Apache Fluo Docker

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  1. a451ffa Updated docker build to reduce image size. (#18) by Seth · 4 years, 4 months ago main
  2. 92c4c71 Add .asf.yaml (#17) by Christopher Tubbs · 4 years, 4 months ago
  3. 1ccfc40 Updated versions and made using snapshot easy (#15) by Keith Turner · 6 years ago
  4. 0bb6aec Update copyright year (#16) by Mike Walch · 6 years ago
  5. a6481b7 Updated README (#14) by Mike Walch · 7 years ago

Apache Fluo Docker Image

This project creates the official Docker image for Apache Fluo.

Getting Started

Obtain the Docker image

To obtain the docker image created by this project, you can either pull it from DockerHub at apache/fluo or build it yourself. To pull the image from DockerHub, run the command below:

docker pull apache/fluo

While it is easier to pull from DockerHub, it may not have the versions of Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Accumulo you are using. The Dockerfile has the software versions below:


If these versions do not match what is running on your cluster, you should consider building your own image with matching versions. However, Fluo must be 1.2+.

Build the Docker image

Below are instructions for building an image:

  1. Clone the Fluo docker repo

     git clone git@github.com:apache/fluo-docker.git
  2. Build the default Fluo docker image using the command below.

     cd /path/to/fluo-docker
     docker build -t fluo .

    Or build the Fluo docker image with specific versions of Hadoop, Zookeeper, etc using the command below:

     docker build \
     --build-arg ZOOKEEPER_VERSION=3.4.11 \
     --build-arg ZOOKEEPER_HASH=9268b4aed71dccad3d7da5bfa5573b66d2c9b565 \
     --build-arg ACCUMULO_VERSION=1.8.1 \
     --build-arg ACCUMULO_HASH=8e6b4f5d9bd0c41ca9a206e876553d8b39923528 \
     --build-arg HADOOP_VERSION=2.7.5 \
     --build-arg HADOOP_HASH=0f90ef671530c2aa42cde6da111e8e47e9cd659e \
     --build-arg FLUO_VERSION=1.2.0 \
     --build-arg FLUO_HASH=a89cb7f76007e8fdd0860a4d5c4e1743d1a30459 \
     -t fluo .

    Don't forget to update the HASH of the chosen version. We use SHA1 to validate the hash. If you need to test an unreleased version of Fluo, then use the FLUO_FILE build argument instead of FLUO_HASH.

Next steps

Read the documentation for instructions on how run Fluo using docker.