Fix #871 Use regular jar for ITs module (#1050)

Move tests in the integration test module from src/test/java into
src/main/java in order to create a regular jar instead of a test-jar in
Maven. This fixes many issues, such as not having javadoc and source
jars for the integration test module, as well as to simplify any
dependency resolution issues with other modules or projects depending on
the integration test jar.

Fix test bugs and style issues found by checkstyle

Fix broken javadoc in integration-tests module

Use AccumuloProps utility class for prop keys instead of non-public Accumulo class
43 files changed
tree: e21739d0c8f7cd33cf16f0abe01d211aaca552a0
  1. contrib/
  2. modules/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .travis.yml
  8. pom.xml


Build Status Apache License Maven Central Javadoc

Apache Fluo is a distributed processing system that lets users make incremental updates to large data sets. With Apache Fluo, users can set up workflows that execute cross node transactions when data changes. These workflows enable users to continuously join new data into large existing data sets without reprocessing all data. Apache Fluo is built on Apache Accumulo. Check out the Fluo project website for news and general information.

Getting Started

  • Take the Fluo Tour if you are completely new to Fluo.
  • Read the Fluo documentation to learn how to install Fluo and start a Fluo application on a cluster where Accumulo, Hadoop & Zookeeper are running. If you need help setting up these dependencies, see the related projects page for external projects that may help.