Closes #30 - Modified load to insert data into Fluo as data is parsed
 * Refactored webindex script
 * Created load-s3 command to load data from AWS into Fluo
 * Renamed load command to load-hdfs
20 files changed
tree: eba998a188f93269205e8e95a3a91dbf0f31dc27
  1. bin/
  2. conf/
  3. docs/
  4. modules/
  5. .gitignore
  6. .travis.yml
  9. pom.xml


Build Status

Webindex is an example Fluo application that uses CommonCrawl web crawl data to index links to web pages in multiple ways. It has a simple UI to view the resulting indexes. If you are new to Fluo, you may want start with the fluo-quickstart or phrasecount applications as the webindex application is more complicated. For more information on the webindex application works, check out the tables and code documentation.


In order run this application you need the following installed and running on your machine:

  • Hadoop (HDFS & YARN)
  • Accumulo
  • Fluo

Consider using fluo-dev to run these requirements

Configure your environment

First, you must create the configuration file data.yml in the conf/ directory and edit it for your environment:

cp conf/data.yml.example conf/data.yml

There are a few environment variables that need to be set to run these scripts (see conf/ for a list). If you don't want to set them in your ~/.bashrc, create in conf/ and set them.

cp conf/ conf/

Download the paths file for a crawl

For each crawl of the web, CommonCrawl produces a file containing a list of paths to the data files produced by that crawl. Webindex uses this file to retrieve CommonCrawl data stored in S3. The command below downloads this paths file for the April 2015 crawl (identified by 2015-18) to the paths/ directory as it will be necessary for future commands. If you would like to use a different crawl, the CommonCrawl website has a list of possible crawls which are identified by the YEAR-WEEK (i.e. 2015-18) of the time the crawl occurred.

./bin/webindex getpaths 2015-18

Take a look at the paths file that was just retrieved:

$ less paths/2015-18.wat.paths 

Each line in the paths file contains a path to a different common crawl data file. In later commands, you will select paths by specifying a range (in the format of START-END). Ranges can start at index 0 and their start/end points are inclusive. Therefore, a range of 4-6 would select 3 paths from line 4, 5, and 6 of the file. Using the command below, you can find the max endpoint for ranges in a paths file.

$ wc -l paths/2015-18.wat.paths 
38609 paths/2015-18.wat.paths

The 2015-18 paths file has 38609 different paths. A range of 0-38608 would select all paths in the file.

Copy CommonCrawl data from AWS into HDFS

After retrieving a paths file, the command below runs a Spark job that copies data files from S3 to HDFS. The command below will copy 3 files in the file range of 4-6 of the 2015-18 paths file into the HDFS directory /cc/data/a. CommonCrawl data files are large (~330 MB each) so be mindful of how many you copy.

./bin/webindex copy 2015-18 4-6 /cc/data/a

To create multiple data sets, run the command with different range and HDFS directory:

./bin/webindex copy 2015-18 7-8 /cc/data/b

Initialize Fluo & Accumulo

After copying data into HDFS, run the following to initialize and start Fluo.

./bin/webindex init

Optionally, add a HDFS directory (with previously copied data) to the end of the command.
When a directory is specified, init will also run a Spark job that initializes Fluo's table in Accumulo with data before starting Fluo.

./bin/webindex init /cc/data/a

Load files into Fluo

The init command should only be run on an empty cluster. To add more data, run the load-hdfs or load-s3 commands. Both start a Spark job that parses CommonCrawl and inserts this data into Fluo. Fluo will incrementally process this data and export indexes to Accumulo.

The load-hdfs command below loads data stored in the HDFS directory /cc/data/b into Fluo:

./bin/webindex load-hdfs /cc/data/b

The load-s3 command below loads data hosted on S3 into Fluo. It select files in the 9-10 range of the 2015-18 paths file:

./bin/webindex load-s3 2015-18 9-10

Run the webindex UI

Run the following command to run the webindex UI:

./bin/webindex ui

The UI is implemented using dropwizard. While the UI works with default dropwizard configuration, you can modify it by creating and editing dropwizard.yml in conf/:

cp conf/dropwizard.yml.example conf/dropwizard.yml

Open your browser to http://localhost:8080/