blob: 698d419cc2f8df7be8d5c2e835fe01d24083160d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.flink.table.dataformat;
import org.apache.flink.table.api.types.DecimalType;
import org.apache.flink.table.api.types.InternalType;
import org.apache.flink.table.api.types.Types;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkArgument;
* Sql Decimal value. A mutable implementation of BigDecimal that can hold a Long if values
* are small enough.
* <p>The semantics of the fields are as follows:
* - precision and scale represent the SQL precision and scale we are looking for
* - If decimalVal is set, it represents the whole decimal value
* - Otherwise, the decimal value is longVal / (10 ** scale).
public final class Decimal implements Comparable<Decimal> {
public static final int MAX_PS = 38;
private static final MathContext MC_DIVIDE = new MathContext(38, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
public static final int MAX_COMPACT_PRECISION = 18;
* Maximum number of decimal digits an Int can represent. (1e9 < Int.MaxValue < 1e10)
public static final int MAX_INT_DIGITS = 9;
* Maximum number of decimal digits a Long can represent. (1e18 < Long.MaxValue < 1e19)
public static final int MAX_LONG_DIGITS = 18;
public static final long[] POW10 = new long[MAX_COMPACT_PRECISION + 1];
static {
POW10[0] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < POW10.length; i++) {
POW10[i] = 10 * POW10[i - 1];
// for now, we follow closely to what Spark does.
// see if we can improve upon it later.
// (precision, scale) is always correct.
// if precision > MAX_COMPACT_PRECISION,
// `decimalVal` represents the value. `longVal` is undefined
// otherwise, (longVal, scale) represents the value
// `decimalVal` may be set and cached
private final int precision;
private final int scale;
private final long longVal;
private BigDecimal decimalVal;
// this constructor does not perform any sanity check.
private Decimal(int precision, int scale, long longVal, BigDecimal decimalVal) {
this.precision = precision;
this.scale = scale;
this.longVal = longVal;
this.decimalVal = decimalVal;
public boolean isCompact() {
return isCompact(this.precision);
public static boolean isCompact(int precision) {
return precision <= MAX_COMPACT_PRECISION;
public BigDecimal toBigDecimal() {
BigDecimal bd = decimalVal;
if (bd == null) {
decimalVal = bd = BigDecimal.valueOf(longVal, scale);
return bd;
public int hashCode() {
return toBigDecimal().hashCode();
public int compareTo(Decimal that) {
if (this.isCompact() && that.isCompact() && this.scale == that.scale) {
return, that.longVal);
return this.toBigDecimal().compareTo(that.toBigDecimal());
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Decimal)) {
return false;
Decimal that = (Decimal) o;
return this.compareTo(that) == 0;
public String toString() {
return toBigDecimal().toPlainString();
public int signum() {
if (isCompact()) {
return Long.signum(longVal);
} else {
return decimalVal.signum();
private static ArithmeticException overflowException(String typeName, Object value) {
return new ArithmeticException("numeric value out of range, " +
"type=" + typeName + ", value=" + value);
// convert long to Decimal.
// long vlaue `l` must have at most `precision` digits.
// the decimal result is `l / POW10[scale]`
public static Decimal fromLong(long l, int precision, int scale) {
checkArgument(precision > 0 && precision <= MAX_LONG_DIGITS);
checkArgument((l >= 0 ? l : -l) < POW10[precision]);
return new Decimal(precision, scale, l, null);
// convert external BigDecimal to internal representation.
// first, value may be rounded to have the desired `scale`
// then `precision` is checked. if precision overflow, it will return `null`
public static Decimal fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal bd, int precision, int scale) {
bd = bd.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
if (bd.precision() > precision) {
return null;
long longVal = -1;
if (precision <= MAX_COMPACT_PRECISION) {
longVal = bd.movePointRight(scale).longValueExact();
return new Decimal(precision, scale, longVal, bd);
public static Decimal zero(int precision, int scale) {
if (precision <= MAX_COMPACT_PRECISION) {
return new Decimal(precision, scale, 0, null);
} else {
return fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal.ZERO, precision, scale);
public Decimal copy() {
return new Decimal(precision, scale, longVal, decimalVal);
public long toUnscaledLong() {
assert isCompact();
return longVal;
public static Decimal fromUnscaledLong(int precision, int scale, long longVal) {
assert isCompact(precision);
return new Decimal(precision, scale, longVal, null);
public byte[] toUnscaledBytes() {
if (!isCompact()) {
return toBigDecimal().unscaledValue().toByteArray();
// big endian; consistent with BigInteger.toByteArray()
byte[] bytes = new byte[8];
long l = longVal;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
bytes[7 - i] = (byte) l;
l >>>= 8;
return bytes;
// we assume the bytes were generated by us from toUnscaledBytes()
public static Decimal fromUnscaledBytes(int precision, int scale, byte[] bytes) {
if (precision > MAX_COMPACT_PRECISION) {
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(bytes), scale);
return new Decimal(precision, scale, -1, bd);
assert bytes.length == 8;
long l = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
l <<= 8;
l |= (bytes[i] & (0xff));
return new Decimal(precision, scale, l, null);
public double doubleValue() {
if (isCompact()) {
return ((double) longVal) / POW10[scale];
} else {
return decimalVal.doubleValue();
public Decimal negate() {
if (isCompact()) {
return new Decimal(precision, scale, -longVal, null);
} else {
return new Decimal(precision, scale, -1, decimalVal.negate());
public Decimal abs() {
if (isCompact()) {
if (longVal >= 0) {
return this;
} else {
return new Decimal(precision, scale, -longVal, null);
} else {
if (decimalVal.signum() >= 0) {
return this;
} else {
return new Decimal(precision, scale, -1, decimalVal.negate());
// floor()/ceil() preserve precision, but set scale to 0.
