title: Apache Fluo Recipes 1.2.0 version: fluo-recipes-1.2.0

Apache Fluo Recipes builds on the Apache Fluo API to provide libraries of common code for Fluo developers. The 1.2.0 release is the first release of Fluo Recipes since Fluo graduated from Apache incubation. It has very few changes from the 1.1.0-incubating release. If you are new to Fluo Recipes, you should use this release. If you are already using Fluo Recipes 1.1.0-incubating, there is no reason to upgrade immediately.

Below are resources for this release:

Notable Changes

Documentation moved to project website

The documentation for Fluo Recipes now lives on the project website. In #144, it was removed from the Fluo Recipes repo and moved to Fluo Website repo.

Updated versions

Fluo Recipes was updated (in #146) to build using Fluo 1.2.0 and Accumulo 1.7.3