Apache Flink job cluster Docker image

In order to deploy a job cluster on Docker, one needs to create an image which contains the Flink binaries as well as the user code jars of the job to execute. This directory contains a build.sh which facilitates the process. The script takes a Flink distribution either from an official release, an archive or a local distribution and combines it with the specified job jar.

Installing Docker

Install the most recent stable version of Docker.

Building the Docker image

Images are based on the official Java Alpine (OpenJDK 8) image.

Before building the image, one needs to build the user code jars for the job. A Flink job can consist of multiple artifacts. In order to specify the required artifacts, they need to be passed to --job-artifacts of the build script. The individual paths are comma separated.

If you want to build the Flink image from the version you have checked out locally run:

build.sh --from-local-dist --job-artifacts <COMMA_SEPARATED_PATH_TO_JOB_ARTIFACTS> [--with-python2|--with-python3] --image-name <IMAGE_NAME>

Note that you first need to call mvn package -pl flink-dist -am to build the Flink binaries.

If you want to build the Flink image from an archive stored under <PATH_TO_ARCHIVE> run:

build.sh --from-archive <PATH_TO_ARCHIVE> --job-artifacts <COMMA_SEPARATED_PATH_TO_JOB_ARTIFACTS> [--with-python2|--with-python3] --image-name <IMAGE_NAME>

If you want to build the Flink image for a specific version of Flink/Hadoop/Scala run:

build.sh --from-release --flink-version 1.6.0 --hadoop-version 2.8 --scala-version 2.11 --job-artifacts <COMMA_SEPARATED_PATH_TO_JOB_ARTIFACTS> [--with-python2|--with-python3] --image-name <IMAGE_NAME>

Please note that from Flink-1.8, hadoop version is optional and you could build the Flink image without providing any hadoop version.

The script will try to download the released version from the Apache archive.

The artifacts specified in <COMMA_SEPARATED_PATH_TO_JOB_ARTIFACTS> will be copied to directory /opt/artifacts of the built image.

Deploying via Docker compose

The docker-compose.yml contains the following parameters:

  • FLINK_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME - Image name to use for the deployment (default: flink-job:latest)
  • FLINK_JOB - Name of the Flink job to execute (default: none)
  • DEFAULT_PARALLELISM - Default parallelism with which to start the job (default: 1)
  • FLINK_JOB_ARGUMENTS - Additional arguments which will be passed to the job cluster (default: none)
  • SAVEPOINT_OPTIONS - Savepoint options to start the cluster with (default: none)

The parameters can be set by exporting the corresponding environment variable.

Deploy cluster and see config/setup log output (best run in a screen session)


Deploy as a daemon (and return)


In order to start the job with a different default parallelism set DEFAULT_PARALLELISM. This will automatically start DEFAULT_PARALLELISM TaskManagers:


In order to resume the job from a savepoint set SAVEPOINT_OPTIONS. Supported options are --fromSavepoint <SAVEPOINT_PATH> and --allowNonRestoredState where <SAVEPOINT_PATH> is accessible from all containers.

    FLINK_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=<IMAGE_NAME> FLINK_JOB=<JOB_NAME> SAVEPOINT_OPTIONS="--fromSavepoint <SAVEPOINT_PATH> --allowNonRestoredState" docker-compose up 

One can also provide additional job arguments via FLINK_JOB_ARGUMENTS which are passed to the job:


Scale the cluster up or down to N TaskManagers

    docker-compose scale taskmanager=<N>

Access the Job Manager container

    docker exec -it $(docker ps --filter name=flink_jobmanager --format={{.ID}}) /bin/sh

Access the web UI by going to <IP_DOCKER_MACHINE>:8081 in your web browser.

Kill the cluster

    docker-compose kill