title: “Metrics”

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Flink exposes a metric system that allows gathering and exposing metrics to external systems.

  • This will be replaced by the TOC {:toc}

Registering metrics

You can access the metric system from any user function that extends [RichFunction]({{ site.baseurl }}/apis/common/index.html#rich-functions) by calling getRuntimeContext().getMetricGroup(). This method returns a MetricGroup object on which you can create and register new metrics.

Metric types

Flink supports Counters, Gauges and Histograms.


A Counter is used to count something. The current value can be in- or decremented using inc()/inc(long n) or dec()/dec(long n). You can create and register a Counter by calling counter(String name) on a MetricGroup.

{% highlight java %}

public class MyMapper extends RichMapFunction<String, Integer> { private Counter counter;

@Override public void open(Configuration config) { this.counter = getRuntimeContext() .getMetricGroup() .counter(“myCounter”); }

@public Integer map(String value) throws Exception { this.counter.inc(); } }

{% endhighlight %}

Alternatively you can also use your own Counter implementation:

{% highlight java %}

public class MyMapper extends RichMapFunction<String, Integer> { private Counter counter;

@Override public void open(Configuration config) { this.counter = getRuntimeContext() .getMetricGroup() .counter(“myCustomCounter”, new CustomCounter()); } }

{% endhighlight %}


A Gauge provides a value of any type on demand. In order to use a Gauge you must first create a class that implements the org.apache.flink.metrics.Gauge interface. There is no restriction for the type of the returned value. You can register a gauge by calling gauge(String name, Gauge gauge) on a MetricGroup.

{% highlight java %}

public class MyMapper extends RichMapFunction<String, Integer> { private int valueToExpose;

@Override public void open(Configuration config) { getRuntimeContext() .getMetricGroup() .gauge(“MyGauge”, new Gauge() { @Override public Integer getValue() { return valueToExpose; } }); } }

{% endhighlight %}

Note that reporters will turn the exposed object into a String, which means that a meaningful toString() implementation is required.


A Histogram measures the distribution of long values. You can register one by calling histogram(String name, Histogram histogram) on a MetricGroup.

{% highlight java %} public class MyMapper extends RichMapFunction<Long, Integer> { private Histogram histogram;

@Override public void open(Configuration config) { this.histogram = getRuntimeContext() .getMetricGroup() .histogram(“myHistogram”, new MyHistogram()); }

@public Integer map(Long value) throws Exception { this.histogram.update(value); } } {% endhighlight %}

Flink does not provide a default implementation for Histogram, but offers a {% gh_link flink-metrics/flink-metrics-dropwizard/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/dropwizard/metrics/DropwizardHistogramWrapper.java “Wrapper” %} that allows usage of Codahale/DropWizard histograms. To use this wrapper add the following dependency in your pom.xml: {% highlight xml %} org.apache.flink flink-metrics-dropwizard {{site.version}} {% endhighlight %}

You can then register a Codahale/DropWizard histogram like this:

{% highlight java %} public class MyMapper extends RichMapFunction<Long, Integer> { private Histogram histogram;

@Override public void open(Configuration config) { com.codahale.metrics.Histogram histogram = new com.codahale.metrics.Histogram(new SlidingWindowReservoir(500));

this.histogram = getRuntimeContext()
  .histogram("myHistogram", new DropWizardHistogramWrapper(histogram));

} } {% endhighlight %}


Every metric is assigned an identifier under which it will be reported that is based on 3 components: the user-provided name when registering the metric, an optional user-defined scope and a system-provided scope. For example, if A.B is the sytem scope, C.D the user scope and E the name, then the identifier for the metric will be A.B.C.D.E.

You can configure which delimiter to use for the identifier (default: .) by setting the metrics.scope.delimiter key in conf/flink-conf.yaml.

User Scope

You can define a user scope by calling either MetricGroup#addGroup(String name) or MetricGroup#addGroup(int name).

{% highlight java %}

counter = getRuntimeContext() .getMetricGroup() .addGroup(“MyMetrics”) .counter(“myCounter”);

{% endhighlight %}

System Scope

The system scope contains context information about the metric, for example in which task it was registered or what job that task belongs to.

Which context information should be included can be configured by setting the following keys in conf/flink-conf.yaml. Each of these keys expect a format string that may contain constants (e.g. “taskmanager”) and variables (e.g. “<task_id>”) which will be replaced at runtime.

