blob: e0f631a8851fcf914a6b9817feb3f7df5c5752e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.cep.nfa.compiler;
import org.apache.flink.cep.nfa.AfterMatchSkipStrategy;
import org.apache.flink.cep.nfa.NFA;
import org.apache.flink.cep.nfa.State;
import org.apache.flink.cep.nfa.StateTransition;
import org.apache.flink.cep.nfa.StateTransitionAction;
import org.apache.flink.cep.pattern.GroupPattern;
import org.apache.flink.cep.pattern.MalformedPatternException;
import org.apache.flink.cep.pattern.Pattern;
import org.apache.flink.cep.pattern.Quantifier;
import org.apache.flink.cep.pattern.Quantifier.Times;
import org.apache.flink.cep.pattern.conditions.BooleanConditions;
import org.apache.flink.cep.pattern.conditions.IterativeCondition;
import org.apache.flink.cep.pattern.conditions.RichAndCondition;
import org.apache.flink.cep.pattern.conditions.RichNotCondition;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.time.Time;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
* Compiler class containing methods to compile a {@link Pattern} into a {@link NFA} or a
* {@link NFAFactory}.
public class NFACompiler {
protected static final String ENDING_STATE_NAME = "$endState$";
* Compiles the given pattern into a {@link NFAFactory}. The NFA factory can be used to create
* multiple NFAs.
* @param pattern Definition of sequence pattern
* @param timeoutHandling True if the NFA shall return timed out event patterns
* @param <T> Type of the input events
* @return Factory for NFAs corresponding to the given pattern
public static <T> NFAFactory<T> compileFactory(
final Pattern<T, ?> pattern,
boolean timeoutHandling) {
if (pattern == null) {
// return a factory for empty NFAs
return new NFAFactoryImpl<>(0, Collections.<State<T>>emptyList(), timeoutHandling);
} else {
final NFAFactoryCompiler<T> nfaFactoryCompiler = new NFAFactoryCompiler<>(pattern);
return new NFAFactoryImpl<>(nfaFactoryCompiler.getWindowTime(), nfaFactoryCompiler.getStates(), timeoutHandling);
* Verifies if the provided pattern can possibly generate empty match. Example of patterns that can possibly
* generate empty matches are: A*, A?, A* B? etc.
* @param pattern pattern to check
* @return true if empty match could potentially match the pattern, false otherwise
public static boolean canProduceEmptyMatches(final Pattern<?, ?> pattern) {
NFAFactoryCompiler<?> compiler = new NFAFactoryCompiler<>(checkNotNull(pattern));
State<?> startState = compiler.getStates().stream().filter(State::isStart).findFirst().orElseThrow(
() -> new IllegalStateException("Compiler produced no start state. It is a bug. File a jira."));
Set<State<?>> visitedStates = new HashSet<>();
final Stack<State<?>> statesToCheck = new Stack<>();
while (!statesToCheck.isEmpty()) {
final State<?> currentState = statesToCheck.pop();
if (visitedStates.contains(currentState)) {
} else {
for (StateTransition<?> transition : currentState.getStateTransitions()) {
if (transition.getAction() == StateTransitionAction.PROCEED) {
if (transition.getTargetState().isFinal()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Converts a {@link Pattern} into graph of {@link State}. It enables sharing of
* compilation state across methods.
* @param <T>
static class NFAFactoryCompiler<T> {
private final NFAStateNameHandler stateNameHandler = new NFAStateNameHandler();
private final Map<String, State<T>> stopStates = new HashMap<>();
private final List<State<T>> states = new ArrayList<>();
private long windowTime = 0;
private GroupPattern<T, ?> currentGroupPattern;
private Map<GroupPattern<T, ?>, Boolean> firstOfLoopMap = new HashMap<>();
private Pattern<T, ?> currentPattern;
private Pattern<T, ?> followingPattern;
private final AfterMatchSkipStrategy afterMatchSkipStrategy;
private Map<String, State<T>> originalStateMap = new HashMap<>();
NFAFactoryCompiler(final Pattern<T, ?> pattern) {
this.currentPattern = pattern;
afterMatchSkipStrategy = pattern.getAfterMatchSkipStrategy();
* Compiles the given pattern into a {@link NFAFactory}. The NFA factory can be used to create
* multiple NFAs.
