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| <h1>Obtain the Apache Forrest distribution</h1> |
| <div id="minitoc-area"> |
| <ul class="minitoc"> |
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| <a href="#how">How to download</a> |
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| <a href="#closest">Current official release (closest mirror site selected automatically)</a> |
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| <a name="N10010"></a><a name="how"></a> |
| <h2 class="underlined_10">How to download</h2> |
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| <p class="note">Please realise that Forrest is still pre-1.0 release version. It is certainly usable for those who are prepared to move with it. See more notes about <a href="index.html#status">status</a>.</p> |
| <p>Use the links below to download a distribution of Apache Forrest from one of our mirrors. It is good practice to <a href="[location]#verify">verify the integrity</a> of the distribution files.</p> |
| <p>Apache Forrest is distributed as a <span class="codefrag">zip</span> archive (for Windows) and as a <span class="codefrag">tar.gz</span> archive (for UNIX). The contents are the same, the only difference is the line-endings of all text files.</p> |
| <p>The distribution contains all of the source code, documentation, and resources, together with the pre-built ready-to-run forrest binary. It also includes pre-packaged copies of relevant portions of Apache Cocoon and Apache Ant, and supporting products.</p> |
| <p>After unpacking the distribution, follow the README.txt to see the Requirements (just Java 1.4+), Installation Instructions and Documentation, Licensing and legal issues and credits.</p> |
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| <a name="N1002F"></a><a name="closest"></a> |
| <h2 class="underlined_10">Current official release (closest mirror site selected automatically)</h2> |
| <div class="section"> |
| <p>You are currently using <strong>[preferred]</strong> . If you encounter a problem with this mirror, then please select another. If all mirrors are failing, there are backup mirrors at the end of the list. See <a href="http://www.apache.org/mirrors/">status</a> of mirrors.</p> |
| <a name="SelectMirror"></a> |
| <form action="[location]" method="get" id="SelectMirror">Other mirrors: <select name="Preferred"> |
| <!--[if-any http] [for http]--><option value="[http]">[http]</option> |
| <!--[end] [end]--> |
| <!--[if-any ftp] [for ftp]--><option value="[ftp]">[ftp]</option> |
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| <!--[if-any backup] [for backup]--><option value="[backup]">[backup] (backup)</option> |
| <!--[end] [end]--></select> <input type="submit" value="Change"> |
| </form> |
| <p>The current release is Apache Forrest 0.7 (see the <a href="[preferred]/forrest/RELEASE-NOTES-0.7.txt">release notes</a>).</p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>For UNIX operating systems: <a href="[preferred]/forrest/apache-forrest-0.7.tar.gz">apache-forrest-0.7.tar.gz</a> [<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/forrest/apache-forrest-0.7.tar.gz.asc">PGP</a>] [<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/forrest/apache-forrest-0.7.tar.gz.md5">MD5</a>]</li> |
| <li>For Windows operating systems: <a href="[preferred]/forrest/apache-forrest-0.7.zip">apache-forrest-0.7.zip</a> [<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/forrest/apache-forrest-0.7.zip.asc">PGP</a>] [<a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/forrest/apache-forrest-0.7.zip.md5">MD5</a>]</li> |
| </ul> |
| </div> |
| <a name="N1007B"></a><a name="svn"></a> |
| <h2 class="underlined_10">Current development and head SVN repository</h2> |
| <div class="section"> |
| <p>Developers can use the latest Apache Forrest features, the source code is under version control with Subversion (read how to <a href="docs_0_70/build.html">obtain</a> your working copy).</p> |
| </div> |
| <a name="N10087"></a><a name="archive"></a> |
| <h2 class="underlined_10">Archive of old releases</h2> |
| <div class="section"> |
| <p>Older releases are available in the <a href="http://archive.apache.org/dist/forrest/">archive</a>. Those releases are only provided as historical artefacts. We strongly recommend to not use those releases, but upgrade to the most recent release.</p> |
| </div> |
| <a name="N10093"></a><a name="verify"></a> |
| <h2 class="underlined_10">Verify releases</h2> |
| <div class="section"> |
| <p>It is essential that you verify the integrity of the downloaded files using the PGP and MD5 signatures. MD5 verification ensures the file was not corrupted or tampered with. PGP verification ensures that the file came from a certain person.</p> |
| <p>The PGP signatures can be verified using <a href="http://www.pgpi.org/">PGP</a> or <a href="http://www.gnupg.org/">GPG</a>. First download the Apache Forrest <a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/forrest/KEYS">KEYS</a> as well as the <span class="codefrag">*.asc</span> signature file for the particular distribution. It is important that you get these files from the ultimate trusted source - the main ASF distribution site, rather than from a mirror. Then verify the signatures using ...</p> |
| <pre>% pgpk -a KEYS |
| % pgpv apache-forrest-X.Y.tar.gz.asc |
| |
| <em>or</em> |
| |
| % pgp -ka KEYS |
| % pgp apache-forrest-X.Y.tar.gz.asc |
| |
| <em>or</em> |
| |
| % gpg --import KEYS |
| % gpg --verify apache-forrest-X.Y.tar.gz.asc |
| </pre> |
| <p>To verify the MD5 signature on the files, you need to use a program called <span class="codefrag">md5</span> or <span class="codefrag">md5sum</span>, which is included in many unix distributions. It is also available as part of <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/textutils/textutils.html">GNU Textutils</a>. Windows users can get binary md5 programs from <a href="http://www.fourmilab.ch/md5/">here</a>, <a href="http://www.pc-tools.net/win32/freeware/console/">here</a>, or <a href="http://www.slavasoft.com/fsum/">here</a> or an openssl client from <a href="http://www.slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html">here</a>.</p> |
| <pre>% md5sum apache-forrest-X.Y.tar.gz |
| ... output should match the string in apache-forrest-X.Y.tar.gz.md5 |
| </pre> |
| <p>We strongly recommend you verify your downloads with both PGP and MD5.</p> |
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