Muchos EC2 Cluster Templates

Cluster templates are intended to provide greater flexibility, if needed, with respect to instance type selection and launch configuration for your EC2 hosts. For example, cluster templates may be ideal for use cases that require distinct, per-host launch configurations, and for use cases that require hosts to have persistent, EBS-backed data volumes (rather than ephemeral volumes, the muchos default for EC2 clusters)

If you are already familiar with muchos and with the basics of EC2 launch requests, then creating your own launch templates will be simple and straightforward.

Please follow the guidance provided here to ensure compatibility between your custom templates and muchos automation


Select a cluster template in muchos.props

cluster_template = example

The configured value must match the name of a subdirectory under conf/templates

~$ ls -1a fluo-muchos/conf/templates/example

The subdirectory will contain one or more user-defined EC2 launch templates (*.json) for your various host types, and it will include a devices file specifying the desired mount points for all data volumes (excluding root volumes, as they are mounted automatically)

Defining EC2 launch templates and device mounts for your hosts

Launch Templates: {service-name}.json files

Each JSON file represents a standard EC2 launch request, and each file name must match one of the predefined muchos service names, as defined in the nodes section of muchos.props. E.g.,

leader1 = namenode,resourcemanager,accumulomaster
leader2 = metrics,zookeeper
worker1 = worker
worker2 = worker
worker3 = worker
worker4 = worker

In template mode, the first service listed for a given host denotes the template to be selected for its launch.

Based on the example given above:

  • leader1 selects namenode.json
  • leader2 selects metrics.json
  • worker1 selects worker.json
  • and so on...

For example, namenode.json might be defined as follows...

    "KeyName": "${key_name}",
    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
            "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",        # Here, /dev/sda1 denotes the root volume
            "Ebs": {
                "DeleteOnTermination": true,
                "VolumeSize": 40,
                "VolumeType": "gp2"
            "DeviceName": "/dev/sdf",          # Here, /dev/sdf (a.k.a "/dev/xvdf") denotes
            "Ebs": {                           # our single EBS-backed data volume
                "DeleteOnTermination": true, 
                "VolumeSize": 500,
                "VolumeType": "gp2"
    "ImageId": "${aws_ami}",
    "InstanceType": "m4.4xlarge",
    "NetworkInterfaces": [
            "DeviceIndex": 0,
            "AssociatePublicIpAddress": ${associate_public_ip},
            "Groups": [
    "EbsOptimized": true,
    "InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior": "${shutdown_behavior}"

Property Placeholders

The ${property name} placeholders demonstrated above are optional and are intended to simplify template creation and reduce maintenance burden. They allow any matching properties from the ec2 section of muchos.props to be interpolated automatically.

If needed, you may also define your own custom properties and have them be injected automatically by simply adding them to the ec2 section of muchos.props and to your templates

Device Mounts: devices file

The devices file contains the user-defined mapping of storage devices and mount points for all data (i.e., non-root) volumes in your cluster.

Two (and only two) device mappings should exist within devices:

  • One map to represent your worker device mounts, and
  • One map to represent the device mounts on all other hosts, i.e., the default map

For example, the devices file below specifies 4 mount points for all worker instance types, and specifies 1 mount point for all other hosts via the default map.

   "default": {
       "mounts": [
          "/data0"     # For non-workers, mount the /data0 directory
       ],              # on /dev/xvdf (a.k.a "/dev/sdf")
       "devices": [
  "worker": {
      "mounts": [
          "/data3"     # For workers, mount the /data0 directory on 
      ],               # /dev/xvdf (a.k.a "/dev/sdf"), mount /data1 on
      "devices": [     # /dev/xvdg (a.k.a "/dev/sdg"), and so on...

Naturally, you should take care to ensure that your BlockDeviceMappings also align to default vs worker node type semantics. As you explore the example files, you should observe the implicit link betweeen a data volume denoted by BlockDeviceMappings[N].DeviceName and its respective device map entry in the devices file.

  • Note: While DeviceName mount profiles should not vary among your default (non-worker) nodes, other attributes within BlockDeviceMappings, such as DeleteOnTermination, VolumeSize, etc, may vary as needed

  • Note: Be aware that the device names used by AWS EC2 launch requests may differ from the actual names assigned by the EC2 block device driver, which can be confusing. Please read this and also this for additional information and guidance, if needed

  • Note: Root EBS volumes may be configured as desired in your JSON launch templates, but only non-root, “data” storage devices should be specified in devices, as root devices are mounted automatically

Beyond the Launch Phase: Setup, Terminate, Etc

Aside from the configuration differences described above, which impact the launch phase, all other muchos operations behave the same in template mode as in default mode