void compileFactory() {
if (currentPattern.getQuantifier().getConsumingStrategy() == Quantifier.ConsumingStrategy.NOT_FOLLOW) {
throw new MalformedPatternException("NotFollowedBy is not supported as a last part of a Pattern!");
// we're traversing the pattern from the end to the beginning --> the first state is the final state
State<T> sinkState = createEndingState();
// add all the normal states
sinkState = createMiddleStates(sinkState);
// add the beginning state
AfterMatchSkipStrategy getAfterMatchSkipStrategy(){
return afterMatchSkipStrategy;
List<State<T>> getStates() {
return states;
long getWindowTime() {
return windowTime;
* Check pattern after match skip strategy.
private void checkPatternSkipStrategy() {
if (afterMatchSkipStrategy.getPatternName().isPresent()) {
String patternName = afterMatchSkipStrategy.getPatternName().get();
Pattern<T, ?> pattern = currentPattern;
while (pattern.getPrevious() != null && !pattern.getName().equals(patternName)) {
pattern = pattern.getPrevious();
// pattern name match check.
if (!pattern.getName().equals(patternName)) {
throw new MalformedPatternException("The pattern name specified in AfterMatchSkipStrategy " +
"can not be found in the given Pattern");
* Check if there are duplicate pattern names. If yes, it
* throws a {@link MalformedPatternException}.
private void checkPatternNameUniqueness() {
// make sure there is no pattern with name "$endState$"
Pattern patternToCheck = currentPattern;
while (patternToCheck != null) {
patternToCheck = patternToCheck.getPrevious();
* Check if the given pattern's name is already used or not. If yes, it
* throws a {@link MalformedPatternException}.
* @param pattern The pattern to be checked
private void checkPatternNameUniqueness(final Pattern pattern) {
if (pattern instanceof GroupPattern) {
Pattern patternToCheck = ((GroupPattern) pattern).getRawPattern();
while (patternToCheck != null) {
patternToCheck = patternToCheck.getPrevious();
} else {
* Retrieves list of conditions resulting in Stop state and names of the corresponding NOT patterns.
* <p>A current not condition can be produced in two cases:
* <ol>
* <li>the previous pattern is a {@link Quantifier.ConsumingStrategy#NOT_FOLLOW}</li>
* <li>exists a backward path of {@link Quantifier.QuantifierProperty#OPTIONAL} patterns to
* {@link Quantifier.ConsumingStrategy#NOT_FOLLOW}</li>
* </ol>
* <p><b>WARNING:</b> for more info on the second case see: {@link NFAFactoryCompiler#copyWithoutTransitiveNots(State)}
* @return list of not conditions with corresponding names
private List<Tuple2<IterativeCondition<T>, String>> getCurrentNotCondition() {
List<Tuple2<IterativeCondition<T>, String>> notConditions = new ArrayList<>();
Pattern<T, ? extends T> previousPattern = currentPattern;
while (previousPattern.getPrevious() != null && (
previousPattern.getPrevious().getQuantifier().hasProperty(Quantifier.QuantifierProperty.OPTIONAL) ||
previousPattern.getPrevious().getQuantifier().getConsumingStrategy() == Quantifier.ConsumingStrategy.NOT_FOLLOW)) {
previousPattern = previousPattern.getPrevious();
if (previousPattern.getQuantifier().getConsumingStrategy() == Quantifier.ConsumingStrategy.NOT_FOLLOW) {
final IterativeCondition<T> notCondition = getTakeCondition(previousPattern);
notConditions.add(Tuple2.of(notCondition, previousPattern.getName()));
return notConditions;
* Creates the dummy Final {@link State} of the NFA graph.
* @return dummy Final state
private State<T> createEndingState() {
State<T> endState = createState(ENDING_STATE_NAME, State.StateType.Final);
windowTime = currentPattern.getWindowTime() != null ? currentPattern.getWindowTime().toMilliseconds() : 0L;
return endState;
* Creates all the states between Start and Final state.
