Made several improvements to Zetten:
* Updated how metrics service is configured
* Set common environment variables in bashrc
* Moved PATH configuration to bash_profile
* Wipe command now removes software installation
* Upload of Fluo/Accumulo tarballs will occur if different
9 files changed
tree: fbad1fd19eb950dce1efa34d339a3697b4439734
  1. ansible/
  2. bin/
  3. conf/
  4. contrib/
  5. .gitignore
  6. .travis.yml


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Command-line tool for deploying Fluo or Accumulo to a cluster that can be optionally launched in Amazon EC2.


First clone the zetten repo:

git clone

Now, create and modify your configuration file for zetten:

cd zetten/
cp conf/zetten.props.example conf/zetten.props

In order to run zetten, your AWS credentials need to be set in zetten.props like this:


See AWS Key ID Documentation for more information.

You will need to upload your public key to the AWS management console and set in zetten.props to the name of your key pair. If you want to give others access to your cluster, add their public keys to a file named keys in your conf/ directory. During the setup of your cluster, this file will be appended on each node to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for the user set by the cluster.username property.

Launching an EC2 cluster

When Zetten launches a cluster, it uses a free CentOS 7 image that is hosted in the AWS marketplace but managed by the CentOS orginization. If you have never used this image in EC2 before, you will need to go to the CentOS 7 product page to accept the software terms under the ‘Manual Launch’ tab. If this is not done, you will get an error when you try to launch your cluster.

The CentOS organization periodically updates AMIs and deprecates older AMIs which makes them unavailable to new users. This can also cause an error when you try to launch your cluster. If this occurs, you will need to find the AMI ID for your EC2 region on the CentOS 7 product page and set the ‘aws_ami’ property in your ‘zetten.props’ file to override the default AMIs used by Zetten.

Run the following command to launch an EC2 cluster called mycluster:

zetten launch -c mycluster

After your cluster has launched, you do not have to specify a cluster anymore using -c (unless you have multiple clusters running).

Run the following command to confirm that you can ssh to the leader node:

zetten ssh

You can check the status of the nodes using the EC2 Dashboard or by running the following command:

zetten status

Set up the cluster

The zetten setup command will set up your cluster and start Hadoop, Zookeeper, & Accumulo. It will download release tarballs of Fluo, Accumulo, Hadoop, etc. The release versions of these tarballs are specified in zetten.props.

Optionally, you can have Zetten use a snapshot version (rather than a released version) of Accumulo or Fluo by building a snapshot tarball and placing it in the conf/upload directory before running zetten setup. This option is only necessary if you want to run the latest unreleased version of Fluo or Accumulo.

# optional, example commands to build a snapshot version of Fluo
cd /path/to/fluo
mvn package
cp modules/distribution/target/fluo-1.0.0-beta-3-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz /path/to/zetten/conf/upload/

The zetten setup command will install and start Accumulo, Hadoop, and Zookeeper. The optional services below will only be set up if configured in the [nodes] section of zetten.props:

  1. fluo - Fluo only needs to be installed and configured on a single node in your cluster as Fluo applications are run in YARN. If set as a service, zetten setup will install and partially configure Fluo but not start it. To finish setup, follow the steps in the ‘Run a Fluo application’ section below.

  2. metrics - The Metrics service installs and configures collectd, InfluxDB and Grafana. Cluster metrics are sent to InfluxDB using collectd and are viewable in Grafana. If Fluo is running, its metrics will also be viewable in Grafana.

If you run the zetten setup command and a failure occurs, you can run the command again with no issues. Any cluster setup that was successfully completed will not be repeated. While some setup steps can take over a minute, you can use Ctrl-C to stop setup if it hangs for a long time. Just remember to run zetten setup again to finish setup.

Manage the cluster

The setup command is idempotent. It can be run again on a working cluster. It will not change the cluster if everything is configured and running correctly. If a process has stopped, the setup command will restart the process.

The zetten wipe command can be used to wipe all data from the cluster and kill any running processes. After running the wipe command, run the setup command to start a fresh cluster.

If you set proxy_socks_port in your zetten.props, a SOCKS proxy will be created on that port when you use zetten ssh to connect to your cluster. If you add a proxy managment tool to your browser and whitelist http://leader*, http://worker* and http://metrics* to redirect traffic to your proxy, you can view the monitoring & status pages below in your browser. Please note - The hosts in the URLs below match the configuration in [nodes] of zetten.prop.example and may be different for your cluster.

Run a Fluo application

If you have a Fluo application to run, follow the steps below to access your Fluo install on the cluster:

zetten ssh
ssh <node on cluster where Fluo was installed, determined by Zetten config>
cdf   # Alias to change directory to Fluo Home

Next, follow the instructions starting at the Configure a Fluo application section of the Fluo production setup instructions to configure, initialize, and start your application.

If you don't have an application, you can run a Fluo example application. All example applications are listed and configured in zetten.props. In general applications are run using the following command:

zetten run -a <application> [<argument1> <argument2>]

While the application name is required, additional arguments are dependent on the application. In zetten.props, you can find more documentation on how to run each application.

Terminating your EC2 cluster

If you launched your cluster on EC2, run the following command terminate your cluster. WARNING - All data on your cluster will be lost:

zetten terminate

Retrieving cluster configuration

The config command allows you to retrieve cluster configuration for your own scripts:

$ zetten config -p leader.public.ip

Powered by

Zetten is powered by the following projects:

  • boto - Python library used by zetten launch to start a cluster in AWS EC2.
  • Ansible - Cluster management tool that is used by zetten setup to install, configure, and start Fluo, Accumulo, Hadoop, etc on an existing EC2 or bare metal cluster.

Running unit tests

Install nose using pip:

pip install nose

The following command runs the unit tests:

nosetests -w bin/impl