// note that result may exceed the original precision.
public Decimal floor() {
BigDecimal bd = toBigDecimal().setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
return fromBigDecimal(bd, bd.precision(), 0);
public Decimal ceil() {
BigDecimal bd = toBigDecimal().setScale(0, RoundingMode.CEILING);
return fromBigDecimal(bd, bd.precision(), 0);
public int getPrecision() {
return precision;
public int getScale() {
return scale;
public static Decimal add(Decimal v1, Decimal v2, int precision, int scale) {
if (v1.isCompact() && v2.isCompact() && v1.scale == v2.scale) {
assert scale == v1.scale; // no need to rescale
try {
long ls = Math.addExact(v1.longVal, v2.longVal); // checks overflow
return new Decimal(precision, scale, ls, null);
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
// overflow, fall through
BigDecimal bd = v1.toBigDecimal().add(v2.toBigDecimal());
return fromBigDecimal(bd, precision, scale);
public static Decimal subtract(Decimal v1, Decimal v2, int precision, int scale) {
if (v1.isCompact() && v2.isCompact() && v1.scale == v2.scale) {
assert scale == v1.scale; // no need to rescale
try {
long ls = Math.subtractExact(v1.longVal, v2.longVal); // checks overflow
return new Decimal(precision, scale, ls, null);
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
// overflow, fall through
BigDecimal bd = v1.toBigDecimal().subtract(v2.toBigDecimal());
return fromBigDecimal(bd, precision, scale);
public static Decimal multiply(Decimal v1, Decimal v2, int precision, int scale) {
BigDecimal bd = v1.toBigDecimal().multiply(v2.toBigDecimal());
return fromBigDecimal(bd, precision, scale);
public static Decimal divide(Decimal v1, Decimal v2, int precision, int scale) {
BigDecimal bd = v1.toBigDecimal().divide(v2.toBigDecimal(), MC_DIVIDE);
return fromBigDecimal(bd, precision, scale);
public static Decimal mod(Decimal v1, Decimal v2, int precision, int scale) {
BigDecimal bd = v1.toBigDecimal().remainder(v2.toBigDecimal(), MC_DIVIDE);
return fromBigDecimal(bd, precision, scale);
public static Decimal divideToIntegralValue(Decimal v1, Decimal v2, int precision, int scale) {
BigDecimal bd = v1.toBigDecimal().divideToIntegralValue(v2.toBigDecimal());
return fromBigDecimal(bd, precision, scale);
// cast decimal to integral or floating data types, by SQL standard.
// to cast to integer, rounding-DOWN is performed, and overflow will just return null.
// to cast to floats, overflow will not happen, because precision<=38.
private static long castToIntegral(Decimal dec, int numBits, String typeName) {
BigDecimal bd = dec.toBigDecimal();
// rounding down. This is consistent with float=>int,
// and consistent with SQLServer, Spark.
