blob: 2e0e066c8ca63b5d740969b2c8f015dc3c3f4f8f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.configuration;
import org.apache.flink.annotation.PublicEvolving;
import static org.apache.flink.configuration.ConfigOptions.key;
* The set of configuration options for core parameters.
@ConfigGroups(groups = {
@ConfigGroup(name = "Environment", keyPrefix = "env"),
@ConfigGroup(name = "FileSystem", keyPrefix = "fs")
public class CoreOptions {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classloading Parameters
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Defines the class resolution strategy when loading classes from user code,
* meaning whether to first check the user code jar ({@code "child-first"}) or
* the application classpath ({@code "parent-first"})
* <p>The default settings indicate to load classes first from the user code jar,
* which means that user code jars can include and load different dependencies than
* Flink uses (transitively).
* <p>Exceptions to the rules are defined via {@link #ALWAYS_PARENT_FIRST_LOADER_PATTERNS}.
public static final ConfigOption<String> CLASSLOADER_RESOLVE_ORDER = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Defines the class resolution strategy when loading classes from user code, meaning whether to" +
" first check the user code jar (\"child-first\") or the application classpath (\"parent-first\")." +
" The default settings indicate to load classes first from the user code jar, which means that user code" +
" jars can include and load different dependencies than Flink uses (transitively).");
* The namespace patterns for classes that are loaded with a preference from the
* parent classloader, meaning the application class path, rather than any user code
* jar file. This option only has an effect when {@link #CLASSLOADER_RESOLVE_ORDER} is
* set to {@code "child-first"}.
* <p>It is important that all classes whose objects move between Flink's runtime and
* any user code (including Flink connectors that run as part of the user code) are
* covered by these patterns here. Otherwise it is be possible that the Flink runtime
* and the user code load two different copies of a class through the different class
* loaders. That leads to errors like "X cannot be cast to X" exceptions, where both
* class names are equal, or "X cannot be assigned to Y", where X should be a subclass
* of Y.
* <p>The following classes are loaded parent-first, to avoid any duplication:
* <ul>
* <li>All core Java classes (java.*), because they must never be duplicated.</li>
* <li>All core Scala classes (scala.*). Currently Scala is used in the Flink
* runtime and in the user code, and some Scala classes cross the boundary,
* such as the <i>FunctionX</i> classes. That may change if Scala eventually
* lives purely as part of the user code.</li>
* <li>All Flink classes (org.apache.flink.*). Note that this means that connectors
* and formats (flink-avro, etc) are loaded parent-first as well if they are in the
* core classpath.</li>
* <li>Java annotations and loggers, defined by the following list:
* javax.annotation;org.slf4j;org.apache.log4j;org.apache.logging;org.apache.commons.logging;ch.qos.logback.
* This is done for convenience, to avoid duplication of annotations and multiple
* log bindings.</li>
* </ul>
public static final ConfigOption<String> ALWAYS_PARENT_FIRST_LOADER_PATTERNS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("A (semicolon-separated) list of patterns that specifies which classes should always be" +
" resolved through the parent ClassLoader first. A pattern is a simple prefix that is checked against" +
" the fully qualified class name. This setting should generally not be modified. To add another pattern we" +
" recommend to use \"classloader.parent-first-patterns.additional\" instead.");
public static final ConfigOption<String> ALWAYS_PARENT_FIRST_LOADER_PATTERNS_ADDITIONAL = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("A (semicolon-separated) list of patterns that specifies which classes should always be" +
" resolved through the parent ClassLoader first. A pattern is a simple prefix that is checked against" +
" the fully qualified class name. These patterns are appended to \"" + ALWAYS_PARENT_FIRST_LOADER_PATTERNS.key() + "\".");
public static String[] getParentFirstLoaderPatterns(Configuration config) {
String base = config.getString(ALWAYS_PARENT_FIRST_LOADER_PATTERNS);
String[] basePatterns = base.isEmpty()
? new String[0]
: base.split(";");
if (append.isEmpty()) {
return basePatterns;
} else {
String[] appendPatterns = append.split(";");
String[] joinedPatterns = new String[basePatterns.length + appendPatterns.length];
System.arraycopy(basePatterns, 0, joinedPatterns, 0, basePatterns.length);
System.arraycopy(appendPatterns, 0, joinedPatterns, basePatterns.length, appendPatterns.length);
return joinedPatterns;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// process parameters
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final ConfigOption<String> FLINK_JVM_OPTIONS = ConfigOptions
public static final ConfigOption<String> FLINK_JM_JVM_OPTIONS = ConfigOptions
public static final ConfigOption<String> FLINK_TM_JVM_OPTIONS = ConfigOptions
* This options is here only for documentation generation, it is only
* evaluated in the shell scripts.
public static final ConfigOption<String> FLINK_LOG_DIR = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Defines the directory where the Flink logs are saved. It has to be an absolute path." +
" (Defaults to the log directory under Flinkā€™s home)");
* This options is here only for documentation generation, it is only
* evaluated in the shell scripts.