* @param sinkState the state that last state should point to (always the Final state)
* @return the next state after Start in the resulting graph
private State<T> createMiddleStates(final State<T> sinkState) {
State<T> lastSink = sinkState;
while (currentPattern.getPrevious() != null) {
if (currentPattern.getQuantifier().getConsumingStrategy() == Quantifier.ConsumingStrategy.NOT_FOLLOW) {
//skip notFollow patterns, they are converted into edge conditions
} else if (currentPattern.getQuantifier().getConsumingStrategy() == Quantifier.ConsumingStrategy.NOT_NEXT) {
final State<T> notNext = createState(currentPattern.getName(), State.StateType.Normal);
final IterativeCondition<T> notCondition = getTakeCondition(currentPattern);
final State<T> stopState = createStopState(notCondition, currentPattern.getName());
if (lastSink.isFinal()) {
//so that the proceed to final is not fired
notNext.addIgnore(lastSink, new RichNotCondition<>(notCondition));
} else {
notNext.addProceed(lastSink, new RichNotCondition<>(notCondition));
notNext.addProceed(stopState, notCondition);
lastSink = notNext;
} else {
lastSink = convertPattern(lastSink);
// we traverse the pattern graph backwards
followingPattern = currentPattern;
currentPattern = currentPattern.getPrevious();
final Time currentWindowTime = currentPattern.getWindowTime();
if (currentWindowTime != null && currentWindowTime.toMilliseconds() < windowTime) {
// the window time is the global minimum of all window times of each state
windowTime = currentWindowTime.toMilliseconds();
return lastSink;
* Creates the Start {@link State} of the resulting NFA graph.
* @param sinkState the state that Start state should point to (always first state of middle states)
* @return created state
private State<T> createStartState(State<T> sinkState) {
final State<T> beginningState = convertPattern(sinkState);
return beginningState;
private State<T> convertPattern(final State<T> sinkState) {
final State<T> lastSink;
final Quantifier quantifier = currentPattern.getQuantifier();
if (quantifier.hasProperty(Quantifier.QuantifierProperty.LOOPING)) {
// if loop has started then all notPatterns previous to the optional states are no longer valid
final State<T> sink = copyWithoutTransitiveNots(sinkState);
final State<T> looping = createLooping(sink);
lastSink = createTimesState(looping, sinkState, currentPattern.getTimes());
} else if (quantifier.hasProperty(Quantifier.QuantifierProperty.TIMES)) {
lastSink = createTimesState(sinkState, sinkState, currentPattern.getTimes());
} else {
lastSink = createSingletonState(sinkState);
return lastSink;
* Creates a state with {@link State.StateType#Normal} and adds it to the collection of created states.
* Should be used instead of instantiating with new operator.
* @return the created state
private State<T> createState(String name, State.StateType stateType) {
String stateName = stateNameHandler.getUniqueInternalName(name);
State<T> state = new State<>(stateName, stateType);
return state;
private State<T> createStopState(final IterativeCondition<T> notCondition, final String name) {
// We should not duplicate the notStates. All states from which we can stop should point to the same one.
State<T> stopState = stopStates.get(name);
if (stopState == null) {
stopState = createState(name, State.StateType.Stop);
stopStates.put(name, stopState);
return stopState;
* This method creates an alternative state that is target for TAKE transition from an optional State.
* Accepting an event in optional State discards all not Patterns that were present before it.
* <p>E.g for a Pattern begin("a").notFollowedBy("b").followedByAny("c").optional().followedByAny("d")
* a sequence like : {a c b d} is a valid match, but {a b d} is not.
* <p><b>NOTICE:</b> This method creates copy only if it necessary.
