
  10. .project
  11. build.properties.sample
  12. build.xml
  13. checkstyle.xml
  14. gulpfile.js
  15. ivy.xml
  16. ivysettings.xml
  18. LICENSE-JING.html
  19. LICENSE.txt
  20. package.json
  21. README.md
  22. selection.json
  23. test.xml



Docgen was originally written to generate HTML pages from the DocBook 5 XML that the FreeMarker Manual is written in. As such, it‘s not a general purpose DocBook 5 to HTML converter, however, we use it for other projects as well, so it’s not entirely specialized either.



ant all

This will create lib/docgen.jar and build/api.

For documentation see build/api/index.html. Especially, read the documentation of the Transform class there.

For some examples see src/test and test.xml, and of course, src/manual in the freemarker project.

For editing DocBook, we are using XXE with the src/xxe-addon installed.

Building tricks

If you run into dependency errors, you may need to issue:

ant update-deps

If you have modified docgen, and want to try the new version in the freemarker project, you will have to issue:

ant publish-override

This will shadow the docgen artifact that comes from the Ivy repo on freemarker.org. Then, in the freemarker project you have to issue ant update-deps so that it picks up your version.