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> FLINK_LOG_MAX = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("The maximum number of old log files to keep.");
* This options is here only for documentation generation, it is only
* evaluated in the shell scripts.
public static final ConfigOption<String> FLINK_SSH_OPTIONS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Additional command line options passed to SSH clients when starting or stopping JobManager," +
" TaskManager, and Zookeeper services (,,," +
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// generic io
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The config parameter defining the directories for temporary files, separated by
* ",", "|", or the system's {@link}.
public static final ConfigOption<String> TMP_DIRS =
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// program
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> DEFAULT_PARALLELISM = ConfigOptions
* The default stream partitioner, used when the upstream and downstream parallelisms are not equal
* and partitioner is not specified.
public static final ConfigOption<String> DEFAULT_PARTITIONER = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("The default stream partitioner, used when the upstream and downstream parallelisms are " +
"not equal and partitioner is not specified. Possible values are 'RESCALE' and 'REBALANCE'.");
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> CHAIN_EAGERLY_ENABLED = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether operators are chained more eagerly when the parallelism is one");
* The default cpu cores, used when the default resources of operators need to be set but without
* the default resource settings for the job.
public static final ConfigOption<Double> DEFAULT_RESOURCE_CPU_CORES = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("CPU cores for operators, use double so we can specify cpu like 0.1.");
* The default heap size, used when the default resources of operators need to be set but without
* the default resource settings for the job.
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> DEFAULT_RESOURCE_HEAP_MEMORY = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Java heap size (in megabytes) for operators.");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// file systems
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The default filesystem scheme, used for paths that do not declare a scheme explicitly.
public static final ConfigOption<String> DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_SCHEME = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("The default filesystem scheme, used for paths that do not declare a scheme explicitly." +
" May contain an authority, e.g. host:port in case of a HDFS NameNode.");
* Specifies whether file output writers should overwrite existing files by default.
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> FILESYTEM_DEFAULT_OVERRIDE =
.withDescription("Specifies whether file output writers should overwrite existing files by default. Set to" +
" \"true\" to overwrite by default,\"false\" otherwise.");
* Specifies whether the file systems should always create a directory for the output, even with a parallelism of one.
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> FILESYSTEM_OUTPUT_ALWAYS_CREATE_DIRECTORY =
.withDescription("File writers running with a parallelism larger than one create a directory for the output" +
" file path and put the different result files (one per parallel writer task) into that directory." +
" If this option is set to \"true\", writers with a parallelism of 1 will also create a" +
" directory and place a single result file into it. If the option is set to \"false\"," +
" the writer will directly create the file directly at the output path, without creating a containing" +
" directory.");
* The total number of input plus output connections that a file system for the given scheme may open.
* Unlimited be default.
public static ConfigOption<Integer> fileSystemConnectionLimit(String scheme) {
return ConfigOptions.key("fs." + scheme + "").defaultValue(-1);
* The total number of input connections that a file system for the given scheme may open.
* Unlimited be default.
public static ConfigOption<Integer> fileSystemConnectionLimitIn(String scheme) {
return ConfigOptions.key("fs." + scheme + ".limit.input").defaultValue(-1);
* The total number of output connections that a file system for the given scheme may open.
* Unlimited be default.
public static ConfigOption<Integer> fileSystemConnectionLimitOut(String scheme) {
return ConfigOptions.key("fs." + scheme + ".limit.output").defaultValue(-1);
* If any connection limit is configured, this option can be optionally set to define after
* which time (in milliseconds) stream opening fails with a timeout exception, if no stream
* connection becomes available. Unlimited timeout be default.
public static ConfigOption<Long> fileSystemConnectionLimitTimeout(String scheme) {
return ConfigOptions.key("fs." + scheme + ".limit.timeout").defaultValue(0L);
* If any connection limit is configured, this option can be optionally set to define after
* which time (in milliseconds) inactive streams are reclaimed. This option can help to prevent
* that inactive streams make up the full pool of limited connections, and no further connections
* can be established. Unlimited timeout be default.
public static ConfigOption<Long> fileSystemConnectionLimitStreamInactivityTimeout(String scheme) {
return ConfigOptions.key("fs." + scheme + "").defaultValue(0L);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Distributed architecture
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Constant value for the new execution mode.
public static final String NEW_MODE = "new";
* Constant value for the old execution mode.
public static final String LEGACY_MODE = "legacy";
* Switch to select the execution mode. Possible values are {@link CoreOptions#NEW_MODE}
* and {@link CoreOptions#LEGACY_MODE}.
public static final ConfigOption<String> MODE = key("mode")
.withDescription("Switch to select the execution mode. Possible values are 'new' and 'legacy'.");
* Disable uploading the user jars.
* In sql cases the main class has been stored in job graph.
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> DISABLE_UPLOAD_USER_JARS =