If you believe that you have found a bug, please search for an existing issue to see if it has already been reported. For simple changes, its ok to just submit a pull request without an issue.
Muchos has unit tests. To run them, first install required packages:
pip install -r ./lib/requirements.txt
The following command runs the unit tests:
nose2 -v -B
If you are modifying any of the Python code in this project, please use Black to enforce that Python code found under the lib folder is formatted correctly. Before submitting a PR, please ensure that you have used Black to format the code with max line length set to 79 as below (it is to be run from the repo root):
black lib --line-length 79
The CI for this project runs tools to detect common coding issues with Python and Ansible files. Rather than wait for the CI to flag any issues with your work, please run the cibuild script on your dev machine, which in turn runs the following tools:
Please ensure that you address issues flagged by the above CI build script before creating a PR.