  • metrics.scope.jm
    • Default: <host>.jobmanager
    • Applied to all metrics that were scoped to a job manager.
  • metrics.scope.jm.job
    • Default: <host>.jobmanager.<job_name>
    • Applied to all metrics that were scoped to a job manager and job.
  • metrics.scope.tm
    • Default: <host>.taskmanager.<tm_id>
    • Applied to all metrics that were scoped to a task manager.
  • metrics.scope.tm.job
    • Default: <host>.taskmanager.<tm_id>.<job_name>
    • Applied to all metrics that were scoped to a task manager and job.
  • metrics.scope.task
    • Default: <host>.taskmanager.<tm_id>.<job_name>.<task_name>.<subtask_index>
    • Applied to all metrics that were scoped to a task.
  • metrics.scope.operator
    • Default: <host>.taskmanager.<tm_id>.<job_name>.<operator_name>.<subtask_index>
    • Applied to all metrics that were scoped to an operator.

There are no restrictions on the number or order of variables. Variables are case sensitive.

The default scope for operator metrics will result in an identifier akin to localhost.taskmanager.1234.MyJob.MyOperator.0.MyMetric

If you also want to include the task name but omit the task manager information you can specify the following format:

metrics.scope.tm.operator: <host>.<job_name>.<task_name>.<operator_name>.<subtask_index>

This could create the identifier localhost.MyJob.MySource_->_MyOperator.MyOperator.0.MyMetric.

Note that for this format string an identifier clash can occur should the same job be run multiple times concurrently, which can lead to inconsistent metric data. As such it is advised to either use format strings that provide a certain degree of uniqueness by including IDs (e.g <job_id>) or by assigning unique names to jobs and operators.

List of all Variables

  • JobManager: <host>
  • TaskManager: <host>, <tm_id>
  • Job: <job_id>, <job_name>
  • Task: <task_id>, <task_name>, <task_attempt_id>, <task_attempt_num>, <subtask_index>
  • Operator: <operator_name>, <subtask_index>


Metrics can be exposed to an external system by configuring one or several reporters in conf/flink-conf.yaml.

  • metrics.reporters: The list of named reporters.
  • metrics.reporter.<name>.<config>: Generic setting <config> for the reporter named <name>.
  • metrics.reporter.<name>.class: The reporter class to use for the reporter named <name>.
  • metrics.reporter.<name>.interval: The reporter interval to use for the reporter named <name>.

All reporters must at least have the class property, some allow specifying a reporting interval. Below, we will list more settings specific to each reporter.

Example reporter configuration that specifies multiple reporters:

metrics.reporters: my_jmx_reporter,my_other_reporter

metrics.reporter.my_jmx_reporter.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.jmx.JMXReporter
metrics.reporter.my_jmx_reporter.port: 9020-9040

metrics.reporter.my_other_reporter.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.graphite.GraphiteReporter
metrics.reporter.my_other_reporter.port: 10000

You can write your own Reporter by implementing the org.apache.flink.metrics.reporter.MetricReporter interface. If the Reporter should send out reports regularly you have to implement the Scheduled interface as well.

The following sections list the supported reporters.

JMX (org.apache.flink.metrics.jmx.JMXReporter)

You don't have to include an additional dependency since the JMX reporter is available by default but not activated.


  • port - the port on which JMX listens for connections. This can also be a port range. When a range is specified the actual port is shown in the relevant job or task manager log. If you don't specify a port no extra JMX server will be started. Metrics are still available on the default local JMX interface.

Ganglia (org.apache.flink.metrics.ganglia.GangliaReporter)

Dependency: {% highlight xml %} org.apache.flink flink-metrics-ganglia {{site.version}} {% endhighlight %}


  • host - the gmond host address configured under udp_recv_channel.bind in gmond.conf
  • port - the gmond port configured under udp_recv_channel.port in gmond.conf
  • tmax - soft limit for how long an old metric should be retained
  • dmax - hard limit for how long an old metric should be retained
  • ttl - time-to-live for transmitted UDP packets
  • addressingMode - UDP addressing mode to use (UNICAST/MULTICAST)

Graphite (org.apache.flink.metrics.graphite.GraphiteReporter)

Dependency: {% highlight xml %} org.apache.flink flink-metrics-graphite {{site.version}} {% endhighlight %}


  • host - the Graphite server host
  • port - the Graphite server port

StatsD (org.apache.flink.metrics.statsd.StatsDReporter)

Dependency: {% highlight xml %} org.apache.flink flink-metrics-statsd {{site.version}} {% endhighlight %}


  • host - the StatsD server host
  • port - the StatsD server port

System metrics

Flink exposes the following system metrics:

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