Code Guide

The Webindex example has three major code components.

  • Spark component : Generates initial Fluo and Query tables.
  • Fluo component : Updates the Query table as web pages are added, removed, and updated.
  • Web component : Web application that uses the Query table.

Since all of these components either read or write the Query table, you may want to read about the Query Table before reading about the code.

Guide to Fluo Component.

The following image shows a high level view of how data flows through the Fluo Webindex code.

Page Loader

The PageLoader queues updated page content for processing by the PageObserver.

Page Observer

The PageObserver computes changes to links within a page by comparing new and current pages. It computes links added and deleted and then pushes this information to the UriMap observer and IndexExporter.

Conceptually when a page references a new URI, a +1 is queued up for the UriMap. When a page no longer references a URI, a -1 is queued up for the UriMap to process.

URI Map Observer

The UriMap observer computes per URI reference counts. The code for this this observer is very simple because it builds on the Collision Free Map Recipe. A Collision Free Map has two extension points and this example implements both. The first extension point is a combiner that processes the +1 and -1 updates queued up by the PageObserver. The second extension point is an update observer that handles changes in reference counts for a URI. It pushes these changes in reference counts to the DomainMap and IndexExporter.

Changes to URI reference counts are aggregated per domain and +1 and -1 updates are queued for the DomainMap.

Domain Map Observer

The DomainMap observer computers per domain reference counts. This is a Collision Free Map that tracks per domain information. When its notified that domain counts changed, it queues updates for the IndexExporter to update the Query table.


The IndexExporter is an implementation of the ‘AccumuloExporter’ recipe. It makes updates to Accumulo using IndexUpdate objects that are placed on a shared ‘ExportQueue’ by the PageObserver, UriMap, and DomainMap.

IndexUpdate is an interface that is implemented by the following classes:

  1. DomainUpdate - Updates information related to domain (like page count).

  2. PageUpdate - Updates information related to page (like links being added or deleted).

  3. UriUpdate - Updates information related to URI.

When IndexExporter receives these objects, it translates the update to mutations using code in the IndexClient.