title: Apache Fluo Recipes 1.0.0-incubating released date: 2016-10-28 10:30:00 +0000 version: fluo-recipes-1.0.0-incubating

Apache Fluo Recipes builds on the Apache Fluo API to provide libraries of common code for Fluo developers.

Apache Fluo Recipes 1.0.0-incubating is the first release of Fluo Recipes as an Apache project and the third release for the project.

Below are resources for this release:

Changes of interest since last release

  • #112 - Avoid allocating collection in AccumuloExporter
  • #107 - Added standard way to setup per exporter configuration
  • #102 - Simplified Accumulo export queue recipe
  • #92 - Added dependency analysis plugin
  • #82 - Moved TypeLayer from Fluo API to Fluo Recipes
  • #76 - Made compact transient command retry when calling compact throws an exception
  • #75 - Construct export queue row that falls in bucket
  • #73 - Make compact transient sleep for each range
  • #70 - Collision Free Map not behaving well when processing backs up
  • #69 - Compact transient command has negative impact when processing falls behind
  • #67 - Added option to control number of buckets per tablet
  • #50 - Renamed Pirto to TableOptimizations