Make libthrift dependency "provided"

Ensure that libthrift does not get included in the set of transitive
dependencies coming from fluo-core, so that it comes from Accumulo instead.

The specific version of libthrift required for a particular Fluo application at
runtime must be compatible with both the libthrift version required by the Fluo
Oracle service and also the Accumulo client code. Since Fluo applications are
both an Accumulo client and a Fluo Oracle client, and it does not do class path
isolation between the different client dependencies for each, the version of
libthrift used must be compatible with both.

Luckily, the meager use of of thrift for Fluo's Oracle means that its client is
compatible with many versions of thrift, so Fluo applications should use the
version which is most compatible with Accumulo. Marking this dependency as
"provided" in fluo-core will make Fluo applications depending on fluo-core
transitively use the version coming from their Accumulo dependency instead of
their fluo-core dependency.
1 file changed
tree: 8cc0c6187f8f2ade671a643409dace2d5e16abd8
  1. contrib/
  2. modules/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .travis.yml
  8. pom.xml


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Apache Fluo lets users make incremental updates to large data sets stored in Apache Accumulo.

Apache Fluo is an open source implementation of Percolator (which populates Google's search index) for Apache Accumulo. Fluo makes it possible to update the results of a large-scale computation, index, or analytic as new data is discovered. Check out the Fluo project website for news and general information.

Getting Started

  • Take the Fluo Tour if you are completely new to Fluo.
  • Read the Fluo documentation to learn how to install Fluo and start a Fluo application on a cluster where Accumulo, Hadoop & Zookeeper are running. If you need help setting up these dependencies, see the related projects page for external projects that may help.