* @param sinkState a state to create copy without transitive nots
* @return the copy of the state itself if no modifications were needed
private State<T> copyWithoutTransitiveNots(final State<T> sinkState) {
final List<Tuple2<IterativeCondition<T>, String>> currentNotCondition = getCurrentNotCondition();
if (currentNotCondition.isEmpty() ||
!currentPattern.getQuantifier().hasProperty(Quantifier.QuantifierProperty.OPTIONAL)) {
//we do not create an alternative path if we are NOT in an OPTIONAL state or there is no NOTs prior to
//the optional state
return sinkState;
final State<T> copyOfSink = createState(sinkState.getName(), sinkState.getStateType());
for (StateTransition<T> tStateTransition : sinkState.getStateTransitions()) {
if (tStateTransition.getAction() == StateTransitionAction.PROCEED) {
State<T> targetState = tStateTransition.getTargetState();
boolean remove = false;
if (targetState.isStop()) {
for (Tuple2<IterativeCondition<T>, String> notCondition : currentNotCondition) {
if (targetState.getName().equals(notCondition.f1)) {
remove = true;
} else {
targetState = copyWithoutTransitiveNots(tStateTransition.getTargetState());
if (!remove) {
copyOfSink.addStateTransition(tStateTransition.getAction(), targetState, tStateTransition.getCondition());
} else {
? copyOfSink
: tStateTransition.getTargetState(),
return copyOfSink;
private State<T> copy(final State<T> state) {
final State<T> copyOfState = createState(
for (StateTransition<T> tStateTransition : state.getStateTransitions()) {
? copyOfState
: tStateTransition.getTargetState(),
return copyOfState;
private void addStopStates(final State<T> state) {
for (Tuple2<IterativeCondition<T>, String> notCondition: getCurrentNotCondition()) {
final State<T> stopState = createStopState(notCondition.f0, notCondition.f1);
state.addProceed(stopState, notCondition.f0);
private void addStopStateToLooping(final State<T> loopingState) {
if (followingPattern != null &&
followingPattern.getQuantifier().getConsumingStrategy() == Quantifier.ConsumingStrategy.NOT_FOLLOW) {
final IterativeCondition<T> notCondition = getTakeCondition(followingPattern);
final State<T> stopState = createStopState(notCondition, followingPattern.getName());
loopingState.addProceed(stopState, notCondition);
* Creates a "complex" state consisting of given number of states with
* same {@link IterativeCondition}.
* @param sinkState the state that the created state should point to
* @param proceedState state that the state being converted should proceed to
* @param times number of times the state should be copied
* @return the first state of the "complex" state, next state should point to it
private State<T> createTimesState(final State<T> sinkState, final State<T> proceedState, Times times) {
State<T> lastSink = sinkState;
final IterativeCondition<T> untilCondition = (IterativeCondition<T>) currentPattern.getUntilCondition();
final IterativeCondition<T> innerIgnoreCondition = extendWithUntilCondition(
final IterativeCondition<T> takeCondition = extendWithUntilCondition(
if (currentPattern.getQuantifier().hasProperty(Quantifier.QuantifierProperty.GREEDY) &&
times.getFrom() != times.getTo()) {
if (untilCondition != null) {
State<T> sinkStateCopy = copy(sinkState);
originalStateMap.put(sinkState.getName(), sinkStateCopy);
updateWithGreedyCondition(sinkState, takeCondition);
for (int i = times.getFrom(); i < times.getTo(); i++) {
lastSink = createSingletonState(lastSink, proceedState, takeCondition, innerIgnoreCondition, true);
for (int i = 0; i < times.getFrom() - 1; i++) {
lastSink = createSingletonState(lastSink, null, takeCondition, innerIgnoreCondition, false);
// we created the intermediate states in the loop, now we create the start of the loop.
return createSingletonState(
* Marks the current group pattern as the head of the TIMES quantifier or not.
* @param isFirstOfLoop whether the current group pattern is the head of the TIMES quantifier
private void setCurrentGroupPatternFirstOfLoop(boolean isFirstOfLoop) {
if (currentPattern instanceof GroupPattern) {
firstOfLoopMap.put((GroupPattern<T, ?>) currentPattern, isFirstOfLoop);
* Checks if the current group pattern is the head of the TIMES/LOOPING quantifier or not a
* TIMES/LOOPING quantifier pattern.
private boolean isCurrentGroupPatternFirstOfLoop() {
if (firstOfLoopMap.containsKey(currentGroupPattern)) {
return firstOfLoopMap.get(currentGroupPattern);
} else {
return true;
* Checks if the given pattern is the head pattern of the current group pattern.
