Merge pull request #8 from mikewalch/indexing

Closes #4 - Accumulo indexes are now updated using Fluo IndexExporter.
tree: 8957d6a5d7efbc406310bdb4836d8c40b9934295
  1. bin/
  2. conf/
  3. docs/
  4. modules/
  5. .gitignore
  6. .travis.yml
  9. pom.xml


Build Status

An example Fluo applications that creates a web index using CommonCrawl data.


In order run this application you need the following installed and running on your machine:

  • Hadoop (HDFS & YARN)
  • Accumulo
  • Fluo

Consider using fluo-dev to run these requirments

Configure your environment

First, you must create data.yml and dropwizard.yml files and edit them for your environment:

cd conf
cp data.yml.example data.yml
cp dropwizard.yml.example dropwizard.yml

Download CommonCrawl data

Next, run the following command to download CommonCrawl data files. The data files can have a fileType of wat, wet, or warc. The command downloads a file containing the URL path of thousands of files and numFiles specifies how many of those files will be downloaded from AWS and loaded into your HDFS instance.

 # Command structure
./bin/ <fileType> <numFiles>
 # Use command below for this example
./bin/ wat 1

Initialize Fluo & Accumulo with data

Next, run the following command to run Fluo and initialize it and Accumulo with data:


Run the web application

Finally, run the following command to run the web app:


Open your browser to http://localhost:8080/