bd = bd.setScale(0, RoundingMode.DOWN);
return bd.longValue();
private static boolean withinRange(long r, int numBits) {
r = r >> numBits;
return r == -1L || r == 0L;
public static long castToLong(Decimal dec) {
return castToIntegral(dec, 63, "LONG");
public static int castToInteger(Decimal dec) {
return (int) castToIntegral(dec, 31, "INT");
public static short castToShort(Decimal dec) {
return (short) castToIntegral(dec, 15, "SHORT");
public static byte castToByte(Decimal dec) {
return (byte) castToIntegral(dec, 7, "BYTE");
public static float castToFloat(Decimal dec) {
return (float) dec.doubleValue();
public static double castToDouble(Decimal dec) {
return dec.doubleValue();
public static Decimal castToDecimal(Decimal dec, int precision, int scale) {
return fromBigDecimal(dec.toBigDecimal(), precision, scale);
public static boolean castToBoolean(Decimal dec) {
return dec.toBigDecimal().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0;
public static long castToTimestamp(Decimal dec) {
return (long) (dec.doubleValue() * 1000);
public static Decimal castFrom(Decimal dec, int precision, int scale) {
return fromBigDecimal(dec.toBigDecimal(), precision, scale);
public static Decimal castFrom(String string, int precision, int scale) {
return fromBigDecimal(new BigDecimal(string), precision, scale);
public static Decimal castFrom(double val, int p, int s) {
return fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf(val), p, s);
public static Decimal castFrom(long val, int p, int s) {
return fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf(val), p, s);
public static Decimal castFrom(boolean val, int p, int s) {
return fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf((val ? 1 : 0)), p, s);
/** SQL <code>SIGN</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
// preserve precision and scale
public static Decimal sign(Decimal b0) {
if (b0.isCompact()) {
return new Decimal(b0.precision, b0.scale, b0.signum() * POW10[b0.scale], null);
} else {
return fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0.signum()), b0.precision, b0.scale);
public static int compare(Decimal b1, Decimal b2){
return b1.compareTo(b2);
public static int compare(Decimal b1, long n2) {
if (!b1.isCompact()) {
return b1.decimalVal.compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(n2));
if (b1.scale == 0) {
return, n2);
long i1 = b1.longVal / POW10[b1.scale];
if (i1 == n2) {
long l2 = n2 * POW10[b1.scale]; // won't overflow
return, l2);
} else {
return i1 > n2 ? +1 : -1;
public static int compare(Decimal b1, double n2) {
return, n2);
public static int compare(long n1, Decimal b2) {
return -compare(b2, n1);
public static int compare(double n1, Decimal b2) {
return -compare(b2, n1);
/** Referencing some methods, for code gen. */
public static class Ref {
private static String fullName(String methodName) {
return Decimal.class.getCanonicalName() + "." + methodName;
// d1+d2 => Decimal.add(d1, d2, p, s)
public static String operator(String operator) {
return fullName(opToName(operator));
private static String opToName(String op) {
switch (op) {
case "+": return "add";
case "-": return "subtract";
case "*": return "multiply";
case "/": return "divide";
case "%": return "mod";
case "DIV": return "divideToIntegralValue";
default: throw new RuntimeException(
"Unsupported decimal arithmetic operator: " + op);
public static String castTo(Class<?> type) {
// e.g. castToInteger
return fullName("castTo" + type.getSimpleName());
public static String castTo(InternalType type) {
String name = null;
if (type.equals(Types.INT)) {
name = "Integer";
} else if (type.equals(Types.LONG)) {
name = "Long";
} else if (type.equals(Types.SHORT)) {
name = "Short";
} else if (type.equals(Types.BYTE)) {
name = "Byte";
} else if (type.equals(Types.FLOAT)) {
name = "Float";
} else if (type.equals(Types.DOUBLE)) {
name = "Double";
} else if (type instanceof DecimalType) {
name = "Decimal";
} else if (type.equals(Types.BOOLEAN)) {
name = "Boolean";
} else if (type.equals(Types.TIMESTAMP)) {
name = "Timestamp";
return fullName("castTo" + name);
// public static Decimal castFrom(T value, int p, int s)
public static String castFrom() {
return fullName("castFrom");
public static String compare() {
return fullName("compare");
public static DecimalType inferDivisionType(int p1, int s1, int p2, int s2) {
// note: magic numbers are used directly here, because it's not really a general algorithm.
int s = Math.max(6, s1 + p2 + 1);
int p = p1 - s1 + s2 + s;
if (p > 38) {
s = Math.max(6, 38 - (p - s));
p = 38;
return new DecimalType(p, s);
// see DivCallGen
public static DecimalType inferIntDivType(int p1, int s1, int p2, int s2) {
int p = Math.min(38, p1 - s1 + s2);
return new DecimalType(p, 0);
public static DecimalType inferAggSumType(int p, int s) {
return new DecimalType(38, s);
// however, we count by LONG, therefore divide by Decimal(20,0),
// but the end result is actually the same, which is Decimal(38, max(6,s))
public static DecimalType inferAggAvgType(int p, int s) {
return inferDivisionType(38, s, 20, 0);
// return type of Round( DECIMAL(p,s), r )
public static DecimalType inferRoundType(int p, int s, int r) {
if (r >= s) {
return new DecimalType(p, s);
} else if (r < 0) {
return new DecimalType(Math.min(38, 1 + p - s), 0);
} else { // 0 <= r < s
return new DecimalType(1 + p - s + r, r);
// NOTE: rounding may increase the digits by 1, therefore we need +1 on precisions.
/** SQL <code>ROUND</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static Decimal sround(Decimal b0, int r) {
if (r >= b0.scale) {
return b0;
BigDecimal b2 = b0.toBigDecimal().movePointRight(r)
.setScale(0, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)
int p = b0.precision;
int s = b0.scale;
if (r < 0) {
return fromBigDecimal(b2, Math.min(38, 1 + p - s), 0);
} else { // 0 <= r < s
return fromBigDecimal(b2, 1 + p - s + r, r);
public static boolean is32BitDecimal(int precision) {
return precision <= MAX_INT_DIGITS;
public static boolean is64BitDecimal(int precision) {
return precision <= MAX_LONG_DIGITS && precision > MAX_INT_DIGITS;
public static boolean isByteArrayDecimal(int precision) {
return precision > MAX_LONG_DIGITS;