* @param pattern the pattern to be checked
* @return {@code true} iff the given pattern is in a group pattern and it is the head pattern of the
* group pattern, {@code false} otherwise
private boolean headOfGroup(Pattern<T, ?> pattern) {
return currentGroupPattern != null && pattern.getPrevious() == null;
* Checks if the given pattern is optional. If the given pattern is the head of a group pattern,
* the optional status depends on the group pattern.
private boolean isPatternOptional(Pattern<T, ?> pattern) {
if (headOfGroup(pattern)) {
return isCurrentGroupPatternFirstOfLoop() &&
} else {
return pattern.getQuantifier().hasProperty(Quantifier.QuantifierProperty.OPTIONAL);
* Creates a simple single state. For an OPTIONAL state it also consists
* of a similar state without the PROCEED edge, so that for each PROCEED transition branches
* in computation state graph can be created only once.
* @param sinkState state that the state being converted should point to
* @return the created state
private State<T> createSingletonState(final State<T> sinkState) {
return createSingletonState(
* Creates a simple single state. For an OPTIONAL state it also consists
* of a similar state without the PROCEED edge, so that for each PROCEED transition branches
* in computation state graph can be created only once.
* @param ignoreCondition condition that should be applied to IGNORE transition
* @param sinkState state that the state being converted should point to
* @param proceedState state that the state being converted should proceed to
* @param isOptional whether the state being converted is optional
* @return the created state
private State<T> createSingletonState(final State<T> sinkState,
final State<T> proceedState,
final IterativeCondition<T> takeCondition,
final IterativeCondition<T> ignoreCondition,
final boolean isOptional) {
if (currentPattern instanceof GroupPattern) {
return createGroupPatternState((GroupPattern) currentPattern, sinkState, proceedState, isOptional);
final State<T> singletonState = createState(currentPattern.getName(), State.StateType.Normal);
// if event is accepted then all notPatterns previous to the optional states are no longer valid
final State<T> sink = copyWithoutTransitiveNots(sinkState);
singletonState.addTake(sink, takeCondition);
// if no element accepted the previous nots are still valid.
final IterativeCondition<T> proceedCondition = getTrueFunction();
// for the first state of a group pattern, its PROCEED edge should point to the following state of
// that group pattern and the edge will be added at the end of creating the NFA for that group pattern
if (isOptional && !headOfGroup(currentPattern)) {
if (currentPattern.getQuantifier().hasProperty(Quantifier.QuantifierProperty.GREEDY)) {
final IterativeCondition<T> untilCondition =
(IterativeCondition<T>) currentPattern.getUntilCondition();
if (untilCondition != null) {
new RichAndCondition<>(proceedCondition, untilCondition));
untilCondition != null
? new RichAndCondition<>(proceedCondition, new RichNotCondition<>(untilCondition))
: proceedCondition);
} else {
singletonState.addProceed(proceedState, proceedCondition);
if (ignoreCondition != null) {
final State<T> ignoreState;
if (isOptional) {
ignoreState = createState(currentPattern.getName(), State.StateType.Normal);
ignoreState.addTake(sink, takeCondition);
} else {
ignoreState = singletonState;
singletonState.addIgnore(ignoreState, ignoreCondition);
return singletonState;
* Create all the states for the group pattern.
* @param groupPattern the group pattern to create the states for
* @param sinkState the state that the group pattern being converted should point to
* @param proceedState the state that the group pattern being converted should proceed to
* @param isOptional whether the group pattern being converted is optional
* @return the first state of the states of the group pattern
private State<T> createGroupPatternState(
final GroupPattern<T, ?> groupPattern,
final State<T> sinkState,
final State<T> proceedState,
final boolean isOptional) {
final IterativeCondition<T> proceedCondition = getTrueFunction();
Pattern<T, ?> oldCurrentPattern = currentPattern;
Pattern<T, ?> oldFollowingPattern = followingPattern;
GroupPattern<T, ?> oldGroupPattern = currentGroupPattern;
State<T> lastSink = sinkState;
currentGroupPattern = groupPattern;
currentPattern = groupPattern.getRawPattern();
lastSink = createMiddleStates(lastSink);
lastSink = convertPattern(lastSink);
if (isOptional) {
// for the first state of a group pattern, its PROCEED edge should point to
// the following state of that group pattern
lastSink.addProceed(proceedState, proceedCondition);
currentPattern = oldCurrentPattern;
followingPattern = oldFollowingPattern;
currentGroupPattern = oldGroupPattern;
return lastSink;
* Create the states for the group pattern as a looping one.
* @param groupPattern the group pattern to create the states for
* @param sinkState the state that the group pattern being converted should point to
* @return the first state of the states of the group pattern
private State<T> createLoopingGroupPatternState(
final GroupPattern<T, ?> groupPattern,
final State<T> sinkState) {
final IterativeCondition<T> proceedCondition = getTrueFunction();
Pattern<T, ?> oldCurrentPattern = currentPattern;
Pattern<T, ?> oldFollowingPattern = followingPattern;
GroupPattern<T, ?> oldGroupPattern = currentGroupPattern;
final State<T> dummyState = createState(currentPattern.getName(), State.StateType.Normal);
State<T> lastSink = dummyState;
currentGroupPattern = groupPattern;
currentPattern = groupPattern.getRawPattern();
lastSink = createMiddleStates(lastSink);
lastSink = convertPattern(lastSink);
lastSink.addProceed(sinkState, proceedCondition);
dummyState.addProceed(lastSink, proceedCondition);
currentPattern = oldCurrentPattern;
followingPattern = oldFollowingPattern;
currentGroupPattern = oldGroupPattern;
return lastSink;
* Creates the given state as a looping one. Looping state is one with TAKE edge to itself and
* PROCEED edge to the sinkState. It also consists of a similar state without the PROCEED edge, so that
* for each PROCEED transition branches in computation state graph can be created only once.
* @param sinkState the state that the converted state should point to
* @return the first state of the created complex state
private State<T> createLooping(final State<T> sinkState) {
if (currentPattern instanceof GroupPattern) {
return createLoopingGroupPatternState((GroupPattern) currentPattern, sinkState);
final IterativeCondition<T> untilCondition = (IterativeCondition<T>) currentPattern.getUntilCondition();
final IterativeCondition<T> ignoreCondition = extendWithUntilCondition(
final IterativeCondition<T> takeCondition = extendWithUntilCondition(
IterativeCondition<T> proceedCondition = getTrueFunction();
final State<T> loopingState = createState(currentPattern.getName(), State.StateType.Normal);
if (currentPattern.getQuantifier().hasProperty(Quantifier.QuantifierProperty.GREEDY)) {
if (untilCondition != null) {
State<T> sinkStateCopy = copy(sinkState);
loopingState.addProceed(sinkStateCopy, new RichAndCondition<>(proceedCondition, untilCondition));
originalStateMap.put(sinkState.getName(), sinkStateCopy);
untilCondition != null
? new RichAndCondition<>(proceedCondition, new RichNotCondition<>(untilCondition))
: proceedCondition);
updateWithGreedyCondition(sinkState, getTakeCondition(currentPattern));
} else {
loopingState.addProceed(sinkState, proceedCondition);
if (ignoreCondition != null) {
final State<T> ignoreState = createState(currentPattern.getName(), State.StateType.Normal);
ignoreState.addTake(loopingState, takeCondition);
loopingState.addIgnore(ignoreState, ignoreCondition);
return loopingState;
* This method extends the given condition with stop(until) condition if necessary.
* The until condition needs to be applied only if both of the given conditions are not null.
* @param condition the condition to extend
* @param untilCondition the until condition to join with the given condition
* @param isTakeCondition whether the {@code condition} is for {@code TAKE} edge
* @return condition with AND applied or the original condition
private IterativeCondition<T> extendWithUntilCondition(
IterativeCondition<T> condition,
IterativeCondition<T> untilCondition,
boolean isTakeCondition) {
if (untilCondition != null && condition != null) {
return new RichAndCondition<>(new RichNotCondition<>(untilCondition), condition);
} else if (untilCondition != null && isTakeCondition) {
return new RichNotCondition<>(untilCondition);
return condition;
* @return The {@link IterativeCondition condition} for the {@code IGNORE} edge
* that corresponds to the specified {@link Pattern} and extended with stop(until) condition
* if necessary. It is applicable only for inner states of a complex state like looping or times.
private IterativeCondition<T> getInnerIgnoreCondition(Pattern<T, ?> pattern) {
Quantifier.ConsumingStrategy consumingStrategy = pattern.getQuantifier().getInnerConsumingStrategy();
if (headOfGroup(pattern)) {
// for the head pattern of a group pattern, we should consider the
// inner consume strategy of the group pattern
consumingStrategy = currentGroupPattern.getQuantifier().getInnerConsumingStrategy();
IterativeCondition<T> innerIgnoreCondition = null;
switch (consumingStrategy) {
case STRICT:
innerIgnoreCondition = null;
innerIgnoreCondition = new RichNotCondition<>((IterativeCondition<T>) pattern.getCondition());
innerIgnoreCondition = BooleanConditions.trueFunction();
if (currentGroupPattern != null && currentGroupPattern.getUntilCondition() != null) {
innerIgnoreCondition = extendWithUntilCondition(
(IterativeCondition<T>) currentGroupPattern.getUntilCondition(),
return innerIgnoreCondition;
* @return The {@link IterativeCondition condition} for the {@code IGNORE} edge
* that corresponds to the specified {@link Pattern} and extended with
* stop(until) condition if necessary. For more on strategy see {@link Quantifier}
private IterativeCondition<T> getIgnoreCondition(Pattern<T, ?> pattern) {
Quantifier.ConsumingStrategy consumingStrategy = pattern.getQuantifier().getConsumingStrategy();
if (headOfGroup(pattern)) {
// for the head pattern of a group pattern, we should consider the inner consume strategy
// of the group pattern if the group pattern is not the head of the TIMES/LOOPING quantifier;
// otherwise, we should consider the consume strategy of the group pattern
if (isCurrentGroupPatternFirstOfLoop()) {
consumingStrategy = currentGroupPattern.getQuantifier().getConsumingStrategy();
} else {
consumingStrategy = currentGroupPattern.getQuantifier().getInnerConsumingStrategy();
IterativeCondition<T> ignoreCondition = null;
switch (consumingStrategy) {
case STRICT:
ignoreCondition = null;
ignoreCondition = new RichNotCondition<>((IterativeCondition<T>) pattern.getCondition());
ignoreCondition = BooleanConditions.trueFunction();
if (currentGroupPattern != null && currentGroupPattern.getUntilCondition() != null) {
ignoreCondition = extendWithUntilCondition(
(IterativeCondition<T>) currentGroupPattern.getUntilCondition(),
return ignoreCondition;
* @return the {@link IterativeCondition condition} for the {@code TAKE} edge
* that corresponds to the specified {@link Pattern} and extended with
* stop(until) condition if necessary.
private IterativeCondition<T> getTakeCondition(Pattern<T, ?> pattern) {
IterativeCondition<T> takeCondition = (IterativeCondition<T>) pattern.getCondition();
if (currentGroupPattern != null && currentGroupPattern.getUntilCondition() != null) {
takeCondition = extendWithUntilCondition(
(IterativeCondition<T>) currentGroupPattern.getUntilCondition(),
return takeCondition;
* @return An true function extended with stop(until) condition if necessary.
private IterativeCondition<T> getTrueFunction() {
IterativeCondition<T> trueCondition = BooleanConditions.trueFunction();
if (currentGroupPattern != null && currentGroupPattern.getUntilCondition() != null) {
trueCondition = extendWithUntilCondition(
(IterativeCondition<T>) currentGroupPattern.getUntilCondition(),
return trueCondition;
private void updateWithGreedyCondition(
State<T> state,
IterativeCondition<T> takeCondition) {
for (StateTransition<T> stateTransition : state.getStateTransitions()) {
new RichAndCondition<>(stateTransition.getCondition(), new RichNotCondition<>(takeCondition)));
* Factory interface for {@link NFA}.
* @param <T> Type of the input events which are processed by the NFA
public interface NFAFactory<T> extends Serializable {
NFA<T> createNFA();
* Implementation of the {@link NFAFactory} interface.
* <p>The implementation takes the input type serializer, the window time and the set of
* states and their transitions to be able to create an NFA from them.
* @param <T> Type of the input events which are processed by the NFA
private static class NFAFactoryImpl<T> implements NFAFactory<T> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8939783698296714379L;
private final long windowTime;
private final Collection<State<T>> states;
private final boolean timeoutHandling;
private NFAFactoryImpl(
long windowTime,
Collection<State<T>> states,
boolean timeoutHandling) {
this.windowTime = windowTime;
this.states = states;
this.timeoutHandling = timeoutHandling;
public NFA<T> createNFA() {
return new NFA<>(states, windowTime, timeoutHandling);